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Grandeur Review March 6th


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We’ve just returned from the Grandeur and wanted to write a review of our cruise.



For this cruise, we had total relaxation in mind. No schedules, no have to’s, no excursions, just relaxation. Climbing on a lounger, sipping a pina colada, listening to the music, absorbing some rays and watching the ocean is what we were looking for. We found it. So did several hundred college students. :eek: Spring break on a cruise ship. Is there anything like it? It was a first for us. Not sure we’d do it again.




The Good: :D Beautiful weather! We’re from Ohio so the opportunity to cruise during the winter months was very appealing and we were not disappointed. We had sunshine and blue skies for most of the cruise. The exception being on Friday when strong winds and cloudy skies put a damper on our beach plans.



More Good: The poolside buffet was great. It was nice not to leave your spot by the pool to venture of in search of lunch. They served bbq ribs, hot dogs, salads, etc. the meat was cooked poolside on huge charcoal grills. The smell was wonderful!



Still More Good: The Solarium Café. Tasty burgers, fries and hotdogs served very quickly.



But Wait – There’s More Good: The entertainment! The comedian was funny (always a good thing). The production shows were entertaining and full of energy even though this was their last cruise. Their 6 month contract was up. The Schooner Bar had great piano music and the Cruiser Band in the South Pacific Lounge played a wonderful mix of all types of music. The pool band was better than some we’ve heard. The Rosario Duo was wonderful to listen to in the centrum.



Another Good: The ports. Costa Maya is an easy port. Just walk off the ship and do your thing. Cozumel is always a fun spot. We had planned to take a taxi to Paradise Beach, but when the weather didn’t cooperate, we hired a taxi to take us around the island. We enjoyed this as we have only seen the downtown shopping section on previous visits. Then we had lunch at Pancho’s Backyard.



One More Good: The brunch for the Platinum and higher C & A members was a treat. Delicious food, plentiful beverages and wonderful company. The Captain stopped by and had lots to say.



A Final Good: The Port of Tampa is very easy to access. Embarkation was fast as was disembarkation.



The So-So: :( I really hate to say it but the food in the Windjammer just didn’t hit the mark for us. Let me preface this by saying that by choice, we decided to eat our dinners in the Windjammer. This was because neither the early or late dining times worked out for us. (Part of our no schedule mode for this cruise.) We’re not foodies by any stretch of the imagination as we enjoy dining out in most of the franchise eateries. But we found nearly all of the food choices quite bland tasting. This was a disappointment. I know a lot of preparation went into these foods. They were presented nicely, looked tasty, but they just weren’t. For the most part, we only had a few bites of the items that we took. To be honest, I filled up on the breads and rolls.



Due to the virus on board, you no longer served yourself in the Windjammer. Servers were stationed at all of the tables to retrieve your selections. That was o.k., but the downside was there were not enough employees to provide the service in the evening, so several menu items were not offered. Specifically, the pasta dishes, some vegetables and the cheeses were not served. We were extremely disappointed in the reduced selections, but this was our own fault as chose to skip the dining room. I assume that all of the daily selections were available in the dining room, but I couldn’t say for certain.



More So-So: I wouldn’t say the staff was unfriendly, perhaps indifferent. On all of our cruises, any employee you pass by will smile and greet you. This was very prevalent on the Navigator. This only happened a handful of times on the Grandeur. Lots of smiles and friendly hellos can go a long way to putting you in the ‘Let’s book another cruise’ frame of mind. As a stockholder, this indifference is a missed opportunity to sell more cruises. The staff came off as uncaring and bored.



Another So-So: The ship is showing signs of wear and could benefit from some updating.



The Bad: :mad: Norovirus. We were informed by the Captain on Wednesday morning that they had some case of GI flu. Sanitizers were placed at the entrances to the eateries and as you entered and exited the ship. You were also advised to wash your hands often. We took all these precautions, but my husband fell ill Friday evening. It was absolutely the worst situation to be in; knowing we had to be off the ship in a few hours and he was so ill. The violent strain of the infection was scary. My husband passed out repeatedly. When I informed the ship’s nurse of his condition, I was told that she had been up tending to other patients and to come to the first aid station at 8:00 am! She finally relented and agreed to meet us immediately. He was given a shot for the nausea and pills for both nausea and diahhrea and we were sent back to the cabin.



We had to be out of our cabin by 8:00am and went to the Viking Crown Lounge to await the call for our colored tag, which happened at 8:30am. On the elevator ride down, my husband again passed out. If it wasn’t for the assistance of other passengers, it would have been much worse. Thank you to those who helped! They brought someone who placed a call to the nurse’s station. The nurses station sent up a wheel chair and someone helped us off the ship and out of the terminal. It was a very difficult and frightening situation, but thankfully, we made it home.



A Bit More Bad: I noticed on Monday and Tuesday the inside of the elevators were filthy with fingerprints and handprints on the buttons, rails, glass and walls. It was so noticeable at any time of the day or evening. Also, the railings around the centrum looked the same, as did the railings in the stairways.



