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(Not quite live) from Iona - G318 - Fjords - 10th June


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2 hours ago, Selbourne said:

Thanks for all the photos. Your cabin looks great and appears to be very spacious. Like you, we were booked in one of those accessible balcony cabins for the original 2020 Maiden cruise that never happened. For our August cruise we are actually in an accessible deluxe balcony cabin, which is slightly bigger and also has a sofa. DaiB has stayed in it and reckons it’s almost as big as many suites he’s used. 

I can’t remember if you use the MDRs at all but, if you do, I shall be really interested to know how long it takes you to get a table, particularly on the formal night when demand is at its highest. I believe that there is an option to tick on the ‘app’ if you are a wheelchair user, so wait times may be entirely different to those who don’t tick this box. 

I think I might decline your offer of some pole dancing photos, but feedback on the meals, including MDR, would be much appreciated 😉 


Your cabin will be on deck 9 then; better for the sun than ours which, when the sun is high in the sky, suffers with shade from the overhang of deck 17(?).


As for the app, you can select the wheelchair icon, as we always do, but I don't think it expedites your time spent in the virtual queue; we certainly haven't noticed that.

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1 minute ago, TigerB said:


Your cabin will be on deck 9 then; better for the sun than ours which, when the sun is high in the sky, suffers with shade from the overhang of deck 17(?).


As for the app, you can select the wheelchair icon, as we always do, but I don't think it expedites your time spent in the virtual queue; we certainly haven't noticed that.

We are deck 10, on the curved hump! Great to hear that you haven’t had any problems with waits for wheelchair users. We will be looking for a table for 6, suitable for a wheelchair user, at around 8pm on the formal night. Hoping that the early diners will be starting to vacate by that time!

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3 hours ago, Selbourne said:

We are deck 10, on the curved hump! Great to hear that you haven’t had any problems with waits for wheelchair users. We will be looking for a table for 6, suitable for a wheelchair user, at around 8pm on the formal night. Hoping that the early diners will be starting to vacate by that time!


The virtual queue times are different on here to Arvia. On there in April they started at 18:30. On here they start at 17:15, fifteen minutes before the MDRs open.  Someone may come on and say that Arvia is now the same, the earlier time, but it was 18:30 when we were on last.

I expect you will be fine for when you want to eat, the early birds would have been and gone. We wanted to try each of the four MDRs once, so my following suggestion wouldn't work for us. If you though want to stick to the same MDR each night, I wouldn't be surprised if you talked to the restaurant host on your first day, they would be able to accommodate you for the same time each night; mention the wheelchair and that should help with his/her decision, in the spirit of inclusiveness. If you also told him/her what nights you were eating elsewhere, I'm sure they would see that as a positive; you help them plan and they will help you.

I expect you will be on an eight-seater; I've not seen a table for six, but there are plenty for eight or ten.

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3 hours ago, Selbourne said:

We are deck 10, on the curved hump! Great to hear that you haven’t had any problems with waits for wheelchair users. We will be looking for a table for 6, suitable for a wheelchair user, at around 8pm on the formal night. Hoping that the early diners will be starting to vacate by that time!


Of course, deck 10; I've just looked at those on the deck plan. Yes, you are on the 'curvey' bit of the midship 'outie' bit, whereas we are on the mid-forward 'innie' bit...


In January we were on the midship 'innie' bit on Arvia, but on deck 11 where we got lots of sun.

It doesn't bother us on this trip, but if we were on a cruise where we wanted to enjoy a lot a sunshine on our balcony, we wouldn't choose deck 15 again.


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22 minutes ago, TigerB said:


The virtual queue times are different on here to Arvia. On there in April they started at 18:30. On here they start at 17:15, fifteen minutes before the MDRs open.  Someone may come on and say that Arvia is now the same, the earlier time, but it was 18:30 when we were on last.

