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Dining Room Attire Thought


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I also found a line on the Princess website that says anytime dining gives you a choice of going as casual or as dressy as you want. It doesn't break this thought down any further.
I think you're confusing Anytime with Personal Choice dining. Personal choice includes the buffets and balcony/room service dining so that yes, you have a choice of going as casual or dressy as you want. Anytime dining is the "flexible choice" dining in one or more of the dining rooms. Here's what the website says:



For passengers wanting more flexibility in their dining schedule. Just like in a restaurant, show up when you like between 5:30 p.m. and 10 p.m., to enjoy dinner alone or with friends.

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Ok, as a new person to cruising I came to this site with much enthusiasm for my wife and I going on our first cruise this summer.



Reading this forum the last couple weeks has us a bit concerned though with what seems like maybe more than a few really uptight, humorless people.


Please tell me the people on the actual cruise don’t behave like this???


Again, regardless of how my wife and I feel about the guidelines, we will follow them and intend to have a good time, but the level of uptightness on this forum has been very surprising to me. I find this so ironic because going on a cruise is supposed to be relaxing and fun for people… or so I thought.



Most people including myself take themselves to seriously. Although I am looking forward to wearing my first tux to dinner, no one else will ruin my dinner by what they wear.

You will go on this cruise and have a great time. If you let it, anything can ruin your cruise, but with the right attitude you will have the best time of your life. Remember the Fuzzy mantra and all will go well "I'M ON VACATION" This must be said as soon as you board your airplane and then repeated at least once an hour for the first day. After that you must repeat it when you wake up and anytime that inconsiderate person or rude staff or anything else destined to ruin your vacation surfaces. The mantra is guaranteed to snap you back to reality, restore fun and just plain cure the bad mood.

have a great cruise!!!

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One more time: If Princess decides that these are strict rules (rather than guidelines) and that they are going to really enforce them, things would be different. Until then....
Perhaps this poster has me on "ignore" but I'll say it again just in case - Princess does enforce the dress guidelines in the dining room on formal evenings and many of us posting here have seen the guidelines enforced. So by the logic posted in the quote, things are therefore different... :rolleyes:
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Anybody else getting tired of this thread? You guys are taking the fun out of cruising with your over analysis and repetitious mumbo-jumbo...rules, guidelines, semantics, nice flip-flops, designer jeans...how about just plain common decency and manners we learned a long time ago in school? It has worked for me for the past 57 years and still does today. Get over it and move on...

P.S. Anybody want to start a new thread on tipping ?

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Anybody else getting tired of this thread? You guys are taking the fun out of cruising with your over analysis and repetitious mumbo-jumbo...rules, guidelines, semantics, nice flip-flops, designer jeans...how about just plain common decency and manners we learned a long time ago in school? It has worked for me for the past 57 years and still does today. Get over it and move on...

P.S. Anybody want to start a new thread on tipping ?


AMEN !!! I think you just said it in a nutshell !!! :D

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Perhaps this poster has me on "ignore" but I'll say it again just in case - Princess does enforce the dress guidelines in the dining room on formal evenings and many of us posting here have seen the guidelines enforced. So by the logic posted in the quote, things are therefore different... :rolleyes:


EXCELLENT: That means we can put an end to this thread. Because, from now on, no one will be allowed in the dining room unless they follow the guidelines, right? Sounds like the end of the discussion to me.......

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EXCELLENT: That means we can put an end to this thread. Because, from now on, no one will be allowed in the dining room unless they follow the guidelines, right? Sounds like the end of the discussion to me.......
You know it's difficult to live life in absolutes. It's totally possible that someone will gain access to the dining room in less than formal attire on formal evenings. The fact of the matter is that you take your chances...you may get in, you may not. I suppose if you're denied entrance you can always sneak your way in or pay off the Matre'd if adversely affecting the experience of others is that important to you.

My point is that Princess really enforces the guidelines.

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Perhaps this poster has me on "ignore" but I'll say it again just in case - Princess does enforce the dress guidelines in the dining room on formal evenings and many of us posting here have seen the guidelines enforced.


Well, yes and no.


Two nights ago on the DP's formal night, I saw one gentleman in a rather ghastly beige-ish suit, another in what appeared to be a dark brown poly-blend leisure suit and no tie, a fellow in a navy blazer and tan pants, and other flagrant violations of the Social Contract, all dining unmolested in the Venetian dining room.


The night before, the beige-suit fellow had showed up in a white pocket-T and blue jeans, and last evening, a man at the next table was wearing a white T with a funny-I-guess paragraph about booze boldly emblazoned on the back.


On the other hand, my partner lunched in the Venetian dining room wearing a black "muscle shirt" - not a tank top but a CK knit top sans sleeves - only to be turned away when he showed up there in the same shirt for tea...though only after the maitre d' at the door consulted with a higher-up.


