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I got food poisoning, should I report it?


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I was so out of it, I couldn't make any decisions. My roommate is a passive person, and not aggressive, she did what she could. She was very nurturing to me and took care of me the way she knew how to. Had it been the other way around, I'd have done more.


I did not see my doctor when I got back, I figured it would take it's course and go through my system.


My son has had seizures when he has been very ill. He has had MRI's, Cat Scans, etc, and they found nothing.

(Oh, and I didn't tell her about the seizure until hours later.)


I am not looking for compensation, but would like for my misery to be counted somewhere. I asked a few people by email afterward if they got sick, of the 4 people that replied, no one was sick.


I'm sorry to say but you & your friend seem very passive.


Please go get a second opinion on your son, it's not a good sign for anyone to be having seizures!

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You can get seizures from high fevers, but I've never heard of them from food poisoning. Also, did you eat anywhere else during your cruise? Generally, food poisoning takes 6-36 hours to appear and there a a couple of different varieties. Also, it usually affects many people as whoever mishandled the food didn't just do it to yours. Norwalk virus is simply a gastrointestinal virus, a stomach bug and is highly contagious and would have affected more than one person also. Seizures should never be ignored. There's a lot of illnesses other than food poisoning that could make that happen. There are viruses that can cause seizures. Seizures are a result of something happening in the brain, including viruses in your bloodstream that affects other parts of your body and you should get checked. Norwalk is viral and food poisoning is bacterial and it sounds more like you had a virus unless you had a high fever.

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we can feel, say and 100% beleive we have food poisoning but until a stool sample is taken from the paitient and the exact bacterial strain is identified, it is not officially declared food poisoning. yes it is true that if one person has it many people have it, and yes any suspected cases should be reported THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT because then the source (a sick person in the kitchen or contaminated shipment of food) will then be sought out!


further more there are many many straines of bacteria that cause food poisionig, some incubate for hours, some for months thus again a stool sample must be taken for 100% accuracy!


I know, i've had it before, its terrible. but it goes away in most cases in 24-36 hours so people forget and dont report.

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I was so out of it, I couldn't make any decisions.


(Oh, and I didn't tell her about the seizure until hours later.)


I am not looking for compensation, but would like for my misery to be counted somewhere. I asked a few people by email afterward if they got sick, of the 4 people that replied, no one was sick.


If you were so "out of it" and "couldn't make any decisions" how do you know you had a seizure?


Something smells fishy and this ain't tuna town.:rolleyes:

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You could certainly report your illness/symptoms, but you are not qualified to report it as "food poisoning." You simply don't have the credentials or diagnostic tools available at this point to make that call. But if you were one of many people reporting these symptoms, the powers that be could certainly look more closely at the ship/food prep procedures.


I agree with many that your symptoms seemed very serious. I cannot imagine not seeking professional help immediately after having a seizure.

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Well, in hind sight, I wish I had gone to a doctor when I got back. I recounted the days, and it was more like 8 days, not 10. And it's been another 5 days since then, I feel good as new, except for fatigue.

I don't know anything about Norfolk, other than the news story on it a couple years ago.


Glad you are feeling better, but I would echo the previous post that you still need to go to the doctor since a seizure was involved. I am not sure which ports your cruise went to, but we have to remember that at foreign ports, you can come across things that we don't have here at home.


A simply blood and urine test will either confirm that you are indeed ok or it could give you a heads up on a problem you may still have and don't know it.

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So you had a seizure and your friend didn't INSIST you be taken to the infrimary? And then you hung around at the airport instead of going to the nearest hospital? :confused:


Did you get any medical attention for the 3 days you were out of work? Could it have possibly been an allergic reaction instead of food poisioning?


Without some sort of documentation and the amount of time that has passed since you had it, I don't think you will get any recourse, however, it can't hurt for you to try.

The OP did not say anything about getting "recourse". I love how a lot of posts get twisted around.

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The OP did not say anything about getting "recourse". I love how a lot of posts get twisted around.


