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Saga Rose Greenland Voyager August 2007

Saga Ruby

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I only just made it up the hill to my flat and was just SOOOOO relieved to get the car tucked up in the garage and the luggage up and home. The book went down brilliantly. Everyone has said how good they find it and it was so exciting to hand over a wrapped copy and watch some of the crew members get to see it for the first time. ANNNNNNND I may be asked as a speaker on the final cruise ! How brilliant is that !!!


A big Whew! that you got your car and cases into your flat. I have visions of the automotive struggle up that hill. It is so nice to hear that your cruise was a roaring success. I was personally worried that your vacation had gone up the chimney with the bad weather. Instead, you had a marvy time.


Like Kapricorn, I have to ask - would you be comped as an onboard speaker? Just being invited to speak is, indeed, brilliant, but a freebie cruise wouldn't hurt.


It is delightful that you, the book, the weather, and the cruise got sorted out properly. Welcome home and have a merry Christmas.



Edited by Saga Ruby
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Thanks everyone. Michael - I hope you get your copy soon, although the weather is still causing complete chaos here, expecially at all the airports !


Yes - it would be a free cruise !! or more likely half a cruise, since they might have problems with cabin availability so possibly fly me out for a week rather than the whole fortnight. No complaints this end though !! The last two cruises I have though would be my last on her and then another pops up!


Just waiting for dawn here - I haven't really seen the extent of the snow here yet, but from what I can see it looks very similar to Oslo with no sign of any let up until at least after Christmas. I will have to brave going out again, probably on foot as I have no fresh food and no Christmas Dinner yet ! I stocked up on tinned and frozen food and long life milk, but need some vegetables and eggs etc ! Might even have them delivered and then hibernate for a week.

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Just waiting for dawn here - I haven't really seen the extent of the snow here yet, but from what I can see it looks very similar to Oslo with no sign of any let up until at least after Christmas. I will have to brave going out again, probably on foot as I have no fresh food and no Christmas Dinner yet ! I stocked up on tinned and frozen food and long life milk, but need some vegetables and eggs etc ! Might even have them delivered and then hibernate for a week.


Are you down to your last bit of powdered milk? Is your can opener working? Do tell us the exciting conclusion of your chance to enjoy a snowy holiday weekend.


Digression - I used the phrase "huggle-muggle" which is probably supposed to be huggermugger or, even better, not used at all. Too much Harry Potter on the brain.



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Typical - I manage just fine on a cruise to icy cold places, make it down town yesterday to buy a few necessities. Try the same today to finish off Christmas food shopping, wearing the same snow boots I might add, and slip on the ice and fall over ! Now nursing a very painful rear and lower back ! The worst part was I couldn't get up for ages. It was so icy all around, plus with a knee replacement you aren't supposed to kneel on...I couldn't do it so had to kneel down and now that's hurts too !! I am NOT going out again till it all melts !

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Typical - I manage just fine on a cruise to icy cold places, make it down town yesterday to buy a few necessities. Try the same today to finish off Christmas food shopping, wearing the same snow boots I might add, and slip on the ice and fall over ! Now nursing a very painful rear and lower back ! The worst part was I couldn't get up for ages. It was so icy all around, plus with a knee replacement you aren't supposed to kneel on...I couldn't do it so had to kneel down and now that's hurts too !! I am NOT going out again till it all melts !


Uh oh, posts that crossed in the ether. So sorry to hear about your dratted knee pain. Here's to next year?



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Are you down to your last bit of powdered milk? Is your can opener working? Do tell us the exciting conclusion of your chance to enjoy a snowy holiday weekend.


Digression - I used the phrase "huggle-muggle" which is probably supposed to be huggermugger or, even better, not used at all. Too much Harry Potter on the brain.




It's OK Ruby - I got the gist of what you were saying !!:D No - I still have an unopened tin of pweored milk and two litres UT as well. Managed to pick up a big bottle of fresh today together with some eggs and big baking potatoes. If I ain't got it now, I'll do without !!

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I read a story online at BBC News about 3 teenage boys using air mattresses to float from their homes somewhere in Queensland on the swollen Bremer River to Brisbane. The rescue teams which were called out to save the boys were not amused at their dangerous escapade.


I know you are south of Brisbane but am curious as to any flooding or heavy storms in your Gold Coast area. I hope your family and home are unaffected by these storms.


And Christchurch has been hit with another series of 'quakes. What a terrible autumn and winter they have had. Such a strange and perilous weather season we have all had.



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And how is everyone on the East Coast USA. Those snow storms sound dreadful. We have just lost the remains of our snow and ice - that is 11 days of it - truly exceptional for this part of the world. Looks like everywhere is upside down.

