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Willdra's Paramount Carnival Panorama October 15-21 Cruise


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On 2/2/2024 at 7:35 PM, LaRue1975 said:

I think you just had bad luck mustering in the Liquid Lounge. On this cruise and in the aft MDR on the New Years cruise it was just the quick do you know this a life vest test. In fact on this cruise we ran up to the lido deck before mustering to save seats for the rest of our group. I left hubby up there to hold the table and took his card with me. With a little persuasion from me he clicked the hubby done too. I pushed the Platinum card which helped, Diamonds shouldn’t have to muster at all, lol! We were in cabin 10285, our first time on Lido deck and we loved it! 


Love how you finessed them to click your husband too for the muster! We loved that Lido life! Being so close to everything is highly underrated! 😜

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1 hour ago, willdra said:

Whoa that looks delicious! Please report back and let us know how it was! 😍😍

It was fabulous.  We went with the only goals of picking up the latest Passholder magnets and having one of those.  Success!!!IMG_0255.jpg.478ef825635c1dda596daec4871d5d59.jpg

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45 minutes ago, Tryingtocruise said:

It was fabulous.  We went with the only goals of picking up the latest Passholder magnets and having one of those.  Success!!!IMG_0255.jpg.478ef825635c1dda596daec4871d5d59.jpg


That looks so good! Congrats on your mission accomplished! 😁

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1st Sea Day


My alarm was set for 10:30. I got up around 8 to get my phone. I laid back back down after that. W got up around 10. Then he went to get coffee and check out the scene.


I got up when my alarm went off. I wasn't sleep sleep, it was more like snoozing in that half awake state. I slept very well the night before, but heartburn crept up and did a drive by on me . It kicked my butt y’all. I couldn’t even fight back cuz I was so tired. I took some meds before I went to bed, but it wasn’t enough. It was the Merlot for me. Red wine gives me horrendous heartburn. It chooses violence every time. I was so sleepy, I just made my peace with the hole in my throat. Hamburger help me.


The Diamond Brunch was at 11:30. We got ready and went down around 11:15. There was a line waiting to get in. We waited maybe 10 minutes and they let us all in. We sat at a table for 6. Our table mates looked like they went to Elementary school with Methuselah. It was fun talking to them tho. I explained Roll Calls and online group activities to them cuz they had no idea that people communicate with each other to get the fun started before the cruise. One of the ladies told me that getting too many text messages stresses her out, and when her daughter made a profile page for her she almost went loco because of all of the notifications. Um ma'am you can turn those off, but never mind. W and I learned that they all spend months living on cruise ships, and it showed. They go home once or twice a year but they predominantly sail. Must be nice. I guess. I love to cruise but I also love our home.


I must’ve been sitting next to the group leader cuz she gave me the tea on everybody. Right down to how long they’ve been married and where they were from. I started to think after awhile “do they know you’re telling their business? What if they don’t want strangers to know everything about them?" If I didn't learn anything else, I learned not  to tell Loose Lips Linda anything I didn’t want anyone else to know.


We sat there and loaded up on beverages, cuz free. W brought money to tip, and we got everything that we wanted. There was a photographer taking complimentary pictures there. As soon as he insisted on taking our pictures from the side instead of head on, I knew I was going to look like a hob goblin, and I was spot on. Those pictures were pure rubbish. Gerry the Cruise Director(I finally got his name) stopped by our table and he was delightful. He seemed to have a lot of energy, which is a requirement of that job.


We hung out, ate, and talked to them for a long time. When the server came around, I ordered the Crispy Boudin Sausage Balls, Filet Mignon, and Blueberry Cheesecake. It was very good.




W wouldn't stop digging in for me to take a picture. Rude. 


















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The brunch ended around 12:30. W and I went to Serenity after that. We found one of the sun beds that was partially shaded so we stopped there. It was comfortable out cuz there was a nice cool breeze blowing. It was even a little chilly in the shade. We sat there for about 20 minutes then a clamshell opened up. We moved over there and setup shop. I went back to the cabin to get the rest of my stuff since we now had a home for the day. I was glad the day turned out so nice. When I stepped out on the balcony earlier that morning, it was cold. Since we were out in the sun on Serenity, the sun and cool air balanced out.


I perused the "What’s Happening" part of the FunTimes for the day and saw Build A Bear at 3:30. I was immediately in. There was another one on Day 5, but I’d rather go on the first day since I was awake and not extra sleepy yet. W was comfortable for the most part but I did ask if he had a food alarm that I needed to be aware of. He said no cuz he was still full from the brunch. What??? On God, I wish I could buy a lottery ticket. W not hungry never happens, and that's on Periodt.





