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Newbies review the Maasdam: 3/25-4/5


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Maasdam 3/25-4/5 2006: Review from a Newbie!

I'm going to post this in a few parts.

My husband and I decided to do a REAL vacation for our 5 year anniversary. We chose HAL because we didn’t want a party boat and didn’t want to be around a LOT of kids. At age 31, we were only a bit concerned about the stereotype that HAL caters to an older crowd, but we didn’t find that to be a problem at all. Overall, we had a great time and are trying to figure out a way to get back on the Maasdam before she leaves Norfolk for good next December.

*NOTE* The cruise director (Doug) specifically asked us all to write Seattle to tell them how much we all appreciate the close proximity of Norfolk as a departure port. Doug said they really like Norfolk and hope to be back. So, if anyone out there wants to write Seattle and beg them to come back, I know a lot of people would appreciate the support. I sure will!

Norfolk: Drove down (about 4 hours) and parked the car at my cousin’s house. He’s stationed at one of the Naval bases there. Had a nice lunch and he & his fiancé dropped us off. We didn’t get to the pier until about 2:30, so there was NO line, NO hassle and we were on the boat within 15 minutes. We wandered around a bit and wound up at the top of the ship to watch us pull out of port. Went to the Crow’s Nest for a drink and met Larry the bartender. Went to dinner, met 2 of the 3 couples we’d be dining with. The seas were a bit rough and the 4th couple didn’t show because of this.

Sea day: I have no idea what we did today. I can’t remember. Sorry. Probably wandered around the ship. We may have taken a nap. Hung out in the Crow’s Nest. We spent a lot of time in the Crow’s Nest this trip and got to know the staff very well. I think we closed it up most nights. We were supposed to have a CC get together in the Crow’s Nest, but I must have had the time wrong. I’m sorry I missed you guys!!!!

HMC: We wound up on a small observation deck that is a maze to find your way to (we were the only ones there) as we pulled into HMC and I will never forget it. Did the kayak excursion, enjoyed it greatly. Note: if anyone is interested in this trip, our guides were not any help at all with teaching us how to paddle. Matt & I already knew, but one 60-something couple did not and had lots of trouble. The coves you are in are beautiful and if you close your eyes you would believe you are the only person on earth, it’s that quiet. We then found a spot on the beach & got sunburned on the front half of our bodies. The ocean was too cold to get in, though some people braved it. We actually tendered back to the boat in a lifeboat, which was pretty cool.

Sea day: High winds, heavy seas, LOTS of motion. Got seasick, but not too bad. Missed dinner (second formal night, dammit). I think I would have been fine but we took a long nap and I woke up to a warm room with a mostly empty stomach, tried to eat something and it all went down hill from there. Matthew did a couple loads of laundry around 3 am and scared the hell out of a couple crew members who didn’t think anyone would be up. He also got to wander the ship with no one around and check out the art and antiques. I wish I’d been along for that.

St. Thomas: Matt & I decided we wouldn’t go back here for love nor money. 5 ships in port, but the problem wasn’t the people. Traffic was horrendous, and because we were at Crown Point you had to take a taxi anywhere you wanted to go. We couldn’t just walk off the ship to where we wanted to go, and a LOT of people were angry about this. Shopping was supposed to be terrific here. Took a taxi to Havensight ($10) and all we found was expensive watches and diamond-encrusted gold as far as the eye could see. Gimme a break. I wasn’t feeling too terrific due to my seasick episode the day before, so we didn’t stay long, didn’t buy a thing, and headed back to the ship (another $10). The taxi rides were no fun, at one point I thought we were going to kill a pedestrian, but at least it took my mind off not feeling well. Got some lunch and went to the top of the ship and watched the sea turtles hanging out on the other side of the pier. Very cool.

