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Princess censoring shipboard E-mail

Chip AZ

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Email censorship... Wow, what a concept...

Princess controls their system just as the Cruise Critic controls theirs.

Try to post certain words here. If the automated system doesn't catch them, the hosts will. If you are so upset that Princess won't let smut emails go through, find another means to receive them. All ports have Internet Cafes and if you cannot wait, bring your own laptop. As for the liberty comment... Just another post to try to bait others so no comment. It amazes me that so many people cannot give up their computers or cell phones for one week.

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Interesting debate. Of course my opinion goes along with the cruise line. It is their internet system and it’s their right to block any kind of messages, internet access, etc., they want. Their blocking of this information not only is an issue of what they want flowing through their system, but an issue of keeping that system – that for all we know interfaces with the ship-wide systems – safe from corruption.


It is also interesting that some feel email shouldn’t be blocked by the cruise line, that they should be personally responsible and remain free, but on the other hand they feel that certain groups of passengers should not be allowed on board ships and should not be trusted to be personally responsible - thereby denying those people their freedom.


I know there are those out there who feel the statement that another cruise line might be more appropriate is harsh - but Princess does business they way they feel is correct. I'm sure they know that those who they don't appeal to will take their cruise dollars elsewhere.

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Vacation... as in vacate... from the cares of everyday life...


But not in today's cyber-world, without e-mail the day is ruined? In my world, no e-mail, no problems... The very notion that one's teleconnectedness is SO critical to the rest of the world. Lost on a sea of cyber-ego, I say. To justify that, I hope you're trading down to the PS while your giga-yatch is in dry-dock, but you wouldn't even be aboard Princess then would you? No - just a mouse that doesn't know its way off the tread wheel me thinks!


I took my 13 year old daughter to NYC for a visit not long ago. THE BEST MOVE I made was to insist that she leave her f'n lap top at home!


We actually enjoyed a LOT of quality time together.

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Ya know what? This topic truly isn't going anywhere and if you it turns into a name calling judgmental debate thread over parents' choices for their children, who would sue who over what... it's leaving.. No one would believe it in this life now but many decades ago I did belong to the debate club in high school and remember that you CAN and SHOULD and at least on this thread WILL debate in a civil manner or .....:eek: ...the way some of you folks talk to each other.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: So clean it up, okay???? play/debate nice

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How does it work that if you get an objectionable email, that your whole email account is blocked? Wouldn't the sweeper just block the single email? I get messages from our administrator at work occasionally that an email is being held and if I think the sender/email is legitimate they can release it to me if it's been swept. It's usually spam.

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How does it work that if you get an objectionable email, that your whole email account is blocked? Wouldn't the sweeper just block the single email? I get messages from our administrator at work occasionally that an email is being held and if I think the sender/email is legitimate they can release it to me if it's been swept. It's usually spam.

I agree.. There is no way the Princess can block the whole email account. They can however block all attachments which they do

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I do need to be accessible by email while on vacation - which is why I carry a blackberry. There are lots of ways to pick up what we each consider "vital" email and I for one can not be dependant on Princess to provide it. If there is a key word blocker (or attachment blocker) on Princess' very public computers (they really are on all public computers in one form or another), then figure out a way that works for your situation. No blockers on the Wi-fi, right?

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Thanks to the host as this is getting a little........


Princess should advise their internet users on what the rules are so you know to advise those that you are talking to not to slip in 4 letter words.


Princess has no right to shut off access to your own e-mail accounts based on one e-mail. Many get spam with all sorts of content. Not being able to read e-mails could be devastating in so many ways when you depend on it as a form of comunication, where there is no other on a cruise ship.


PS. With the wifi it's a normal internet connection and I have no trouble with reading attachments on the ships computers.

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I'm sure some of you screaming about your right to have unfiltered email access would be the exact same people screaming at Princess or filing a lawsuit if you and your young children walked past a terminal with an email pornographic joke being displayed.

Not me. Freedom comes with a price. A price I am willing to pay. Besides, who would want to or even be able to read a email off of a PC just walking past it????

Nowhere does it state that the ship has to provide internet access. So, if you didn't have access at all, what would you do?

From Princess.com http://www.princess.com/answer/onboard.html


Internet access is available on all Princess vessels through our 24-our onboard Internet Cafés and wireless networks. Use our state-of-the-art computer systems to access your web-based e-mail account, or browse the Internet for world news, sports and stock trading. ……………………………* Note: Ship Internet access is not guaranteed at all times due to the nature of satellite communications, which are subject to itinerary and possible disruption from weather patterns and various obstructions. Also, Internet access via satellite is significantly slower than high-speed connections on shore.”


