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Discover Shopping Warning!!


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It's a shame that the port lecturers are now just shills for the sponsored shops. Almost 20 years ago, when we took our first cruise, the lecturer gave out lots of good info about the port--history, culture, things to see and do. She also had a list of recommended stores, but that wasn't the emphasis of the talk. We ended up running into her at a museum she recommended and having a drink with her in the bar.


Since then, I've seen that the trend is for more and more shopping and less other info. Our most recent cruise (on a Princess ship) was particularly bad in that the shopping expert was brand new to the ship. She was obviously reading a script when talking about the different ports. (We did not go to the presentations, but they were played on one of the TV channels.)


On the Mariner in Dec. the port lecturer kept raving about the newest thing, blue diamonds, and said we would surely be seeing them on episodes of Friends. First, how do you spot a blue diamond on someones hand on tv and second, Friends was cancelled 2 years ago. After that I didn't believe a word she said about shopping. :(

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No response from Onboard Media (after more than two weeks of having what they asked for) and ZILCH from Celebrity.


They've made their stand clear...take my business and shove it because they could care less. Guess we'll pass them up for cruises. This is getting SO old and frustrating. Obviously the worthless 30 day guarantee from the ship is gone (even though we let Eric the "Expert" know about the breakage immediately). They never called even once to acknowlege my claim, and the representative we've been dealing with at Onboard Media isn't in today.


Ho hum. Another day, another warning...DON'T believe the onboard shopping talks!:mad:

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There is a reason they (Onboard Media) got rid of the seasoned (read older) Shopping Guides and replaced then with young, good looking, glad handers. They are now paid to 'make friends' with the passengers and make them 'feel good' about spending money. No more real useful information about shops and ports as in the past, just a sales pitch, a smarmy smile, a quick handshake/pat on the back and an air of being your new best friend.

I overheard one telling an older woman passenger a few sailings back, 'of course, you deserved, in fact, why not buy something else nice at (named port). I'm going to be at D between 12 and 1 and you can model them for me.'

Lots of paxs would fall for that and perhaps buy more than they should!

Pity it's come to this.

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The shopping thing is unfortunate, but reflects the total "payola" used by Celebrity and some other cruise lines for shopping recommendations. The "recommended" stores are simply stores that pay a "promotional fee" to be "recommended." It has nothing to do with whether they are the best stores, but rather will they pay a bribe to the cruise line (or their port lecturer franchiser) to be "recommended." The most blatent example was on our recent 14 nt Infinity cruise (round trip from Buenos Aires) that want to Rio for 3 nights. Everyday in the daily schedule they had big announcements that "Amsterdam Sauer" was the only "authorized jeweler" on the ship and in Rio and that we should report to Guest Relations any other jeweler that tried to solicit our business. The cruise line did nothing to inform the passengers of other better jewelers in Rio (H Stern is certainly the best local jeweler) and did everything possible to literally scare passengers from taking free shuttles offered by Stern and other reputable jewelers. We had to put-up with 14 days of on-board advertising for Amsterdam Sauer (we met passengers that were so annoyed they said they would never go to this jeweler). The bottom line is that the lines no longer care about giving passengers good shopping info but rather look for ways for the cruise line to profit from shopping advice. Let the buyer beware and do your own shopping homework before you leave home.



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From Porthole's web site, ad for cruise ship jobs:


Dynamic Shopping Sales Presenters for Cruise Ships


Seeking high energy attractive individuals to give live Port and Shopping Presentations on cruise ships. Background in on air TV Talent, acting background and memory for scripts is essential. Marketing & sales background . Speaking skills in front of large audiences , able to motivate a large crowd of cruise passengers to shop at specific stores in the ports of call. Contracts are for 6 months – Commission based with Draw. Entertainment background helpful. TV experience is helpful.


I had experience eight years ago with Onboard Media. They dragged it out and finally provided half of what was promised.


The jeweller I trust at home said the market price was half of the appraised value.


I have been treated very well by Boolchands in St. Thomas and St. Maarten for photographic and electronic items. We visited their store in Aruba two weeks ago and they were higher than stateside prices.


