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Sharing a soda card

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In my opinion it´s very clearly a YES!


The deal is a Soda Card per person at a designated cost and this single person can have as much Coke as he / she wants.


It´s up to you to make the calculation if you drink enough to get a benefit out of the card.

So once they bought the card and have the coke then it is there's right ,so they can do whatever they choose with it

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Everyone take a breath.


It's okay if we disagree. :rolleyes:


Wow, totally new concept! :rolleyes:


Personally, I think sharing a drink card is not ethical. However, I'm not going to go running off to the Soda Police if I see anybody sharing one. I have been known to take a sip of my DH's mojito...I don't think that's stealing, but he doesn't have an all-you-can-Mojito Card, either! :D


Gotta agree with you here. I'll just agree to disagree and do what I think is right for my own self, which probably means bringing a twelve pack of cokes on board with me. ;)



um....can I have sip of everyone's mojito?:cool:

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I have spent quite a bit of time in the hospitality industry (catering) and the cost to the cruise lines for each glass of soda sold from the fountain is less then 10 cents and im taking into consideration of cleaning the glasses. Yes I do purchase the soda card it's just easier to me.

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Well I never drink tea, coffee or lemonaid so I always get the soda card. But I would think that if someone shared it then it's really no big deal. I think the ship would end up paying about the same amount as if someone drank tons of the free drinks.


Now don't jump on me. Like I said I buy the card and since I'm a solo traveler I don't share my card so I don't do this. But I wouldn't go say anything if I saw someone else do this.


I think the ship loses way more money when people bring wine on board and they lose all that money. A coke is only a few pennies if it is a fountain coke.


So if someone only drinks one every now and then it's no big deal.


I do think they should switch to the punch cards like HAL has. That way it wouldn't matter who used it. Only so many cokes are allowed on one card.


Also, people on this board have been known to leave the wine, coke and coffee punch cards in the rooms of their cabins so others can find them and use them up. That's the same as sharring and no one thought that was wrong.


I don't think of it as stealing. It may be cheating but I don't see it as stealing because it's really just a coke being drank by another person. Who cares who drinks its. It's been paid for.


To me it's like someone who goes to see a movie and then sneaks in to see a 2nd one. I've seen people do that all the time and I don't think that's a big deal either. The theater isn't losing any money. In fact if that person ends up buying something to eat they are making money they wouldn't have.


Same with the coke card. That person who just wants one coke isn't going to cause any real loss of money from the ship.

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OMG! I didn't know people were that offended by people sharing soda's. You learning something new everyday here about the cruising community.!


No one gets offended when people share individual sodas. I'm not even sure "offended" is the right word when people share soda packages. There's a world of difference between buying a single soda and sharing it, and buying one soda package to be used by multiple people.


Once you've purchased an individual soda, it's yours to do with as you please. Once you've purchased a soda package, you've agreed to abide by the terms: RCI sells the soda packages as a per person item. One soda package is for one person.


I believe it is wrong to buy one soda package to share with others. However, I don't spend any time whatsoever while on a cruise thinking about whether someone is or is not sharing a soda package with others. OTOH, when someone comes on the forum here and advocates sharing or brags about sharing, other members (including me) are going to "voice" our opinion of the fact that it's wrong.



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Ok really, how many of you that think sharring a soda card is wrong, hides wine in your suitcase? I don't get it. Why is one so wrong and the other one isn't???? Why doesn't anyone answer that.

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Ok really, how many of you that think sharring a soda card is wrong, hides wine in your suitcase? I don't get it. Why is one so wrong and the other one isn't???? Why doesn't anyone answer that.


Oh boy, let's keep beating this dead horse (sharing soda cards) and add another in the mix (alcohol) because beating two dead horses is better than one! :D


I personally think that it is wrong to share a soda card. I also think that it is wrong to smuggle alcohol onboard. Did it ever occur to you that those that think that it is OK to share soda cards could be the same ones that defend smuggling? Thinking that one is wrong does not equate to thinking that the other is OK.

