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That did it for me

Sky Sweet

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Well I'm sorry but that is all we have to go by and to me the standards should be the same if Celebrity's name is on the ship. (just as some try to judge Carnival by some older ship they were on 10 years ago)


Like I said we don't let anything ruin our cruise. We just are not "loyal" to any one line because we have had fun on all lines and have found very little difference between them.


Thanks for the comparison. We were on Century for 4 weeks in May and had no complaints. We were on Summit B2B in November. The first leg was excellent, the second mediocre. If I had been only on the second sailing I would have been very disappointed with the Celebrity brand. Enjoy your upcoming cruise. Perhaps you can compare you HAL experience when you return.

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I just contacted my TA who works for one of Canada's largest cruise agencies. When I asked him about Galaxy pricing for this fall this was his response:

Since we have decided to no longer sell RCI and Celebrity - we can only

put in requests. They are no longer one of our preferred lines at this

time...we are focusing on lines that provide best value, service and

satisfaction to our customers.

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C 2 C: Did the agency give a reason why they are no longer selling RCCI/Celebrity product? (i.e. is this due to reduced commissions?).


And their inability to discount as well!. They may be after a cheaper market.


As for the OP - I go by the demographics of what the cruiseline targets and match that to what I enjoy. I know for a fact I will never sail on the Freestyle dining. Not interested in the least, as I prefer the more traditional cruising experience including formal nights. Celebrity meets my expectations and therefore I am more than satisfied with staying with this cruiseline when it is just the two of us.


If my kids are with, I will likely pick RCCL over Carnival. I've been on Carnival and can safely say it was not exactly the type of experience I was looking for. I won't bash it, but quite frankly found much of their "antics" to be quite tackly. RCCL will likely fit my preferences and certainly keep my kids entertained with things like mini golf and rock walls.


I do a ton of research. Read all kinds of reviews, weigh the pros and cons and can generally flush out some of the fact from fiction (or at least overly exaggerated). To avoid flaming, I won't mention specific lines, but I know for sure there are 2 or 3 other's I'd likely never sail.


No cruise is perfect, but I think Celebrity gets it right at least 95% of the time. One incident here or there won't make or break my cruise.

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I have sailed on Costa, HAL, Celebrity, Princess, RCCL, NCL and Carnival - once each - and I don't think I'd say 'no' to any of them. I have my favorites (Celebrity, Princess and HAL - all for different reasons) but with the right itinerary and price, I'd sail on all of them again.


That being said, I rarely count the NCL and Carnival cruises as they were only short (4 or 5 day) trips and I don't think that I got the full experience. We generally prefer 10-12 day cruises.


Next year we are considering a 10 day Constellation cruise but I'm not thrilled with the lack of Caribbean itineraries on Celebrity, so we might have to try HAL again.


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C 2 C: Did the agency give a reason why they are no longer selling RCCI/Celebrity product? (i.e. is this due to reduced commissions?).


1. price fixing and ability of some TA's to give freebies which is technically a no-no. Reduced commissions.. were not mentioned

2. customers wanting smaller traditional ships

3. Glacial response from RCL in trying to resolve customer issues.

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We've sailed Carnival, Holland America and Celebrity. We have "fond memories" of Carnival because it hooked us on cruising and while we can't say we'd never cruise them again we certainly don't plan on it. We went from Carnival to HAL and stayed with HAL until last year when we tried Celebrity and the Galaxy. Great cruise at a fantastic deal. This year we were back on HAL and next year we're back to Celebrity. We're not really fickle and it's not that we can't pick one or the other. It's a matter of cost, itinerary, ship and timing. We have this "dream cruise" list and we're working our way through it looking for the best. Next cruise on the Summit is the best combination.

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We would probably avoid cruising on Carnival too.. We actually loved the ship (Liberty), rooms are large and bedding is much better than on Celebrity. Food , service are good...


But I think 3500+ people on board and lines turned us off. Also how should I say it... even though we like to find great pricing , we thought CCL went too far with discounting on this cruise ... even my teenage son was surprised by some people he saw... And 2 hours to board the ship, staying in line were disgusting. CCL should respect passengers a little more.


Celebrity was my first cruise in NA and I still waiting for other line to exceed this experience... some companies did partially (Holland/Carnival rooms and bedding, Holland - buffets) but overall experience is the best with X.:)

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Well, I won't use the word "never", but I can't see me boarding another NCL ship. Cruised on the Star (Hawaii) 3 years ago - well 4 years this coming July. While the ship was lovely, service was fair at best. What turned me off was the freestyle dining. Waiting an hour for a table for two would have been a good evening. Put me right off. We work too hard for our cruise $$ to risk another vacation like that. Happy with RCCL, but would love to try Celebrity.

