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Skin Care ?

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I'm a middleaged, menopausal woman who is desperately seeking advice on a new skin care regimen. I've tried many different lines through the years, but now none seem to be doing the trick. Some of my friends have been talking about taking natural herbs to cleanse the inner body? I'm not sure about all that:eek:


I have been breaking out lately and my skin is dry. I still cleanse morning and night with cleanser, use moisturizers, but at this point it's not attractive. Well, I've got a couple of months to go before our Freedom cruise and I hope the skin will become clearer.


What do you guys use? Any suggestions?



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I"m also a women in my 50's !! Fun huh?


I do have good skin...mainly I think because I've always avoided the sun whenever possible and have been using a sunscreen daily for like 30 years.


I have used a simply basic skin care plan for years with very good results. I wash with a simple gentle cleanser...Cetaphil...cheap and available everywhere. Then I apply a prescription cream called Avage. It's a strong Retinol type product. It's wonderful. I don't usually need a moisterizer, unless it's the harsh weather of winter. Then, I simply use Cetaphil moisterizer about an hour after I apply the Advage...also I use the Cetaphil as an eye cream. That's it. You must get the Avage through a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon....one that has a skin care line along with the practice.


There are other things you can do to get started...like maybe a series of micropeels. There are home micropeels on the market now too which some say are very good.


I also will admit....I get Botox around my eyes and a bit on the forehead...about every 4 or 5 months. It's WONDERFUL and worth every penny.


I think simple is best. The Avage is expensive....around $80 a tube, but lasts a LONG time. When you average out how much you sometimes spend on products that do nothing...it evens out !

Good luck and I hope you find a good system for you!

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Thank you for sharing. I have visited the dermatologist, but nothing was said about the Avage. I'll ask her about that. I want to have botox for my eyes, but I'm scared. I have done some photodermabrasion though and some laser hair removal. I'm sure most of my damage was done as a child growing up. I was in the sun alot (and still am) without sunscreen. Now, I do not go outside without it, but I have lots of sun damage on my arms,legs and back.


What about some others out there. Let's hear what products you use.



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Be careful of "natural" remedies, especially those that are taken internally. They usually aren't cleared by the FDA, and claims are often( but not always) questionable. The echinachea fad, for example, caused lots of problems for people with allergies.


I have very sensitive (pale, redhead) skin, so I have to be very careful. I'm in my early 40's and only use fragerance free products that have been fully tested. I always, always use sunblock, min of 15 but usually 30-45 (Hawaiian tropic). For daily mositurizing of body, I use either kukui nut oil from Hawaii (in summer, helps my excema) or St. Ives lotion. Been using Oil of Olay with SPF15 as facial moisturizer, and it's been fine for me.


Botox is something I don't think is for me, but if it makes you feel better about yourself, give it a try.

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There are so many choices, so I guess you have to do alot of trying.


One product that I love is the RoC anti-wrinkle cremes. There's a daytime one with SPF and a night time one. A 1 ounce tube is about $15. and lasts a while. I use it around my eyes. A friend of mine who was getting wrinkles on her chest says hers disappeared after 3 weeks of use.


For sundamage, the peels at the Dr's offices are the best. I'm a redhead and have always stayed out of the sun, so I don't have too much damage, but I went for a peel once and saw a nice difference. I'll probably got for another one at the end of the summer.


I have very dry skin and I've found the best moisturizer to be La Mer. I use it all winter on my entire face twice a day but only at night in the summer. In hot weather, it's too heavy for daytime.


The other brands I like alot are Caudalie, Darphin and Kiehls. They all have full skincare lines of many products.


Buy as many of the products as you can at dept. stores like Nordstroms where you can return anything that gives you a bad reaction. You can also ask for samples to try before you buy.

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Everyones skin is unique, you'll get a totally different answer from everyone who answers your posts.


What I would recommend is seeing a good esthetician or dermatologist. A professional has spent years studying skin care and will steer you in the right direction, saving you from trying tons of well intentioned recommendations that only find their way to the cupboard under the sink.


For example, I'm in my 50's, pretty good skin for my age, but I still can have breakouts. To top it off, I've developed acne rosacea in the last 5 years or so. So, I have to stay away from detergents, anything with fragrance, anything abrasive and most toners.


