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Oh no! DW NEEDS a table for two!


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Not at all. Actually, we would LOVE to have you in line with us. I am more of a chatter than DW, but we both enjoy listening to other folks.


Thanks again for all the supportive and encouraging replies.


Hey, I just thought of another plan if we get placed with a large group: the first evening, I'll ask everyone to stand for a 20 minute prayer, which includes blessings for Bush, Hillary, Osama, the KKK, the ACLU, NORML, country music, Dixie Chicks, NRA, rap music, North Korea, Dick Cheney, Michael Moore, Pauly Shore movies, and the oil companies.


That should pretty well clear the table for the rest of the week. :)


*LMAO* That should do it! Too funny....

Have a great cruise! I'm sure it will all work out. ;)

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OH you all would hate me then. I chat with everybody. I'll chat with people while I'm waiting in line. I chat with all my patients at the bedside. I'm your worst enemy YIKES :eek:

Ur right u would definitely be my worst enemy and nightmare, lol. I would mostly likely do a lot of smiling and "unhuh, ok, really?" and hope that u would get the picture that I really don't want to talk to u and maybe u would leave me alone and let me finish my food and talk to the person I came on the cruise with. :-D As u can see I prefer to sit with ppl I know. I'm not into talking to strangers. That doesn't appeal to me. Has nothing to do with shyness though.

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I've always considered being at a large table part of the cruise experience. My 17 y/o son has been asking to get a table just for us and after reading this and being reminded just what it was like to sit at a table with an 8 y/o girl who only wanted cornflakes every meal or with always late comers, I think I'll try just that.


Roboat, you cracked me up!

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Right after I posted the thread was moved but I can't figure to where. Where am I???


I don't think it moved.... did you just get lost?? :D :p It is still in the Carnival forum. Just look at the very top above the blue bar and you can always see the forum that you are currently in. :)

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Just got back from my first cruise so nothing to compare it with. However, travelling with my family of 4 (2 teenage sons) we requested a table for 4, we had a wonderful table and didn't regret it. We travel a lot and part of our holiday experience is enjoying meals together and, much as I love meeting other people and have no problem striking up conversations with anyone, when it comes to one of the high points of the day I want to spend it with my family and not with 'strangers'


We were opposite a table of 8 - 6 of whom were similar ages (30's), the other couple late 40's/early 50's. The older couple were basically ignored from the 2nd day. We felt so sorry for them - even our kids noticed :(


I would say you should hold out for your table for 2 and if you're placed on a table of people your DW doesn't feel comfortable with, then ask to move.

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We have been on Carnival 2x. We always ask for a table for 4, agree with the other posters, like to spend time with the family alone when it comes to eating...... Love to have a drink with you.... but not dine with you:D Anyway, one of the 2 times we were assigned a table for 4, the first time had to see the Maitre D and it was changed. I just booked another cruise on Carnival for next Sept ( Valor), and the PVP said requesting a table through them doesn't matter. She said the Maitre D does not look at any of the reservation information, and it's the luck of the draw........ seemed odd to me but she was adament. Anyone know for sure ?



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WOW..... again I can't get over how lucky we have been with our table mates on 18 cruises. It makes me wonder if our good luck will run out and we'll get stuck with 6-8 of the most obnoxious people in the world.

My family of 15 has gone on several cruises together and we have always split up for dinner. We are with each other all day and when traveling in a "pack", you have a tendency to not really mingle or meet other people. We thought if we have dinner with others, everyone will meet new people and maybe make our group even larger.

Plus... too much togetherness with a family group that large can sometimes be.... too much togetherness!

At the table my husband & I were at, was a Mom and her 20 yr old daughter. I introduced her to my 2 college age nephews that we sitting at a different table and they spent the week hanging out together. Chances are good they would have meet anyway, but it helped break the ice.

I would like to think the majority of people on a cruise are there to have fun, meet some new people and basically nice people. Thank God everyone we have met has been just that (so far). Maybe I should quit while we are ahead of the game.


While I thought the Glory was a very nice ship, the red, white and blue got to me after awhile. I thought it was too much R/W/B.

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Hey, I just thought of another plan if we get placed with a large group: the first evening, I'll ask everyone to stand for a 20 minute prayer, which includes blessings for Bush, Hillary, Osama, the KKK, the ACLU, NORML, country music, Dixie Chicks, NRA, rap music, North Korea, Dick Cheney, Michael Moore, Pauly Shore movies, and the oil companies.


That should pretty well clear the table for the rest of the week. :)


Oh that's wicked :D

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Ur right u would definitely be my worst enemy and nightmare, lol. I would mostly likely do a lot of smiling and "unhuh, ok, really?" and hope that u would get the picture that I really don't want to talk to u and maybe u would leave me alone and let me finish my food and talk to the person I came on the cruise with. :-D As u can see I prefer to sit with ppl I know. I'm not into talking to strangers. That doesn't appeal to me. Has nothing to do with shyness though.


I absolutly promise that,after this post, I will never speak again.