I too have to hear that word NEVER, but for many who tried Freestyle in the original days it was a disappointment; for most now it is a selling feature. There is no more 1 hour wait, if you are a large group you may wait a few minutes, service has improved and of course the ships, as you mentioned are wonderful. This doesn't mean Freestyle is for everyone. For those who have a thing about getting to know your wait staff freestyle doesn't work. This holds true for some who feel part of the cruise experience is waiters that sing and march through the restaurants. For others the choice of dining, as many as 10 choices and the eating at anytime makes up for singing waiters. BTW, do try Celebrity; it is a great cruise line and offers so much in class. NMNita

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Simply -because Carnival appeals to a certain demographic, that is


a) less afluent

b) inclined to take shorter cruises from US home ports

c) more 'kid-friendly' (Aargh!! Spoiled brats run amuck!!!)

d) pads the bottom line with endless bingo, 'art' auctions, faux gambling

such as horse races and other gimmickry, constantly irritating repetitive announcements for same, etc.


Certainly, trailer-parks are profitable - but I don't care to live in one!

Also, one important point: I am using Celebrity's services, not buying stock in their company. I frankly couldn't care less how profitable the line is, with one caveat; that they not go bankrupt during my cruise.

I rather doubt that would happen with Celebrity (or the parent company!).


Other cruise line companies:


HAL: I have sailed with once with them, so I can't comment from an extensive POV, but the demographic here is very senior (70+ average), soft foods in dining, ship's public areas are deserted after 10PM - sort of an 'assisted living at sea'. We had a hospital case every port (Alaska trip), and three passengers expired during our week on board. My wife and I are professionals in our early forties, and I'm not quite ready for a retirement home!:rolleyes:


RCCL, Costa, Princess: Haven't sailed on them.


Celebrity offers guest lecturers, good food (great in M-class specialty restaurants!), NO ANNOUNCEMENTS, beautiful ships & great itineraries (non-Caribbean, especially). I have yet to hear of an equivalent to the CC class on other lines, too. Looking forward to Equinox & Solstice!:cool:

I have never read a snobbier remark than yours. I guess that is what you intended it to be. There are people in every walk of life that sail every brand of cruising. I have clients that save for years just to be able to do one Radisson cruise: to you they would fall into the catagory of trailer trash I am afraid: I have other clients that could buy and sell us all, are educated and yet like to cruise NCL or RCI because of certain features or itineraries. Carnival certainly isn't my choice of cruise lines either, but I certainly would never think or say those who cruise the line are below me. As for CC class, we just choose this in Decemeber: I couldn't see what it had to offer that made it so special. BTW every Celebrity cruise we have been on has offered Bingo twice daily and even Art Auctions. As for horse racing, one of most peoples favorite ship activity it no longer exists except on a few RCI cruises and you mention specialty restaurans; they exist on almost all ships now, not just Celebrity. NMnita
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C 2 C: Did the agency give a reason why they are no longer selling RCCI/Celebrity product? (i.e. is this due to reduced commissions?).

my oh my, you certainly do have your thoughts don't you. I have no idea why any company would not sell a product. As a TA we sell all cruise lines and try to sell them equally and I doubt any agency would stop selling because of the commission break down. NMnita

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I have no idea why any company would not sell a product. As a TA we sell all cruise lines and try to sell them equally and I doubt any agency would stop selling because of the commission break down. NMnita


We have booked about 30 cruises with this agency, mostly Celebrity. I asked for a price quote today and posted his reply. I can email his phone number if you wish to contact him.:confused:

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Carnival is a bit "different" if you will. Definitely a crowd you will not find on Princess or Celebrity. More "FUN" then I need, thank you very much. Still, I will someday give them another shot.


I love NCL and the freestyle concept they pioneered. Once you get in the swing it is nice on port days to take your ease getting back on board. The activities and staff are energetic and present. I think if you have kids you will be more appreciative of this and the flexability offered with NCL. For you die hard traditional diners I understand. For me, I like the choice of dining venues and the options available, disembarkation is better too.


Don't base any company on one trip or you are the one missing the boat. We all know each ship and cruise have good and bad aspects.


I just tried Princess and thought how dull is this. I was in Alaska and alot depends on itinerary. So, some time I will go elsewhere with them. I did love Alaska but the on-board activities left me a bit bored and restless. I'm not used to that. I like to be busy or at least have the choice to be.

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:rolleyes: Let's see....Princess is one of our favorites because of a memorable wait team in the dining room (Christian and Lilly). After the first evening, we became a family. We look forward to Royal Carribbean due to numerous cases of overall good service and smiles along with "my pleasure". The NCL Star is a beautiful ship. But the land based customer service office (lack thereof, actually) is enough to turn us off to NCL.


*sigh* isn't cruising a wonderful hobby? :D



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Well, I have only ever sailed on Carnival, although I am about to sail Celebrity for the first time. I really loved the 7-day cruise I took on Carnival, but on the 3-day cruise, everything (food, service, clientele) was a notch below.


If Celebrity is better than the 7-day on Carnival, I'm going to be a very happy man. I just worry that it might be a little stodgy for me. While I am not a drunken party guy, I like to gamble into the wee hours and have fun...

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***newmexicoNita*** Thank you for your post! I was biting my tongue.:)


It's too bad Bob & Sandy weren't on our Celebrity cruise when a woman got in the hot tub in her cut-off jean shorts and tank top.


I'm sorry but I did NOT see a higher level of classier cruisers on Celebrity than any other line, like those on this board want to believe.