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Dominica: We did one of the Emerald Pool excursions here and had a Pinnacle Grill lunch (very good, but I still didn’t have much of an appetite). Note: if you are interested in seeing the Emerald Pool, HAL describes it as a ’15 minute walk’ through the rainforest. They fail to mention that it also included over 100 steps down and then back up. Lots of people were having trouble with this. The drive around the island was beautiful, it is very lush and green. They have 365 rivers (“A river for every day”) and lots of banana groves and pineapple farms. We stopped at a small building where we were served a drink (coke for me, very sweet rum punch for Matt) and some people in traditional garb did some songs and dances for us. Beautiful harmonies and very strong voices.


Barbados: Loved it here. We took a taxi to Orchid World and now we have orchid envy. :p I think we’re going to get a few. We also went to Earthworks Pottery and bought a bunch of stuff. Really beautiful colors. We went back near the pier and went to Pelican Village Craft Centre, where all the stuff sold is made on the island. I highly recommend this place. We had decided we only wanted to buy things locally made on this trip (and had a hell of a time finding things on some islands). Pelican Village is a 5-minute walk from the pier. Be sure to pick up a package of the locally made candy: Guava cheese and tamarind balls. OMG, very good.


St. Kitts: We docked next to an Ocean Village ship (never heard of them). I was really looking forward to the beaches on St. Kitts, but it was raining that day & about 60 out, so we didn’t hit the beaches. We took a taxi to the Brimstone Fortress & I think we were the only people on the ship to do so. Loved it. Yes, it is a bit of a taxi ride there, but you get to go by the harbor where Columbus’ ships were in 1493 & see other parts of the island. The fortress defies words, you really have to see it. I can’t imagine trying to fight my way up the side of that hill, or being at the fortress and seeing an armada in the ocean, firing at us. :eek: We also saw a monkey running across the road in front of us on the way back, and bought a couple prints of Brimstone from a painter. On the way out to sea we cruised along the coast and went by the fortress & past Nevis.


San Juan: Loved it here, too, will definitely go back. Unfortunately, it was Sunday and most shops didn’t open until 11am. We found a little plaza and hung out here people-watching with the priest from the Maasdam for an hour and a half until shops opened. He was great fun, I couldn’t believe the things that he was saying. :D We bought two hammock-style chairs for our porch (and the lady in the shop hugged and kissed me before we left) and went to the Chavin shop and bought some wonderful cotton clothing. Then it was back to the ship because we had to. We would like to spend more time here, too. When we were leaving & passing the old fort, EVERYONE was up there flying kites. We got to watch the Noordam come around the bend and follow us out to sea, and that was really nice.


Two final sea days: We wandered the ship and hung out in the Crow’s Nest. I sat and read up on the sports deck for a while. We also did a Galley tour, which I would recommend to everyone. Great fun. I couldn’t believe how clean that kitchen is. Mine isn’t that clean and I don’t feed 1200 people 3 times a day.

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Dining: I was impressed with the food, not necessarily what was being served but in the portion size, which is a total departure from the mega-restaurant chains that give you 3 days worth of food on one plate. I could have an appetizer, soup/salad, entrée, STILL have room for dessert and even then not feel stuffed. I know a lot of people stuff themselves on board. I wasn’t interested in doing that. I actually lost 4 lbs on this trip, and I know it wasn’t because I was seasick one day. I ate a LOT of fruit and am trying to keep that up. We tried lamb for the first time and loved it. Had 2 lobster tails (Matt had 4, and had his picture taken with them :p ).

We ate breakfast at the main dining room 2 times, otherwise all breakfasts & lunches were at the Lido. I found it crowded a lot during meal times and it was difficult to find a seat. We wound up not going to lunch many days and hit the salad bar and ice cream bar for a late lunch instead. Then, since we had the 8:30 dinner time, we would go for a pre-dinner dinner (salad & fruit, usually) around 6, then for a post-pre-dinner-dinner drink in the Crow’s Nest.