So it would appear that sartorial enforcement is slipshod at best, thereby leading to the precipitous decline in Western Civilization that we sadly see all around us. For my part, I'd rather see gentlemen show up for formal night in well-fitted black jeans (sans gut overhang) than in ugly suits that look like they were inherited from 1970s aluminum-siding salesmen (no offense to the more fashion-forward siding sellers out there). And the cute Romanian waiters? Bicycle shorts.

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Perhaps this poster has me on "ignore" but I'll say it again just in case - Princess does enforce the dress guidelines in the dining room on formal evenings and many of us posting here have seen the guidelines enforced. So by the logic posted in the quote, things are therefore different... :rolleyes:


Princess does not always enforce the dress "guidelines"...Isn't that why you wrote a letter to Princess complaining about it after one of your cruises?

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Princess does not always enforce the dress "guidelines"...Isn't that why you wrote a letter to Princess complaining about it after one of your cruises?
Yep. And I know that they don't always enforce the guidelines - that's why I suggested the other poster take their chances. I thought my post pretty clear.
Well, yes and no.

I don't disagree that the guidelines are not evenly enforced - on the other hand I've seen on more than one occasion, people turned away from the dining room due to improper attire.

I agree with you - a nice black pair of jeans would be better than an outdated pastel colored plastic suit. But neither would be appropriate according to the guidelines.

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Dear HappyScot, and wife, and the rest of you!


Yes, I'm afraid this is all true and not just a spoof of your show on the BBC. This is what defines us as Americans - Getting overly concerned with the petty things like what your fellow cruisers may be wearing, and ignoring the sorry state of the world around us (as well as our own country).


Glad my comment got your wife away from the soaps! Daytime TV could cause brain-rot!! (No rudeness intended, just kidding!)


Looking forward to meeting the 2 of you in Alaska..... Please consider it!

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I'm still just looking at what is sent out when I purchase a ticket...theoretically I have no way of going to the Princess web site, nor do TA's (the one's I know) hand out any ship literature.


The same information stating the need to follow the rules of the ship will be on your cruise ticket.


In no way do I equat following the rules of the ship, Princess, or the Captain with what anyone should wear. There is no regulation in what I am told to adhere to that says I have to go to their website and read it line by line in order to cruise with Princess.


You asked, and I showed you that the definition of code is a set of rules. It is called a dress code, and therefore falls within the definition of rules. You didn't ask anything about reading line for line, you asked someone to show you where it stated that you must adhere to the rules. I simply did that.


I also found a line on the Princess website that says anytime dining gives you a choice of going as casual or as dressy as you want. It doesn't break this thought down any further.


The point is that personal choice dining is just that, and many posters here have broken down for you. If you don't want to be dressy, then there are alternative dining venues for you to be casual.


Let's all agree to disagree and have a great Cruise when it is our turn to vacation


I only responded to your challenge, and showed you what you asked. I did not expect you to accept anything I posted, as most people have made up their minds on this subject regardless of side, and will not be moved.


See you all in my $100 flip flops!


I could be really silly and say that anyone willing to pay $100 for flip flops should have no problem with dress up clothes. :)


Please don't get offended, it is just a joke.


As a matter of fact, I think everyone just needs to lighten up. This is a thread that will come up over and over again, and I think it is a great way to recall my High School Debate Club days.


Cruising is too much fun for so many people to take these threads seriously. If you are a first time cruiser, keep in mind that this argument has been going on longer than some of us have been cruising.


Go enjoy your cruise in good health, and black jeans.






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The Princess website says "no jeans" while the printed daily Princess Patter is below. So, in essence, Princess ships are enforcing the "Dress Code" per the Patter. Its not my opinion, just a fact below. Taken from the Caribbean Princess.
That's about the level of enforcement I've seen too - on "Smart Casual" nights, anything other than shorts is OK (I've see people in T-Shirts), and on "Formal Night" they seem to adhere to the no t-shirt rule. I have seen gentlemen in short sleeved polo shirts, however, on formal night, and, of course, they allow women to go sleeveless in just about anything, including a halter if it's black enough! Lord knows when sequeins became formal. :D


Live and let live. ;)

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Bottom line, it's the maitre d's descretion. If you don't meet the minimum requirements, you may be redirected for dinner.


It makes no difference to me what you wear to dinner (unless you're at my table, and even then, if you're clean I'll let it go usually). But why do adults insist on acting like children and intentionally choosing to not abide by a simple dress code????? And people wonder why we have disrespectful children and teens. And it's not about the clothes, people! It's about the attitude. It's not as if there are no other options for eating on a ship these days. If you don't want to abide by the dress code for that ship, plan on eating elsewhere. There are lines where formal dressing isn't required.

