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Why I chose HAL for my family....long post

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....There's another thread on this board entitled "Teens in the Fitness Center". The original poster wanted to know what the rules are concerning teens in that area. His request has led to a discussion of HAL policies and attitudes towards teens in the gym area and youngsters onboard in general, and whether HAL is even the best line for families. These topics are all valid subject matter for discussion, and very worthwhile to read. As I am a parent with two children who plans on cruising HAL this year, I wanted to respond with my thoughts on the subject, but not hijack another poster's thread. So here they are, for what they're worth. Remember, these observations are applicable to my family. I only mention them here, not to bore you (and nobody has to read my post), but simply to offer an explanation of why I feel HAL may work for some and not for others.


Everyone who cruises has different needs and criteria. It's very important, I feel, to do your research to ensure that your choice of cruise line is what works best for you and/or your family/friends. When you're a new cruiser like me, you won't know for sure if you've made the best choice until after you're onboard. But we all do the best we can given the information available to us.


I've spent a LOT of time doing the research on a cruise for my family. I've read more than a dozen books on cruising alone, and another couple dozen books on the destinations I've chosen. I've been a member here at CC for almost a year, and I've also visited many other cruising websites. I took advantage of my travel agent's offer to tour the ship we'll be cruising to Alaska, and while I was onboard I asked for as many brochures as possible to take with me for perusal. Why all this neurotic attention to detail? Because we're investing a good chunk of money on our travel plans, and my husband works too hard to have his money squandered on a vacation that nobody will enjoy.


I know perfectly well that HAL is not the first choice for families. I realize other lines have more bells and whistles and more elaborate programs. I think HAL is pretty upfront about this, at least by my interpretation. I don't expect Disney or Carnival or RCCL. My children don't need bells and whistles. We don't have television at home, and neither of our daughters has any of the modern child's accoutrements such as Ipods and video games. We do have computers. My children are very good at entertaining themselves. They are well-mannered and sociable, and have no problems interacting with people of different ages.


I have chosen itineraries during school vacation, when we can be reasonably certain that other children/teens will also be onboard. The ports of call that we will be visiting offer many activities/tours that appeal to youngsters, and that will keep them physically active and mentally stimulated. I expect that all of us will be pretty tired out after excursions on our two planned cruises that include glacier walking, hiking, snorkeling, sailing, swimming, wildlife viewing, floatplane riding, etc. etc. So I'm not worried that my children will not have enough to do. My teen daughter enjoys swing and ballroom dancing, and is very much looking forward to "dressing up" and dancing with her Dad, or anyone else who will take a jaunt around the dance floor with her.


Of course, since I've never cruised, nor have my children, I really don't know what the heck I'm talking about, do I?;) I can only hope for the best! But I do feel that HAL will be a good fit for us, because we don't need all the fancy new attractions such as you find on the big ships. We like a more quiet environment. We enjoy new experiences, but we don't need a wild time. We like meeting new people, but we're not party animals. We all go to bed before midnight.:) Because this whole cruising world is so totally new to us, I can't imagine that boredom would be an issue.


There, that's my very exciting two cents:rolleyes: . Thanks for bearing with me. I do love Cruise Critics, and the opportunity it affords all of us to discuss our various points of view and experiences. I understand perfectly that some people would not be attracted to a cruiseline like HAL. But I think it will work out for us, and I won't blame HAL if it doesn't. I'd love to hear from other families who have cruised HAL or are considering HAL.


p.s. I don't intend to ask for special privileges for my family, either. We intend to abide by the ship's rules. I think we can manage to find enough to do, and keep busy, without demanding access to areas that have been put aside for adults.

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I have chosen itineraries during school vacation, when we can be reasonably certain that other children/teens will also be onboard. The ports of call that we will be visiting offer many activities/tours that appeal to youngsters, and that will keep them physically active and mentally stimulated. I expect that all of us will be pretty tired out after excursions on our two planned cruises that include glacier walking, hiking, snorkeling, sailing, swimming, wildlife viewing, floatplane riding, etc. etc. So I'm not worried that my children will not have enough to do. My teen daughter enjoys swing and ballroom dancing, and is very much looking forward to "dressing up" and dancing with her Dad, or anyone else who will take a jaunt around the dance floor with her.

Sounds like your kids are being raised the way I was. I never had all the new gizmos either ... and while we did have a tv, my viewing hours were very, very much controlled by my parents. On a school night, one half-hour show after homework ... take your pick.


It also sounds like you've done your homework and more than likely found the cruise line that best meets the needs of your family. It would seem like you've got some really neat kids ... and I would feel privileged to find myself onboard a HAL ship with them one day.


Blue skies and enjoy your family cruise!



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Very well put, Middle-Aged Mom. That sums it up. HAL accomodates families and children, but doesn't promote itself as catering to that market segment in the same way that Carnival, Disney, and a few other cruise lines do.



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Thanks, Rita! OK, I've spent enough time in front of this computer, time to get out and do something exciting like walk the dog!:) Thanks, Roz!