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Ok really, how many of you that think sharring a soda card is wrong, hides wine in your suitcase? I don't get it. Why is one so wrong and the other one isn't???? Why doesn't anyone answer that.


While I agree it´s beating a dead horse I have to answer this one.


Yes I think sharing a Soda Card is stealing!

No I don´t smuggle wine or other alcohol!

No I don´t need a travel iron or other stuff that would be a fire hazard!

Yes I dress up for formal night!


Is that all or would there be other hot topics to be answered;)


You could also say that I like to play by the rules and that´s not only those rules I do like, but I have a look at the rules first before making a deal and sometimes I have to agree to rules I might not like but still it´s my choice if I dislike them enough to not give in the deal or if I can still go with the rules.:)

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My daughter has gotten a soda card on every cruise and I have never asked her to get me a soda card with it. It wrong, wrong, wrong and no I do not smuggle alcohol in my luggage.


I try to set an example for my daughter and give her morals and to do the right thing. If the cruiselines wanted you to share a soda card they would give every person on the cruise a card.


And, no, I do not have a life so I will post on this thread!

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My daughter has gotten a soda card on every cruise and I have never asked her to get me a soda card with it. It wrong, wrong, wrong and no I do not smuggle alcohol in my luggage.


I try to set an example for my daughter and give her morals and to do the right thing. If the cruiselines wanted you to share a soda card they would give every person on the cruise a card.


And, no, I do not have a life so I will post on this thread!


We need more parents like you!!!



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Just stumbled on this thread and omg how entertaining! :D :eek: :rolleyes: If you like and drink soda and pay to cruise, how can you let $42.00 interfere with your enjoying soda but not affect your integrity by sharing a card? Sharing a soda card is just so wrong on so many different levels. I cant beleive this thread was resurrected from 2006 :rolleyes: lmao

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:D :D I think it's so funny that people say this thread is like beating a dead horse but then they keep adding to it. :D :D


I don't share a coke card either. I don't bring wine on board or anything I shouldn't. I play by the rules too.


I just don't care what others do. I don't think the question was about sharring a coke card really but more like "what if my husband wanted a coke and drank mine (I am the only one with the card). Who cares! Not me. I have way to much fun on the ship to worry about what others are doing.

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I love this thread!!!:rolleyes: My DH thinks I'm nuts for being on these boards (he says "So there's actually OTHERS out there that do this sort of thing?" LOL)


I don't advocate cheating and I have been accused of skewed logic in offsetting any lost income by RCI due to any sharing of soda against the increased fuel charge (which I only mentioned as an aside and was really not using that as a decider in what I should do on the soda card issue).


That being said (sort of) I will say that it's rare in this day and age for people to say that they have NEVER cheated on/at ANYTHING. In the grand scheme of things - is this really that big a deal? NO. Will the RCI execs lose a meal or their kids go shoeless in winter over it? NO. Could this possible snowball into other areas and advocate cheating in general? POSSIBLY.


Therefore, I have decided to boycot the soda card issue entirely and bring on a 12 pack for my own enjoyment. It's not cheating, right? It's not smuggling, right? If I use up my 12 I will pay the $2 for a can and call it a day.;) :D


Happy cruising to all and to all a good trip.

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joken.....just a heads-up; the thread is from December '06 and the question was about sharing a coke card- Im sure it is insignificant to the OP now! lmao I went back a couple pages but I guess I missed where it took a turn to 'sharing' a soda. (which imho would be ridiculous to even comment on) DH and I both get soda cards, if mine is empty and his is full, Im going to drink his. The concept of sharing a card is wrong on so many levels. We were told in Dec '07 by the bar tenders, RCI implemented 600 additional cameras on board Explorer so there is alot of new monitoring going on. I dont think the bartenders will easily turn their heads to those people that try to share a soda card.