We also noticed in the Windjammer that the attendants were quick to pick up the dishes when tables emptied, but they were slow to wipe them off and replace the chairs. By this time, new people had already sat down at a dirty table. After the virus alert, this did change.



Final Bad: The sanitizing stations did not dispense enough liquid at times. Many times I had to run my hands under the machine 3-4 times to get enough sanitizer. This should be corrected.



Even though I pointed out some bad aspects, it was still an enjoyable cruise. We kept telling ourselves – “This is so much better than being at work!” :)

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Great review. Although I am wondering if this virus was already on the ship as my husband, son and myself all became ill the day after getting off the ship on March 6th, making it infected for those about to board on the 6th. Curious to know if anyone else became ill from the 03/02 sailing.

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It is horrible that your husband got sick and I hope you are o.k.!


We were on Grandeur in Dec. and all the employees on the ship were so nice. I have to say our room attendant was the best we have ever had on any cruise!


We are cruising on Mariner next month and I am taking on board my prescription nausea medicine (just in case).


Your relaxing cruise sounded great and I hope to do a lot of that on Mariner!:)

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cpa2be - I am so sorry to hear of your husbands severe illness. I hope he is better quicker than sooner.


This was my 3rd cruise on the Grandeur and I noticed a HUGE change is the food service/waitstaff personnel. The food was some of the worst I've had and it was never hot. Even items off of the steam tables were not hot. Nothing brought to me in the dining room was hot. Our waiter and asst. waiter in the main dining room was fine.


I noticed the waitstaff in the South Seas Lounge totally ignore a section of passengers, all quite 50 somethings, who had spilled a drink due to the motion of the ship on Thurs night (remember how bad it was on Thurs night?) totally ignored them and that whole section until the passengers had cleaned the spilled drink up themselves. And then after they had cleaned it up themselves then the coast was clear and they could go back to that section and cruise by and see if they wanted to Buy more drinks.


I don't understand why the sanitizer stations are not put out for the embarkating passengers on Day 1. And at all food service area's the entire ship. If the machines were on board, then they should have been used much earlier. Especially when, as the Capt. said, it is flu season. Be proactive!


You all take care.

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We were on the week before you and found the crew to be very friendly...perhaps they were also suffering somewhat from the virus when you were there. I was unaware of anyone coming down with anything on our cruise. Anyway, hope you and DH are all better now!

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I was on the ship for the March 6 sailing we didn't get sick thank goodness....but do believe the ship was sick before we got on....our attendent was sick and we had one that had never done suites and didn't feel we got as good service....but was a wonderful cruise ....I would go again on this ship and loved the dining room experience on this ship as well as ours on the mariner.....food was good to me.

But I did love the Mariner more...but price is alot more also....we got to enjoy a grand suite this time....so there is trade offs...we booked now for the Legend of the Seas out of tampa in Dec....

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We were on the 3/02 Grandeur sailing and my husband become very ill early Sunday morning. After 18 cruises, neither of us had ever had norovirus but I called the medical dept. to inquire if the virus was going around the ship, hoping that he could get a shot to help his nausea and/or diarrhea. I was told that there was no virus on board and that he "was probably just seasick". They recommended that he go to see the ship doctor when he arrived at 9 am (for a charge of $140 plus cost of tests). We did not go, my husband stayed in the room the whole day, and was not able to eat or drink anything for several days, including traveling home the next day. He saw our doctor at home who gave him pills and diagnosed probable food poisoning, although he said it was the same strep virus that caused food poisoning and norovirus. So the virus was on board. And we did not see one sanitizer out.

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My parents said they heard on the news that Sunday March 5th a ship had been in from tampa getting a clean over that people had been sick on it....so don't know if it was it or not...

I don't know if anyone got any credit or not...

I do wish they would put the santitizers on all the time also...wouldn't be that expensive I would think...maybe a little extra work...


Did anyone hear that someone got kicked off in Costa Maya???? at our dinner table they said someone did/


I can't complain at all with our dinner experience we had wonderful waiters and very good service and hot delicious food....

12Cruise hi.. ....did you have early or late...we had late seating...

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We will be on the Granduer 3/20 and we sure hope this virus is gone. We have some friends who were just on her for the "sick sailing" and were given credit for port charges if they were confined to the ship while in port. Any one else hear of this/

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what deck were you on?


we were on deck 7 starboard.


we were on the 3/2 sailing and did not see anyone sick. we both had a cold and allergies on moday after we came back to tampa. but not flu like or norovirus symptoms. just thought it was the change in climate, etc....we have had temps in the 80's and spring like weather, pollen everywhere.


never saw any hand sanitizer anywhere on the ship. we carried our own and were very diligent about washing our hands with soap & water, as well as using our own sanitizer when we needed to.