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During our anti adulting I read some of my book to pass the time. I left to go to BAB at 3:15. When I got down there it was packed. They gave us numbers and a heart at the door. Gerry was kicking it off which I thought was cute. When it started they gave us our instructions, we did the little ritual with the heart then it was time to wait to be called. My number was 35, so I knew it would take awhile for them to call me. I couldn’t believe how many people there were! This one dwarfed the one that I went to on the Horizon. I think I enjoyed the bigger gathering. It was nice to see how excited the kids were. I was planning to get this BAB as a gift for a friend’s little girl. She loves dinosaurs and unicorns so I was hoping I could get one of those. It may sound strange that a little girl likes dinosaurs but I love how open minded she is. She likes what she likes. Me too.


My number was called at 3:54. Not too bad. First I weaved my way thru the crowd to find my animal. There was a red velociraptor there so I copped it. I looked again on the other side to make sure that I didn’t miss a unicorn. I didn’t. I was happy with the raptor so I picked him out an outfit next. After that step I waited in line to have him stuffed. While I was standing there I decided to name him (or her) Roarie. Corny. I know. 


Once Roarie was all stuffed I got in the line to pay. Now Roarie was officially mine. As I was walking back I decided to stop by Pixels to get my VIFP gift. When I got to the stairs my bladder said “If you go straight there now, you will regret it”. Bladder, you don’t have to tell me twice! I made a pit stop then went up to Deck 5.



























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There was no one in line and I walked right up. Much to my surprise the VIFP gift was still the Fanny pack. Ok now I will just have 104 of these. I stopped by the cabin on my way back to drop off Roarie. Then I went back to find W still in Serenity. He said that it took me an hour and a half. He didn’t know that I took a detour.


When I got back it was quiet up there again. The sun was starting to set which cooled it off some. W was still in the same spot but he made a mess and spilled my drink in my bag while I was gone. I’d left my drink in my backpack because it has a lid and I don’t turn it over. W somehow managed to knock my bag over which spilled my drink. He didn’t even know it until I opened my bag and saw a Rum Punch River flowing in there. It was good that I didn’t have anything in there that could get damaged. Or W would get damaged.



















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I dried up my bag and we sat out until almost 6. We were not really in a hurry for dinner. Since it was just W and I we could do us. We slow rolled to dinner between 7-8. Once I was ready W checked us in. The wait was less than 10 minutes. Nice. I don’t know if it was because Lobster Night was now the 2nd Elegant Evening, or what, but the dining room wasn’t crowded.


We went to deck 4 because the table was 410. 

When we inquired we were told it was downstairs on Deck 3. Whet? Table 410 is on Deck 3? Ok den.


We walked down to 3, and were shown to our table in the back. I didn't notice it at the time because of the table confusion, but there were zero people waiting outside of the restaurant trying to get a table. So it really can be done. People can follow directions darn it. I’m proud of y’all.


Our table was in front of a really loud table. I had to shout for W to hear me. Since that wasn’t enough torture for me, they sat a couple directly behind us. The issue there was every time the lady moved, she bumped my chair. I was pulled all the way in. It was a bad configuration and it was almost unavoidable. The lady and her husband apologized every time it happened so I gave her a pass. Plus it wasn’t her fault that they put the tables so close together.

















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For dinner I ordered Shrimp Cocktail, Duet of Filet Mignon and Short Ribs, and Warm Chocolate Melting Cake. It was good and since I didn’t pre-eat I was hungry enough to almost finish it.


When the table behind us left it got quiet. We could actually hear the music which we didn’t even know was happening.


We finished eating then went to hang out in the lobby to wait for the 70’s and Motown Trivia Party which started at 10:15. This was that awkward dead zone time between activities. It was all good tho.


We sat in the atrium and people watched. It was quite entertaining. As soon as I sat down I found a duck! I was so happy cuz I didn’t find one on the last cruise. This little guy was black and Halloween themed. Cute.


W went and got me a Green Goblin since I hadn’t had one on this voyage yet. It was better than I remembered. While I was waiting this lady started talking to me about Motown. She was telling me this is her favorite music but her husband is more into rock and roll. Then she asked me what my favorite Motown song was and I honestly have so many faves it was hard to narrow it down. She was going on about it and I really wanted to say “This is more my parent’s music, I really just know it cuz of them”. Maybe we won’t bond over my knowledge of Motown. 80's music, on the other hand, is my jam. 



Gerry was a surprisingly good host. He got the people moving and engaged. My only complaint was when they played all of "Greased Lightning" and not "You're the one that I want". Where they do that at?


The lady next to me was dancing for her life. It did kinda looked like she was glitching out and short circuiting, but hey it’s your vacay. Do you.



















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Gerry was a surprisingly good host. He got the people moving and engaged. My only complaint was when they played all of “Greased Lightning” and not “You’re The One That I Want”. Where they do that at?


The lady next to me was dancing for her life. It did kinda look like she was glitching out and short circuiting, but hey it’s your vacay. Do you.