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Sending all best wishes to our friends for this new year. My most fervent wish for 2011 is for better weather around the world.


I'm concerned that Marion may be feeling the effects of the terrible flooding in Queensland. Due to rising flood waters, over 200,000 people have been evacuated from their homes. Fingers crossed that Marion and Barry are safe and sound.



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I'm concerned that Marion may be feeling the effects of the terrible flooding in Queensland. Due to rising flood waters, over 200,000 people have been evacuated from their homes. Fingers crossed that Marion and Barry are safe and sound.




I also hope that Marion and Barry are safe. This morning's newspaper had a photograph of a town with flood waters all through it. I know that floods are likely to happen in certain countries worldwide, but not in Australia.



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I also hope that Marion and Barry are safe. This morning's newspaper had a photograph of a town with flood waters all through it. I know that floods are likely to happen in certain countries worldwide, but not in Australia.




And certainly not on that scale. It sounds absolutely horrendous. I hope they are safe and sound.

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not been on this posting for ages i missed you. have you done any cruises or planning any? as saga just bought a new? ship forb 2012 i wonder if saga ruby's days are numbered. did celebrity eclipse short cruise to bahamas in december had lovely weatherr. hope to try queen elizabeth this year among others. had a working xmas and new year hope 2011 is better for me workwise and get do more cruises


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Hi, Dave! Glad that you had nice weather on the short cruise, and do you have any comment about Celebrity Eclipse? Are you considering a transatlantic on Queen Elizabeth, or on one of her cruises?


I will be on Celebrity Constellation's 14-day Caribbean cruise out of Fort Lauderdale on February 12. Due to unease about weather conditions I have booked a flight to arrive at the port 2 days before embarkation, just to play it safe.



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well have a great time on the constellation in feb. yes i loved the ECLIPSE the best was QSINE which i shared with a ta i met on our sailaway, there was so much food! i loverd the HOT GLASS SHOW sop sad to hear the nexstship will not have it as i thought it was very popular. as tyo QUEEN EIZABETH i am doing a 2 nt trip on her in july no pl;ans for5 a tytransatlantic thjough. actually i might have a look at transatlantic's around may as i am visiting a friend in TORONTO any ideas?


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I also hope that Marion and Barry are safe. This morning's newspaper had a photograph of a town with flood waters all through it. I know that floods are likely to happen in certain countries worldwide, but not in Australia.




Sending all best wishes to our friends for this new year. My most fervent wish for 2011 is for better weather around the world.


I'm concerned that Marion may be feeling the effects of the terrible flooding in Queensland. Due to rising flood waters, over 200,000 people have been evacuated from their homes. Fingers crossed that Marion and Barry are safe and sound.




Lost my last response, so I'll try to keep this short.


Thanks for your concern. We are safe and sound.


Our PM just addressed the nation - 8 dead, 72 missing, 43 rescued, with more to come from the Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley flash flooding.


This water is now heading for Ipswich and Brisbane, with flood levels expected about the same level as the last big flood in 1974.


If you google "flash flood Toowoomba", you will see just how fast and furious the current floods in SE Queensland are. These are in contrast to the slow moving floods, which have just caused such major flooding in western and central Queensland.

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Lost my last response, so I'll try to keep this short. Thanks for your concern. We are safe and sound.


Marion - It is such a relief to hear that you and Barry have gotten thru this ghastly flooding in good order. Were you ever concerned about evacuating your home?


I listen to BBC World News every night as I go to sleep and the reports have been vivid and discouraging. I'm aware of the threat to Brisbane. Does the river overflow or do flood waters rise?


A big Whew! that you and Barry are, indeed, safe and sound.



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I will be on Celebrity Constellation's 14-day Caribbean cruise out of Fort Lauderdale on February 12. Due to unease about weather conditions I have booked a flight to arrive at the port 2 days before embarkation, just to play it safe. Donald.


Donald - What are your ports of call in February? Will you be doing any sightseeing or stay on the ship?


I was reading about the Connie's refurb and the Solstice-sizing of Infinity. What is a "spa cabin?" And I wonder if the devoon Chocolate Bar will still be in place? Please take notes while you are relaxing (nyuck, nyuck!) and present a single-spaced, 1,500-word report upon your return.



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Marion - It is such a relief to hear that you and Barry have gotten thru this ghastly flooding in good order. Were you ever concerned about evacuating your home?


I listen to BBC World News every night as I go to sleep and the reports have been vivid and discouraging. I'm aware of the threat to Brisbane. Does the river overflow or do flood waters rise?