I'm sure that people wouldn't stop cruising just because they couldn't log on!

Maybe…..maybe not. However, they may choose another line.

Email censorship... Wow, what a concept...

Princess controls their system just as the Cruise Critic controls theirs.

Try to post certain words here. If the automated system doesn't catch them, the hosts will.

Apples and oranges. This is a message board that anyone has access to read. When I check MY email, I assume that I am the only one reading it. Not the rest of the world. Again, no problem with them blocking pornographic sites, but blocking my personal email that ONLY I would read. Going to far.
If you are so upset that Princess won't let smut emails go through, find another means to receive them.
Do we know it was “smut”?? or is this just an assumption??? Also, the OP was not upset they could not read the "off color email" but rather they could not read ANY of their email do to the "off color email" Princess does a wonderful job with their ticketing and all of their fine print that protects themselves....so why not just tell people that they may not be able to access their email account if you have any off color words.
As for the liberty comment... Just another post to try to bait others so no comment.
Please do not assume you know my intentions of my postings. I take my Freedom very seriously.. And don’t state your assumptions as fact. Also, if my intention was to get yours, or others, panties in a wad…there are plenty of other threads to do that…….need I say crown????
It amazes me that so many people cannot give up their computers or cell phones for one week

It amazes me that you would “assume” that just because you are able to get away from your daily routine and not need the internet that you would assume that everyone else can. This is 2006.…people work longer and harder hours then ever before.

Well stated Chip!!

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Princess should advise their internet users on what the rules are so you know to advise those that you are talking to not to slip in 4 letter words.


Princess has no right to shut off access to your own e-mail accounts based on one e-mail. Many get spam with all sorts of content. Not being able to read e-mails could be devastating in so many ways when you depend on it as a form of comunication, where there is no other on a cruise ship.

I don’t know that it’s reasonable to expect Princess to explain their “rules” when it comes to sending and receiving on the internet – this is a cruise product, not an information technology product. The internet is a convenience offered, not a necessity to make a successful cruise. If plugging in is so important, just about every port of call has internet access somewhere (ask any crew member) where filtering is probably not in force. As for having a right to stop email, Princess has every right. It’s their system that’s being used and they are perfectly within their rights to set boundaries as to how that system is used. Just like any of us do at home.

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I don’t know that it’s reasonable to expect Princess to explain their “rules” when it comes to sending and receiving on the internet – this is a cruise product, not an information technology product. The internet is a convenience offered, not a necessity to make a successful cruise. If plugging in is so important, just about every port of call has internet access somewhere (ask any crew member) where filtering is probably not in force. As for having a right to stop email, Princess has every right. It’s their system that’s being used and they are perfectly within their rights to set boundaries as to how that system is used. Just like any of us do at home.


Oh no, Brian and I are in complete agreement on this topic, what is the world coming to?!!!!

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My opinion:


Princess has the right to block whatever they want. Its their ship, their computers, their business. If they choose not to sell orange hair dye in the stylist area, that's their business, they have made a choice based on their business model. If they choose not to allow certain types of email, whatever that may be and set their filters to reject it, they made that choice on their business model.


I, as a consumer of their business, only have the right to take my cruise dollars where I am most comfortable. If I want orange hair dye, I might choose another ship. If I want emails others chose not to download, I might want to find another way or another ship.


My workplace, and probably yours too, filters email messages and sometimes certain types of internet sites. I choose to take my business (being my talents, efforts) to them. If I had a high need to have email be different at work, I would take myself elsewhere, as it would not fit my workplace business model.


There are multiple choices for all of us, as we all tend to be very different. For the OP, having email censored by Princess, means he needs to evaluate to see if his cruise desires fit with the Princess business model. If not, take it elsewhere. If he thinks he can live with it, for we all will find something about a cruise not to our total satisfaction, then ome back to Princess again.


Its all about choices we make and things offered us. Do I wish Princess had a midnight chocolate buffet? Well, yes. But, I think the overall Princess product is something I like so much , I give up the buffet for other things Princess offers me.

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Princess has no right to shut off access to your own e-mail accounts based on one e-mail.


I suppose they have the "right" to rebate the internet minutes that you've bought and haven't used... and tell you off...


Or they have the right to refuse you internet service altogether in the same way they 'cut you off' at the bar...


Use your lap top if you must. Princess has no 'duty' to provide you internet access, correspondingly they have every 'right' to do whatever they want and you have no 'right' to anything but high blood pressure. I think that's what your lawyers will tell you. :)


Enjoy your "vacation"...