Some of the brands that work best for me have been Dermalogica, Origins, Clinique and a brand not well know, local here called Fanie. But, not all products in all lines have worked well for me. I find that over-cleansing my face will make me break out, so I do use the above mentioned Cetaphil in the morning only. At night, I use my Fanie cleanser, Origins toner and a gel moisturizer from Clinique, plus a rich eye cream. In the morning I use the Cetaphil, no toner and Clinique Superdefense SPF 30 (I think) and a gel eye cream. I alternate with Dermalogica cleanser if I have worn makeup that needs to come off, I typically don't wear foundation as it, too will irritate my skin.


I never exfoliate, to do so would irritate my skin and dry it to the point of flaking.


So, what will work for another woman my age with breakouts may be the exact opposite of what works for me. Good quality skin care can be quite an investment and you want to spend your money wisely. So, see a good specialist and take care of your skin the right way. I know everyone here has a recommendation, some of them very good, but you really need a professionals advice.

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I"m also a women in my 50's !! Fun huh?


I do have good skin...mainly I think because I've always avoided the sun whenever possible and have been using a sunscreen daily for like 30 years.


I have used a simply basic skin care plan for years with very good results. I wash with a simple gentle cleanser...Cetaphil...cheap and available everywhere. Then I apply a prescription cream called Avage. It's a strong Retinol type product. It's wonderful. I don't usually need a moisterizer, unless it's the harsh weather of winter. Then, I simply use Cetaphil moisterizer about an hour after I apply the Advage...also I use the Cetaphil as an eye cream. That's it. You must get the Avage through a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon....one that has a skin care line along with the practice.


There are other things you can do to get started...like maybe a series of micropeels. There are home micropeels on the market now too which some say are very good.


I also will admit....I get Botox around my eyes and a bit on the forehead...about every 4 or 5 months. It's WONDERFUL and worth every penny.


I think simple is best. The Avage is expensive....around $80 a tube, but lasts a LONG time. When you average out how much you sometimes spend on products that do nothing...it evens out !

Good luck and I hope you find a good system for you!


Buster, Where do you get your prescription for Avage filled? At the pharmacy or does the dr carry a line of skin care products? Is it a true prescription or do you just have to be a client in order to buy the cream from him/her?


Linda, I am way past menopause , whew thank goodness. I am fortunate and have always had good healthy skin. Perhaps because I have always had a good skin care regimen. Good skin care has always been far more important to me than make up, cause no matter how much makeup you wear, if you skin is not healthy and clear, makeup will not help that much. About 5 years ago a friend of mine introduced me to a skin care products by Philosophy. It works great for me. This line carries "in home peels". I was able to see a difference when I started using these products. Nordstrom's carries a full line. It is not expensive, average cost I would guess. And of course like the previous poster said, you can always return them if they cause a strong reaction etc etc. You can also ask for samples. There are many products other than hers that probably are just as good, I only know about the ones I have tried. Good thing there are so many different lines on the market, we all react differently, so the same thing is not applicalbe to all.. I think that the important thing is to be consistent in using your products. I really believe you have to use them faithfully every day or as prescribed. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you. Keep in mind that when you do change products, your face may react to the new product for a while, so do not be discouraged.



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Thanks for all of the good tips. That's why I go to the dermatologist for my facial rosacia. Just as I think I got one cleared up another one pops up. I'm kinda of nervous about trying botox (which I really want to do) and the peel. I'm afraid as dry as my skin is, I'll be one big peel for months. Maybe when I get back from my cruise in Sept., I'll start a new regimen.


The tip about the Roc on the chest is a good idea. I'll try that one also. My chest area you can really tell my age (sun damage)


I've spent so much money in the past 3 years on skin care, it's not even funny. Nordstrom and Neimans love me when I walk through the door:D


Thanks again for all the tips (Oh, how I love products)



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I get my Avage cream at a dermatologist's office. He has a complete skin care division. They do all types of peels and facials, etc. I find the Avage does everything I need...I love it. It is a strong topical and may not be for everyone, but I tolerate it very well. My face does "peel" about every 10 days, but that is good for it and it feels wonderful afterwards.


Please do NOT be afraid of Botox. I wasn't fond of the thought of needles around my eyes the first time, but it's so quick you don't even have time to think about it and it's done. It made a big difference for me...I didn't have really deep wrinkles around my eyes...more like fine lines and they completely are gone with the Botox.

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I have tried all kinds of products. I'm the one who goes and buys the whole product line at once because this time this stuff is gonna work... but lately I've been using Biostrat products. They are a very simple line with few ingredients. I like my skin to be clean, no creamy tissue off cleansers for me. They also have a 10% Glycol lotion. I really like to exfoliate because that is how the new skin appears so the 10% is great to use every other day . I am mid-50's and very fair with slin that is just a bit drier than normal. I recommend microdermabrasion, and monthly visits to an esthetician for cleaning.