A big Whew! that you and Barry are, indeed, safe and sound.




No Ruby, as we live on a hill.


The Brisbane River has broken its banks and started to inundate low lying areas of Brisbane. Flood waters continue to rise because of the inflow of water released from the Wivenhoe Dam (built to mitigate flooding following the last big flood in 1974), as well as waters from flooded creeks and rivers in the Lockyer Valley catchment area (inland from Brisbane). This is being compounded by high tides, with the highest due 14/1 and 21/1.


We can only wait until the flood waters go down to learn of the full extent of the flooding and loss of life and property, as well as damage to infrastructure.

Edited by MMDown Under
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Ruby, the ports of call are St. Thomas, Antigua, St. Lucia, Barbados, Grenada, Tobago, Aruba & Curacao. I am not sure if I've ever been to Barbados and Tobago, but I plan to take tours there. I've been to the other ports, but I may venture ashore in some of them just to stretch my legs, and maybe see if I can find a few colourful shirts to buy. There are only five sea days on this cruise.


"Spa cabin" sounds as if the occupants are entitled to free admission to the thalassotherapy pool and a few other perks. I won't ever again step in such a pool, because on Mercury two years ago the chemicals dissolved the colour from the rear of my black swim trunks. For a while I wandered around blissfully unaware of my crack being open to all. :eek:


After each cruise I always send my travel agent a report, and I will use parts of it here. Only 1,500 words, you say? Gee, I'll try to pare it down a bit. :D


No Ruby, as we live on a hill.


What a relief! I was afraid that you and Barry might have been taking mini-cruises on evacuation boats.



Edited by Kapricorn
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What a relief! I was afraid that you and Barry might have been taking mini-cruises on evacuation boats.




Brisbane floods forecast to peak today. Some incredible images on TV of widespread flooding.


Did you see that Carnival Spirit is going to be based in Australia full time from October, 2012? It will be nice to have a newer ship based here, as current ships based here are old.

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Ipswich and Brisbane have been spared expected record flood levels, so flooding is not as bad as people feared, but still very bad. There is a real sense of relief, as everyone bucks in to help. The CBD is closed, with no electricity, so many workers are free to help the volunteers, in many different capacities.


Unfortunately, we've recently had one avoidable loss of life in Brisbane, as a 24 year old, checking his father's property, lost his life being sucked down a stormwater drain.


Inland some small country towns are facing their second evacuations, after they have just cleaned up from the last flood.


You've just got to love the Australian sense of "can do" and sense of humour.


The Western Downs Mayor expressing his appreciation for all the help his shire was receiving said they had told the NZ SES Team, flying across to help out, that they would look after them. They had hired a snakecatcher to keep the snakes away!


Our beloved Lang Park (suncorp stadium) is flooded. Still someone put flippers, goggles and arm floaties on the statue of our football icon (Wally Lewis).


When a reporter was cruising past a flooded home, someone asked could he disconnect the speed camera on the corner next time he cruised past!


And so on.


Despite the disaster, one can't help laughing!


Ironically, it is a typical beautiful sunny summer's day in Brisbane, after weeks of torrential monsoon rain.

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Ipswich and Brisbane have been spared expected record flood levels, so flooding is not as bad as people feared, but still very bad. There is a real sense of relief, as everyone bucks in to help. The CBD is closed, with no electricity, so many workers are free to help the volunteers, in many different capacities.


Unfortunately, we've recently had one avoidable loss of life in Brisbane, as a 24 year old, checking his father's property, lost his life being sucked down a stormwater drain.


Inland some small country towns are facing their second evacuations, after they have just cleaned up from the last flood.


You've just got to love the Australian sense of "can do" and sense of humour.


The Western Downs Mayor expressing his appreciation for all the help his shire was receiving said they had told the NZ SES Team, flying across to help out, that they would look after them. They had hired a snakecatcher to keep the snakes away!


Our beloved Lang Park (suncorp stadium) is flooded. Still someone put flippers, goggles and arm floaties on the statue of our football icon (Wally Lewis).


When a reporter was cruising past a flooded home, someone asked could he disconnect the speed camera on the corner next time he cruised past!


And so on.


Despite the disaster, one can't help laughing!


Ironically, it is a typical beautiful sunny summer's day in Brisbane, after weeks of torrential monsoon rain.


It's good you can find some humour in such a dreadful situation. Let's hope that is the worst over and people can start rebuilding their lives and businesses.

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If you didn't laugh, you'd cry.



Very true - but still not so easy to find the humour!


I'm now housebound for a week recovering from knee surgery so time to get the brochures out I guess and do some dreaming, which is all it will be for now!

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