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obviously princess has set internet securities set med high,so its blocked your mail,just use your wireless,no ones looking at your mail,its the content of the mail its blocking,oh well read it later:rolleyes:

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I suppose they have the "right" to rebate the internet minutes that you've bought and haven't used... and tell you off...


Or they have the right to refuse you internet service altogether in the same way they 'cut you off' at the bar...


Use your lap top if you must. Princess has no 'duty' to provide you internet access, correspondingly they have every 'right' to do whatever they want and you have no 'right' to anything but high blood pressure. I think that's what your lawyers will tell you. :)


Enjoy your "vacation"...


Jeez, this is getting personal. I have to say this is one of the best cruises I have been on. The passengers are friendly, a lot more freindly then some on this board. I never could understand how cruise boards get so on the fight all the time. Perhaps people have more guts when they don't have to say these things to ones face.


Yeah Caroline I would delete this tread. It doesn't do CC any good or Princess either. If I where to happen by to find out about cruising I might chose another way to have a "vacation" Who would want to be on ship with these posters.

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It was your post that asserted that the line had 'no right' to do something... And it was you that earlier speculated what your lawyers would opine on the subject...


From the privacy of my law office, I opined otherwise...


I'd rather be on your cruise. I'd buy you a drink, but no internet minutes whatsoever. Because you're on vacation. :D

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OP, could you confirm whether you were able to read ANY of your email? Or, was just the attachment blocked, and potentially, the specific email containing it?


Filtering at the office does not trickle down to my web-based Yahoo account. If the Yahoo domain is not blocked, I don't believe it is possible to prevent access to your account.


I would like it confirmed that ONLY ATTACHED MESSAGES were affected.


If that is the case, it's not censorship, it's protection of their environment.

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Jeez, this is getting personal. I have to say this is one of the best cruises I have been on. The passengers are friendly, a lot more freindly then some on this board. I never could understand how cruise boards get so on the fight all the time. Perhaps people have more guts when they don't have to say these things to ones face.


Yeah Caroline I would delete this tread. It doesn't do CC any good or Princess either. If I where to happen by to find out about cruising I might chose another way to have a "vacation" Who would want to be on ship with these posters.


Sorry I don't see this as personal attack at all, and it doesn't contain anything that I would have any problem saying to people directly. Personally I hate that commercial that shows someone email from a beach. I think that on vacation you need to get away from stuff like that. But I do understand that people need to stay in touch for business reasons. I am sure there is another reason why the spam filter stopped this. I would suggest the next time it happens you speak to whomever is in charge of the internet room. Now is that a personal attack? I just don't see it. As to the opinion as to whether it violates your privacy or not- reasonable people can disagree. Its not a governmental intervention and the normal rule is he who owns the computer makes the rules. When its a governmental computer like a library special rules against censorship do come into play....

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The point is does Princess have the right to prevent you from accessing All your e-mail based on the content of one e-mail. I don't think so.


I guess I'll never see that they have that right. I like talking to my family and I am not responceable for the content for all incoming e-mail that I never asked to recive.

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I think it was a technical problem. I don't know what email service provider you used but something made the filtering problem turn you off as spam. It may even be the name your choose was somehow in the system as to be blocked. I am not so technically savy as to know which, but since it is your mail box you are responsible for everything that comes into wanted or unwanted. Whether you asked to recieve it or had a prior arrangement that allowed them to send it, I don't know. Should Princess shut your email down-- without knowing more I would say no but we are after all hearing only you side of the story. My suggestion is to ask the expert on the ship. They know more than all of Holiday Inn express experts.

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You have to remember how the rooms are configured where the computers are. On Diamond and Sapphire, the machines are facing walls and I think there was some small partion between them. However, on the same ship in the library and the “cyber rooms” on some of the older ships, half the room can see your screen.


It’s not that they are concerned if someone is standing behind you trying to see what your doing. You have a 20-inch screen that can be visible to ANYONE passing by in the entire room. You are not home, you are not at your friends house, you are a passenger on a ship with anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand other people, none of which share your views on everything. You are not using your own computer; you are renting someone else’s.


If you don’t know already, everything you view or send on a computer is put on the hard drive. It remains there until it is over written by other information. This includes anything you have deleted or put in the trash and emptied. I would never use a shipboard computer for any sensitive matter unless it was an emergency. It is possible for someone to take the hard drive and see email you sent to uncle Harold five years ago or you checking your bank statement.


Anything that doesn't kill you, just hurts a hell of a lot


Sea Princess

Star Princess

Carnival Pride

Diamond Princess

Sapphire Princess

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