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if your cruise stops in mexico you can pick up retin A, any strength, without a prescription and really cheap.. I mix a little at nite with my moisturizer. the pharmacies in mexico may also sell the Avage.. I also pick up my antibiotics like Keflex and amoxicillin in Mexico,, cheap and no prescriptions.. of course, I'm shrinking and speaking fluent spanish :D

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Do you think the drugs in Mexico are safe? Do you just self-prescribe yourself when you feel you need an antibiotic?


I have purchased Retin A in Cozumel....I use it on the back of my hands !!! It does work very nicely. Avage is just a stronger type of Retin A....too expensive to use on my hands !!!


Jane.....do you use the Roc Eye cream FOR your eyes...or do you just use the Deep Wrinkle cream for the face ....around your eyes? Does that make sense?????

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Do you think the drugs in Mexico are safe? Do you just self-prescribe yourself when you feel you need an antibiotic?


I have purchased Retin A in Cozumel....I use it on the back of my hands !!! It does work very nicely. Avage is just a stronger type of Retin A....too expensive to use on my hands !!!


Jane.....do you use the Roc Eye cream FOR your eyes...or do you just use the Deep Wrinkle cream for the face ....around your eyes? Does that make sense?????


I need the amoxicillan before having dental work done.. I have to take 6 of them an hour before.. and no I do not self prescribe.. if I go to the dr. , which is rare, knock on wood) and he prescribes an antibiotic, I already have it .. keflex is the most common that drs. prescribe.....

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Do you think the drugs in Mexico are safe? Do you just self-prescribe yourself when you feel you need an antibiotic?


I have purchased Retin A in Cozumel....I use it on the back of my hands !!! It does work very nicely. Avage is just a stronger type of Retin A....too expensive to use on my hands !!!


Jane.....do you use the Roc Eye cream FOR your eyes...or do you just use the Deep Wrinkle cream for the face ....around your eyes? Does that make sense?????

p.s... yes, they are safe,, i.. I was kidding about shrinking and speaking spanish.. lol a lot of U.S. people send to Canada for drugs, because they are cheaper and some also send to Mexico..our new drug program may alleviate some of that drug trafficing..

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I've purchased Renova (the milder form of Retin-A) in Mexico for years. A tube that costs $70 at a US pharmacy costs $6-7 in Mexico. Because our parents are retired in the Rio Grande Valley (Texas) we go over the border there to towns whose main business is filling perscriptions for US senior citizens. I have never heard of anyone having trouble with fake, weaker, wrong or impure medicines, but that doesn't mean it never happens. Since these Mexican pharmacies depend almost exclusively on the 'Snowbird' trade, I don't think they would intentionally sell bad product and risk losing business. Many of the medicines are the exact same as purchased in the US, even as to packaging, others the packaging is printed in Spanish. Savings range from nice to astounding, often half price or even more.


If you have botox, does your face feel stiff, numb or frozen, as if you can't move the area where you got the shot? I guess I think of what my face feels like after being numbed at the dentist and don't want that on a several month basis. In other words, after the initial pain of the shot, does your face feel normal or strange?

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If you are breaking out, check with your doctor - could be hormonal.


I suffered from terrible acne unti my mid-thirties when anti-biotic and skin care regimen cleared it up. Use a very light moisturizer....heavy creams, lotion and oils help plug the pores and make more break out. Always use a gentle soap and gentle movements to wash your face. Use a good toner.


From reading this thread, I think I have at least 10 years on ya.....so, take some advise from your elder....learn to love your wrinkles...learn to laugh at the loose skin, the hair loss. Mother Nature will have her way with you and if you don't have the ability to laugh at it you could be headed for trouble.


I have no opinion on Retinol or Botox...no interest either. I am my face and it is a good one! My life is written there; it is and has been a good life. My children and grandchildren love my face - and - a very special gentleman has loved my face since I was 40. That's good enough for me.

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if your cruise stops in mexico you can pick up retin A, any strength, without a prescription and really cheap.. I mix a little at nite with my moisturizer. the pharmacies in mexico may also sell the Avage.. I also pick up my antibiotics like Keflex and amoxicillin in Mexico,, cheap and no prescriptions.. of course, I'm shrinking and speaking fluent spanish :D


Yup! I don't go to Mexico, but in my travels around the world, I pick up prescriptions. I stock up on DH's eyedrops and my Mom's Fosomax when I go to to Paris twice a year. It's about half the US price.