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Oh that would be fun to see someone being hauled off for sharring a coke card!


Sorry honey, you have to spend the rest of your cruise alone because I have to go to jail for drinking that coke you ordered. :rolleyes:


I doubt if the cruise staff has enough time to be watching a camera to see if a coke is sharred. I also doubt if any staff member would even care. They just want to do their job and get a tip at the end.


Just like they don't watch if someone takes something off the ship to eat for lunch. I've read many posts about packing a lunch so they don't have to spend money to eat on shore.


No I don't do that either.


I can't say I've broken any "rules" on a cruise but like I said, who cares if others do.


The ships used to provide free cokes anyway. THey are making tons of money off the coke cards. I mean, how many people really drink $42 worth of coke in a week anyway.

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Just as a reminder this was the OP:

Sharing a Soda Card

How strict are they on doing this?? $42 for a whole week is expensive...I don't drink that much coke!!! lol


I don't think the question was about sharring a coke card really but more like "what if my husband wanted a coke and drank mine (I am the only one with the card).


Actually the question was exactly about sharing a soda card and not about hubby taking a sip from your coke.

It was about the card being too expensive and saving money by sharing and if this would be doable.

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My daughter has gotten a soda card on every cruise and I have never asked her to get me a soda card with it. It wrong, wrong, wrong and no I do not smuggle alcohol in my luggage.


I try to set an example for my daughter and give her morals and to do the right thing. If the cruiselines wanted you to share a soda card they would give every person on the cruise a card.


And, no, I do not have a life so I will post on this thread!


WOW no sharing of soda card and no smuggling alcohol. Someone needs an award ;).


I plead the 5th on this subject.

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It seems that this thread reflects a diverse perspective of morals.

There are laws and rules that are stated, but not enforced in any system.


Obviously RCI wants to profit off the soda addiction, so geniously assess a charge per person, but do not enforce the 'per person' policy. This apparently means to me that they are not bothered by the offense.


It is quite a stretch for me to apply a standard of morality in this circumstance. Some people are just going to find a way to afford their vacation. They are willing to break a couple of rules that are not enforced, no matter how tacky others might seem to think it is.

It is like my mom, who used to sneak popcorn into the theater, and wait for the audience to laugh to open her can of Tab. She couldnt afford to buy the premium priced beverages at the snack bar. She knew it was against the rules, but brought it in anyway. She is probably one of the most 'moral' people I know, and I can hardly discount her intentions because of her financial needs while we were kids.


You might suggest that a person needs to decide what they can afford before taking a vacation, but really, do you care? It is only yourself that you have to live with. If you cannot think of taking something you didnt pay for, then dont. But to judge the MORALITY of someone who does in itself is quite offensive. Let the cruiseline be the judge because afterall, it is their product that is being consumed. If they dont care, I dont care.

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WOW no sharing of soda card and no smuggling alcohol. Someone needs an award ;).


I plead the 5th on this subject.


I would probably get an "award" for being a "stick in the mud". I don't think that I am alot of fun to be around. Probably need to loosen up a bit. Maybe I will share the soda card next cruise!


I could add that I don't smuggle alcohol because I don't drink. So that rule is not hard to follow.

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We don't share our soda card(s) but we do break rules regarding booze.


Why do we... all of us... look for excuses? Well, I think it's because so many things onboard are ridiculously overpriced. I don't begrudge the cruise line a reasonable profit, but when they charge stupidly high prices, what do they expect? If I could buy a coke for only slightly more than it costs onshore, would I bother with the inconvenience and weight of trying to sneak a six-pack aboard? Hell, no!


But if I could find a way to hack into the ship's WiFi internet system I wouldn't hesitate to use it. Their prices for internet access are just abusive! So absurdly high as to be offensive as hell!


That's just one example of many overpriced things onboard. That's why we look for excuses to cheat.


