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Wow, I can't imagine having that kind of nerve pain in the back. When I had my surgery in 86 for crohn's they severed several nerves in my abdominal wall and my left leg was completely numb for several weeks. When the nerve pathways began to reconnect themselves it nearly drove me nuts from the pain and tingling. I can't imagine having something like that in my whole back.

I'm sure you've been asking yourself what that stench is lately. That's my diet and exercise plan the past 2 days. It really stinks. :o I can't seem to get it together. Ugh!

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[quote name='adoptmom']Shelia,

Wow, I can't imagine having that kind of nerve pain in the back. When I had my surgery in 86 for crohn's they severed several nerves in my abdominal wall and my left leg was completely numb for several weeks. When the nerve pathways began to reconnect themselves it nearly drove me nuts from the pain and tingling. I can't imagine having something like that in my whole back.

I'm sure you've been asking yourself what that stench is lately. That's my diet and exercise plan the past 2 days. It really stinks. :o I can't seem to get it together. Ugh!

Tami[/QUOTE]Tami, you are soooo funny! Good one!

I've lived with the back pain for almost 10 years now so it is a part of my life. I'm just tired of it and have been working to get rid of it for about 5 years. I have good days and bad days. My back doesn't hurt every day, thank goodness! I just can't do a lot of physical activity without it killing me. I can't even bowl now. :( I'm so glad to have found the Leslie Sansone workout series because they are all back friendly. :)
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Hi Shelia!
My name is Sheila too (spelled slightly differently though) and I'm also in Alabama and I'm also a Crimson Tide fan! :D I'm considering going on the SB diet to lose a few pounds before I cruise again in March. I don't know much about the diet yet, so doing a bit of investigation into it.
Would appreciate recipes from anyone who is on this diet!
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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Can any of you ladies give me some of your lunch ideas? My DH and I are really tired of salads and I have run out of ideas of my own. I have no imagination when it comes to planning meals so I really need help.[/color][/font][/b]

[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Thanks in advance.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#8b0000]Rose[/color][/font][/b]
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Hi Sheila!

Rose, I can't eat salads more than every other day so I have lots of ideas! The easiest is leftovers from dinner then night before. I almost always cook enough for at least 1 day's lunch. I also do alot of rollups. If you're in phase 1 you just skip the tortilla and roll up fillings in the meat itself otherwise I take a low carb/high fiber tortilla and layer meat, veggies, cream cheese or hummus or salsa or mustard and roll that up. I do the same with nut butters. I usually use macadamia/cashew butter or sunflower seed butter (we dont' do peanuts in our house due to allergies) and either chop up some celery for crunch or I found some apple butter that has only 1 gram of sugar per serving and spread that on a tortilla. i'm going to make myself some apple butter next weekend that uses splenda and a bit of molassas instead of the brown sugar or redhots. I'll let you know how that works.

Soups are also great, especially coming into fall. Bean soup, veggie soup, broccoli soup are all great. I make a great soup with butternut squash that's just squash, chicken broth, salt and a dab of sour cream for garnish that even my kids love.

Yesterday I was supposed to take a salad to game night and we're all low carbing so I made mock potato salad with cauliflower instead of potatoes. It was really good. I also make cole slaw alot and my own version of baked beans. (We can't use the commercial ones anyway because they put corn starch or syrup in them and my youngest DD is allergic to corn.)

Anyway, those are some ideas off the top of my head. If you want any recipes let me know. I've got tons.

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Alright. I'm sick of playing around with this diet thing so today I'm setting goals and committing myself to them. I was able to do this last winter and drop 30 pounds in no time but I've just been messing around all summer. Christmas is 3 months from today :eek: and here are my goals for Christmas morning.

1 - Lose 22 pounds (that puts me at 188)
2- Lose 5 inches off my hips
3- To be able to run 3 miles
4- To drink 64 ounces of water a day.

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Hi all!

It has been no picnic, the past 18 days. Sorry I had no time to check in. I am still hanging in and have lost 3 pounds. Wow! This happened in the midst of the ACI-NA, a big convention in Houston at which I volunteered. Hard to admit but I brought my lunch or just ate the authorized stuff.

Sheilia, nice to see that you are still on the boards and sorry to hear about the back pain. DH has a problem too and is using his electro-fit to help the nerve endings. It seems to help. I am using it to reduce the plantear fasciatis (spell?) I have under my left foot and it helps too.

Sheila, nice to meet you.

Bunny from Ontario, hi, I am originally from Quebec so you are a neighbor.

Adoptmom, it sounds like you and I are at the same weight. If you want to be at 188 by XMas, or less 22 pounds. Can we really lose 8 pounds a month??? I will be happy at 5 to 6 pounds a month. Menopause is part of the problem for the slow loss, so says SBD's daily dish. That is encouraging. Everyone is on this program, down here and they all tell me to hang in there. It just takes time. Yesterday, someone noticed that I was losing and made me feel great. She said that my skin tone was great and I am only down 15 pounds. At my size, I thought it was not noticeable.