Be an educated consumer.



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As a seasoned Cruise Critter it seems odd to me that, since you KNOW Celebrity reps keep up on these boards, no one representing them has contacted me? I complained to them, directly to Onboard Media, even Citizen themselves (who told my husband to return the watch to them (at our cost) and they would repair it -- NOT what we want at this point), yet no one cares enough to reply. I can only HOPE newbies to cruising will read this thread. How many people each cruise get ripped off like we did, and no one even cares enough to respond?


I've left three messages for Arelys at Onboard Media and she has ignored every one of them. I complained to Celebrity, and they ignored me to. We explained to Citizen what Eric the "SHOPPING EXPERT" from Celebrity said, and they basically said, "Too bad for you."


After 31 cruises I've learned a hard, hard lesson. I will NEVER shop at any of the recommended stores again, including DI, and especially COLOMBIAN EMERALDS. Everything we were told was, apparently, a big fat lie.:mad:

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I am not sure why you would expect X to help on this issue. As I have posted on previous threads, X gets paid by these stores for them to be recommended. The bottom line is that the only reason they recommend any merchant is because it is profitable for X. It is amazing that passengers continue to listen to the port shopping recommendations since these folks are about as reliable as used car salemen. The cruise lines stopped caring about the passengers many years ago and decided to cash-in on the shopping recommendations, art auctions, overpriced tours, etc. This is not a unique situation with X since we have seen the same thing on most other cruise lines (we have cruised on 11 different lines). The shopping lectures can be a lot of fun when you get an alert passenger who will ask the following question at the lecture...."Do you or your company profit from these recommendations?" The answer will usually be "Yes" but they will also add that they only select the best merchants. Then would also tell you that the pathway to the merchants is paved with gold,,,and there are still a few passengers who would believe every word.

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I am not sure why you would expect X to help on this issue. As I have posted on previous threads, X gets paid by these stores for them to be recommended. The bottom line is that the only reason they recommend any merchant is because it is profitable for X. It is amazing that passengers continue to listen to the port shopping recommendations since these folks are about as reliable as used car salemen. The cruise lines stopped caring about the passengers many years ago and decided to cash-in on the shopping recommendations, art auctions, overpriced tours, etc. This is not a unique situation with X since we have seen the same thing on most other cruise lines (we have cruised on 11 different lines). The shopping lectures can be a lot of fun when you get an alert passenger who will ask the following question at the lecture...."Do you or your company profit from these recommendations?" The answer will usually be "Yes" but they will also add that they only select the best merchants. Then would also tell you that the pathway to the merchants is paved with gold,,,and there are still a few passengers who would believe every word.


You're kidding...right? I think you're missing the point. We had decided before leaving home to buy each other our annivesary gifts on this cruise, a ring for me and a NICE watch for DH. It was because a representative from Celebrity (ERIC) sang the praises about the so called "Guaranteed" shops. "Shop with confidence," remember? So we figured the worse that could happen is if something went wrong with the CITIZEN watch, it would be taken care of at no cost to us. We've been getting the runaround for over a month now, and it's getting SO old. The next morning after we bought the watch it was broken, less than 12 hours later. We shopped at COLOMBIAN EMERALDS in Aruba because CELEBRITY's Representative PROMISED the problem would be taken care of.


Sorry, but if Celebrity doesn't back up their representatives, who can ya believe? It's so annoying that Celebrity has absolutely nothing to say for their defense, and haven't even answered my original complaint. MIS-information is one thing, having Eric lie to our faces is another. Celebrity printed the maps with "MUST SEE" written all over CE, and the propaganda about guarantees. When I see someone with a Celebrity name badge on, they're representing Celebrity. It is unfortunate that one of their employees lied to me and DH straight to our faces. A lie is a lie.


Have we learned? Oh...you bet, but Celebrity owes us an explanation of WHY their "Shopping Expert" lied to us.


If anyone else feels I have no reason to be angry at Celebrity, I fully believe they own half the problem if not more.



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I certainly understand your plight! Dont understand how someone could read your post and not understand.

