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Summit Alaskan cruise disappointment (MERGER OF 5 THREADS ON THIS TOPIC)


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Hi. So how did you hear about the British 30% coupon? I think that a cash value coupon is better than 30% off your next cruise particularly if !)you can sell it in case you never cruise with Celebrity again and 2) if you paid a lot for your cruise and can use it (if you sail with Celebriy again) on a cheaper cabin (book an inside for yourself or the kids instead of the balcony) Personally a cabin with balcony is a must for Alaska but on a winter Caribbean cruise when night falls at 6:00 , inside is great for the teenagers who never see the light of day anyway!!!


We correspond with friends that live in the UK, that were also unfortunate enough to be on this cruise, and they were kind enough to send this information to us. In the US the latest that anyone has heard is another 4-5 weeks to receive the coupon. The coupon states that it is non-transferable, if it were transferable I would be happy to give it to anyone on this board who wanted it. You are correct the coupon may have some value to someone who was going to pay full price for a Celebrity cruise, but on our 25+ cruises we have always purchased our cruises discounted for more than 30% off the regular price. Even assuming that I could work around all of the restrictions and wanted to take another chance on Celebrity the coupon still would not be of any value to me.

Celebrity, stating in their letter to me, that this is a

"30 percent off a future Celebrity cruise, redeemable anytime" certificate is just one more example of the lies told by Celebrity to the passengers on the May 7 Summit. It is not 30% off a future cruise, but a dollar amount off the regular price. The "redeemable anytime" part is also a lie, since the certificate states clearly that it is not good for sailings on Christmas, New Years, Easter, inaugural, etc...... These were just two more lies in a long series of lies and cover-ups that has led to the anger of most of the passengers on this cruise.

We agree with you that a balcony is great for Alaska.

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The 30% off a future cruise coupon has arrived in the UK. It is not a 30 % off coupon, but a cash amount certicificate, less taxes, based on the price paid for the May 7 Summit cruise. It also includes a ton of restrictions.

In a letter from Captain, of the Summit, Dimitrios Kafetzis dated May 18, 2006 it states;

"it is our pleasure to inform you that we will be providing you with a certificate for 30 percent off a future Celebrity cruise, redeemable anytime within the next 18 months".

I guess I did not understand what "30% off a future cruise" meant or that "redeemable anytime" meant not including Holidays, reunion cruises, etc.


What exactly are the restrictions? Perhaps you can scan it so we can actually see what it says besides "etc." I'd really like to know what the "ton" of restrictions are. You couldn't pay me enough to go on a holiday cruise.

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I have communicate with quite a number of passengers on the "Cruise of Cruises" and almost to a person they have said they would NEVER cruise on Celebrity again.


That just shows how different the experience can be. Nearly everybody I spoke with from the cruise would GLADLY cruise Celebrity again, and in fact, many of them booked their next trip while on board. Most were excited about the prospect of the discounted future trip (whether or not they felt it was adequate "compensation" for the problems on this one).


I am guessing that the people you spoke with were the ones who spent most of the cruise at "meetings" and waiting to speak with the X representatives on deck 3... I didn't do those things, so I tended to speak to people who were out enjoying themselves. Two perspectives...

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If it is a cash certificate, it can be used as a dollar amount off of whatever price you can get from your travel agent. This is certainly a fair way to compensate since some folks paid a lot more than others.

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What exactly are the restrictions? Perhaps you can scan it so we can actually see what it says besides "etc." I'd really like to know what the "ton" of restrictions are. You couldn't pay me enough to go on a holiday cruise.


We also try to avoid holiday sailings. Maybe I was not clear in my post, but my point was that Celebrity said in their letter from the corporate office, signed by the Captain, "we will be providing you with certificate for 30 percent off a future Celebrity cruise, redeemable anytime within the next 18 months" was NOT true. The certificate that I have seen is for the UK, but I would think that the one for the US will probably be about the same and will have restrictions for use.

Some of those who were on this cruise may have thought, based on the Celebrity letter, that they would be able to use it over Christmas, New Year, Easter sailings or at any pricing program. When the certificate arrives in the US perhaps someone who was on this cruise will post it.

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If you've been on 25+ cruises you must be aware that the compensation given by Celebrity is much more than you would probably get from most of the other cruiselines. The really sad thing about this situation is that some of the passengers are really this miserable for such an extended period of time.


