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The Amerikanis Candris line

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I was just thinking about the first cruise I ever took - Candris Line, I was wondering what ever happened to that Line and Ship. I sailed her 18 years ago on my honeymoon. Anyone else?

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Chandris Line bought their first large passenger ship, PATRIS, formerly Union-Castle Line's BLOMFONTEIN CASTLE, in 1960 for service between Europe and Australia. In the 1960s they amassed a large fleet of second-hand passenger ships both for the Australian emigrant service as well as for cruise service in Europe and North America. The Australian liner service ended in the 1970s and the company switched to full-time cruising. At their peak from the mid-1970s through mid-1980s, Chandris were the largest passenger shipping line in the world, until being overtaken by Carnival.


AMERIKANIS had been built in 1952 as KENYA CASTLE for Union-Castle. In 1967 she was sold to Chandris and was rebuilt for seasonal North Atlantic liner service as well as cruising in the off-season. By the time her refit was complete in 1968, Chandris had decided against beginning the Atlantic service and put her into cruising full-time from the US. Later she also operated cruises in Europe.


In 1989, Chandris started up a new upscale brand, Celebrity Cruises, at which point their existing ships were re-branded as Fantasy Cruises (a name which had already been used in the US for some years).


Gradually, the Fantasy Cruises brand was phased out, first in the US and then in Europe, and the ships were sold off. The last Fantasy ship to be retired was AMERIKANIS in 1997, at which point the Fantasy Cruises brand disappeared. In that same year, Chandris exited the cruise business by selling Celebrity Cruises to Royal Caribbean.


After being retired, AMERIKANIS was laid-up in Greece until 2001, when she was scrapped in India at age 49.


She was a very pretty little ship, and extremely popular both in the US and in Europe.


In the 1980s and 1990s my family took many cruises in Chandris ships as a friend of the family was an executive with Chandris in New York at the time. My own first cruise was in 1993 in HORIZON, the first Celebrity Cruises newbuild. Later they built the magnificent CENTURY-class ships, the culmination of 40 years of experience in the cruise industry.


I and many others were very sad when they sold out to Royal Caribbean. I still miss them in the cruise industry today.

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This link shows a photo of the Amerikanis in October 1984. My future wife and I were on RCCL's Song of America during hurricane Josephine. Although we were told it was a tropical storm during the cruise, the damage to the interior of our ship, the close proximity to the Amerikanis, and the IMAX film about the space shuttle that showed this hurricane, says otherwise! As 21 year-olds, we had the time of ourlives! http://community.webshots.com/user/swissfred100

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Doug: Thank you for the informative information re: the Chandris Line. It caused me to go back and check my photos and other souvenirs from my voyage from Australia to New York. I had listed the Angelina Laura as the

ship I had sailed but your post had "rung a bell." I had sailed on the Ellinis.

What a voyage! I was 21 at the time, had 4 roommates--the youngest

was 68 and the oldest was 84. We circled a cyclone and had to strap into our bunks at night to keep us from rolling out. Didn't eat much for 3 days. Lots of the older folk kept their life jackets on 24/7 for those 3 days too.

Only had two ports of call in 29 days, Tahiti and Balboa -- at the entrance to the Panama Canal. Those were the days of first and second class. We second class passengers did not have access to the first class section of

the ship. I was travelling alone -- such an adventure for a 21 year old! Thanks for the memories!

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  • 1 month later...

After two weekend cruises to "No Where" on the SS Britanis, (1984 & 1985) I sailed on the Amerikanis with my three closest friends on a 7-day NYC to Bermuda Cruise - August 4th 1987. We were all in our early twenties! We had an enormous cabin! It was cabin L41 (I can't believe I still remember!) and it had two upper and two lower berths and a HUGE shower! When we were in Bermuda, we were hit with a tropical storm and had to leave early. I remember how rough the seas were and that they didn't allow passengers on the outside decks! The ship had a list the entire week of the cruise! Otherwise, it was clean, luxurious, the service and food were outstanding (at least in the opinion of a 23yr old!). It was a cruise I will never forget - we still laugh hysterically when we reminisce about our cruise!