Maybe people like you and I see thru "rose tinted glasses". I just cruised on the Summit ( Feb17-Mar3 ) I absolutely believed that celebrity would back and guarantee those stores, " just like they said" DUH !!!

I know it can be frustrating but i hope you continue to fight and post. Also post on other sites. celebrtiy, by writting what they do and saying what they do makes you believe that they are 100% backing these reputable stores.

SHAME on them !!!

I bought a diamond ring from the ship itself, had to send it in to be sized. Checked with several jewlwers but they would not guarantee that by sizing the diamonds would not loosen....soooo...i sent the ring off today, registered mail and wayyyy insured. I guess we will have to just waitand see.

SHAME on Celebrity and Columbian Emeralds

Keep us informed


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I also embarassingly, purchased one of those coupon $20 books from the ship. AWFUL !!! I thought the entire book was for our ports. Onle for 3 ports and the coupons were bad. Went to one store they did not have the several freebies they offered. I was just frustrated enough by the poor value of the book that i called our shopping guide told him that i was unhappy and that when i did go to a store they were out of the items. I asked for my money back. He did so..



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Weeble - good for you in holding the people who ripped you off accountable, if nothing else by exposing them on these boards. I won't repeat the good advise some of the responders have given you. I am appalled at the responses that somehow blame you for this circumstance and suggest you should have known better. You weren't trying to get something for nothing, you were paying good money (albeit respresented as a discount or good deal) and got worse than shoddy merchandise. How can anyone defend this? As for the representations of "guarantees" and things will be taken care of at no expense to you, of course you should expect these to be honored! A sales transaction is a CONTRACT and expressed guarantees are part of it. Not honoring the guarantee is breach of contract. I guarantee you that the responders to your post who casually dismissed your story with "buyer beware" would screem bloody murder if they were cheated in such a manner. Folks, Celebrity is a brand that the OP trusts (and many of us do as well) and they used that position of trust to encourage the OP to shop with a merchant she would have had no other reason to believe was trustworthy. They represented that these transactions are "guaranteed" and that THEY will resolve problems in favor of the passenger. Anyone who maintains that that these representations need not be honored are only empowering merchants to commit fraud.

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I'm curious as to just what exactly "guaranteed transaction" entails, as far as Celebrity is concerned? Is it unreasonable for the retailer to let the manufacturer of the watch (Citizen) handle the repair? And is it unreasonable of Citizen to ask the customer to ship the watch at the customer's expense for free repair or replacement? Citizen isn't saying they won't take responsibility for fixing or replacing the watch. How much does it cost to mail a small item like that, insured and registered, anyway?

Bottom line, problems like this happen. They're a whole lot easier to solve if it's a local jeweler.

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Thought I might as well add my two cents to this conversation. We knew the shops paid the cruise lines to be mentioned, etc. What we didn't realize was that the "expert shopper" is also paid by the stores. We know this because TWICE we saw cash exchange hands from a store employee to the expert shopper (once on Celebrity and once on Princess). If we ever had any doubt about the "must see" stores, seeing the money exchange with our own eyes ended any questions for us.


We were traveling with friends who purchased a blue diamond ring from one of the recommended stores. When they got home, they took it to their local jeweler to have the setting checked and cleaned. In the cleaning process the stone turned yellow! This was in April of 2006 and they are STILL trying to get the recommended store to make it right.


What I've learned is to buy whatever I wish so long as I won't be disappointed if it falls apart or quits working.



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I have a question. If you buy something in a store that happens to be one of the recommended stores, how does the cruise personnel know that you bought it and you are a pax?


Babylene, typically when you make a purchase at one of the "recommended" stores, they ask if you are on a cruise ship and, if so, which one. Then they write the ship name somewhere on your receipt. At least that has been the procedure I've seen used in the past. Hope this helps answer your question.



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I certainly understand your plight! Dont understand how someone could read your post and not understand.

Maybe people like you and I see thru "rose tinted glasses". I just cruised on the Summit ( Feb17-Mar3 ) I absolutely believed that celebrity would back and guarantee those stores, " just like they said" DUH !!!