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We sail the Granduer on 3/25....does anyone have any info about if and how the "outbreak" has changed boarding times or procedures? Are they taking more time to scrub the ship in between sailings and boarding times have been later?

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We were on the 3/6 sailing as well and thought the food and service exceptional. After knowing of the virus I spoke at great length with one of the cd staff ( the CD was one of the ill people ) and again with one of the Head Waiters. The CD staff person told us that they had received a report that there was possibly ill passengers that boarded the Grandeur from the Mariner or the Explorer as Norovirus was reported on the previous weeks sailings from those ships. The virus affects strikes within hours of contact. More than 20 percent of the ships crew and about 30 percent of the passengers was infected by the virus and I thought the remaining crew did a phenomenal job of picking up the service. Our wait staff changed rapidly through the week as one or the other fell ill. I've never seen head waiters work so hard and the same can be said of the cleaning crew. They were non-stop. The midnight buffets were cancelled in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. All of the food we received was perfectly hot, fresh and tasty. We had absolutely no complaints in any way. We thought the ship looked great and was in really nice condition for its age. Very little needing updated. The staff was extremely friendly with not a person walking by that didn't greet us in someway. I thought this was exceptional with the degree of illness onboard. It was kind of pleasant to see the theater only about half full , same with dining room, pool hogs weren't a problem either.

We had a great cruise and would sail this ship and crew again.

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I was also on the 3/6 sailing. Had a great time. Luckily didn't get sick nor did anyone in my party. Thought the entertainment was good, especially the comedian, Al Romas (?). His late night show was hilarious. I am planning a cruise on the Jewel for Sept. If anyone, actually cares.:D

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It has taken me some time to get back to the boards. I came down with the illness Sunday morning and am still battling it. My husband is doing much better.


dfoote & sj25: I also think the virus was onboard before we sailed. Our cabin steward was sick on Tuesday and then for several days. This makes me think he was exposed to the virus prior to Monday.


hcviana: We signed a form at the nurses station that mentioned if you were confined to your room and followed the rules, you would be compensated for some of the cruise, but I don't know any more details.


I think it would be prudent for the cruise lines to keep the sanitizing stations out at all times, not just when an outbreak occurs. As the Captain kept reminding us, we were cruising during flu season. A little prevention is well worth it.

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I have some concerns about how well they disinfect the ship because I spent 2 miserable days in the pullout sofa and on the last morning when I came back from breakfast that sofa was remade and tucked away. Needed to be burned , IMHO. :o The germs were potent and nasty and I feel like typhoid mary leaving them in that suite.

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I also sailed the Grandeur on the 3/06 sailing and had a wonderful time. It is interesting to read the various comments from fellow passengers. I have sailed numerous times (10+) and found the crew on the Grandeur to be one of the friendliest I have encountered. The deck/pool attendent Lameshia took the time to learn our names and stopped daily throughout the day to speak with us. The waitress Melody in the Schooner lounge always was friendly and knew our names. Our dining room staff worked very hard in the evening serving dinner which didn't leave much time to chat but if they saw us in the dining room for lunch they tried to come and speak with you(even if you weren't sitting at their station for lunch)and were very cordial. Loved our head waiter Tony and he really was visible every evening helping to serve dinner and wine. The production vocalists were some of the best I have ever heard on a cruise ship. We did not take any excursions from ship but took taxis to Majuhal beach in Costa Maya and to Paradise Beach in Cozumel. I did not notice any wear and tear of ship at all.


The few negative comments I have about the cruise is that the solarium pool was closed for the entire first sea day which make the main pool area extremely over crowded. I also was not thrilled to see the wading pool attached to the main pool especially with a gastrointestinal virus outbreak present. Also I believe that the hand sanitizers should be available at all times not just when outbreak occurs. It seemed to take several days for there to be enough sanitizers to be at all entrances to food areas. I do believe the crew was working overtime to wash all surfaces and to try to prevent spread of virus. I thought I was very lucky to have not gotten sick on board but the "bug" hit me as soon as I arrived home on Saturday evening and lasted for 10 hrs. I would not wish the "bug" on anyone as it is the sickest I have ever been in my life. Not sure how I could have prevented myself from catching it as I was very vigilant with handwashing etc... but one touch of elevator button or handrail and maybe you too could have been a victim. Will this stop me from cruising RCCL again absolutely not!

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My impression of the crew in February was that they were tired and uptight, almost fearful, like they had been under stress for a long period of time. That could be construed as being indifferent, uncaring, or bored. If the crew is walking on egg shells because of policies and practices by upper management...then that made me tip all the more, smile all the more, and try to make THEM smile all the more.

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peggy655: Sorry to hear you caught the virus. We too were diligent about the hand washing. I am going on 50 hours now of being sick. We checked a website about the virus and some people have reported their symptons lasting 5 days. Then, they are still contagious for another 3 days.


This will not deter me from cruising. We are looking forward to getting back on the Navigator in October. But we'll also pay more attention to where we place our hands.

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