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Bottom line, it's the maitre d's descretion. If you don't meet the minimum requirements, you may be redirected for dinner.
The real bottom line is that everyone can do what they wish, including minor and major infractions of laws, rules, guidelines, requests, and suggestions, and there really isn't a darned thing anyone else can do about it unless they possess authority to enforce laws, rules, guidelines, requests, and suggestions.


The only thing is that when one knowingly fails to comply with laws, rules, guidelines, requests, and suggestions, one should be prepared to accept the consequences no matter how inconsistently or arbitrarily enforcement efforts are applied.

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It makes no difference to me what you wear to dinner (unless you're at my table, and even then, if you're clean I'll let it go usually).


I always dress nice for dinner on cruises BUT NOONE needs to meet your approval to sit at your table. Thats mighty nice of you to "let it go usually" if the person is clean. :rolleyes: Good grief, what do you do to the poor person if they don't meet your approval? That doesn't sound classy or adult like at all!

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Glad to know that you could replace the word "Celebrity" on one of these threads with "Princess" and no one would know the difference!:D


Deep breath, relax. Ahhhhhhh.:)


I suspect that there are those who dress up to feel like James Bond/the Astors/etc. I suspect that there are those who want to fight this battle to the death so they can wear shorts when they want. I suspect that somewhere, someone WILL snear at what someone else is wearing, be it a tank top with whimsical thoughts (one can hope it's that innocent!) or a formal gown(yes even a tacky one). Some people WILL be crude, even if they're dressed properly. Some people WILL follow the rules/suggestions/guidelines/codes, and be delightfully accepting of you! It'll all be there for you on your cruise.


But there'll also be that lovely couple that you bonded with over the hassle of the taxi to the port, and shared a lovely drink with on the aft deck...oh, and those fun loving people from Germany, who'd visited your hometown once. Oh, and don't forget the funny widow who shared great insights over dinner most nights, and that you forgave her for nodding off after the entree was served. And don't forget that the kids met great friends at the kid's program, or that your parents bonded with another couple, leaving you and your mate to have that special dinner alone.


I could go on, but, more than anything, I hope these are the people you remember from your cruise. I still think everyone should make the effort to dress properly, but even I, a stickler for correct attire, know that the cruise is about so much more....so "dress up" folks, don't worry, you know that most WILL follow the code, to whatever extent they're able. :cool: And "dress how you want folks," don't put so much effort into NOT following the rules (or defending those who might not..) that you lose sight that it's a vacation, but that, even on vacation, putting a little effort isn't the end of the world, and just might provide you with a different experience than you thought (Hey, fantasy is good for the soul!;) )


Peace, Kumbayah, etc.



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Glad to know that you could replace the word "Celebrity" on one of these threads with "Princess" and no one would know the difference!:D


Deep breath, relax. Ahhhhhhh.:)


I suspect that there are those who dress up to feel like James Bond/the Astors/etc. I suspect that there are those who want to fight this battle to the death so they can wear shorts when they want. I suspect that somewhere, someone WILL snear at what someone else is wearing, be it a tank top with whimsical thoughts (one can hope it's that innocent!) or a formal gown(yes even a tacky one). Some people WILL be crude, even if they're dressed properly. Some people WILL follow the rules/suggestions/guidelines/codes, and be delightfully accepting of you! It'll all be there for you on your cruise.


But there'll also be that lovely couple that you bonded with over the hassle of the taxi to the port, and shared a lovely drink with on the aft deck...oh, and those fun loving people from Germany, who'd visited your hometown once. Oh, and don't forget the funny widow who shared great insights over dinner most nights, and that you forgave her for nodding off after the entree was served. And don't forget that the kids met great friends at the kid's program, or that your parents bonded with another couple, leaving you and your mate to have that special dinner alone.


I could go on, but, more than anything, I hope these are the people you remember from your cruise. I still think everyone should make the effort to dress properly, but even I, a stickler for correct attire, know that the cruise is about so much more....so "dress up" folks, don't worry, you know that most WILL follow the code, to whatever extent they're able. :cool: And "dress how you want folks," don't put so much effort into NOT following the rules (or defending those who might not..) that you lose sight that it's a vacation, but that, even on vacation, putting a little effort isn't the end of the world, and just might provide you with a different experience than you thought (Hey, fantasy is good for the soul!;) )


Peace, Kumbayah, etc.










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Okay... honestly, I really don't care what is or isn't worn around me. It will not affect me or my enjoyment of the cruise. I do, however, have to respond to the "I paid for this cruise, I'll wear what I want" attitude that some have. You did pay for a cruise, but you did not pay for a cruise without a dress code. That was not for sale and you can not buy what is not for sale. Princess is offering a product... that product is a cruise with a dress code. You can either purchase what is offered or decide it is not what you want.


Like I said, I really don't worry about others dress, but I am well aware of the required dress code and am respectful enough to follow it.

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