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Live from Odyssey to Harmony Feb 10-25, 2024 🚢🥳🍾🌊🏝️🐚☀️

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Two more days of work. I’ll work from home today and head into the office tomorrow. Pup Pup needed to go in for a dental today. Now he is what I call a stress pooper. He gets very stressed in the car. Now even though it has never happened in the car, I still spend the entire ride thinking he is about to cover the seat in 💩. When he gets out of the car within the first 30 seconds 💩 just starts pouring out. Every single time.🙀



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I got the early morning phone call from Dupable. She wanted to share with me all the ways I’m doing my live wrong. I’ve gotten way off track she says. I can’t just be posting anything I want. I shouldn’t be telling folks I won’t answer their questions once on the ship. That just isn’t nice. She is threatening an appearance. If I don’t do better she is going to have to step in. 😭




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Like Dupable said, this is supposed to be about cruising! Well then let’s get back to cruising. We are now 43 hours out and my procrastination is in overdrive. I decided to just get a haircut once on the ship. So went ahead and booked that for day 1. The plan for today is to finish up laundry, pay bills, get all my trip docs together. That will leave all the packing and shopping for tomorrow. It seems odd to me that this has felt like the longest week of my life yet I’ve gotten very little done. I guess I’ve already switched to vacation brain. 🤪

Taking a little lunch break. I needed to go out and fill up the gas tank and wash the car. I figured I’d grab some lunch while I was out. Today it is French onion soup and a chicken breast. 




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This entire situation is all Dupable’s fault. I took Pup Pup in for his dental this morning. Why did I do this? Dupable that is why. 

I knew that I needed to get him in. I planned to do this in March after my trip. In mid January Dupable forwards me an email saying our vet is offering 10% off dentals in Feb. Well Wolf had just spent a lot on a dental for his dog a few months before so I knew how expensive it can get. I decided I should jump at the opportunity. I soon find out they only do them on Thursdays and today is my only option. I decide to take the risk and the discount would make it worth it.


They ended up needing to extract two of his large molars. So he now has sutures in his mouth. He needs medications and has restrictions for the next few weeks. I’m leaving one dog that won’t eat and another that has just been sown up and is on drugs. 

The best part was when they handed me the bill. It showed I was getting a $40 discount. So I take a page out of Dupable’s book and ask them to check the math. Last time I checked $40 is not 10% of $1350. The woman immediately says let me get the office manager. The woman comes out and very sweetly explains that the fine print notes that the discount is only applied to the basic cleaning. I counter with it feels a little bit like false advertising. In my head I’m now thinking Jesus, I sound just like Dupable. So I plant a smile on my face and thank her for explaining. Then I go to hand her my payment. She now starts explaining to me that the amount charged to my card will actually be 3% higher unless I have another form of payment. Now I’m just flabbergasted. I was just at this vet a few months ago and I knew I had used a credit card. I use them to buy everything and I’m well aware of places where I won’t want to. She explains it is a new policy they just implemented. Lucky me. Like mother like daughter I simply handed them my credit card. I wanted my dog back!🤣

It is ridiculous that people need second jobs just to take care of their pets.


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13 minutes ago, Denversail said:

This entire situation is all Dupable’s fault. I took Pup Pup in for his dental this morning. Why did I do this? Dupable that is why. 

I knew that I needed to get him in. I planned to do this in March after my trip. In mid January Dupable forwards me an email saying our vet is offering 10% off dentals in Feb. Well Wolf had just spent a lot on a dental for his dog a few months before so I knew how expensive it can get. I decided I should jump at the opportunity. I soon find out they only do them on Thursdays and today is my only option. I decide to take the risk and the discount would make it worth it.


They ended up needing to extract two of his large molars. So he now has sutures in his mouth. He needs medications and has restrictions for the next few weeks. I’m leaving one dog that won’t eat and another that has just been sown up and is on drugs. 

The best part was when they handed me the bill. It showed I was getting a $40 discount. So I take a page out of Dupable’s book and ask them to check the math. Last time I checked $40 is not 10% of $1350. The woman immediately says let me get the office manager. The woman comes out and very sweetly explains that the fine print notes that the discount is only applied to the basic cleaning. I counter with it feels a little bit like false advertising. In my head I’m now thinking Jesus, I sound just like Dupable. So I plant a smile on my face and thank her for explaining. Then I go to hand her my payment. She now starts explaining to me that the amount charged to my card will actually be 3% higher unless I have another form of payment. Now I’m just flabbergasted. I was just at this vet a few months ago and I knew I had used a credit card. I use them to buy everything and I’m well aware of places where I won’t want to. She explains it is a new policy they just implemented. Lucky me. Like mother like daughter I simply handed them my credit card. I wanted my dog back!🤣

It is ridiculous that people need second jobs just to take care of their pets.


