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Holland America Volendam solo from San Diego to Ft Lauderdale


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Hi there, this will be my first solo cruise and I am so looking forward to the experience. I boarded today and we’re due to sail away any time now. So far it’s been wonderful doing what I want according to my own whims. I can’t promise to post every day but I’m planning to record some of my impressions of the journey. I’m planning to attend the ship’s Meet and Greet for solos a little later and I’m pretty curious to get an idea of how many people cruise solo. Ciao for now! 


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Most solos don't go to the Meet  and Greet in my experience and I have well over 300 days sailing with HAL. They are usually at inconvenient times. On my last cruise, the ship only had 1solo meetup. 

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5 hours ago, sambamama said:

Most solos don't go to the Meet  and Greet in my experience and I have well over 300 days sailing with HAL. They are usually at inconvenient times. On my last cruise, the ship only had 1solo meetup. 

Very true, but I gave it a try. 

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, kelliebiz said:

Very true, but I gave it a try. 


How did the solo meet up go?   I cruise solo most of the time, and sometimes on HAL.  I love solo travel!  I don't go to the solo meet ups either, as I'm not really into organized groups so it's just not my "thing".  I do love meeting people though, solo or otherwise, all over the ship, in the bars, lido, by the pools etc.  🙂


The Panama Canal trip is so great, and I'll be watching to see whatever you decide to post.  It looks like you may see the eclipse tomorrow! 


Thanks for posting!





Edited by oakridger
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2 hours ago, oakridger said:


How did the solo meet up go?   I cruise solo most of the time, and sometimes on HAL.  I love solo travel!  I don't go to the solo meet ups either, as I'm not really into organized groups so it's just not my "thing".  I do love meeting people though, solo or otherwise, all over the ship, in the bars, lido, by the pools etc.  🙂




I left before anyone showed up for the solo meet up. I think I bailed at 5 minutes past when no one else arrived. I learned later that maybe 4 people were there? But I missed it. Since this is my first solo cruise I thought I’d go see what they had to say, if they offered anything in particular to solos, that sort of thing. So I still don’t know!


But I am loving it so far. It’s wonderful doing what I want without negotiating with a partner, and having the cabin space all to myself is great. I’ve met plenty of people just out and about everywhere on the ship. Today was a sea day so I just wandered about checking different programs and music locations, sitting next to people and starting very basic conversations like hi my name is Kellie, then they identify themselves, and we launch into where are you from, are you doing an excursion tomorrow, what do you do, that sort of thing. This is not the usual way I live my life as I do have a partner at home, so being forward about introducing myself and asking if I can join in to a group is still new. But it’s not hard and it’s flowing just fine. Everyone is very friendly and receptive so I am enjoying it. 

oh yes and I am hoping to get a good look at the eclipse. I’m on a ship’s excursion during eclipse time so I hope the tour operator allows time for viewing it. We should be at about 95% totality while we’re ashore in Cabo so that is exciting. I brought some eclipse glasses! 

I see we’re from same area, so hello neighbor! 

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On 4/7/2024 at 10:01 PM, kelliebiz said:

...But I am loving it so far. It’s wonderful doing what I want without negotiating with a partner, and having the cabin space all to myself is great...I’ve met plenty of people just out and about everywhere on the ship...Everyone is very friendly and receptive so I am enjoying it. 


I see we’re from same area, so hello neighbor! 


Hello back from the East Bay! 👋


It looks like you are off to a great start on this Panama Canal cruise and meeting some interesting people!  I'll be checking back to see what you get up to along the way.  How is the live music in the evenings?



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Today I took a ship’s excursion to San Jose del Cabo and happily the coach was not full so I got to spread out on the seats. I decided since this is my first solo venture I will stick to ship’s excursions this trip. I can get by in Spanish but I’m not fluent in Spanish or any of the port languages so for maximum comfort level I will start out not doing any independent outings on this my first solo voyage. 

We got a good look at the eclipse with about 95% totality so that was fun. Streaky intermittent clouds blocked the sun here and there but mostly we could see it with eclipse glasses. Fantastic!


Back on the ship for lunch in the Lido and I sat at an empty table, soon to be joined by folks asking if they could sit with me. This is a common thing and even on day 3 I’ve already met several people this way. Typically these conversations have lasted only for the duration of the meal for me and that is fine. This is especially true when a couple sits with me. If a single sits with me there tends to be more effort at conversation. 