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The Amerikanis was the first ship that I cruised on..back in 1983. Loved it so much that I cruised it again in 1984. I was a chaperone (I was in mid 20's at the time) for 2 high school Senior cruises. She was a grand old ship and I had a grand time.



As one can read from my sig line, I cruised her as a teen with my family. There were lots of other teens on board and we had a blast! Of course this was before "kids clubs." We didn't need them then, and my kids don't need them now. We all made our own fun. :-)

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What an elegant lady she was -- we cruised Christmas '92 -- "cruise bus itinerary" (embarked and disembarked passengers every other day at Martinique, Caracas and San Juan) -- our cabin was in an outside position on the ship and indeed had windows -- that opened up to a solid bulkhead! obviously we were at the short end of a refit -- you could see the bolts of the metal patch on the outside of the bulkhead when standing on the pier.


She was a bit worse for the wear when we were with her but the elegance of an old liner could been seen everywhere -- in the murals on the Lido deck -- in the faded art deco/Grecian decor in our cabin -- in the ornate fireplace and globe that were hiding behind more contemporary furnishings in one of the upper lounges --


We had a funky and fun cruise with a cosmopolitan passenger complement (Americans were a small minority on board) -- I still remember her significant pitch and roll as well as the piles of "sickness bags" that were left everywhere for passengers -- I remember the "can do" spirit of the crew and the incredible shows that the very small group of entertainers managed to produce -- different each night of the cruise -- and I also fondly remember the quarter slot machine that would quickly double $5 to $10 (every day) so that I could keep my son in quarters for the game machines on board -- and who could forget our Captain who dressed up as Santa on Christmas day and called everybody onto the outside deck for egg nog and to present gifts to the kids on board......just as a huge squall overtook the ship. By the time we could get inside we were all dripping like drowned rats.


We cruised a few times before, and many times since, but this cruise does stand out clearly in our memories unlike any other.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was just thinking about the first cruise I ever took - Candris Line, I was wondering what ever happened to that Line and Ship. I sailed her 18 years ago on my honeymoon. Anyone else?


The Amerikanis was the first cruise took in 1972. It was a beautiful ship and we have fond memories of it. We cruised to Bermuda amd hit a hurricane the last day abord ship. I was sick as a dog but loved cruising. Since then we've cruised 11 times our inside cabin had velvet wallpaper and fresh fruit every day. The crew gave DH a tour of the engine room, cause he was in the navy and the chei9f engineer gave him a set of Greek worry beads that he still has today.

Great memories:)


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  • 3 months later...

I cruised on both the Olympia and Amerikanis - 1970 and 1972 to Bermuda Both were trips I will never forget - it's been a long time ago. Anyone remember the bands on those ships - became very good friends with one member, spent some time in Greece. Oh the memories!!! - here it is 2006, I'm a grandmother, and two of my children are now on their first cruise to Bermuda. I keep telling myself I will do it again, and have made up my mind to go again within the year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We cruised from Boston on her in 1972...it was our first anniversary. We booked that 10 day cruise for $305 per person. As we were getting onboard they informed us that we were upgraded...our first upgrade!!! The service was fantastic...and she had been refitted beautifully. Our cabin had the thick flocked wall paper and a huge marble bathroom...we even had a TV!!! Everything about her was nice. The best thing about her was the great crew and the entertainers who kept everyone going full speed. I still have my menus and programs and the menus would put any of today's ships to shame.




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  • 5 months later...
I was just thinking about the first cruise I ever took - Candris Line, I was wondering what ever happened to that Line and Ship. I sailed her 18 years ago on my honeymoon. Anyone else?

This was my first cruise also, June 18th, 1979 aboard the SS Amerikans.

The cruise was from Palma de Majora, Spain to Italy,Siciy,France and Tunis, North Africa. We flew out of JFK New York for this 2 week vacation.

Celebrity Cruises bought the Chandris Line and replaced the Amerikanis ship with the latest vessels. Keep in touch. e-mail akeel2@cox.net

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I was just thinking about the first cruise I ever took - Candris Line, I was wondering what ever happened to that Line and Ship. I sailed her 18 years ago on my honeymoon. Anyone else?