So Tami, like you, here is what I want to commit to:
Down to 194 by Christmas and
Between 5 and 6 AM
Work up to a mostly jog up to 3 miles, 3 times a week (Mon. Wed. Fri.)
Full body work out once a week, Saturday morning
Lower body workout, and crunches (Tues morning)
Upper body workout and crunches (Thurs morning)

Well gang, today is a wonderful day in Houston, I am off for the second day in 18 days, just treadmilled for 40 minutes and now, I will clean the doggone house. Manana, will be grocery shopping day and I am looking so forward to it.

We are all in the same boat, it's nice to know we have this great support group.


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I came up with 22 pounds based on 1.5 per week which is very doable for me. I'm not to the post menopausal stage yet and I chase after 3 kids under age 9 all day. ;) Last winter I lost 30 pounds in 3 months. I figure this time will be a little slower because I have less to lose.

I also get the daily dish from SBD and love it. I have a bunch of the articles and recipes archived and I dig them out when I need a push or want to try something new.

Well, I'm zonked from walking all over the festival today so I'm off to bed. "See" ya'll tomorrow.

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Hi, Everybody,

Welcome, Sheila. I found this wonderful group right after I started on Phase 1, and they have been a tremendous help with moral support, recipes and other great advice. I'm sure you'll find the same.

Shelia, I can't believe you have all that going on with your back but the doctor says you don't need surgery yet. I hope you can get some relief soon. Thanks for the warning about the Neurontin. I'm so glad now that I didn't try it. I went online and so many people said they never did feel "right" on it and that the brain fog didn't lift. It took my daughter months to adjust to anti seizure drug she's on.

Beth, I'm so glad you were able to get such wonderful help for your back problems. I wonder if we'll ever have those options here in the states.

Tami, being new to South Beach I don't know all the ins and out, but I think you're so right that the only way it works as far as steady weight loss goes is to stick with it and not just play around with it. The "play around with it" part might work for those who just want to maintain a loss and have the metabolism to do it.

Rose, sometimes for lunch I'll use leftover meat from dinner and do a light stir fry for lunch. I've also had vegetable soup without pasta, took out any potato pieces and added shredded low fat or fat free cheese. I like plain foods so I can make do with a tomato sandwich made from just 1 slice of whole wht. bread and a cup of tea with Benefiber added. If I eat lightly at lunch I usually have sugar free jello then or not long afterward. I keep some extra lean hamburger patties in the freezer and can thaw and cook those for lunch pretty quickly and have sliced pepper or tomato with it. Or those thicker pre-cooked ham slices. (check for no sugar added). Also I buy the low carb tortilla shells. You can use one for wraps, quesadillas, etc.
I reached my goal of 10 pounds on Wednesday.. just under 4 weeks. I might have been able to do it without your support, but I'm not sure about that.... remember how discouraged I was after the first week? I think I can use another 3lbs or so off, but will still move closer to phase 2. Until now I've stayed pretty restricted like phase 1 1/2. I think I'm going to be one of those people that will always have to keep my carb count fairly low so as to not gain back the weight.

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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue]Shae....congrats on reaching your 10 lb goal. [/color][/font][/b]

[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4169e1]Welcome, Sheila.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4169e1][/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4169e1]Thanks, ladies, for your lunch suggestions. I am willing to try anything. Those rollups sound great and my DH loves soup. I do try to have leftovers from dinner the night before, but I am a poor planner and sometimes I just don't cook enough. [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4169e1][/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4169e1]Have a great Sunday everyone.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4169e1][/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#4169e1]Rose[/color][/font][/b]
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Thanks for the congrats. You all know I sincerely appreciate the help, too. I know your support is going to help me keep it off. I do have a "planned cheat" coming up in 2 weeks with Fall Festival. My daughter and S-I-L are coming up for it, and she and I are already planning to share a funnel cake. In the past we would have one each. She said she'll also have a kabob or a gyro before which will help with the temptations for other "bad stuff". She's not overweight but is starting to watch her carbs and fats because she has gained weight on the anti-seizure drug.

I made little low carb pizzas/low fat pizzas last evening using the Mission brand low carb tortillas as the pizza crust. They were really good. We found they taste better when you bake them on a rack over a cookie sheet rather than just on the cookie sheet. Gives a nice little crunch to the edges. I used "lite" ham sausage, mushrooms, and red pepper. I forgot to add some onion. I used mostly fat free mozzarella cheese, but did add a sprinkle of shredded 6 cheese Italian cheese for an extra touch of flavor and improved texture.
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Hey everybody! Boy, I've been a BAAAAAAADDDDD girl this weekend and am now paying for it. We were suppose to go to an upscale restaurant last night for a nice anniversary dinner. Got to the reception area and we couldn't find the matre 'd (sp?). Our reservation was for 7:00 PM and we arrived at 6:50 PM. DH looked on the "reservation" book and our name was there. So, being used to cruising and having everyone fawn over you at an upscale place, I went to where the tables were and I politely asked a diner if she had seen the matre 'd. She asked me if I was with the Jenkins party. I said no and then she told me the place had been rented out for the Jenkins party! :mad: Now, why didn't they tell DH this when he made reservations? Anyhow, we ended up (way overdressed I might add) at my favorite Mexican restaurant. I ate so much that I got sick. I mean REALLY sick. My GERD was soooo bad, I thought I was having a heart attack! My back feels better though. I swear, if it isn't one thing, it's another!

