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Jeans in the dining room...


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Before my cruise last week (which was AWESOME), I asked on these board whether jeans were allowed in the dining room on smart-casual nights. I got many replies saying "Oh no, not at all..." Based on this the wife and I packed accordingly, only to get there and see many, many men and women wearing their jeans.


Which brings me to my question, are you answering peoples questions on these board based on fact or based on opinion? Would of been nice to know the "real" rules before we left...


Anyway, time for the gym, gotta work off Sabatini's!

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Before my cruise last week (which was AWESOME), I asked on these board whether jeans were allowed in the dining room on smart-casual nights. I got many replies saying "Oh no, not at all..." Based on this the wife and I packed accordingly, only to get there and see many, many men and women wearing their jeans.


Which brings me to my question, are you answering peoples questions on these board based on fact or based on opinion? Would of been nice to know the "real" rules before we left...


Anyway, time for the gym, gotta work off Sabatini's!


Honestly, I can't see why anyone would want to wear a pair of jeans to dinner on a cruise ship. Believe me, I have my expensive jeans, but would never dream of wearing them into a dining room. If I'm paying all this money for a vacation, I want to dress up a bit. Hells bells, I can wear jeans to Applebee's at home.


Just my honest opinion.


Also, I think MOST people don't wear jeans to dinner on a cruise and they were giving their personal preferences, as well as the ships "advice", not "rules".

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I have never noticed anyone wearing jeans thankfully. I believe the rules state that jeans are not allowed. I would find it rude if I were having a dinner party and everyone was dressed accordingly then someone shows up in jeans. JMHO I guess I just don't understand the need for jeans, especially in the Carribean?

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My answer is straight from the Princess website as copy and pasted below:




Cruise Answer Place What to Bring






Princess makes it easy to know what to pack and what to wear when you're dining onboard. There are two designations for dress codes: Smart Casual and Formal.


Smart Casual Evenings:

Passengers dress as they would for a fine restaurant at home.

• Skirts/dresses, slacks, and sweaters for ladies

• Pants and open-neck shirts for men

In the dining room, items such as cutoff T-shirts, shorts, halter tops, and jeans are not permitted; shoes must be worn at all times.


Formal Evenings:

• Evening gowns and cocktail dresses for ladies

• Tuxedo, slacks with dinner jackets, or suits for men



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This is what it says on Princess' website



Princess makes it easy to know what to pack and what to wear when you're dining onboard. There are two designations for dress codes: Smart Casual and Formal.


Smart Casual Evenings:

Passengers dress as they would for a fine restaurant at home.

• Skirts/dresses, slacks, and sweaters for ladies

• Pants and open-neck shirts for men

In the dining room, items such as cutoff T-shirts, shorts, halter tops, and jeans are not permitted; shoes must be worn at all times.

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Before my cruise last week (which was AWESOME), I asked on these board whether jeans were allowed in the dining room on smart-casual nights. I got many replies saying "Oh no, not at all..." Based on this the wife and I packed accordingly, only to get there and see many, many men and women wearing their jeans.


Which brings me to my question, are you answering peoples questions on these board based on fact or based on opinion? Would of been nice to know the "real" rules before we left...


Anyway, time for the gym, gotta work off Sabatini's!


Just because people were wearing jeans doesn't make that the "real" rules as you put it.


Last time I was in Ocho Rios I saw people smoking pot -- does that make it legal? Uh, no. Come on!

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I have not seen anyone wearing jeans in the dinning rooms on either of the cruises that I have been on. In my opinion, this is just a common courtesy of your fellow cruisers. If you want to wear jeans, then the cafes are a fine place to eat. I have found that the food and dishes in the cafes are very good. The whole idea of eating in the restaurants is to meet and socialize with new friends. So it is not unreasonable to dress accordingly.

The answers that you get on this forum are based on people’s interpretations on what they believed they saw, heard, or were told. I do not think that anyone tries to mislead anyone. People on this forum are only trying to help. If you are looking for factual answers, then you really should have asked Princess your questions.

In any event, I hope that you enjoyed your cruise, I know we do!

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Thankfully, I rarely see anyone wearing jeans in the dining room at night. You're on a cruise ship and have paid thousands of dollars to be pampered and have a great time. Why would you deliberately not follow the dress code except if you had a "It's my vacation and I'll do what I want" attitude.