I've got to find out more about the Avage you're all speaking of. I use Prevage that I got from a dermotologist, it's main ingredient is idebone (sp?). Is it the same thing?



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I've been using Renova for years and years so my skin is in pretty good shape. Last time I was in to my dermatologist she gave me another rx for my Renova and I told her I didn't really need it since I buy mine in Mexico. She said I should really consider using the Ortho (real Renova) product because of the chemical composition of retinols. She said while the chemical itself is pretty basic and inexpensive, it is difficult to keep it in suspension with the binder, so it degrades very quickly in the generic product. I had not used the Ortho in a long time and she gave me several sample size tubes. I began using them and realized how much stronger the Ortho product is!! Wow, I could really feel the difference the next day. In hindsight I remeber how a new tube would always feel more potent than the tail end of an old one. And in pharmaceuticals that should not be the case.


Since this is not a product she sells or profits from she would have no stake in pushing the Ortho line.


Just thought you'd want to know. But boy do I miss those low prices!

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I would actually check out a line called Kinerase. It's a line that originated in dermatologists offices and went retail last year. It contains Kinetin (a plant based ingredient) that works at a cellular level to help improve skin tone, elasticity, and smooth out texture. It's a little on the expensive side of skincare ($117 for a cream, $96 for a tightening topical-botox-esque serum) but it lasts a long time (2.14oz lotion) and it is extremely gentle for even the most sensitive skin types. You might have seen it in Instyle and Allure as being promoted by Courtney Cox Arquette. It can be found for sure at select Nordstroms and sephora stores.


Some other lines that I love are CAUDALIE (their eye cream, beauty elixir, and "vinoperfect" skin radiance serum are AMAZING), kiehls, and I know people that love the new "lift fusion" which is an instant firming serum found at sephora. Good luck with finding a new line! I love these products and hope you can check these out!!!

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OH! And as far as breakout on dry skin...


Someone reccomended using some sort of chemical peel and I agree!! By using some sort of hydroxy acid exfoliation, you will help get rid of the dry, dead skin cells that could be causing congestion which leads to breakout on dry skin. This breakout could actually also be hormonal which is actually difficult to treat because what you put on topically might not always combat what your skin wants to do. Some product suggestions would be anything that contains glycolic, citric, salicylic, or lactic acid like a cleanser maybe (can be found everywhere from target to Barneys) or even an at home chemical peel (MD Skincare makes a great one that can be found at dept. stores or once again, a lot of brands make something similar for drugstores too). Both help target texture from breakouts to fine lines and sun damage!


Two great sources for any skincare help or even just questions about skin concerns are sephora.com and blissworld.com. (two of my favorite sites!)


As you can tell, I love skincare since I can't stop blabbing about it!!!

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I went to a seminar about a year and a half ago that my dermatologist was having and they had a drawing and they called my number and I won a bottle of the kinerase. I did like they way it made my face feel.


This has been a very interesting thread. I didn't realize you could get any meds in Mexico without a prescription. I'm going to ask for some things when I go in Sept. I too have to take an antibiotic before I go to the dentist. I only take 2 tablets 1 hr before I go though.

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Wow, I didn't know you could buy antibiotics in Mexico without a prescription. I have a lot of dental problems and when I get a toothache it is always on the weekend or a holiday.

Do you just walk in and see the pharmacist? Do they ask a lot of questions about why you want it?

I also like the ROC products and I try to take better care of my skin now that I am getting older. It is something I wish I had done a long time ago. During my cruise last year in the Carribean I noticed my skin was so dry. The lines under my eyes looked like a road map to China and I was scared it would stay that way. I moisturized like crazy and drank lots of water and the lines disappeared so now I know what to do on my next cruise.

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It's true you don't need a prescription for most meds in Mexico. My parents just walk into the pharmacy with a list of what they want and the pharmacist fills it without any questions. Not all medications are available and a few have only a small savings, but most savings are huge. These pharmacies, that cater to Americans, are extremely new, modern, clean and staffed with very professional, English-speaking pharmacists.


Take note that this does not include controlled substances, including some pain relievers in the narcotic family. And when you cross the border back into the US and the immigration people ask what you are bringing back from Mexico, don't say 'drugs'! Say, 'medications'. (Just ask my dad.)


Also, dentists in these border towns are excellent and very, very cheap.


Thanks for the information about possible weaker formulas or formulas that degrade fairly quickly of Renova from Mexico. I do usually stock up for a year's worth, since we only visit the parents once a year. I haven't noticed any degradation of the brand I use, but I will keep that advice in mind and maybe try my dermatologists pricy stuff again to compare.



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