Hi the OTHER Sheila! Where do you live in Alabama? I live in Prattville. Funny story....we talked to our friends in Scotland this morning and they told me that they were watching a "Stupid American Crooks" show last night on the tellie and there was one actually from Prattville. Figures, huh? BTW, didn't it suck that we lost to Arkansas yesterday? Gosh, why did Brody have to go and get hurt AGAIN? Poor kid.

Rose, DH and I usually take left overs for lunch every day. If they're aren't any left, we take a low-fat sandwich on whole wheat bread. I normally make chicken salad or we have 98% FF sandwich meat. I always eat Ricotta Creme for my snacks also. I love those things with peanut butter!

Shae, congrats on reaching the 10 lb goal! I'm soo proud of you! BTW, another side effect from the Neurontin is stomach pain and I think it is contributing to my GERD acting up so much this week.

Well, until tomorrow.... :D
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OK, so I am having a bad time. I can't get on track. Just got back from a 2 day class in DC and the Highland games this weekend and I didn't pay any mind to my meals. Hotel food is loaded with carbs and fat. I was near the zoo, so I did spend 2 hours walking. At the Games I had fish and chips twice (yummy!) but I shared both times with my family. Then I had fresh a homade scone. And a beer. And I walked around a LOT. Hopefully all the walking has done some good.

Hopefully this week I will do a better job. Congrats to those of you still on program. As long as we are here to support each other there is hope!
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Hi guys! I'm kind of pooped tonight but wanted to stop in to say hi. I had a really nice day today. Played a round of golf with my DD. That's a first for us. But I'm also a bit bummed because she played almost as well as I do and she's only been playing for a few years. She didn't beat me but she came close. Time to clean up my game. :D

I haven't been near the scale this week-end. It's probably not going to be nice, so I'll put it off until tomorrow. Talk to you all then.

A fellow Canuck. Oh good! Hi Josette. :)

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It depends a bit on the length of your stride but they estimate 3000-3500 per mile. I'm 5'6" and 10,000 steps was 3 1/3 miles for me. I feel for you, BTW, I used to have gerd all the time. Since I lost weight I only get it if I eat certain things like ice berg lettuce, raw green peppers, bratwurst or raw basil. Wierdly enough hot foods don't bother me at all. I eat mexican, indian and hot chinese food all the time. Go figure.

I'm proud of me! :D I was very good this weekend even with a birthday party. I picked up some low carb ice cream and took it to eat instead of cake. I probably ate a little over my half cup but it was still better than the triple chocolate cake and regular peach ice cream they had and I didn't feel left out.

I still haven't gotten any exercise other than walking the festival on Saturday but I did get a few miles in there. Gotta get started on that but at least I'm making progress towards my goals.

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Tami, thanks for the info. I've been wearing my pedometer and just walking around the office, I've already walked 1163 steps and that is just by going to the bathroom, etc. I sit at my desk most of the day. I can't wait to see how many steps I take when I do my 3 mile WATP DVD tonight.

Great job on your eating this weekend. I wish I could say the same thing. Does anyone else have a problem sticking with SB on the weekends? I'm having SUCH a hard time. :(
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Yes, I do too. Friday nights and Saturday nights are a killer because we generally eat with friends or go out. This weekend I carbed out on Friday night but was able to do well on Saturday and Sunday so I ended up with a loss. I've noticed lately that if I go on phase 1 I only do good for about 3 days and then I stall. However, if I add back some cereal or a low carb tortilla I start to lose again. Wierd! :confused:

I'm tired! I didn't get in my exercise today but I've already done over 13,000 steps. Ugh!

I've been craving german potato salad so I played with a recipe tonight. It was pretty good so I'll post it. Just be sure you really, really cook the cauliflower because I didn't and it didn't get that potato consistancy.

Mock german potato salad:

Steam or microwave 1 bag or head of cauliflower until very tender.

In a skillet add 1/3 cup olive oil and heat. Fry 6 slices turkey bacon or 1/2 cup chopped ham. Add 1/2 cup chopped yellow onion and saute until translucent. Add cauliflower then stir in 2 T whole wheat flour, 1-2 T splenda, 1 1/2 tsp salt, dash of pepper and 1/2 tsp celery seed. Cook flour for a minute or two and gradually stir in 1/2 cup of cider vinegar and 3/4 cup water. Cook until thick and serve hot.

It tastes a little different than my Granny's recipe but that used potatoes, sugar, white flour and 1/3 cup of bacon drippings :eek: Yikes!

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