I say: if they'd lower their prices to the same neighborhood as found ashore, I for one would buy more, drink more, take their shore excursions instead of sometimes booking my own, and take more cruises. The onboard prices, particularly for booze and internet, are not merely high, they're obscene!


Cruising is still the best vacation there is. And I still would not share my soda card. But I understand the anger that's used by others to rationalize it. Nobody likes being played for a sucker! :o


Maybe I'm wrong, though. We don't go out to bars much anymore and don't drink martinis when we do, but are you guys paying $9 to $11 for martinis when you go out? If so, then I'll have to raise my definition of "obscene". Or maybe you should shop around for a more reasonable bar?


Joe (of JoeAndMichael)

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Well, we have the goody two shoes here who advocate strong morals (some of you no doubt must work for the Cruise Line) and then there are the others who say the only wrong morals are those of Royal Caribbean for stealing peoples hard earned money for the privilege of having a soda once in a while.


As per my recent review of the Adventure of the Seas, I found pretty well everything excellent on the ship except for their nickel and diming (to keep the price down...I'm biting my tongue) and their "orange carding" of the bad boys and girls who dare try to consume a prohibited beverage in the privacy of their room (a right available pretty well anywhere else in the world).


You will all be happy to know that the Moral Majority of The Seas will prevail because people like myself are taking our business elsewhere. This will allow those who delight in spending $8 for a drink and $48 for the soda "deal" (which includes that ever present automatically added 15% gratuity...or more if you fill in the "Additional tip field) to have the ship to themselves. This will also allow those who give in to the constant barrage of "buy buy buy" to chortle with delight as they turn wallets and purses upside down for the benefit of your fellow cruisers and the poor old cruise line.


We will take the money we spent on this cruise (over $3,000 including room, bar tab, wine package, soda card, Portofino's, Johnny Rockets, Promenade purchases etc.) and next time enjoy it somewhere on land or another cruise line where a cheap soda, drink in your room, and the privilege of not being constantly nickel and dimed is a Right...and not some corporate imposed sin.


Good riddance to me? Good luck to you.

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Well, we have the goody two shoes here who advocate strong morals (some of you no doubt must work for the Cruise Line) and then there are the others who say the only wrong morals are those of Royal Caribbean for stealing peoples hard earned money for the privilege of having a soda once in a while.


As per my recent review of the Adventure of the Seas, I found pretty well everything excellent on the ship except for their nickel and diming (to keep the price down...I'm biting my tongue) and their "orange carding" of the bad boys and girls who dare try to consume a prohibited beverage in the privacy of their room (a right available pretty well anywhere else in the world).


You will all be happy to know that the Moral Majority of The Seas will prevail because people like myself are taking our business elsewhere. This will allow those who delight in spending $8 for a drink and $48 for the soda "deal" (which includes that ever present automatically added 15% gratuity...or more if you fill in the "Additional tip field) to have the ship to themselves. This will also allow those who give in to the constant barrage of "buy buy buy" to chortle with delight as they turn wallets and purses upside down for the benefit of your fellow cruisers and the poor old cruise line.


We will take the money we spent on this cruise (over $3,000 including room, bar tab, wine package, soda card, Portofino's, Johnny Rockets, Promenade purchases etc.) and next time enjoy it somewhere on land or another cruise line where a cheap soda, drink in your room, and the privilege of not being constantly nickel and dimed is a Right...and not some corporate imposed sin.


Good riddance to me? Good luck to you.

Didn't you check into the policies of RCL before cruising? Their alcohol policy can be found on their website. You also sailed during spring break. RCL is very strict during spring break due to the increased number of college students on board.


We have found the drink prices to actually be cheaper in some cases than what we pay locally. The wine is marked up terribly so we rarely buy it.


As far as the rest of the charges you incurred, you chose to eat at the specialty restaurants and buy the soda card. You could have enjoyed the free beverages and the food in the WJ and dining room and not incurred any additional charges.


Hopefully you will find a cruiseline that meets your needs.

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