There are a half dozen folks I’ve bumped into repeatedly and chatted up for much longer conversations and these are turning into nice connections. Yesterday I walked into the trivia venue to find very few open chairs so I approached a group of three ladies who had an open chair next to them and I said Hi, can I sit here and be on your trivia team? They said yes of course, please join us! That’s turned into a good connection and to this point we’ve had dinner, we’ve played trivia twice, and stayed for the fun music immediately after the trivia twice. 

There’s a lovely couple from New Zealand that are in the same FB group with me, and we’ve had a fun time bumping into each other daily and always spending time for a chat. There’s two friends who stayed in the same pre cruise hotel as me and we’ve bumped into each other for a chat each day as well. 

It’s only day 3 and I feel very comfortable there are people to hang out with if we all want to, and there are plenty of people who will spend an hour with you. I say this for benefit of folks who post in the forum asking how do you get the courage, how do you talk to other people, how do you keep from being lonely. You can do it! The opportunities are there if you choose to follow them. Most people I’ve bumped into are receptive and they’re on vacation just like you and they are interested in meeting interesting new people just like you. 

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1 hour ago, oakridger said:


How is the live music in the evenings?


It’s adequate for me, though Volendam is a small ship so there aren’t as many music venues as almost any larger ship. I’m attaching the activity itinerary for tomorrow and you’ll see the entertainment in the lower right portion. I haven’t made it to hear the cocktail pianist yet nor have I been to any musical performances in the bigger theaters yet. The Ocean Band is pop hits mostly, with a singer and 4-5 backup musicians. Piano Bar Entertainer plays popular music, takes requests, and encourages you to be loud and drink with sing alongs. The String Trio is more sedate with no vocals and they are lovely as well. 




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Posted (edited)

Hi @kelliebiz, I'm also a solo cruiser, always on HAL, now approaching 5.  Everyone has different preferences but I've always loved the small ships, now only two R-class left, of which Volendam is one. 


Depends on your age group, I suppose, but after 5 or so cruises on the humungoudams (Pinnacle-class ships), I've sworn off of those.  If I were asked to characterize them using only one word it would be:


The "Music Walk" on the Pinnacle ships is deafening -- constantly, every evening.  And there is some acoustic design flaw in their MDRs, so that you can't converse with your tablemates at dinner due to the ambient noise.


So the music choices you describe on Volendam have always suited me just fine, particularly now that there is no more classical music available on the big ones.  


Wish I had noticed your post sooner.  I would have told you to watch the Daily for the singles and solos sea-day lunch in the MDR.  As @sambamama has noted, the solo meetup early in the cruise is generally poorly attended. So like @oakridger and @sambamama, I don't bother with those.  However, I have ALWAYS experienced a good turnout of pleasant folks at the single/solo lunches.  Some voyages have only one of those, but you have a lot of sea days on your itinerary, so on your cruise they may have more than one of those scheduled.


BTW, Rich @richwmn (originator of the awesome "Daily" thread on our HAL board) is currently on your ship, last leg of his world cruise, so keep an eye out for him.

Edited by AV8rix
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Hi Av8rix


yes, I’ve been following his 134 Days thread for quite a while now. I have not met him yet but I really hope I will. My best bet is to hang out at the daily trivia events I believe. So far no luck. There was one solo lunch maybe the first sea day, but I did not attend as I was off doing something else. I hope they repeat it. I’ve had no trouble at all linking up with people for meals and chitchat and I do love these smaller ships because I will bump into those same people repeatedly. I did sail on the Statendam long ago (wow it was 20 years ago!) and that was even smaller than this ship but it’s no longer part of the fleet.

thanks for reading along! 

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1 hour ago, kelliebiz said:

Hi Av8rix


yes, I’ve been following his 134 Days thread for quite a while now. I have not met him yet but I really hope I will. My best bet is to hang out at the daily trivia events I believe.


Yeah, look for him at Trivia.  Glasses, full gray-white beard.  You can't miss him.  😊😊😊.