Staff, etc: Matt & I agreed: we have never seen a group of people, large or small, who worked so hard and so well together as a team. There were no holes in their service that we experienced. And I’ve never met a nicer group of people. A few I’ll mention in particular: Jeff at the Lido pool, Brata the doorman, the Crow’s Nest bartenders Larry and Rodel and their staff. The Asst. Beverage Manager and the Head Steward for our area would stop and gab with us when they could, and Leo our Wine Steward would stop and talk or do card tricks every night at dinner.

Ship, etc: The Maasdam is in drydock as I write this. They actually started working while we were on board: by the last night the lights had been removed from around both pools, and the spa and Crow’s Nest staff had started packing up and moving stuff out. I guess she needs it, but I was happy with the ship, its layout and facilities. I especially liked the size of this ship. Compared to the Noordam, well, I thought the Noordam was way too big.

Spa, etc: I got my hair cut on board by a wonderful Australian woman and I can honestly say it was the best cut I’ve ever gotten (and for $57 plus tip it better be!) We also got massages (Matt got two) and they were very good. Didn’t use the workout stuff; I know they are expanding that during drydock too. The staff was great. The manager of the spa was talking to me towards the end of the trip: “And my office will be here. I don’t have an office right now, just a desk, but it will be nice to say ‘Come into my office’ and then sit and talk with people.”

Shops, etc: I bought a Dam Ships hat. That’s it. I thought seriously about the Roman glass jewelry and some amber earrings to match something else I had, but didn’t find what I wanted. We’d heard a lot of people talking about the prices of the alcohol in port and on the ship but decided we didn’t really drink much so we wouldn’t bother with that. Ha. The last day we were walking by the liquor shop and stopped. We looked. We turned to each other and said “Let’s just go in and check out the prices, to see what everyone is raving about.” Well, we walked out with 6 bottles. :D Including some Amarula, wow is that good.

Bars, etc: Not heavy drinkers. We wound up hanging out in the Crow’s Nest during almost all our spare time, though, because during the day it was empty and at night it was fairly entertaining if only for the people-watching. Got to know the bartenders and the waitstaff up there well. I thought the DJ music was way way too loud, but the band ‘Lookout’ was very good. The Crow’s Nest is currently being gutted for a new design and décor, I hope it doesn’t ruin the feel of the place. We didn’t go to any other bars, but did sit in the Explorer’s Lounge a few times to check out the views.

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Thank you so much for your wonderful review.


I was curious, you mentioned the CD, Doug, is that Doug Dunnell??


We did this trip last fall and it was great. Glad you had such a nice time. Do you have your next cruise planned yet??



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Ok, now the fun stuff: Highlights!


The Noordam was in 4 of the 6 ports we were. Quite funny, we’d leave port and she’d still be there. The next day, we’d reach the next port and she’d already be there. A couple times we’d be in the Crow’s Nest and we’d look out the window and see the Noordam’s lights about 2 miles out and behind us. 20 minutes later, she’d be sneaking up on us. 20 minutes later, she’d be abreast. She’d flash her lights at us as she passed and keep on going. About an hour later she was way ahead. I thought flashing the lights at us was a nice touch, though. Kind of “neener neener, we can go faster.”

One of our new friends (only a bit older than our 31 years) got her 300 day award on board and then went and won the free cruise bingo game.

One of the cabin stewards on our floor was trying to improve his English by talking and singing to himself while he worked. So, we’re passing by a room of his and hear him singing “If you’re happy clap your hands on the air! If you’re happy clap your hands on the air!” He also started calling us Mr. & Mrs. Happiness and took to jumping out at Matt and I to scare us when we walked by. We got him back though, Matt jumped at him once and scared him so bad he did a dance and screamed like a little girl. Another time he was vacuuming and Matt unplugged the cord in the hall and stood there, crouched and waiting, until he came out to plug it back in.