One of the byproducts of making cruising so affordable is that many passengers new to cruising seem to think they're at their local TGI Fridays or Applebys. Not to knock those -- I enjoy them and go all the time, in jeans -- but they are not the same as going on a luxury cruise.

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I have been on 7 Princess cruises, and I can honestly say I have only seen jeans in the DR once or twice -- and then I think it was on the 1st night when perhaps not all luggage had been delivered yet. I also don't think that anyone here was trying to mislead you. But I do have to add that I think that cruising is changing and becoming more casual, so maybe this will be more commonplace. I agree with another poster, however, who said that a cruise is fancier than many restaurants at home, so it's a good chance to dress up a little more than I would to go to Applebee's.

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Before my cruise last week (which was AWESOME), I asked on these board whether jeans were allowed in the dining room on smart-casual nights. I got many replies saying "Oh no, not at all..." Based on this the wife and I packed accordingly, only to get there and see many, many men and women wearing their jeans.


Which brings me to my question, are you answering peoples questions on these board based on fact or based on opinion? Would of been nice to know the "real" rules before we left...


Anyway, time for the gym, gotta work off Sabatini's!

The last time I was driving on the freeway.............many people were exceeding the speed limit........breaking the real "rule".


Jeans are not allowed in the dining room..............people break that real "rule" all the time...........and that does not make it right.

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Last year when I was on the Carribbean princess I saw lots of people in jeans on the casual nights.


From what I observed, the jeans (and I don't mean faded old yucky ones) were paired with (for women) high heeled sandals and dressy tops. And for men, I saw jeans paired with Ralph Lauren or similar long sleeved button down shirts, nice belts and nice shoes. It wasn't like they were walking around with ripped t shirts and torn jeans (although those are in style now;) )


Whether right or wrong, they looked polished. Flame away, everyone. :D

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When I saw bunches of people wearing jeans (and shorts) to the dining room on a repo cruise through the Canal on RCI, I took closer notice to the dress code in the dining room in the daily newsletter. It said no tank tops, bare feet or bathing attire allowed in the dining room. This was right under and included in the square listing dinner times. Face it, there are jeans that cost more than a fancy dress and to some people, that is "dressing up." Your designer vs. Wranglers (lol).


Tucker in Texas

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IMHO...I think our society has gotten way too casual in general. Just take a good look at the population in the supermarkets and malls. Some of them look like they haven't showered in a month, haven't seen their washing machine or a dry cleaners in ages. They just give the impression of a very sloppy society. Whatever happened to taking pride in your personal appearance....instead of the attitude of "who cares..."? I'm no 'spring chicken'...but I still make sure my clothes are clean and not wrinkled, I brush my hair and even put on a touch of make-up. Who do I do this for? Me! I care!

I would think that after you pay a nice peice of change for an elegant/or maybe not so elegant cruise...it would be a pleasure to make a presentable appearance. But...as I said...that's just mho.

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Last year when I was on the Carribbean princess I saw lots of people in jeans on the casual nights.


From what I observed, the jeans (and I don't mean faded old yucky ones) were paired with (for women) high heeled sandals and dressy tops. And for men, I saw jeans paired with Ralph Lauren or similar long sleeved button down shirts, nice belts and nice shoes. It wasn't like they were walking around with ripped t shirts and torn jeans (although those are in style now;) )


Whether right or wrong, they looked polished. Flame away, everyone. :D


Jeans have crossed a new dimension recently. A silk cami & heels make a sharp looking pair of jeans classy enough for most dining establishments.

Vegas clubs say "no jeans"...but they have had to adjust that over the last couple of years. Let's face it, there are "dressy" jeans, and those that aren't.


Personally I like to dress up on my cruise cuz I don't get to at home. Actually in Lincoln (pop. 225000, college city), I cannot think of one restaurant where I couldn't wear jeans "dressed up." One of the gals at our table on our Princess showed up in jeans & a cotton spaghetti strap cami. Too casual? Yes. Did any of us care? NO!!!! And was she barred from the dining room? NO!!! Hey, I notice odd attire as much as the next person. And frankly some who "follow the rules" have made choices that are SO wrong! Are they barred from the dining room? NO!