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Today was an interesting attempt at dinner in the main dining room. I’ve only eaten there twice so far and both times I sat with some ladies I had chatted with previously. Wonderful dinners at a table for four with new friends. Today I went in alone and asked to be seated at a table to share and was ready to have a meal with someone new. At the same time a man came in asking for the same, a table to share, so I asked him, would you like to share a table? He said sure and his wife was coming along right behind. Great! I was ready to have a meal with them and chat. 

the problem came when we were seated at a table for eight. I shrugged it off and the couple and I chatted, where are you from, all of that chit chat. Then they brought another couple. Then another. Now we’re a table for seven! It was not what I was anticipating and not what I typically enjoy but oh well, it’s only one meal. But then no waiter came. And we chatted and waited. Someone poured us water and brought bread but no waiter came. So after 10 minutes I’m thinking, this is going to be a loooooooong dinner. Another 5 minutes go by and I’ve decided to bail, but I’m waiting for the chitchat to pause to I can apologize and leave. Right as I was going to stand up the waiter finally shows up but I have already decided this was going to be too drawn out (especially with SEVEN people) for me to enjoy. So as the waiter started to speak I did stand up and apologize and went to the Lido buffet. And it had nothing to do with my fellow passengers at the table, it was just that I didn’t want to sit there for 2 hours waiting for everyone to finish each course. 

oh well, lesson learned, next time I ask for a share table I’ll insist on a smaller table. I’m sure there are many who think, The more the merrier, but not me for a three course meal. But all’s good, I’m on vacation, and this has been the only thing I’d call a hiccup so far. Everything else has been wonderful with people interactions. 

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Yes, you learned a good lesson. Tables of eight, even if you know the people already, are inherently problematical. You often can't hear what the people across the table are saying, so you either wind up shouting to them or ignoring them, being forced to speak only to those sitting next to you (who you may or may not enjoy speaking to).


And most conversations involving multiple parties inevitably descend to the common denominator. When I cruise solo, If I speak to someone at a bar (or elsewhere on the ship) before dinner, and if I enjoy their conversation, I'll suggest we have dinner together---at a table for two. A two-person conversation (assuming the two people are compatible) are always more interesting than group conversations. You can truly get to know each other and discuss the topics that really interest you.




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Yes, my previous dinners have been at smaller tables with folks I have met along the way. This time I thought I’d show up and see what happens. I don’t like big tables even when out with friends! It’s like you said, you can’t hear. Tonight I’ll be meeting some ladies I have already dined with at a table for four, perfect size. 

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16 hours ago, kelliebiz said:

oh well, lesson learned, next time I ask for a share table I’ll insist on a smaller table. I’m sure there are many who think, The more the merrier, but not me for a three course meal. But all’s good, I’m on vacation, and this has been the only thing I’d call a hiccup so far. Everything else has been wonderful with people interactions. 


On my last cruise, I took my book to breakfast in the buffet area, set down my book and water glass on a table for two that was near an empty table for four.  To my surprise, I returned to find an entire family seated at the table for fouro and then the seat across from me.  I *should have* excused myself and found another table for myself, but I felt like I should be polite and stayed.  The entire family acted as if I was joining their table instead of them taking over my table 🙂 We did make conversation - I would stay silent sometimes, listening to them, and sometimes they'd include me in the conversation.  They were a very nice family - and I kept running into them around the ship!  They really wanted to make sure I was okay.    

I'm not much of a morning person so staring out at the water, reading my book, and enjoying my coffee is the best way for me to wake up without words!  I'll be on a cruise in a few weeks and will need to remember to protect that alone time at breakfast 🙂


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18 hours ago, SparklingPinkDaisy said:

@kelliebiz  how's the rest of your week going?  


Hi SPDaisy


It’s been going very well and I have nothing I’d really want to gripe about. The journey is about half over and I’ve seen places I’ve never been before, plus I’m a big time birder and I’ve spotted 24 new bird species so that is fabulous. I’ve booked a ship’s shore excursion at each port, and so far they’ve been a mixed bag. One was an actual birding excursion and that was the absolute best so far. One was a coach ride to a neighboring town, and it felt like it matched up to as advertised. The next two felt like we spent more time at the shopping stops than we did at the activity portions of the excursions, which wouldn’t be my preference. 

Typically I’ll order a simple room service breakfast and coffee then lounge in my room till mid morning. I always check the daily activities to see what I’m interested in and on sea days there’s always something to do. Today I plan to attend a chat with the Cruise Director at the big theater and after that an informational talk about the next port coming up. 