I sincerely hope that you'll find a way to find peace with this situation. It's not worth worrying your life away over.

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I am not aware of any other cruiselines that operate a fleet of ships (M class)

with a design flaw that creates a higher risk of breakdown. As a result we cannot compare compensation rates based on what other cruiselines offer. A random mechanical breakdown is different a fleet of ships with a known design flaw.




If you've been on 25+ cruises you must be aware that the compensation given by Celebrity is much more than you would probably get from most of the other cruiselines. The really sad thing about this situation is that some of the passengers are really this miserable for such an extended period of time.


I sincerely hope that you'll find a way to find peace with this situation. It's not worth worrying your life away over.

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I am not aware of any other cruiselines that operate a fleet of ships (M class)

with a design flaw that creates a higher risk of breakdown. As a result we cannot compare compensation rates based on what other cruiselines offer. A random mechanical breakdown is different a fleet of ships with a known design flaw.


Well said Griswolds. It is easy for people who cruise 3 or 4 times a year to think one bad one is not so bad. For those of us who used up 2 weeks of our limited vacation time and looked forward all year to this cruise it is heart rending to find out about this mechanical FLAW (which Celeberity is suing over) after the fact. I know all of the people who thought this was a wonderful cruise will gladly return their FCC and say "no thanks, there is no need to compensate us for this fabulous cruise". NOT, they will be the first ones with their hands out to take the compensation that was only given after the rest of us had protest meetings. It is even easier for people who were not even on the cruise to call us cry babies and greedy. Did not see the Hosts chiding them about this. I guess it is because Celebrity advertises on here. I expect this comment will get me banned but I don't care as there is are quite a few Celebrity loyalist and shareholders who dont care to hear the real story only calling names and flaming people.


By the way Ma Bell the compensation no way compares to some of the other cruise lines. Cunard and Princess are 2 that I am aware of. As I stated earlier the 30% FCC was extracted from Celebrity by the protests. Had they not occured Celebrity's compensation would have been $200 /cabin and 2 hours of happy hour (before lunch). Does that seem like good compensation for missing 1/2 of the advertised attractions and ports (actually more if you include passing under the Golden Gate bridge during daylight) for a know defect on the ship. Celebrity in their letter to the British Passengers admited they knew there was a problem when we left Los Anges. They disembarked a trainee in S.F. who was supposed to leave the ship in Seattle because they knew before we left S.F. that we were not going to Seattle. Had I know that, my wife and I would have left the ship in S.F. instead of rushing to an Emergency room to get medical permission to continue.

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NotaFan ~ the hosts here on the Celebrity board do not chide any users about anything. It's our job to ensure that our community guidelines are being followed, period. There are hundreds of posts every day here on the Celebrity board alone (Walt and I both moderate more than one board here at Cruise Critic). It's not possible for us to read each and every post (we also both have real jobs and moderate as volunteers). If you see a post where you feel other members are making derrogatory remarks towards you or another community member, all you have to do is hit the yellow triangle and we will address it. There are many posts that we deal with every day that you may never see for one reason or another. You can also email any of the hosts with questions or to alert us to a problem post. Host Walt and I both have our email addresses in our signatures.

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On my earlier message I hit the wrong key and sent the message before I had double checked it, my apologies. Here is the corrected statement


"A random mechanical breakdown is different (than) a fleet of ships with a known design flaw."


I just booked a new cruise and I avoided the M class ships for this very reason. This does not mean I would never go on Celebrity again but it will be only at a very reduced price or a last minute deal if it is a M class ship. We have been on both the Summit (M class) and the Galaxy (pre-M class).


Good luck to all the Summit passengers who has rec'd their non transferrable,time limited, date restricted coupons from Celebrity. Nothing like the real thing.



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The great thing about the cruisecritic boards is that there many perspectives that can be presented and the reader can pick and choose what is important to them in their selection of a cruise line. For example, on this particular cruise the perspective of a first time crusor to Alaska would probably be quite different than mine. Since this was my 12th cruise to Alaska, I knew some of the fantistic things that we had skipped.