Wow! That brought back memories! My wife and I sailed on the Amerikanis in late July, 1991 for our honeymoon. It was my first cruise and I didn't know if I had so much fun because of the cruise experience or because I was on my honeymoon :rolleyes:


We did a southern Caribbean itinerary that left out of San Juan on a Monday. The service was excellent. The food was incredible, and the attention we got from the staff was unmatched.


Although she was an old ship by then and didn't have the stabilizer technology modern ships have today, I think that added to her character. Though the first night at sea from Curacao to San Juan was really rough and I don't think anybody was thinking about the ship's character that night. Just "where's the Dramamine?"


It's definitely a memory I carry with me to this day (the cruise, not the seasickness!). I was very sad when I heard she was scrapped.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I cant beleive I really found a board dedicated to Amerikanis!! As I just looked at my signature I decided to peek on the internet just to see if there was anything out there on her....(SS Amerikanis). Low & behold I surprisingly find a board here on CC!

I browsed through some posts.....we recently looked at our Amerikanis pictures from August 1987 and we *sighed*.......Altho some of you remember her as being elegant and regal, we look back on the pictures and see her as no comparison for the beauty & elegance of most ships now- even the smaller ones. I guess we cruised on her towards the end because in retrospect it looks like a run down- low ceilings, narrow hallway, swimming hole, worn out arena- comparitively! (that being said it is still one of my most cherished memories)

We sailed from NY to Bermuda and until this day Bermuda is my absolute most favorite place ever! Been back 3X since. Sailing from NY was rocky and I ended up meeting the nurse with a shot in my butt. I dont get seasick anymore :) We had a cabin(ette) of a stateroom, lol on the lower-most deck but we were barely in our early 20s & married a couple of yrs, who knew!?

It was definitely a most memorable time!!

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When we were on the AMERIKANIS, in 1972, she was really nice. She had been refurbished a few years before and looked like she was in fine shape. Sure the ships today are much more spectacular but they don't compare with the charm and grace of the old ships. It was more the service that you received and the care that was taken for your pleasure and enjoyment. Today everything is mass produced onboard...back then everything seemed to be custom made. I can remember getting ready for dinner each night and going up to the Rendezvous Lounge for a cocktail. There were 2 Greek waiters who ran the room...and they could keep 200 people happy...all at the same time. My wife would arrive a bit later on her own and the two waiters would literally drop everything they were doing in order to meet her at the entrance and escort her over to our seats...then hover over her until she ordered. They were fantastic. It seemed like there was an extraordinary barteneder, server or waiter no matter where you went on the AMERIKANIS. Even the deck stewards would make sure nobody got sunburned and they would cover you up if they thought you had enough sun. The dining room was wonderful and our waiters were the best. One night they had baklava for dessert but we had to have a cake for someone's birthday. I told one of the waiters that I was sorry to miss the Baklava. When we got back to our cabin that same evening...there was a big plate of baklava waiting for us. Now that is what I call service!!! One of the people dining with us complained that there was no shrimp cocktail...for the next 9 nights...we were swamped with shrimp. They really wanted you to enjoy the cruise. The service was much more personal in those days and it made the cruise soooooo enjoyable.:D

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The things that stand out in my recollections of the 1975 Amerikanis cruise were a couple of firsts. By then it was our 6 or 7th cruise so we had some experience. It was the first time we encountered crew from India. Our room steward was from India or Goa. It wasn't our first time for having an Asian crew since we had cruised on HAL and much of there crew even back then was Indonesian. Another first for us was having a dance troop for entertainment which included all of about 4 chorus girls. Now we're use to seeing dance troops of a dozen or more dancers but it was original back then. Even then I felt the ship was dated in design but well maintained.

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We did Amerikanis very early in our life, February of 1978. We flew from Baltimore on a charter (National Overseas Airlines?) to San Juan for the So. Caribbean cruise, St. Thomas, Martinque, Granada, and more. We went cheap and booked as low as possible. To shower, we had to go down the hall. It was our first cruise and didn't know any better. But, we had the time of our, at that time, lives!! So really sorry to sea her end up as car parts. The irony is that now Chandris (X) is now Celebrity, part of RCL, our #1 favorite line! Diamond members, shareholders, and great fans of Royal Caribbean.