I'm stuck at work. :(


You can always tell I'm at work ... when I have a flurry of posting activity. :)


Yep, this holiday weekend will be nothing except same old, same old for me. Gotta make the holiday pay bucks to pay for the next cruise. :)


Blue skies and enjoy your holiday weekend!



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That is alot of homework to have done. I did about 1/4 of that last year for DH and I for our first HAL trip. He thinks I was thinking about it too much (I call it planning). I feel confident that you and your family will enjoy yourselves.


When we took DD on this past spring on RCI, everything she did was new to her and it was great to watch her awe and amazement at things. We never brought her to the kids club there. I really think she will enjoy HAL (and we do plan on using Club HAL on sea days).

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Middle-aged Mom

I have enjoyed reading many of your posts. I find you intelligent, well read, and a thoughtful, caring person. I hope you have a wonderful cruise with your family. I can tell you that we have taken our Daughter, Son-in-law and four Granddaughters on a cruise with us a couple of times. They all had the time of their lives. Our Granddaughters have been raised much like you are doing. One 14, 12 and a set of twins age 10. They love getting on the ship. They have so much fun. We have taken them on land vacations as well, Hawaii, Santa Barbara and Coronado. When we ask what they would rather do, without hesitation, cruising on HAL. We only see them at dinner they are so busy in one thing or another, games trivia shows, crafts, etc, etc. Your children will certainly not be bored. I can safely say that you will not regret this decision to sail on a HAL ship to Alaska. You will discover that you and your family will be hooked just like the rest of us. Look forward to having the time of your lives. The scenery is just awesome; you will fall in love with the ship and staff. The time will just fly by and you will be thinking about booking another before you leave the ship. I am looking forward to your review. You have done your homework; you will have a perfectly wonderful time, especially sharing it with your family. The memories that you will all share are just priceless. It is a great way to vacation with the family. HAL knows how to treat families and they will spoil you. With your attitude you will be jubilant the minute you step foot on that ship and the rest of the family will also. All the best to you. :)

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Thanks middle-agedmom for your post,of which I applaud your parenting style.


We've always considered our cruises as "family vacations". We like being together as a family. We do not consider the ship our babysitter. In the past, we have given our kids a limit to the ship's video arcades (2-3 hours total for the cruise). They have spent minimal time in the kids clubs, preferring instead to play board games, ping pong or shuffleboard with the family.


I chose our first HAL cruise this time because of the ship size, itinerary and reputation. We've done the big ships and wouldnt do a Disney or RCCL Voyager class again. Like middleagedmom, we have hikes, flights and other excursions to keep us busy. My son is even looking forward to a ship cooking class or two, so he doesnt starve in the dorms;) and he will impress his roommates.He likes wearing a tux, which we bought for him to play in the symphony, so the dress code will not be a problem.



Middle-aged mom -too bad we're not on the same cruise. My graduating senior son is a ballroom dancer (and could dance with your daughter). I look forward to dancing with him and watching him give others a chance to dance as well:D

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Middle aged mom,


We too took our children to Alaska on HAL. It was a 50th reunion for my in-laws, as well as a high school graduation for my niece. We had 10 altogether. The children were 18, 14, 13 and 12. HAL was a perfect choice for our family.


Some of our on-shore activities were with the whole group, others as a family or part of one. Our immediate family of four is still talking about the float plane excursion and salmon lunch at Taku Glacier Lodge, where a black bear feasted on the remains of the grill, while we ate inside.


My DD is still giggling about the disastrous sea kayaking I agreed to do with her in Sitka. The wind came up and the tide came in while we paddled out. I had just finished chemo and radiation, and completely ran out of steam. The kayak steering worked opposite of my horse, and I couldn't seem to get us going in the right direction. We are still laughing about how she "rescued" us from that one by paddling us back to shore all by herself! Oh, the memories!


Every afternoon most of us met in the card room to play some card game I can't remember, but vaguely resembled spades. We all ate together every night in the dining room at a big round table for ten. Everyone practiced their manners, and some enjoyed dressing up. The children were able to try and enjoy new foods. (some of them.:) )


Not one of the children had any interest in Club HAL. In their down time, they LOVED watching movies on demand in the room and ordering room service. (Another CC well debated topic.) Soda cards and pizza were also big hits.


My children shared an inside cabin across from our balcony cabin. We were happy to deposit my son's fragrant sneakers on the balcony every night.


Alaska has something for everyone. Incredible wildlife, gorgeous scenery, history (the Chilcoot pass and Gold Rush story are amazing), a variety of cultural experiences, native and Russian, and some good shopping. (I found an adorable reversable rabbit/denim jacket in Skagway.)


I travel with my children for the travel experience. We already have rock climbing and ice skating here in town, and prefer our vacations on the quieter side.


Yes, HAL is great for families.