Lmao !!  ... guess what 3% of 1350 is ?



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I wasn’t gonna do it but here we go, let’s talk about expressing glands. I kinda feel like this live is a little 💩out but then Dupable called. She wanted to know what happened at the vet. I’m like I’m not repeating myself so you can lecture me twice. You go catch up on the blog and give me a call back. Let’s just wrap all that 💩up in one. Her first guess was that he 💩everywhere. So I thought to myself, maybe my readers are now invested in 💩. 🤔


After I paid the ransom on Pup Pup, they led me to a room to meet with the doctor. This is what happened next…..




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The doctor enters with, your dog has quite a bit of anxiety. She then proceeds to describe my dogs anxiety to me. The only way she could quiet him down was to let him sit near her lap while working on her computer. 🤣 That was her lead up to, he did express his glands while he was here. We went ahead and cleaned him up. In other words, your dog 💩all over himself. Just lovely. His 💩 will now also need to be inspected for the next several days. Mr. IT is going to be super thrilled about that. 


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Times up! We have about 25 hours before the train leaves the station. The plan is to leave work by 11 at the latest and head to Costco. I then need to go home and take a work meeting. I will then run to the grocery store. Then back to the house to pay bills, get documents in order and pack. See how everything just rolled over? I’ve got this. No problem. 



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Dupable just called. She will be calling all day. She wanted to let me know that she was right. Everything she predicted is about to come true. It has started snowing. It is snowing a lot she says. 

Now it has only been snowing for about 5 minutes. We should see a break in the snow this afternoon before the temps drop more and it starts again tonight. Then it isn’t expected to stop prior to our departure. We will see what kind of delays this causes us tomorrow.


I did do some weather research earlier this morning and it is looking pretty decent for the first cruise. I tried to discuss some of these details with Dupable but she wasn’t having it. Why are we talking about this when we will just be stuck here in this snow? 🙄


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I thought I was doing well. I’d made some good progress. Work is done. All the shopping is done. I even decided I had time to go get my nails done. Then as I was leaving from the nail place I finally answered my phone. It turns out Wolf developed a migraine while I was getting my nails done. This involves loss of vision and vomiting.


Wolf who hasn’t packed anything, finished his laundry, or fed his dog will need to go take a nap to shake it. What horrible timing!


Now I need to pack, finish laundry, pay bills, get my documents, and feed his dog. 15 hours to go. 




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Dupable did want to add some comments here yesterday. She couldn’t figure out how to post. I told her if she changed her handle to Dupable I would help her. I mean if you aren’t going to show up in character why show up at all?


I totally kid, well kind of. I did try to walk her through it over the phone. That didn’t work. I will help her before we get on the ship so she can share her perspective. 

In the mean time.. I know she was most anxious to share that she would be delighted to be everyone’s errand boy. If you have questions she will find the answers!




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I have a very exciting announcement! Dupable has agreed to document her cruise review on camera. We will interview her for her perspective throughout the trip. Can’t wait to bring her all to you!


12 hours until pick up. I’ve done everything but pack. Wolf is back up and seems 80%. That is great news!






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It’s here! We made it! The day has finally arrived. Our flight is scheduled to depart in 5 hours. I’m not seeing any delays yet. It snowed overnight but isn’t snowing now. I managed to get everything done. Mr. IT even gave me a crash course on my videos. Now I just have to throw some final items in my luggage and take a shower. Then we are off! I’m so excited!



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Wolf and I are ready to go. That’s a wrap on how to successfully procrastinate. That’s how you do it folks. We are just sitting here waiting for Dupable. She told me earlier she was running late. She is always late. At least she’s consistent. 




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30 minutes ago, Denversail said:

She is now 25 minutes late and won’t answer her phone. I’m considering calling an Uber. 

My father would have already left without her. Hope she turns up soon.

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2 hours ago, Denversail said:

She is now 25 minutes late and won’t answer her phone. I’m considering calling an Uber. 

Had I realized you didn’t have tsa pre….you should have totally taken Uber. 

Talked to mom and she was at gate comfortably waiting for boarding with you two no where in sight. 

love you all - 

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6 hours ago, Denversail said:

Wolf and I are ready to go. That’s a wrap on how to successfully procrastinate. That’s how you do it folks. We are just sitting here waiting for Dupable. She told me earlier she was running late. She is always late. At least she’s consistent. 