I know it can be frustrating but i hope you continue to fight and post. Also post on other sites. celebrtiy, by writting what they do and saying what they do makes you believe that they are 100% backing these reputable stores.

SHAME on them !!!

I bought a diamond ring from the ship itself, had to send it in to be sized. Checked with several jewlwers but they would not guarantee that by sizing the diamonds would not loosen....soooo...i sent the ring off today, registered mail and wayyyy insured. I guess we will have to just waitand see.

SHAME on Celebrity and Columbian Emeralds

Keep us informed



I am so glad you took the time to respond, Nadine. FYI, I bought a ring on a Carnival ship through Starboard and they have been 100% awesome! The sizing was a little off so I called them, they refunded 15% and resized it. They're caring, compassionate people who really want their customers to be happy. They offered me a FULL refund (including shipping costs) but I wanted this unique ring.


I'm glad you got the gist of where I was coming from, and I agree that if it happened to any of these people, they'd be raving also.


Along with making seasoned cruisers aware of this problem, I also wanted to warn the newbies who just listen to these suave shysters who call themselves "shopping EXPERTS."


Thanks again. :)

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Weeble - good for you in holding the people who ripped you off accountable, if nothing else by exposing them on these boards. I won't repeat the good advise some of the responders have given you. I am appalled at the responses that somehow blame you for this circumstance and suggest you should have known better. You weren't trying to get something for nothing, you were paying good money (albeit respresented as a discount or good deal) and got worse than shoddy merchandise. How can anyone defend this? As for the representations of "guarantees" and things will be taken care of at no expense to you, of course you should expect these to be honored! A sales transaction is a CONTRACT and expressed guarantees are part of it. Not honoring the guarantee is breach of contract. I guarantee you that the responders to your post who casually dismissed your story with "buyer beware" would screem bloody murder if they were cheated in such a manner. Folks, Celebrity is a brand that the OP trusts (and many of us do as well) and they used that position of trust to encourage the OP to shop with a merchant she would have had no other reason to believe was trustworthy. They represented that these transactions are "guaranteed" and that THEY will resolve problems in favor of the passenger. Anyone who maintains that that these representations need not be honored are only empowering merchants to commit fraud.


You are making my day. I only wish Celebrity and Colombian Emeralds understood like you do. Ya know, I've been wondering why none of the businesses I've mentioned have responded to this thread...you KNOW they're watching it. :rolleyes: Maybe those who are defending THEIR point of view are actually them. I don't know. I just know I won't trust any of them again. FYI, Carnival Cruise line and Starboard have taken care of the problem I addressed with them with 100% customer service in mind. Who would have guess that Celebrity would be the shady cruise line?:eek:

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I have a question. If you buy something in a store that happens to be one of the recommended stores, how does the cruise personnel know that you bought it and you are a pax?


Since this piece of doo-doo watch broke 12 hours after we bought it in Aruba we were still onboard and reported it to ERIC the next day. He wrote up a report which we have, for all the good its doing. Besides, the way these goofy cruise shopping EXPERTS schmooze with the passengers, it's easy to tell.

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Wow. Get this. Last Friday I called Colombian Emeralds and spoke to someone named Christine. As I was relating my story to her about what happened with my husband's anniversary gift, the watch that promptly broke, I guess I got a little emotional. She said, "Are you crying?" in disbelief. When I admitted I was upset and yes, I was crying, she had the nerve to say, "Are you kidding? Don't get so upset over a $300 watch. It's only money." She was absolutely rude and unbelieveable. ONLY MONEY? Where would CE be without MONEY? Dear Christine wouldn't have a job for starters. I was so upset by the time she got done telling me it wasn't "the end of the world" I hung up on her. Geez. I never do that, but I could not believe she was belittling me like that.


Over the weekend I got a cheery little letter from Celebrity. Geez. Sorry you're having a problem. Call Onboard Media..... :eek: :(


Anyone out there have any ideas? I feel like one of the thousands of people who have been duped by Celebrity, the SHOPPING "EXPERTS", Colombian Emeralds and Onboard Media. Doesn't anyone care?