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Middleaged Mom,

We also did our first cruise on HAL Zaandam to Alaska in 2002. Our girls were 15, 12 and 8. They loved every minute of it. They did not spend any time in Club Hal...they spent all of their time together....playing games, watching movies,exploring the beautiful ship. It was a wonderful ship and Alaska is an amazing place to visit. Last year we took them (18, 15 and 11) on the Windsurf to Italy and Greece. They also just loved that trip. Only a handful of kids, but lots of attention from staff and passengers. This year we are back on HAL on the Rotterdam to the Baltic. They are so excited about another cruise. They were talking about it today. The fact that our college student daughter (just finishing freshman year) is still going with us shows us that she wouldn't miss a cruise vacation. I know that you and your family will have a wonderful time.

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Greetings Middle-Aged Mom, readinglady and the rest of my kindred spirits! My family, including a school-aged kid, is also in the camp of those who do not need rock-climbing walls, boxing/skating rinks, etc. to have fun and enjoy one another's company. We cruised on Disney 2 years ago and had the best time while everyone else was off the ship and visiting the port. We really do not need to be constantly "entertained'. We've chosen the Volendam to cruise Alaska in hope of a quiet-relaxed-enjoy the scenery vacation. I too have spent the last couple of years reading the books, forums and brochures to come up with this scenario. I was beginning to think I might be out in "left-field", but clearly I am not. HAPPY SAILINGS TO YOU ALL! --NJcabanas

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Middle-Aged Mom....Great post. I SOOOOO Hope you and your family have wonderful cruise(s). You most certainly have carefully considered what you are seeking, what you require and what is of less importance to you. You are so wise..... You have a very good idea of what to expect.


Good for you. You've added some wonderful posts to this board and I always enjoy reading what you have written.


Sounds like you have a very lovely family.

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Thank you, Kyros, Roz, Krazy Kruizers, CCCM, SeaGypsy1, karen2cruz, Pudgesmom, readinglady, NJcabanas, and Sail7Seas for your very kind and encouraging posts. I enjoyed reading about the experiences some of you have had cruising with your families. You are an impressive group of women, and all of us in left-field together!;) I hope to have the opportunity to cruise with all of you someday:) Wouldn't that be great? I think we would have a lot of fun together:), and so would our children and grandchildren. Happy voyages to all of you!





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Thanks for your well written post!!!! :D

You said much more eloquently what I've tried to say for many years! My kids love HAL. They love the classicness of the ships.

I heard nothing but good things on our last cruise about how well behaved and polite my kids were. They know that cruising is a privilege and they better be on their best behavior. It's not too often that my boys get a chance of trying escargot or Beef Wellington at home, and they love the chance to order 5 courses and try new tastes.

I am not sure that some folks minds can be changed about kids on board a HAL ship. I have turned blue in the 4+ years trying to argue the point. So now, I plan for our family cruises quietly and try to avoid reading the negativity about family cruising here on the Board.

I know your children will be wonderfully behaved and I hope they enjoy the cruising on HAL as much as my kids do!!!!:D

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Hi Karin, I really enjoyed reading your post. Some of us middle-aged moms really do think alike!;) Our first HAL cruise is coming up in a few weeks. We have always sailed with Princess and we are all very excited to give HAL a try.You and your family will love the Alaskan cruise, this will be our third, if that tells you anything:) The views are breathtaking, so peaceful and serene and with all of the crazy busy stuff that goes on at our house during the week (just finished high school tennis season whew!), I cannot wait for the serenity.


Our son has never really enjoyed the kids club stuff. He really likes hanging out with DH and I. It is so nice to have that together time and we have had such wonderful times together, that is why that we love cruising so much.I know that not everyone is like DS and that there will always be some young ones that are not the most polite passengers. I keep thinking that we have just two more summers together until our son will be leaving for college, so you bet....I love these times together. I hope that you have a wonderful cruise with your family:D


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Thanks to Karin, from another likeminded middle-aged mom. We're taking our first cruise this summer, on the Zaandam to Alaska in July. And although my husband and I were certain we'd have a great time (it's a Prairie Home Companion cruise, and we're big fans), we were not so sure it was a good choice for our 17-year-old son. But Spence said he wanted to come along so we signed him up too. What a relief to read all these posts of teens who enjoyed HAL cruises. Now I feel even better about our vacation choice. Looking forward to a wonderful cruise, and I'll report back in time for your August cruise.

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Middle-aged Mom


You said it very niceley! We cruised HAL for very similar reasons and embraced the quieter atmosphere without all the bells and whistles. My 10,12 & 13 year olds never complained about a lack of entertaining options - my 12 year old said his most favorite cruise moment was "sitting out on the deck with Grandma and Grandpa watching the ice melt" - hmmm... perhaps he has a grasp on why I went with HAL too. :)



Thank you for your positive comments and insightful posts - you certainly have a handle on parenting - your kids are going to love Alaksa is August - I hope you enjoy every minute of it - planning ahead will pay off for your family - my family now understands why cruise critic was so important in my planning stage!!! We saw the benefits of information I gleened from these boards many, many times throughout our vacation! :)


Can't wait to read your review when you return - I'll be looking for it! :)



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