The passenger meetings with the Celebrity reps, I am sad to say, were a total waste of time. They only resulted in a lot of lip service and a worthless FCC. Before the meetings I really did believe that after Celebrity realized most of the passengers were very dissatisfied with the way the whole cruise was handled and that Corporate would be fair to the passengers. Many of the passengers spent hours waiting to see the Celebrity reps, while hundreds more never even got to talk to the rep to voice their displeasure.

Again different perspectives - Going to the passenger meetings, was for me, far better than going to extra Bingo games or taking advantage of casino extended hours on our extra sea days. The passenger meetings were the only place to find out what was really going on. The people that I met at these meetings felt as I do that Celebrity was deceiving the passengers on many things and we were not just going to blindly accept whatever Celebrity wanted to do.

Writing letters and calling Celebrity Customer Service has resulted in no response to the letters and being told by Customer Service that if I was not happy that was just too bad and nothing would be done. The vast majority of the passengers on the Summit feel as I do and are unwilling to accept the treatment that we have received from Celebrity. We feel that the only way to achieve fair treatment is to act collectively.

There is a much larger question than whether or not I should be satisfied with the way Celebrity handled this cruise. In my opionion the big question is can any cruise line, not just Celebrity, do and say anything they want with the passengers having absolutley no rights. That question will not be answered on these boards, but hopefully someday it will be answered for the benefit of all cruisors.

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I'll assume the certificates you'll be given will be the same that we were given after our Alaska Summit cruise (5/27/05) was shortened by a day last year, except that ours were for 25% off, to be used in the same category (or cheaper) for the same number of nights (or fewer) within 13 months. Each person received this certificate by mail from Royal Caribbean. Incidentally, we were given $200 per cabin on-board credit, as well as $100 per person to go toward rearranging hotel/airfare, as we arrived in Vancouver a day early. I thought this was extremely fair as our group had category 6 cabins that we had booked directly through Celebrity, watching daily for a drop in price/senior discount, and thus paid only $760 per person. Had I been in a much more expensive category, I don't think I would have been so pleased.


We booked the same cruise this year (5/27/06), actually the same cabins, in August at a fairly high price, but we all wanted to stay together again (6 cabins) on our favorite deck--Plaza--we're convinced the best-kept secret on the Summit. But I digress. We used the Celebrity on-line travel agents to book the cruise for this summer, following their instructions on registering our certificates. We were to mail our signed certificates with data filled in and were given credit once the certificates were processed. We were also told (my very important question!) that if we called to adjust the cost of the cruise because of a price drop in our category, then the 25% would be taken off the new price each time. I must have called for adjustment of price three or four times (price drop or senior discount) over the months, and the 25% was taken off each time, no questions asked. The certificate was obviously registered in my on-line reservation information. I checked the price almost daily through Travelocity as their website seems to be easy to navigate. I know I was somewhat compulsive about it, but it really paid off for my friends and me in the long run, as the price before the 25% off went from $1,350 to $930, which brought us down to about $700. Not bad. . . and the trip was absolutely perfect. I hope to post a review.

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Good luck to all the Summit passengers who has rec'd their non transferrable,time limited, date restricted coupons from Celebrity. Nothing like the real thing.




Griswalds: You forgot to include to include "price program restricted" in your coupon description!

Just trying to keep you and NotAFan on the straight and narrow.

Your description would have saved me from reading 3/4 of a page from the official certificate info.

I always look forward the great posts from Griswalds and NotAFanOfCelebrity.

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As FYI and With all due respect, I've posted in the last 18 months about a run down ship experience I had on Celebrity and I was chastised harshly by many on this board including Host Andy who told me on line I had gone too far and my posts had to stop. You can check my posting history and I have always been polite but firm in my observations.

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I promised to be back when I get something new from Celebrity. Well, after my complaint written and sent directly after returning from our Alaskecruise, they answered today with a offer.

Either, I accept the 30% offer on a future cruise (no further details are given) or they are willing to reduce the price of the Alaska cruise (paying me back I assume) by the following criteria:


missing 2 ports = 2 x 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day (cruiseprice divided by 13days that is)

shortened inside passage due to bad weather = 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day

seeing the Hubbard-Glacier only from the distance = 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day


Alltogether, a refund for two cruisedays. But, if I accept the cashback offer, the US$ 200,- put on our boardaccount, will be subtracted!!!!


Whats that? I was under the impression that the US$ 200,- where a gesture of goodwill. The cashier at the reception told me, that it was a gift.