I expect you will be fine for when you want to eat, the early birds would have been and gone. We wanted to try each of the four MDRs once, so my following suggestion wouldn't work for us. If you though want to stick to the same MDR each night, I wouldn't be surprised if you talked to the restaurant host on your first day, they would be able to accommodate you for the same time each night; mention the wheelchair and that should help with his/her decision, in the spirit of inclusiveness. If you also told him/her what nights you were eating elsewhere, I'm sure they would see that as a positive; you help them plan and they will help you.

I expect you will be on an eight-seater; I've not seen a table for six, but there are plenty for eight or ten.

Good info. Thanks. We want a table for 6 on our own but, as you know, you need extra space for the wheelchair so a table of 8 just for the 6 of us would be perfect. 

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First meal...


On this trip we booked speciality restaurants for three nights, so decided to mix it up with the four MDRs over the course of the other nights.
On Saturday night it was the turn of Aqua. This is sited where the 6th Street Diner is on Arvia.
We arrived just after 18:05 to an almost empty restaurant. Over the course of our meal, about seventy minutes, it started to fill up, but there were still plenty of vacant tables.


Our fayre...


Me and the missus...






The missus...


Yes, that is a spelling mistake; the printer has since been thrown overboard.





And me again...


They don't call me Two Pud Tiger for nowt, you know.


Our lass had her usual cheese and biscuits.


The speed of service was just right, not too slow and not too hurried. I had forgotten about the meagre portions these days, though.  I could have easily eaten that delicious stone bass again.


What struck us most about the venue was, how we could actually hear the music, and it not being drowned out by several hundred folk talking. So, 👍 for Aqua.



Much later, after the mechanical shenanigans in our cabin, and our long chat with Venus, we popped to the Crow's Nest for a late night drink and some much deserved people watching.
Then to bed for just five hours of sleep (clocks went forward), disturbed by the now working but noisy A/C. Well, you can't win 'em all.😏



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1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

Good info. Thanks. We want a table for 6 on our own but, as you know, you need extra space for the wheelchair so a table of 8 just for the 6 of us would be perfect. 

Oh, yes; ask for a six and pound to a pinch you'll be on an eight.

If the restaurant manager does block it out for you, you may find that, if a couple of you go elsewhere one night, the others may still be on it. Last September, when we travelled with the kids and their partners on Britannia, we had the same table for eight in the Peninsular throughout the cruise. Some nights there were just four or six of us on it.

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First breakfast...


Just like in the evenings, we are going to mix it up with the three MDRs that are open for breakfast; Opal is closed. 


We like being seated in a nice environment and being served our breakfast. We cannot stand the buffet; if we wanted a buffet breakfast every morning, we would sack off the cruising and spend a week in a PI.

I did say to ICF that we would have breakfast at least once in the Quays, so we'll skip one of the MDRs to do that. Mind you, after his recent Iona cruise he appears to now be an MDR convert.


We liked to have breakfast at about 08:00 or just before. We entered the Pearl at 07:50 and there were a plethora of chaps and chapesses waiting to show folk to their tables. There were only us two in the non-queue! We were seated at a table right next to the back window; aft for all you seasoned cruisers.

A leisurely and lovely breakfast was had by us both; it was still really quiet when we left an hour later.


Sorry, no pics; we don't take them for breakfast as we usually have the same thing most mornings. If I remember, I will take one of my fried bread and fried egg when we eat in the Quays.


After breakfast we had a walk on deck 8, cold and blustery on the port side, but plenty of sun traps on the starboard side, followed by a quick wander through the shops.

In the offie, I was struck by the disparity of pricing on different cruises. On Arvia in April I paid £29 for two bottles of Bombay Sapphire; on this ship the same would cost me £42. Mind you, they did have a 2 for £22 offer on the Captain Morgan range, including the black spiced. I'll see if the son and son-in-laws want any.

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1 minute ago, TigerB said:

Oh, yes; ask for a six and pound to a pinch you'll be on an eight.

If the restaurant manager does block it out for you, you may find that, if a couple of you go elsewhere one night, the others may still be on it. Last September, when we travelled with the kids and their partners on Britannia, we had the same table for eight in the Peninsular throughout the cruise. Some nights there were just four or six of us on it.