Yes, most of us realize that and are more concerned about the OP getting seen by a doctor to find out if there was something else that caused the seizure. I belive there were very few posts that mentioned getting anything out of this.

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I think you should report it. You may not can say what you had, but you can list your symptoms. I had something on the Glory and felt like it was food poisoning. Went to the doctor and was told I had eaten a good piece of meat and I wasn't used to it. So that good piece of meat made it come out of both ends for 3 days. They gave me pepto and that was it. I wanted off that ship so bad. Ugh!

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Having three family members with epilepsy they say you don't know you have had a seizure when it happens. So my question is how can you know if you have had a seizure? Are fever induced seizures different? Are there different types of seizures? I'm not being sarcastic I am just curious.

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I would start by going to your doctor and getting checked out. Especially since you've never had a seizure before, it could indicate something serious. Who witnessed the seizure (no one can witness their own) Was it a grand mal type, did you stop breathing during it, did it involve all your extremities? Or did you simply pass out and fall, possibly indicating a blood pressure problem for example. Many people use the word "seizure" too lightly. What were your symptoms afterwards? Were you post ictal?


Food poisoning could cause seizures. If you have vomited and had diarrhea for several days, and are severely dehydrated and/or have electrolye imbalance, then your blood pressure could be affected enough or the electrolytes could have caused a seizure. But this is days into the illness, not in the first day.

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The polls are in, go see a doctor. Get over your fears and quit stalling. It sounds to me like you are afraid to find out what is going on with your health. This matter sounds very serious! I think deep down you know what needs to be done. The answer is very clear. End of story.

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I contracted what I thought was norovirus on a Disney ship (self diagnosis, of course). Luckily, the symptoms didn't appear till the day after I got off the ship. I could have caught it anywhere.


I contacted DCL, simply to let them know that maybe they should "clean the room", and possibly prevent something.


They sent me back a form E mail, letting me know how common NV is, etc. all the things I already knew, yada, yada, yada....


I was SORRY I wasted my time. :eek:

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Can't episodes of Vertigo (inner ear problems) cause the same symptoms?
As can heatstroke. Been there.


To the OP: Having had food poisoning in the past, I was puking my guts out, not having seizures. So I suspect what you have going on is probably unrelated to your cruise.

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Having three family members with epilepsy they say you don't know you have had a seizure when it happens. So my question is how can you know if you have had a seizure? Are fever induced seizures different? Are there different types of seizures? I'm not being sarcastic I am just curious.


Fever seizures take different forms, depending on whether there is already a disorder, how high the fever is, etc. I suffered from fever seizures for 6 years as a child... but never had a grand mal seizure. However, I always knew I had one... I was literally out for at least a minute, and I always knew it was coming on... To answer your question though, yes... there are about 10 different types of seizures...


I have not heard of a seizure being caused by food poisoning. High fever, yes... also as others have mentioned, you should see a doctor. The typical causes of seizures are high fever, brain infections, metabolic disorders, lack of oxygen to the brain, structural damage to the brain, fluid on the brain, withdrawal, drugs, etc. You really should be checked out... having a seizure is nothing to fool around with. Not sure what type of seizure you had, although to me it wouldn't matter. I have had food poisoning a few times, not fun at all... but no seizures. See a doctor. And good luck!!

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Food Poisoning generally starts about 6 hours after eating. Stomach cramps beyond compare, and yes coming out both ends. An then once you have expelled the causing agent you fell better within the another couple of hours. Not 8 days.


I have never heard of seizers, that is scary.


If it had been Norwalk there would be many more people complaining, it does not effect just one. Also food poisoning on a ship would be more than one person.


Since your last meal was about 2:30 am, that would be PIZZA??? or ICE CREAM????


At this point without seeing a DR that day it would be really hard to pin point the exact cause.

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YIKES! Sorry about your illness. I echo the sentiments of those who said you need to go get checked out by a doctor to be sure there aren't lingering and hidden problems.


Should you report it? I don't know. If it was food poisoning, were you in port the day before, and could you have eaten something there that caused the illness? It seems odd if you got food poisoning on the ship that there weren't more people affected. I'm not saying it couldn't have happened.