Guess I have far better things to worry about than whether my neighbor has chosen the "appropriate" attire for the evening!

Flame away!


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IMHO...I think our society has gotten way too casual in general. Just take a good look at the population in the supermarkets and malls. Some of them look like they haven't showered in a month, haven't seen their washing machine or a dry cleaners in ages. They just give the impression of a very sloppy society. Whatever happened to taking pride in your personal appearance....instead of the attitude of "who cares..."? I'm no 'spring chicken'...but I still make sure my clothes are clean and not wrinkled, I brush my hair and even put on a touch of make-up. Who do I do this for? Me! I care!

I would think that after you pay a nice peice of change for an elegant/or maybe not so elegant cruise...it would be a pleasure to make a presentable appearance. But...as I said...that's just mho.


Most of these fashion makeover shows are simply people who have fallen into this habit of sloppy.

BUT we need to remember...just because I am wearing JEANS doesn't make me sloppy or too casual. It depends what I wear with them. Just because I am wearing a DRESS doesn't mean I am dressed appropriately for dinner!


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On a personal note, I actually do wear jeans on casual nights. As you can see from my new signature...I used to travel and dress up when it was just DH and me and now with DD and DS (ages 5 and 1 1/2 who are going on their second cruise thanks to grammy & papa) it is just easier to wear jeans than a dress when dealing with young children. Also I have to pack lots for them and there is only so much luggage that DH can handle before he stays home. But I would like to think I look polished my jeans with my dressy tops (I'm not wearing my Old Navy tshirts to dinner, I promise!!).


We do go all out on formal nite, though. Even DS has a mini tux that everyone on the ship went crazy for last year.

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Maybe it's because I live in such a dress casual region, but my family (including my children ages 8-13) really enjoy dressing up on cruise ships...


I've seen all sorts of "inapprpriate" dress on cruise ships, but the lion's share dress to code. With such big ships nowadays, even if 99% dress to code, that means there will be 20-30 that don't and given the popularity of blue jeans (I love'em too) probably more than half of that non-compliant 1% will be in jeans. Divide by the number of dinner seatings and that means the OP or any of us may see half dozen folks wearing jeans in the dining room. Maybe I've blocked it out of mind, but my personal recollection is fewer than that...


So the OP needs to keep in mind that the cruise enthusiasts here probably share much of my sentiment and not going to endorse or support the "worst" or at least "non-compliant" 1%.


That said, if you step back and think about it. It's sort of funny that blue cotton slacks are perfectly acceptable on one hand but NOT if they are woven and slitched in a certain manner!


But much of what is OK or Not OK in the world is based solely on the culture of a given place. I like cruise ship culture - the traditional side of it - so I'm happy to go with the flow and keep the jeans packed for shore excursioning.

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On a personal note, I actually do wear jeans on casual nights. As you can see from my new signature...I used to travel and dress up when it was just DH and me and now with DD and DS (ages 5 and 1 1/2 who are going on their second cruise thanks to grammy & papa) it is just easier to wear jeans than a dress when dealing with young children. Also I have to pack lots for them and there is only so much luggage that DH can handle before he stays home. But I would like to think I look polished my jeans with my dressy tops (I'm not wearing my Old Navy tshirts to dinner, I promise!!).


We do go all out on formal nite, though. Even DS has a mini tux that everyone on the ship went crazy for last year.

Ok, I've tried to stay out of this one but as a Mom of 2 children as well, jeans actually take up the same if not MORE room in the suitcases than dockers or other types of slacks that are allowed under the dress code. Nowhere does it say you need to wear dresses on casual night. This is a heated subject and I hate to make anyone feel bad but I have to again state what someone else has said. The requirement set by OUR host (the cruise line) is that jeans are NOT allowed. Would you go to your bosses house for a party wearing jeans when you know the invite asked for something more dressy? Now whether or not you choose to abide by that is up to you. But please no excuses as to WHY you can't follow the dress code when it's not difficult to begin with and the excuse sounds like you just like the way you look in your jeans and to hell with the dress code.

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I don't understand why this thread is continuing - The OP wanted to know what the "rule" was - If He/She had read the Cruise Answer booklet that they received in the mail approximately 60 days before the cruise the answer would have been on page 8. End of story.


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