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New Mexico Nita: There are people in every walk of life that sail every brand of cruising. I have clients that save for years just to be able to do one Radisson cruise.... I have other clients that could buy and sell us all, are educated and yet like to cruise NCL or RCI because of certain features or itineraries.


Sky Sweet: Nita, I am not a travel agent but have observed the same scenario. I know some very weatlhy people who consistently sail on NCL or RCI, and others of modest means who will save for years, just to take a cruise on a small luxury ship. I personally will only take a cruise or vacation that we can afford from our current income, because I consider them to be an "ongoing expense" and think savings are for "once in a lifetime" or "unexpected expenses" such as making a wedding, paying college tutition, buying a house, etc. However, I think a person's comfort level with what they are willing to spend on a cruise is a very personal choice, and neither philosophy is intrinsically right or wrong.

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I have never read a snobbier remark than yours. I guess that is what you intended it to be. There are people in every walk of life that sail every brand of cruising.....

BTW every Celebrity cruise we have been on has offered Bingo twice daily and even Art Auctions.


Bingo! Right on the mark...


There are enough cruiselines and ships to satisfy all cruisers no matter what their background, no matter what their cruise preferences. All of us have, or will have, a less than perfect cruise experience. Don't condemn a whole line nor a ship just because of one individual experience. Profits on one ship might be supporting the experience we enjoy on another. I have met people on every cruise who I would love to cruise with again. I have also "met" (run across) people that had no business sailing on "my" ship, whether as snobs or as "trailer trash" as some would apply the term.

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We have booked about 30 cruises with this agency, mostly Celebrity. I asked for a price quote today and posted his reply. I can email his phone number if you wish to contact him.:confused:
I am not doubting you, I am wonderfing why short of a company about to go belly up, anyone would not sell this or any similar product. We know they are not going belly up. We had an occassion when I was still working in the Dallas area where we stopped selling a particular product. The reason, the company was false advertising; agian this is not the case here. I certainly am not doubting your remarks in any way. I do know there are companies we do not push now even recommend. NMNita
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Coolcruise, on only ONE cruise line have I seen young children sleeping on the nightclub floor while their parents drank, danced and blithely ignored them - at midnight. On only ONE cruise line have I personally witnessed 14 year olds stumbling off the "rum cruise" after being served far too much of a substance that it is illegal to sell to minors. That was enough proof I needed that Carnival was not for me and never will be.


So no, the cruise lines are NOT all the same.


Call me a snob if you like, but I cruise to travel and explore, not to drown in booze.

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Coolcruise, on only ONE cruise line have I seen young children sleeping on the nightclub floor while their parents drank, danced and blithely ignored them - at midnight. On only ONE cruise line have I personally witnessed 14 year olds stumbling off the "rum cruise" after being served far too much of a substance that it is illegal to sell to minors. That was enough proof I needed that Carnival was not for me and never will be.


So no, the cruise lines are NOT all the same.


Call me a snob if you like, but I cruise to travel and explore, not to drown in booze.

Well let me fill you in on something: on our Celebrity cruise, there were kids in the Martini bar late at night, kids sleeping in the showroom, other kids running all over the place during the "Not so Newly Wed" game in the Observation lounge and a couple of girls who took the Prirate cruise offered through the Celebrity came back so drunk they could barely get to the cabin. One was only 17. This happens on all ships. I have seen toddlers in the casino on NCL, of course the parents were asked to leave; I have seen teens over indulge on Carnival. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. The cruise lines do their best to control the young ones and teens. All of them have cards that designate whether minor or not, but it is pretty hard to keep total control. You talk about minors over indulging, what about Prom night at many highschools, yes even the upper middle class neighborhoods? This is an argument that holds no water. NMNita

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Ditto newmex! :eek: We also had some real eye openers on Celebrity..Will I cruise them again, hell yes.:p
Me too. As many know I am loyal to NCL because of freestyle but when it isn't NCL it's Celebrity. I book clients on all lines and would never tell them a line was not up to their standards. I might suggest Radisson to them if they fit into that catagory or Carnival if they seemed to want what the lines offers more of, but to think that only the "lower Class" lines have out of hand passengers or kids is way off base. If the parents can't control the kids, how do we expect the cruise lines to? NMnita
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you ask for opinions and then bash people who answer honestly. If I won a Carnival cruise I would not go, but I'd sell it to one of you who would go and pay the difference to go on RCL or X or Princess or HAL. My experience on the Tropicale was so bad I wouldn't give Carnivale a second chance. The people were rude, they hogged seats at the pools and shows and Carnivale did not have a "no saving seats policy" like other cruise lines. I went to do my laundry in the laundermat and everything was stolen. If we didn't like the dinner we ordered we didn't get anything else. When i walked down a corridor the staff would literally push me to get by, very rude. I saw so much drinking and drunkeness which I've never seen on the other lines I've sailed. It's experiences that go into forming an opinion and my opinion is not favorable to Carnival.

It sounds like there are a whole lot of TA's on this board. Would the tA's please identify themselves, I'm curious. Would a TA's experience differ from a full fare passenger?

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