We found out one of our favorite crew members (Jeff at the Lido pool) was up for promotion and the Crow’s Nest staff wanted him. My husband went to talk to the Bev. Manager about him, and I’ll be damned if the Bev. Manager didn’t come up and buy us a drink. He had been on the RCI ship when the groom ‘fell’ overboard and told us ALL about that. AND Jeff got his promotion by the time we got back to Norfolk.

One of the best things that happened. Backstory: my husband is Buddhist. White all-American born in Jersey, but finds Buddhism suits him well and he wears his prayer beads fairly often. He wore them on board almost all the time, and got questioned by a couple crew members on the first day ‘Oh, are you Buddhist?’ By the second day we had crew members all over the ship making a beeline for us and introducing themselves. A few things were said that made it obvious that they had heard through the grapevine. We had 500 new best friends, even the Muslim & Christian Indonesian crew members would come over to us, specifically, to talk to him about it. It was truly a beautiful thing and we felt most welcome.

We had our picture taken often and bought a few good ones from formal nights. We only had one picture taken getting off the ship (at San Juan) and while the picture isn’t too good of the two of us, we had to get it to prove they really do take your picture for every event and with any prop they can find: there is a huge semi truck parked behind us, but it looks like it’s going to run us down. It is a great picture, and I’m showing it to everyone telling them it is the mandatory picture they take when you are about to get hit by a truck.

One couple from our dinner table was in their 80s and were on their 59th anniversary trip. When I met them, the first thing I thought of was the Not-So-Newlywed story I read on the "What's the Wildest Wackiest Craziest thing you've seen on board" thread. (The story goes a couple in their 90s on their 60th anniversary were asked 'Where is the most risque place you've had sex?' and the answer both of them gave was 'Last night on the Lido deck.') :eek:

Rumor had it a woman flushed one of the vacuum toilets while she was still sitting on it and they had to take the door off the hinges and pry her off, but I think it was an urban legend. Opinions?

All in all a great time. I've been telling everyone I know they have to do this. Thanks again for the great information, everyone!

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Yup, wonderful review, and thanks for sharing. We were on the cruise just before yours (disembarked the day you arrived), and agree wholeheartedly with your positive assessment of the Maasdam and her crew.


I got a special kick out of your review, because my wife and I are 34 (actually, she celebrated her 35th birthday on board). The difference is that we now have a 2 year-old daughter, so our days of closing down the Crow's Nest are behind us (or about 20 years ahead of us, depending on your perspective). I really enjoyed living the cruise through your eyes, as I hadn't realized just how much my personal experiences have changed until reading about yours. You are your husband seem to have a wonderful relationship and a refreshingly positive outlook on life; I draw inspiration from that and wish you all the best in the future!

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Great review (and funny;) ), thanks! Good to hear you guys had a nice time. Congrats on becoming Mariners :) Do you remember who the hotel manager was?


I was on Maasdam Mid March and checked my Cruise Log, the Hotel Manager was Kees Strueding. Like every other post I have read, I can't say enough about how great the entire crew on the Maasdam is. I too am planning on sailing on her again before she leaves Norfolk in December.



Sayyadina, thanks for the great review, and the tip on calling Seattle about keeping the ship in Norfok. I will definetly let them know.












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I was on Maasdam Mid March and checked my Cruise Log, the Hotel Manager was Kees Strueding. Like every other post I have read, I can't say enough about how great the entire crew on the Maasdam is. I too am planning on sailing on her again before she leaves Norfolk in December.



Sayyadina, thanks for the great review, and the tip on calling Seattle about keeping the ship in Norfok. I will definetly let them know.



Thanks for the info "D"! Much obliged!:)

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It's so nice to hear from first timers who had a great time on HAL. The crew really sets the tone for the entire cruise experience.


Since Norfolk is investing a lot of money in their Nautica cruise terminal, I don't know why HAL has decided to give up the Baltimore-Washington-Tidewater market where millions of people can drive to the port.