To my fellow passengers: does someone have an idea how to proof, that the US$ 200,- where a gift to us? Or am I wrong in having that in mind?

And please let me know how you value this offer from Celebrity?


happy sailings to all of you


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Alltogether, a refund for two cruisedays. But, if I accept the cashback offer, the US$ 200,- put on our boardaccount, will be subtracted!!!!


Whats that? I was under the impression that the US$ 200,- where a gesture of goodwill. The cashier at the reception told me, that it was a gift.


To my fellow passengers: does someone have an idea how to proof, that the US$ 200,- where a gift to us? Or am I wrong in having that in mind?

And please let me know how you value this offer from Celebrity?


You are absolutely correct, FlyingTiger. I saved the letter dated May 10th, 2006 from Captain Dimitrios Kafetzis. It states:


"As a gesture of goodwill, and to thank you for your cooperation, Celebrity Cruises will provide each stateroom with a $200 onboard credit."


I am unable to tell you how I value this offer from Celebrity because my answer would not be printable here. So much more went wrong on that cruise than the few items they mentioned.


They couldn't even get that much right. As everyone who was on the cruise well knows, the shortened inside passage viewing was not due to bad weather.

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I used a 50% off Future Cruise Credit on the 5-7-06 (13 days) Crippled Vessel.


Here is how it worked for us:


It is based on the cruise that issued the FCC (5-7-04 (14 days) sailing on the Summit). We were booked in a Category 2A Balcony and offered a 50% FCC if we would give up our Balcony because they overbooked. It took almost 1 year to receive the FCC, which is why there is 2 years between sailings.


On this cruise we booked a Category CC Balcony and only received credit for 50% off the Category 7 price, which was the Category we were moved to and as most of you are aware were discounted by Celebrity big time prior to sailing. The CC cabins were eventually sold for the group price, which is what we had paid months before the discounting started.


The fact is the FCC was worth nothing to us because with the discounting to current or retired military just prior to the cruise we could have actually sailed for a couple hundred dollars cheaper!!!!!!!


The FCC says we were to receive 50% "the orginally booked Category", we received $1211.00 (Category 7 price) off our cabin. If you go to a lower category you will only receive 50% the lower category price. Also, we paid much more person on the originally scheduled cruise and were not entitled to that price per person when booking this cruise (understandably).


In addition you cannot use the FCC through any discounted Travel Agency, I would name a few but don't want to break Cruise Critic guidelines. Not good for holiday sailings. You will have 18 months from the date it was received. Celebrity ONLY and not RCI.


You can use the FCC through Celebrity, or a regular Travel Agency, even one offering a group cruise at a group discount.


WHAT DOES IT MEAN? You may be able to book your next cruise cheaper through discounted travel agencies. Or book it trough Celebrity themselves and do as "cricketz" did and get the new prices daily.


God Bless Mr. H. Keener.


NOTE!!!!! Look for news out of Miami regarding this cruise on Monday!!!

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You didn't say but based on a CC Balcony that results in about a $400.00 refund or less! ROL LOL


I promised to be back when I get something new from Celebrity. Well, after my complaint written and sent directly after returning from our Alaskecruise, they answered today with a offer.

Either, I accept the 30% offer on a future cruise (no further details are given) or they are willing to reduce the price of the Alaska cruise (paying me back I assume) by the following criteria:


missing 2 ports = 2 x 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day (cruiseprice divided by 13days that is)

shortened inside passage due to bad weather = 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day

seeing the Hubbard-Glacier only from the distance = 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day


Alltogether, a refund for two cruisedays. But, if I accept the cashback offer, the US$ 200,- put on our boardaccount, will be subtracted!!!!


Whats that? I was under the impression that the US$ 200,- where a gesture of goodwill. The cashier at the reception told me, that it was a gift.


To my fellow passengers: does someone have an idea how to proof, that the US$ 200,- where a gift to us? Or am I wrong in having that in mind?

And please let me know how you value this offer from Celebrity?


happy sailings to all of you


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The vast majority of the passengers on the Summit feel as I do and are unwilling to accept the treatment that we have received from Celebrity.


That's where I feel you are wrong. While I would agree with you that the majority were somewhat disappointed, and not entirely satisfied with the treatment from Celebrity, I'd say that it's a leap from that to how you feel. I respect your feelings, but I don't think that they are NEARLY as universally shared as you do.