We always avoid the MDR on the first night though, so may miss our opportunity. I’m hoping that we know the restaurant manager from a previous cruise though. We’ve always tipped the most accommodating ones and they tend to remember us 😉 

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1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

We always avoid the MDR on the first night though, so may miss our opportunity. I’m hoping that we know the restaurant manager from a previous cruise though. We’ve always tipped the most accommodating ones and they tend to remember us 😉 


Not necessarily.  They will open at 17:30 that first night; if you went about 20/30 minutes before then, I would expect the restaurant host to be already there, or you would be able to grab someone to get him/her.

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Celebration Night (Sunday)


My eyes roll when the captain comes on the tannoy of an afternoon on Celebration Night to tell everyone themselves, and says, "I've arranged for you all to have a glass of bubbly". I wonder if the newbies were saying afterwards, "What a thoroughly nice chap".


No dressing up for us; we ate in Sindhu. A lovely meal as usual, consisting of...




More penny pinching from Carnival here; the three different chutneys have now been replaced by just one, mango.






The missus...







I swear the monk fish pieces were bigger than the ones I have had on Arvia.


The missus...



We had fish and chips in the Quays early in the afternoon, followed by cake, so we were too full for dessert.

So, with the pre-payment and further 20% dizzy on the food, the food cost £28.10; the cider and Punk IPA were a further £10.60.


Now, I don't want to be critical of Sindhu as we really like it, but...

If any of you have eaten in Sindhu on Britannia or the smaller ships, you will know they rotate two menus. On Arvia and Iona they just have one menu, picking the 'hits' from the original menus. I'm a pescatarian, and am not keen on the veggie main choice on the single menu; therefore, my only choices are the lobster and monkfish dishes.  As nice as they are, at some point I would like to try something new. I spoke with the head waiter, telling him we will be next on Iona in February, and asking him if the menu will be refreshed by then. He answered with a big fat NO.  Shame!🙁



Afterwards, we popped into the Club House for a wee bit, to hear the Iona incarnation of Pulse, before heading to the Emerald bar ahead of our 22:30 reservation at the 710 Club.


While we were in the Emerald bar, I saw them making several of these...

The smell of the smoke was intoxicating. I'm going to have one before the end of this cruise.


Finally, we got to attend the 710 Club, after being unsuccessful on two Arvia cruises. The set was 'Handwritten"  They were a good group of talented musicians and the MD/pianist had come up with some good arrangements of well known songs. I particularly liked Elton John's Rocket Man spliced with a little bit of Bill Withers.

It was almost full, and they allowed about seven couples in as walk-ins.
Unfortunately, it wasn't to our lass's taste, so I'll be attending alone at the next one.



Edited by TigerB
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We are in Stavanger today; what a lovely little place with some beautiful buildings. We are the only ship in. It was cloudy this morning but now there is more blue sky than cloud. As I sit on our balcony, overlooking the old town, while I enjoy my gin and limonata from Tiger's bar, the temperature is 22°C.

For those of you that may be concerned about how I cut lemons after having my lemon knife confiscated, I half-inched one from the Quays.🫢


We should have been on an excursion this morning, but cancelled it; I'll explain why 8n a later post.

Instead, we went for a bimble around the harbour, shopping area, lake, and (me only) old town.



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These were taken early afternoon yesterday (Sunday)...










The First Officer felt the need to announce on the tannoy that it wasn't s#!te, it was algae caused by the hot weather.

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15 minutes ago, TigerB said:

These were taken early afternoon yesterday (Sunday)...










The First Officer felt the need to announce on the tannoy that it wasn't s#!te, it was algae caused by the hot weather.

😂 It had crossed my mind 😂 

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Now, I want to address some extremely serious matters that are very close to the hearts of some contributers on here.

Some definite first world problems....



I can confirm that the St Michel biscuits appear to be in plentiful supply. We didn't have any in our tea makings drawer at first; when I asked Venus for some, but only the butter ones, this is what we got...