When the party was over we went back to the cabin. I needed to wash the gunk off of my face, in the worst way. Before I started that I went to get hot water for my tea, and add my gift cards to our account. When I got in the elevator two young men got in with me. One of them had the gumption to call me “Auntie”. Oh Lordt when did I get to be “Auntie” age???? Yes I have nieces and nephews who are adults with kids, and yes I’ve been their Auntie for over 30 years, but no I don’t want to be labeled as “Auntie” yet. I’m still too young for that. Un-Auntie me Jesus.


One step outside and I could tell we were in Mexico. The humidity reached into my lungs and tried to snatch my breath away. Humidity will suck the life out of you and ruin your hair in the process. Cancel it.


I went to use the kiosk on Deck 3 by Guest Services. When I got there I typed in the gift card number and it said the gift card had already been used. Pardon? I typed it in again. Same message. Uh uh this ain’t happening. The PIN was still covered up, so I know I never used the card. I turned around and took the card to Guest Services. It worked. Wooo. That saved me from destroying that machine. I also had an eGift card from Carnival because we still had a credit from our last cruise. I went ahead and added that too cuz I didn’t want no smoke with that machine.


The Lido was my next destination. I hunted down an open hot water station, got my water, then went back to the cabin to join W. So far having the cabin on Deck 10 has been nice. I don’t know how I would feel with a fuller ship, but it’s perfect for this crowd level.






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Back in the cabin, I washed my face back down to toad level. I’d officially turned back into a pumpkin. W and I read until it was time for bed.


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God for good wig glue. I’ve seen some horrendous wigs with the lace lifting so bad, they looked like they were waiving at me. Good wig glue is very affordable and it lasts a long time. There is absolutely no reason to walk around with a wig looking like a hair hat. Amen. 






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I love your reviews and I absolutely love your hair 😍😍. You're review is getting me excited for May, which will be the 2nd time my hubby and I are cruising on Panorama. Long beach is our home port and we also used to be annual pass holders for disneyland, so I've loved reading your pre-cruise festivities. 

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3 hours ago, pblack said:

I love your reviews and I absolutely love your hair 😍😍. You're review is getting me excited for May, which will be the 2nd time my hubby and I are cruising on Panorama. Long beach is our home port and we also used to be annual pass holders for disneyland, so I've loved reading your pre-cruise festivities. 

Thank you so much for reading along! We love Panorama, I wish we could sail on her more, but that trip out West is so rugged. 😅

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1 minute ago, willdra said:

Thank you so much for reading along! We love Panorama, I wish we could sail on her more, but that trip out West is so rugged. 😅

Living on the west coast we are literally polar opposites.  Panaorama/Long Beach is easy and comfortable...flying to Miami is as you deem it rugged!!

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On 2/1/2024 at 10:19 PM, willdra said:

After I was mostly ready, W got up and started his process of getting in my way. When I was all the way ready, I asked W if we should do Chick Fil A again, and he agreed. I jumped into the app only to realize that it was Sunday and Chick-Fil-A said “Uh uh, get somebody else to do it”. They were very closed. We didn’t really know what else we wanted, so we decided to get something on the way.



So excited to have another Willdra review to occupy my "work" days! LOL 


And I had to chuckle about wanting Chick Fil A on a SUNDAY! Why, oh why, does nothing on this planet sound as good as Chick Fil A on a Sunday?? So many times coming home from church, I'll say to the kiddo, "do you want to grab Chick Fil A on our way home?" at which point I can almost taste those amazing chicken minis! Only to be denied! Chick Fil A is also my go to morning meal at our local airport....which makes Sunday morning flights problematic! 

Can't wait to read the rest of your adventures! 

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On 2/5/2024 at 9:40 AM, d-lite-n-cruisin said:

All I could picture here was all of us Cruise Fam sitting in covered wagons making the trek out West for the Panorama.  Carry on.........


LOL yesssss!!! 🤣😂

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38 minutes ago, TNVolnteerCruiser said:

Willdra, tap three times if you need bail money 😆. We miss you!


LOL, not yet (save it tho, I may need it later). I will be posting my next installment here shortly. 🤗🤗🤗

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On 2/5/2024 at 10:23 AM, MistyRo76 said:

So excited to have another Willdra review to occupy my "work" days! LOL 


And I had to chuckle about wanting Chick Fil A on a SUNDAY! Why, oh why, does nothing on this planet sound as good as Chick Fil A on a Sunday?? So many times coming home from church, I'll say to the kiddo, "do you want to grab Chick Fil A on our way home?" at which point I can almost taste those amazing chicken minis! Only to be denied! Chick Fil A is also my go to morning meal at our local airport....which makes Sunday morning flights problematic! 

Can't wait to read the rest of your adventures! 


I've been around a Chick Fil A for most of my life, and I STILL forget that they're closed on Sundays! 🫠

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