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When we were on the AMERIKANIS, in 1972, she was really nice. She had been refurbished a few years before and looked like she was in fine shape. Sure the ships today are much more spectacular but they don't compare with the charm and grace of the old ships. It was more the service that you received and the care that was taken for your pleasure and enjoyment. Today everything is mass produced onboard...back then everything seemed to be custom made. I can remember getting ready for dinner each night and going up to the Rendezvous Lounge for a cocktail. There were 2 Greek waiters who ran the room...and they could keep 200 people happy...all at the same time. My wife would arrive a bit later on her own and the two waiters would literally drop everything they were doing in order to meet her at the entrance and escort her over to our seats...then hover over her until she ordered. They were fantastic. It seemed like there was an extraordinary barteneder, server or waiter no matter where you went on the AMERIKANIS. Even the deck stewards would make sure nobody got sunburned and they would cover you up if they thought you had enough sun. The dining room was wonderful and our waiters were the best. One night they had baklava for dessert but we had to have a cake for someone's birthday. I told one of the waiters that I was sorry to miss the Baklava. When we got back to our cabin that same evening...there was a big plate of baklava waiting for us. Now that is what I call service!!! One of the people dining with us complained that there was no shrimp cocktail...for the next 9 nights...we were swamped with shrimp. They really wanted you to enjoy the cruise. The service was much more personal in those days and it made the cruise soooooo enjoyable.:D



ahhhhh.........you know, I was probably too young to either appreciate the service or the staff catered to those that were more in the know. I was barely 22 yrs old but even at that young age we appreciated the finer things...I do recall the stewards being very attentive, Im guessing the rest I didnt notice. I will have to scan and post some pics from our Amerikanis vacation back then!!

we love RCL and the staff throughout the ships we've been on have always gone above and beyond to make our stay amazing. the second time we cruised Voyager some of the same staff from our prior vos cruise were on board again and remembered us immediately!

All in all, our first cruise & still very memorable :)

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I was only 23 years old at the time...so don't feel bad. I was just a bit more experienced so I knew what to ask for...and...more importantly...how to ask. By all means...do post some pics from you AMERIKANIS cruise...would love to see them.


As an ocean liner collector...I have managed to collect several early bundles of AMERIKANIS memorabilia. The early menus are fascinating. There is nothing out there today that could compare with these.


We like RCI also...we are booked for the JEWEL OF THE SEAS (our favorite ship) transatlantic crossing this October/November.


I was actually onboard the old GALILEO when the Chandris family were planning its conversion to the MERIDIAN...the first CELEBRITY ship. I guess you could say I was present at the birth of CELEBRITY...LOL.

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I was only 23 years old at the time...so don't feel bad. I was just a bit more experienced so I knew what to ask for...and...more importantly...how to ask. By all means...do post some pics from you AMERIKANIS cruise...would love to see them.


As an ocean liner collector...I have managed to collect several early bundles of AMERIKANIS memorabilia. The early menus are fascinating. There is nothing out there today that could compare with these.


We like RCI also...we are booked for the JEWEL OF THE SEAS (our favorite ship) transatlantic crossing this October/November.


I was actually onboard the old GALILEO when the Chandris family were planning its conversion to the MERIDIAN...the first CELEBRITY ship. I guess you could say I was present at the birth of CELEBRITY...LOL.



I havent had time to scan my old amerikanis pics :( There is nothing too exciting though lol

I collect SO many things, but I've looked once or twice on ebay and never found anything. I should have been looking all these years i've collected antiques and other vintage stuff.

My husband and I definitely want to do a transatlantic, probably without kids- once they are both out of college,lol (or in college!)

I'll keep checking back..Im going to go look for my pics lol

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CGTNORMANDIE, I have pictures of the public rooms of the Amerikanis but unfortunately they are color slides. I don't know a way to scan those.


I agree, there is nothing like sailing out on an Atlantic crossing. We've done four and each has been special. It is a voyage rather than a cruise.

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This is a pain...but...you can take the slides to a camera store and they will turn them into prints and put them on a disc. Well worth it to have a piece of history in your possession.


I can't wait for my Transatlantic!!! That will make my 7th crossing!!!:D



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