She has given us six each morning.👍

I think the reason for all the milk is because I said we only like semi-skinned milk. I think she must have taken me literally, and thought we exclusively drink semi-skinned milk, and no other drinks at all.



First things first, I checked the box under the bed. None! When our cabin steward first came to see us: "Venus, if you could find any, could we please have some body lotion and conditioner"?

"Of course, sir; I'll bring some back".

I explained that the word on the street was that they were like rocking horse poo.

"No, we have plenty".

When she brought them they had the labels on them to request they are returned...


Fair enough. So, whereas there will be a few maiden aunts not get half-inched White Company pumps for Christmas, at least future cruisers should get some for the duration of their cruise.



I can confirm there are no trays set out in Horizon. Some folk will not be defeated though! When I went in on Saturday night for some late night snackage, there was one bloke, quite well oiled at that point, who had a plate full of cakes that was balanced precariously on top of a plate full of hot food; he then walked the thirty feet or so to his table. Have a word with yourself, fella!
They still have the small trays in the Quays. I took a couple of those back to our cabin for the odd occasion when I may walk up to Horizon or Taste 360 for a couple of things to take back to the cabin.

They no longer have the trays at Taste 360, but they still have those large red plates.


Here ya go....


That was Crow's Nest



That was the Emerald bar



That was the 720 club


We've not been in Anderson's bar yet, or Brodies, but they don't have them 8n the club house.



Each accessible toilet we have been in has had them; just the paper ones though. I can't speak for the ladies as don't frequent those ...any more; the ASBO has put paid to that!🙄  I didn't see any in the gents I went in, which to my mind is not at all gender neutral.
We didn't have any in our bathroom, but we always have a plentiful supply when we travel.



Are there any other first world problems that folk want me to investigate?

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9 minutes ago, TigerB said:

Now, I want to address some extremely serious matters that are very close to the hearts of some contributers on here.

Some definite first world problems....



I can confirm that the St Michel biscuits appear to be in plentiful supply. We didn't have any in our tea makings drawer at first; when I asked Venus for some, but only the butter ones, this is what we got...


She has given us six each morning.👍

I think the reason for all the milk is because I said we only like semi-skinned milk. I think she must have taken me literally, and thought we exclusively drink semi-skinned milk, and no other drinks at all.



First things first, I checked the box under the bed. None! When our cabin steward first came to see us: "Venus, if you could find any, could we please have some body lotion and conditioner"?

"Of course, sir; I'll bring some back".

I explained that the word on the street was that they were like rocking horse poo.

"No, we have plenty".

When she brought them they had the labels on them to request they are returned...


Fair enough. So, whereas there will be a few maiden aunts not get half-inched White Company pumps for Christmas, at least future cruisers should get some for the duration of their cruise.



I can confirm there are no trays set out in Horizon. Some folk will not be defeated though! When I went in on Saturday night for some late night snackage, there was one bloke, quite well oiled at that point, who had a plate full of cakes that was balanced precariously on top of a plate full of hot food; he then walked the thirty feet or so to his table. Have a word with yourself, fella!
They still have the small trays in the Quays. I took a couple of those back to our cabin for the odd occasion when I may walk up to Horizon or Taste 360 for a couple of things to take back to the cabin.

They no longer have the trays at Taste 360, but they still have those large red plates.


Here ya go....


That was Crow's Nest



That was the Emerald bar



That was the 720 club


We've not been in Anderson's bar yet, or Brodies, but they don't have them 8n the club house.



Each accessible toilet we have been in has had them; just the paper ones though. I can't speak for the ladies as don't frequent those ...any more; the ASBO has put paid to that!🙄  I didn't see any in the gents I went in, which to my mind is not at all gender neutral.
We didn't have any in our bathroom, but we always have a plentiful supply when we travel.



Are there any other first world problems that folk want me to investigate?

I am loving this blog TigerB. As well as being hugely informative, your sense of humour is very much aligned with mine.


Ah, I’ve thought of a couple of things. Any plastic ducks scattered around or upside down pineapples on cabin doors? 😜🤣

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23 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

I am loving this blog TigerB. As well as being hugely informative, your sense of humour is very much aligned with mine.