Anyway, glad to hear you're feeling better. :)

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Its seems odd that you were that so sick but could spend the day in the airport and be able to fly home while expiencing the symptoms of food poisoning. What I don't understand is, Why didn't you report it, especially if you had a seizure?:confused: And if you were sick for 5-8 days later then that alone suggests that it wasn't food poisoning. Where was your friend during your seizure? Why did you not tell her? Just curious.


If you believe that you had a seizure than Why would you not go to the doctor when you returned home? Sounds even more odd since the symptoms were lingering for 5-8 days. :confused: I just don't get it. You should have reported it when it happened, no point in doing so now! But of course that is just my opinion! If both you and your son have had seizures than it sounds more like something of a medical origin is happening and you should go see your doctor!


I got food poisoning once at an all inclusive in Mexico. Symptoms started about 11pm. It was horrible and I was in absolute agony! The stomach heaves were violent and and I was so sick that I spent the night on the bathroom floor slumped over and cradling the toilet!:eek: With the kids still sleeping at 7am, I called the front desk and said that I was very sick with food poisoning and could they pleaaaase find someone to go get me anti nausea medicine and bring it to me no matter what the cost. Thirty five minutes later a bellman arrived with the medicine. He had made a quick trip to town for me. I was sooooooo grateful, and tried to pay him but he refused to take it and said that he hoped I was feeling better and to call the desk at anytime if I needed anything. I felt weak all day and spent the day laying on the beach drinking small amounts of water, but I was back to normal by the next day. The staff was awesome and checked on me throughout the day. I wrote a letter to the hotel manager to thank him for his wonderful staff and recommended that the bellman get a raise!


There was no way that I would have been able to travel during the symptoms, but again that was just my experience!



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I got food poisoning once at an all inclusive in Mexico. Symptoms started about 11pm. It was horrible and I was in absolute agony!


Being from Texas, we have traveled many times to Mexico. They don't call it "Montezuma's Revenge" for nothing. My husband has finally rebelled. He just won't go to Mexico anymore - I like going there, it's so close, convenient, beautiful. But you do have to be vigilant, and hubby says he's on vacation to relax, not stress over everything he eats. Sigh. Most of the time, I've stayed healthy, but my husband has indeed gotten sick most times in spite of being completely paranoid.:mad:


Glad you recovered!

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nrdsb. I wonder if your experiences has anything to do with border areas. I've been to Cancun, Cozumel 6 or 7 times, Merida and the surrounding Yucatan countryside and have never once gotten sick. Going back to the Yucatan for the third land vacation in 9 more days. I've eaten in small rural villages and big cities too. In fact, many, many years ago I ate at the Cadilac in Nueva Laredo and had a very good meal. No problems.

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Three years ago my adult daughter and I cruised the Holiday to Mexico for 5 days out of NO. On our last night, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning throwing up. I threw up the rest of the night and could barely hold my head up the next morning. We called the ships dr and they told my daughter to come down there and they would give me some medicine. They gave me a phenerghan suppository and that was basically it. Somehow, my daughter got us off the ship and to the airport, where she paid $200.00 to get our flight moved up to one that morning. I don't really even remember flying home. When we made it into Birmingham, my husband took one look at me and took me to the ER. I was there for about 8 hours and had to have 2 bags of fluid because I was so dehydrated. They told me that it was food poisoning and that the diarrhea would probably start soon. Sure enough, that night the diarrhea started. I was sick for a couple of more days after that. I never reported it to Carnival and I still regret not doing so. The cruise staff that day did not care, they just wanted us off of the ship. I remember standing in line and waiting to get off the ship and my daughter asking the assisstant cruise director if there was anywhere we could go and sit down and he said, no. I don't know what I would have done without my daughter that day.


Definitely go see the dr. about your seizure and definitely report it to Carnival.

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One morning while I was out of town my hubby woke up with flu-like symptoms, not throwing up but had diarrhea. Later that day he had a seizure and was taken to the hospital via ambulance. They found a cancerous brain tumor.


Please go get yourself checked out!!



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