I'd have come up with an earlier flight and given her THAT information if late is her history. One of my friend groups has someone who is ALWAYS late, so we always tell her we're meeting 30-45 minutes before we actually are so that dining reservations, etc. aren't missed.

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Well Dupable and Good Sport finally showed up about 30 minutes late. After a few grumbles from Wolf and I, the car was loaded up and we were on our way. The drive was pleasant and pretty uneventful. Then we arrived at the airport parking lot and chaos erupted. Dupable decided to try out a new place for this trip. Honestly I was surprised we had even made it there. Good Sport kept trying to turn right when the GPS was repeatedly telling him to turn left.


We first entered the parking lot through the shuttle entry. We figure out that this isn’t right and turn around. We find the customer entrance and Dupable tries to scan a code that she printed out in 200X zoom. A woman pokes her head out and says that won’t work it is too big. She tells Good Sport to pull out a ticket. She says something else that I couldn’t hear in the backseat. Good Sport pulls away. 


This leads to us circling the lot trying to figure out where we should go. Good Sport and I are now shouting at each other. We finally find someone and they tell us to go to the opposite side of the parking lot. We finally park and get on a shuttle.


We get on the full shuttle and Dupable and Good Sport start sharing our struggle with the other passengers. Someone speaks up and says the lady at the front should have told you where to go. Good Sport says well she didn’t tell us. The guy says she called it Two-Blue. He says he had to ask what she meant, she explained Two for T. He says I don’t know why she said it like that, everyone knows T is for Tango. Good Sport responds, oh that is what she meant. The guy continues to explain that it is also printed on the card. At which point Dupable pipes in and says, oh that is what that was for. 🤦‍♀️image.jpeg.62e852f9bde2824010ea3d5a33befab6.jpeg

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We get to the airport and the Walmart section is mobbed. You need to find a kiosk, print your luggage tags, attach them to your bag, then get in another line to hand them your bag. I see Dupable get access to a kiosk so I move on to take care of Wolf and I. 


Wolf and I get our bags checked and go to find Dupable and Good Sport. I find Dupable in line for another kiosk. She says after all that the kiosk wasn’t working. I look up and point out to her that it is odd that it is working for those people.🤔


Wolf convinces me the only way we are moving forward is if I do this step for her. I get to the bags part and she says Good Sport will be checking two. I assume she means one for her and two for Good Sport. She says no no, just Good Sport is checking two. So I make it one bag each. She says no no, just Good Sport is checking bags. This is Walmart of the skies. Everybody gets two free bags and yet she’s insisting I put them both under Good Sport. This is where I snap. She finally stops arguing, I get the tags printed and we start heading towards security. As is the norm Good Sport needs to stop at the bathroom. So we stand around waiting for him. I had heard it announced that they only had one security opened currently. Good Sport rejoins us and we proceed to security. 


Now this is the longest line I’ve ever seen at DIA. It has to be 500 people deep at least and is wrapped behind the escalators. We get to the line and Dupable’s says… her and Good Sport are going to jump in the pre-check line. We will just see you at the gate. So much for sticking together! Now after all this it is Wolf and I who are at risk of missing our flights. 🤬

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By this time Wolf is swearing never again. He is never traveling with her again. Now he says this a few times every trip but not usually in the first few hours.


We stand in line for what feels like forever. As we’re approaching where you show them your boarding pass and ID an airport employees pops in front of us. He ask me when our flight is. I tell him and he cringes, he says what gate, another cringe. He says you still might make it. He tells us to remove all our metal and go to the far line. It will be the fastest. 


We get to the point where you walk through the scanner thingy and I move through quickly. Wolf goes to follow and I stop him and tell him to stay over there and finish pushing our stuff through. Another guy passes Wolf and goes through the machine and it starts beeping. Security: Sir, the machine has randomly selected you for screening. We barely dodged that bullet. 😬


At this point our flight has already started boarding. We are still 3 terminals away tying our shoes. Wolf and I bolt to the train, we were lucky that a train was approaching in 30 seconds. We ended up power walking to our gate. We get there right as Walmart is about to start boarding the last groups. We got to the gate @ 9:30. We only had a few minutes to spare. A screening in security or a delayed train and we wouldn’t have made it. I’m now sweaty, I need to pee, and I’m starving. Dupable is smiling. Now I’m seeing red. I informed her I’m not talking to her again until we are in Florida. Dupable doesn’t understand why I’m irritated, we all made the flight. What is the problem?


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