A fun thing is that I can expect to see the same folks at certain activities each day, like I know who plays the trivia sessions and I can plan to team up with them. Same with the Piano Entertainer performances. Those two spots have kinda become where I hang out in the afternoons and evenings. Also there’s another woman who likes the cocktail happy hour so I know I can meet her there for a chit chat. There’s two couples and three solos that I know I will bump into here and there around the ship and we always stop to share stories about what we’ve all been up to. 

Someone mentioned me being an extrovert and I really don’t consider myself to be one at all. I just made a decision to talk to people and I’ve been able to make good connections that way. I’m on the Roll Call here on CC for my trip but that’s not very active. I’m in a FB group for my trip and that was very fun before the trip. Lots of chat there and so by the time we boarded I knew several people’s names and was happy to meet them in person on the ship. I think half of the people I hang out with aboard are from the FB group and half are just random people I’ve struck up conversations with and the connections have stuck. 

Well that’s enough for now, I’ll have more to share as time passes. Thanks for reading along, and I’m certainly willing to answer any questions anyone has. See ya later….

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On 4/11/2024 at 3:38 PM, SparklingPinkDaisy said:


On my last cruise, I took my book to breakfast in the buffet area, set down my book and water glass on a table for two that was near an empty table for four.  To my surprise, I returned to find an entire family seated at the table for fouro and then the seat across from me.


This would have really annoyed me and I probably couldn’t have helped myself from telling them they’ve invaded my space! In that situation, I wouldn’t have minded if they’d taken my extra chair to their table, but if they actually included my table in their loud conversation I’d definitely be annoyed. I’d want to move too. At this point in my life being polite is no longer my main priority. Of course I always DO try to be polite, but if I have to choose between my own comfort and being polite, politeness loses. Like when I bailed on that big table of seven a few days back 😄

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I’m getting really comfortable with these room service breakfasts! I only wish I didn’t have to choose a time in advance the day before because then I feel committed to be up and ready for them. Would love to wake up naturally and snap my fingers to get the meal to appear instantly 😄 but it doesn’t work that way. Today we stopped in Puntarenas, Costa Rica and I had a tour booked called Crocodile River Safari. We loaded up in a coach about 11am and took about an hour’s drive to get to the Tarcoles River. The crocodile tour company provided a cold drink which was very welcome in the 90° heat and about 60% humidity. We boarded the smallish boat with about 45 people and off we went. 

Sure enough, crocodiles and caimans were easily spotted within just a few minutes. After spending 30 minutes with the crocs, caimans, and basilisk lizards our boat moved on and the guide pointed out lots and lots of birds, many of which I had never seen. This is always greatly exciting to a birder to see a new bird, and I got a little adrenaline jolt whenever we spotted a new one. I’ll attach a few photos. 

A fruit snack after the boat tour was given then we headed back to the ship. We had a stop at a souvenir shop along the way and I did pick up a t shirt, some candied nuts, and a chocolate bar for gifts. We’ll see if I can actually get the chocolate home without it melting. Once back at the ship I cooled off in my room for a while then went to the lido for a quick bite. I came across two gentlemen I’ve bumped into a few times and enjoyed some quick conversation about our individual adventures for the day as we ate our lunch and then we all went our own ways. After that I met up with some friends for music trivia and cocktails, followed by a 45 minute show by piano bar entertainer. 

That was a pretty busy day! This is actually a pretty good example of how I’m spending my days. Up through dinner time I might be doing a variety of things, but most evenings I find myself doing the music trivia and piano entertainer show with the same folks. Tomorrow I’m meeting a friend for breakfast in the main dining room instead of room service. 







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7 hours ago, oakridger said:

@kelliebiz Can you try to post your bird pictures again please?  Something weird happened above!!


Have you spoken with @richwmn Rich at the evening trivia yet?  I've been following his reports for a couple months now!



I’ll try again with the photos, I see just a black screen instead of any pics. And yes I did introduce myself to Rich one night. We didn’t really talk  but we did meet. It’s always nice to put an actual person with an online presence 👍🏼

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34 minutes ago, kelliebiz said:

I’ll try again with the photos, I see just a black screen instead of any pics. And yes I did introduce myself to Rich one night. We didn’t really talk  but we did meet. It’s always nice to put an actual person with an online presence 👍🏼

Sorry we didn't talk more, hope to run into you again before Fort Lauderdale. If you want to call, I'm in 3300.


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