Ok sorry I lied. How about if I never bother you again. I offer my apologies to you.

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My DH and I sailed the Glory in April 2004...fabulous cruise and loved the Glory! We requested a table for 2 and didn't get it. When we arrived on the ship, we immediately went to the dining room and requested a table for the 2. The maitre'd was wonderful and indicated that he wouldn't know until after 5 if he could accommodate our request. We also wanted the 6:15 time (dining room right near the atrium) so it was a stretch. He did change our time from late to early but at a larger table. Around 5 ish, I called the dining room and the matre'd answered. Someone was on the way to our room with a new card and met our request for a table for 2 at 6:15. It was perfect. He spoke to us each night and wanted to be sure we were having a great time. No tips but we did tip him at the end of the week. Ironically, even though we were at a table for two, we could socialize if we wanted with two other tables. It was the best of all worlds! People shouldn't feel "bad" about not wanting to sit at a table with others. While I am a big social person, I love being with my DH and this is our time away since our schedules during the week are so busy. We still can have fun but when it comes time for dinner, it's just us.

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Thank for your encouraging words.




Much appreciated! ;)


I don't know that "shy" is the right word. When she is occasionally placed in a situation where she must make smalltalk, she is gracious, interesting, funny, etc. So she can do it, but she does not enjoy it.


I should have mentioned that we are 60. I have learned that logically explaining to DW why she needs to change is "ill advised." (read: dangerous, foolhardy, sheer lunacy, etc.) :)


ROFL I sooo understand where you are coming from having been married 30 yrs myself. On our recent cruise there were sooo many empty tables and our ship was full to capacity being the first cruise for fantasy out of NO and first for carnival since katrina. I think if they are as wonderful on your cruise as they were on yours...it will be no problem. I hope you have a wonderful trip like we did :D

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I understand completely, my dh is very self concious eating in front of others & would be uncomfortable w/ a large group. He is so worried about making conversation or responding to someone that he will let his food go cold. Next thing you know everybody but him has finished their meal but him.

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I'm sorry maybe its just me but since when do ppl have to meet other ppl on there vacation? And if they're not into that there mean or shy or uppity? Anybody want to elaborate? Maybe I missed the memo on this vacation must-do.

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I don't think it's necessarily a "must do". I just think that sometimes on vacations people like to things that they might not otherwise do at home. Same goes for excursions. We look for things that we would never get a chance to do otherwise.


That actually was behind our reasoning for trying to put ourselves out there a bit and changed our reservation to include another family at dinner. We'll give it a try the first night and if it doesn't work out for us, we'll ask for a switch with the maitre d' and/or eat at the buffet.



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Don't worry. You didn't miss the memo. Some people demand that others think like they do and insist that everyone meet everyone else. They think it's the best way of having "fun". ;)


My opinion: the people that always say this are usually traveling with just a spouse, and they know they will have no fun and nothing to say to each other if dining alone. They need the company of others (stangers!!!) to have a good time. How sad.


We know, after 39 years of marriage and 20 plus cruises, that our best option for a great dining experience is just the two of us. We are best friends and very lucky. We meet people and make friends at situations other than dining, at our option.


Like I said, just my opinion.


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My DH and I enjoy spending time alone (25 years), but we also enjoy meeting new people. I think dinner (a couple of hours at most) is a great opportunity to meet people. I think it's funny that couples want to be "alone" on a cruise with 3000 other people. To me if you want to be alone on a vacation there are much more conducive locations and transportation out there.


We met some great people on our last cruise and expect to again. We don't "need" the company of others to have a good time, but it is nice to meet new people. I think it's sad if you dont need anyone else in your life to spend time with. If you isolate yourself completely with just your spouse, you may end up very alone. There are two sides to everything!

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My DH and I enjoy spending time alone (25 years), but we also enjoy meeting new people. I think dinner (a couple of hours at most) is a great opportunity to meet people. I think it's funny that couples want to be "alone" on a cruise with 3000 other people. To me if you want to be alone on a vacation there are much more conducive locations and transportation out there.


We met some great people on our last cruise and expect to again. We don't "need" the company of others to have a good time, but it is nice to meet new people. I think it's sad if you dont need anyone else in your life to spend time with. If you isolate yourself completely with just your spouse, you may end up very alone. There are two sides to everything!

That's nice and all u and ur husband want to meet new ppl but sorry to disagree with u that just because others don't feel the same way on there vacation doesn't make it sad. I see nothing sad about it. Y do we have to go on vacation to meet new ppl if we don't want too? And to say a person is going to be alone and lonely and all that if they are only willing to be with there spouse on vacation is totally ridiculous. If ur vacation is fulfilled with meeting new ppl and the like then good for u. if someone else wants to just get away with only there significant other because they want some alone time some them time then good for them as well and they shouldn't be called "sad" because of it.