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I attended all of the passenger meetings and could see the amount of people in attendance. I also walked by the board room where the so-called Celebrity reps' interviewed the unhappy passengers. The lines were always long every time that I went past the meeting area. 1,200 passengers signing up to protest says an awful lot too. I personally observed all of the above. Again the reader's of this can make there own decision.

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I attended all of the passenger meetings and could see the amount of people in attendance. I also walked by the board room where the so-called Celebrity reps' interviewed the unhappy passengers. The lines were always long every time that I went past the meeting area. 1,200 passengers signing up to protest says an awful lot too. I personally observed all of the above. Again the reader's of this can make there own decision.


And I personally spoke to MANY passengers on the ship who wanted nothing to do with the meetings/interviews, and many others who attended out of curiosity, but did not have the same extreme reaction you espouse. I don't mean to imply that there aren't others who share your point of view. I don't even deny that there may be MANY of them. It's the term "vast majority" that I find misleading. Even if we were to say that the 1,200 who signed up to protest felt as you do (and I don't believe that to be true, as I signed something on day one, then later came to realize that the disappointment of what happened wasn't worth ruining the trip over) that would still be a slight majority, hardly a vast majority.


In all honesty, the ship was split, and opinions ran the gamut (much like they do on this board).

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This just keeps getting better, not. Celebrity just doesn't get it and is now adding insult to injury. Missing the glacier is worth 50% of the cruise in my opinion, having been there once. It may be melted and gone by the next cruise (just kidding).


I can't wait for the next offer to be posted.



PS- sorry I missed the additional coupon benefit on an earlier message....



I promised to be back when I get something new from Celebrity. Well, after my complaint written and sent directly after returning from our Alaskecruise, they answered today with a offer.

Either, I accept the 30% offer on a future cruise (no further details are given) or they are willing to reduce the price of the Alaska cruise (paying me back I assume) by the following criteria:


missing 2 ports = 2 x 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day (cruiseprice divided by 13days that is)

shortened inside passage due to bad weather = 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day

seeing the Hubbard-Glacier only from the distance = 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day


Alltogether, a refund for two cruisedays. But, if I accept the cashback offer, the US$ 200,- put on our boardaccount, will be subtracted!!!!


Whats that? I was under the impression that the US$ 200,- where a gesture of goodwill. The cashier at the reception told me, that it was a gift.


To my fellow passengers: does someone have an idea how to proof, that the US$ 200,- where a gift to us? Or am I wrong in having that in mind?

And please let me know how you value this offer from Celebrity?


happy sailings to all of you


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I promised to be back when I get something new from Celebrity. Well, after my complaint written and sent directly after returning from our Alaskecruise, they answered today with a offer.

Either, I accept the 30% offer on a future cruise (no further details are given) or they are willing to reduce the price of the Alaska cruise (paying me back I assume) by the following criteria:


missing 2 ports = 2 x 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day (cruiseprice divided by 13days that is)

shortened inside passage due to bad weather = 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day

seeing the Hubbard-Glacier only from the distance = 1/2 of the amount of the cruiseprice per day


Alltogether, a refund for two cruisedays. But, if I accept the cashback offer, the US$ 200,- put on our boardaccount, will be subtracted!!!!


Whats that? I was under the impression that the US$ 200,- where a gesture of goodwill. The cashier at the reception told me, that it was a gift.


To my fellow passengers: does someone have an idea how to proof, that the US$ 200,- where a gift to us? Or am I wrong in having that in mind?

And please let me know how you value this offer from Celebrity?


happy sailings to all of you



Good to hear from you again Flying Tiger. You are right that Celebrity did say that the $200 was a gift, but as you know we have been told many stories during this cruise. For missing more than fifty percent of the Itinerary either option is hardly fair. This offer is certanly in keeping with the way this whole cruise has been treated by Celebrity. I will let one of our math wizards come up with a percentage you would be receiving back with this new twist. As you know this is not the most unbiased place to ask questions. If I can be of any help and you want my email address please let me know.

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...that would still be a slight majority, hardly a vast majority.


Out of 2,000 people, how many is a slight majority and how many is a vast majority? And how does one quantify these terms? In other words, how do we verify that a number is a slight majority or a vast majority?

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