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Wow. Get this. Last Friday I called Colombian Emeralds and spoke to someone named Christine. As I was relating my story to her about what happened with my husband's anniversary gift, the watch that promptly broke, I guess I got a little emotional. She said, "Are you crying?" in disbelief. When I admitted I was upset and yes, I was crying, she had the nerve to say, "Are you kidding? Don't get so upset over a $300 watch. It's only money." She was absolutely rude and unbelieveable. ONLY MONEY? Where would CE be without MONEY? Dear Christine wouldn't have a job for starters. I was so upset by the time she got done telling me it wasn't "the end of the world" I hung up on her. Geez. I never do that, but I could not believe she was belittling me like that.


Over the weekend I got a cheery little letter from Celebrity. Geez. Sorry you're having a problem. Call Onboard Media..... :eek: :(


Anyone out there have any ideas? I feel like one of the thousands of people who have been duped by Celebrity, the SHOPPING "EXPERTS", Colombian Emeralds and Onboard Media. Doesn't anyone care?

WEEBIE, dont know if this would do any good but do you have a local tv news person that will champion wrong doings ( when someone gets screwed) cant hurt. Also can you call better business on Celebrity and CE and at least report them.

As aggravating as it is for you- IT IS SOOO THE PRINCIPLE of it all.

So aggravating

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Wow. Get this. Last Friday I called Colombian Emeralds and spoke to someone named Christine. As I was relating my story to her about what happened with my husband's anniversary gift, the watch that promptly broke, I guess I got a little emotional. She said, "Are you crying?" in disbelief. When I admitted I was upset and yes, I was crying, she had the nerve to say, "Are you kidding? Don't get so upset over a $300 watch. It's only money." She was absolutely rude and unbelieveable. ONLY MONEY? Where would CE be without MONEY? Dear Christine wouldn't have a job for starters. I was so upset by the time she got done telling me it wasn't "the end of the world" I hung up on her. Geez. I never do that, but I could not believe she was belittling me like that.


Over the weekend I got a cheery little letter from Celebrity. Geez. Sorry you're having a problem. Call Onboard Media..... :eek: :(


Anyone out there have any ideas? I feel like one of the thousands of people who have been duped by Celebrity, the SHOPPING "EXPERTS", Colombian Emeralds and Onboard Media. Doesn't anyone care?


Hi Weeble....Sorry to hear that you are still having a hard time resolving the problem, and that you had to deal with so many difficult people in the process. Did the watch come with the manufacturer's warranty. If so I would try to resolve the issue with them. I would also let the manufacturer know about the bad experience you have had with Columbian Emeralds.

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Hi Weeble....Sorry to hear that you are still having a hard time resolving the problem, and that you had to deal with so many difficult people in the process. Did the watch come with the manufacturer's warranty. If so I would try to resolve the issue with them. I would also let the manufacturer know about the bad experience you have had with Columbian Emeralds.


What's so amazing is that NO ONE seems to care. Citizen said we had to return the watch to them at our expense which would not be reimbursed. Eric lied to us about everything being taken care of. Steve doesn't want the watch anymore and who could blame him? Breaking after 12 hours? If we only would have used our heads and bought at Kohl's or Macy's we wouldn't be in this bind. They would have given us our money back, no problem. We even offered to accept a store credit...but no one has responded. No one cares and I don't know where to go from here other than the VISA card we charged this to. Since this link is dying I guess people are losing interest in what happened to us. It's sad, really, because the entire story about ships "guaranteed" shopping boils down to absolutely nothing. Oh....my poor, fellow cruisers. I feel so bad for those who, like us, believed the cruise lines. It will continue too, won't it?

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Did you try the contact I gave you?

I recently ordered a very expensive watch which came with a diamond that was out of alignment. I called the seller and the only option they offered was a return and since it was one of a kind, they could not replace it and did not want to repair it. I called the mfg and found out it would cost me postage ($10 w/insurance) and a $15 check to have it sent back. They called yesterday, said they had repaired the watch and were sending it out. It was worth the $25 to me not to have to deal with the selling company and to know that the watch was fixed properly by the mfg. JMO.

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