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We heard lots of reasons HAL is pulling out of Norfolk, and definitely did not get the impression that Doug gave the OP that the cruise staff will really miss docking there.


The Nauticus has apparently been a debacle. YEARS late, with repeated promises made by the local government that were subsequently broken. Notice that HAL isn't the only line pulling out--I think they're all tired of dealing with the current untenable boarding/disembarkation situation.


The cellarmaster told me that they pay anywhere from 25% to 50% more when purchasing wine in Norfolk than any other home port HAL uses. The reason is Virginia's antiquated blue laws that drive up supplier costs. But the wine prices on the ship are fixed, so they lose a lot of margin for every bottle they have to load in Norfolk.


Due to both the horrid customer service situation at the current Nauticus and the almost inevitable rough seas on the first and last days of voyages to/from Norfolk, the staff dreads having to deal with the predictably higher number of stressed out passengers.


Finally, we heard that HAL has trouble filling the Maasdam on most voyages. Apparently those millions of people in the BWI/WAS area don't really want to drive to Norfolk to take a Caribbean cruise.

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After several months of reading this board, I am convinced that for the most part a cruiser's enjoyment of the cruise is based more on the cruiser than it is the cruise. This review is another example of that -- lovely people looking to have fun and be kind to their fellow human beings. I actually felt good just from reading this review. Isn't that what life is all about? :)

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Sayyadina....thanks for the great review...lots of interesting detail...and how wonderful for you as first-timers to have such a great cruise..congratulations !! here's wishing many more cruises in the future for you...:o

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Nice to hear about all those wonderful times on MAASDAM.


Loved hearing Larry was back in the Crow's. He's the best.


Doubt MAASDAM will be returning to Norfolk after this year's run is over. She'll be sailing out of Lauderdale in 2007.


Did see Royal Caribbean will be sailing from Nauticus.

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Hi again,


Yes, the Hotel Manager was Kees.


After reading what some other posters said on here, I kind of doubt the Maasdam will be returning to Norfolk, too. Maybe Doug the Cruise director was just being nice by saying they loved it in Norfolk. I intend to write Seattle a letter, anyhow. The terminal itself is coming along; when we got off the ship it was full of about 400 workers waiting to board for drydock (most were speaking Itallian). This made getting off the ship that much, ah, easier. Ha, it was a madhouse.


A couple other funny things that happened (my husband suggested I post these):


One night about midnight when the waves were a bit bad, Matt & I were in the Crow's Nest and it was dead except for another couple in a corner. The two male waiters were so bored they started pole dancing and pretending to strip to the slow song the band was playing. I don't know how the band could keep a straight face and play, it was a riot.


Also in the Crow's Nest early on in the trip, it was very busy and the band was playing Beach Boys "Surfin' USA." They are really good, but they have a bit of an accent, so "Bushy bushy blonde hairdo" didn't really come out like that. The 'B' sounded more like a 'P' and the 'sh' didn't sound like and 'sh' at all. Conversations stopped briefly, and Matt and I looked at each other and said in unison "Did they just say what I think they said?!"


Another one, this one a little more graphic: on our excursion walk through the rainforest in Dominica, our guide would stop at trees and explain what the locals used them for. One was a tree that men would remove the bark and chew it as an aphrodisiac. Our happy young guide was very excitable about what the effect was (direct quote: "It makes your p**** stand straight up!!") As if that wasn't funny enough, a couple old ladies in front of us didn't follow ("I didn't understand a word he said, I wish they would learn English!") We got the giggles talking about how we might try to explain it to them, you know, what we might say and what diagrams we might use, props, etc. :)


We're trying to figure out how we can take another Maasdam trip before the end of the year. Addiction has officially set in!



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Jody, if you book another Maasdam cruise please let us know! My wife and I would LOVE to cruise with you--your attitude is so much like our own it's almost scary!


I will let you know! We are currently trying to figure out how we can do this *and* buy two kayaks with all the trimmings, so we'll see. :confused:



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