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That's nice and all u and ur husband want to meet new ppl but sorry to disagree with u that just because others don't feel the same way on there vacation doesn't make it sad. I see nothing sad about it. Y do we have to go on vacation to meet new ppl if we don't want too? And to say a person is going to be alone and lonely and all that if they are only willing to be with there spouse on vacation is totally ridiculous. If ur vacation is fulfilled with meeting new ppl and the like then good for u. if someone else wants to just get away with only there significant other because they want some alone time some them time then good for them as well and they shouldn't be called "sad" because of it.


Oh geez, did you read the previous posts? And did you really read mine? I was commenting on the post above mine stating that it was "sad to need the company of others (strangers)." It was meant to be the other side of the coin. You took that pretty personally, did I hit a sore spot? I just think that wanting to talk 24/7 with only your spouse on a vacation on a cruise ship is virtually impossible due to the numbers of people and the interactions you have to have just to be there.

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My DH and I enjoy spending time alone (25 years), but we also enjoy meeting new people. I think dinner (a couple of hours at most) is a great opportunity to meet people. I think it's funny that couples want to be "alone" on a cruise with 3000 other people. To me if you want to be alone on a vacation there are much more conducive locations and transportation out there.


We met some great people on our last cruise and expect to again. We don't "need" the company of others to have a good time, but it is nice to meet new people. I think it's sad if you dont need anyone else in your life to spend time with. If you isolate yourself completely with just your spouse, you may end up very alone. There are two sides to everything!



I think most of us are just talking about dinner like you said " a couple of hours at most"...not the entire trip.

DH and I have met many, many great friends from all over the world on our cruises - I'm certainly not shy! (DH says try shutting me up after a cocktail on the deck! :D )

We just prefer to dine with each other at a table for 2 at dinner on a cruise for our own reasons - to say we should find other ways to vacation or that we will end up alone? lol!!! We have been married and best friends for 10 yrs and cruising for that long..don't think that is changing because we choose to dine "alone". ;)

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OH you all would hate me then. I chat with everybody. I'll chat with people while I'm waiting in line. I chat with all my patients at the bedside. I'm your worst enemy YIKES :eek:


My DH is just like you, and I think it's a great quality! :) My DH has been given the nickname "The Town Friend" by my family because he strikes up a conversation wherever he goes and always makes a new friend. I'd like to be more like that myself!


On both of our cruises, we've had a table with just our family, which worked out fine for us. We didn't request it that way, but were just as happy that it happened that way. When we dined in the dining room for breakfast a few times, we got seated with nice folks all but one time. The one time we got seated with another couple that were obviously not happy to have to share a table. It was a very uncomfortable breakfast. I was very glad it was only 1 breakfast and that we were not stuck with them every night for dinner. I most definitely would have requested a change in that case.

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I think it's sad if you dont need anyone else in your life to spend time with. If you isolate yourself completely with just your spouse, you may end up very alone.


Holy guacamole! :eek:


DW and I got more chirrun, grandchirrun and now GREAT-grandchirrun then you can shake a stick at! AND we live in Orlando, so we are the welcoming hotel whenever somebody or their brother gets a craving for The Mouse! Dining alone is kinda nice.


So here, let me turn that around for you: :D

I think it's sad that you find your spouse so boring (or homely? scary, maybe?) that you would rather go sit with complete STRANGERS (with God-only-knows what kind of perversions and diseases!) just to have a fall-back position in case your spouse runs off with the hair-braid girl(s) in Playa Mia! ;)


Please, no worries. I'm just teasing you about jumping to conclusions.


Love and kisses,

Roboat :)

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I think it's sad if you dont need anyone else in your life to spend time with. If you isolate yourself completely with just your spouse, you may end up very alone.


Holy guacamole! :eek:


We got more chirrun, grandchirrun and now GREAT-grandchirrun than you can shake a stick at! AND we live in Orlando, so we are the welcoming hotel whenever somebody or their brother gets a craving for The Mouse! Dining alone is something we can tolerate once in a while.


So here, let me turn your statement around for you: :D

I think it's sad if you find your spouse so boring (or homely? scary, maybe?) that you would rather go sit with complete STRANGERS (with God-only-knows what kind of perversions and diseases!) just to have a fall-back position in case your spouse runs off with the hair-braid girl(s) in Playa Mia! ;)


Please, no worries. I'm just teasing you about jumping to conclusions.


Love and kisses,

Roboat :)

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Good Luck in obtaining your private table. On our cruise last year we booked with a travel agent who put us with a group that they had going in order to get us group pricing. We knew no one in the group. Our dinner reservations were linked with the group and we were seated at an 8 top table. The only other ones that ever showed up was an elderly couple on their honeymoon which we had nothing in common with. We are 40 and have a 12 year old daughter. She wouldn't eat in the dining room but once.


I would have been much more comfortable with people closer to our age or if we had the table to ourselves. Our cruise in just over 2 weeks is a family cruise with DH's family. (I might wish we had our own table then.:o :p )


That's too bad - just becasue your TA booked you with another group for pricing there was no need to group you at dinner! And you could have had the MD move you at any time.



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