Ah, I’ve thought of a couple of things. Any plastic ducks scattered around or upside down pineapples on cabin doors? 😜🤣

I want TigerB to play the game we did the other week: how many tags from ducks could they find scattered about the floor. It was ok though, I told my son the game was to find the most tags and he won with 3, I only found 1 😂

Edited by Cloudyrain
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1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

I am loving this blog TigerB. As well as being hugely informative, your sense of humour is very much aligned with mine.


Ah, I’ve thought of a couple of things. Any plastic ducks scattered around or upside down pineapples on cabin doors? 😜🤣


No ducks, but I have a funny pineapple story. I'll tell that one tomorrow; we're just getting ready for dinner, and I'll lose the mobile signal soon

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2 hours ago, TigerB said:

Celebration Night (Sunday)


My eyes roll when the captain comes on the tannoy of an afternoon on Celebration Night to tell everyone themselves, and says, "I've arranged for you all to have a glass of bubbly". I wonder if the newbies were saying afterwards, "What a thoroughly nice chap".


No dressing up for us; we ate in Sindhu. A lovely meal as usual, consisting of...




More penny pinching from Carnival here; the three different chutneys have now been replaced by just one, mango.






The missus...







I swear the monk fish pieces were bigger than the ones I have had on Arvia.


The missus...



We had fish and chips in the Quays early in the afternoon, followed by cake, so we were too full for dessert.

So, with the pre-payment and further 20% dizzy on the food, the food cost £28.10; the cider and Punk IPA were a further £10.60.


Now, I don't want to be critical of Sindhu as we really like it, but...

If any of you have eaten in Sindhu on Britannia or the smaller ships, you will know they rotate two menus. On Arvia and Iona they just have one menu, picking the 'hits' from the original menus. I'm a pescatarian, and am not keen on the veggie main choice on the single menu; therefore, my only choices are the lobster and monkfish dishes.  As nice as they are, at some point I would like to try something new. I spoke with the head waiter, telling him we will be next on Iona in February, and asking him if the menu will be refreshed by then. He answered with a big fat NO.  Shame!🙁



Afterwards, we popped into the Club House for a wee bit, to hear the Iona incarnation of Pulse, before heading to the Emerald bar ahead of our 22:30 reservation at the 710 Club.


While we were in the Emerald bar, I saw them making several of these...

The smell of the smoke was intoxicating. I'm going to have one before the end of this cruise.


Finally, we got to attend the 710 Club, after being unsuccessful on two Arvia cruises. The set was 'Handwritten"  They were a good group of talented musicians and the MD/pianist had come up with some good arrangements of well known songs. I particularly liked Elton John's Rocket Man spliced with a little bit of Bill Withers.

It was almost full, and they allowed about seven couples in as walk-ins.
Unfortunately, it wasn't to our lass's taste, so I'll be attending alone at the next one.



So you don't need to dress up for Sindhu on celebration nights?


That's duly noted for our next cruise


We normally just go in the buffet or quays

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1 hour ago, Megabear2 said:

This is brilliant. Thanks so much.  Any babies in the swimming pools? I know you don't have a swim up bar but do you now have an adults only pool and area up front as Arvia appears to have acquired?

Not been up there yet, but I'm quite sure Iona also has an adults only area on deck 18, just before the Retreat.


There are not many kids, but I'll try a nappy watch sometime.  Ooh, that sounds wrong on so many levels. What I mean to say Mods, is that I will try and see if there are any parents and nappy age children in the pools of spas.

Phew! I think I got away with that one🙄

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1 hour ago, Ilovemygarden said:

Nor can I - do tell!  


You'll have to wait; we're heading down for dinner just now.

If I have a decent signal tomorrow evening, I'll tell it then; when the kids are in bed. The Mods will probably delete it before they get up for school the next morning.

As a teaser I will say it involves me, a disabled gent, and a couple of mature ladies, neither of whom were my wife.🫢

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