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Celebrity with Toddlers (twins!)


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I love that several posters have put in their two cents again and again as if once was not enough. Some don't want to cruise with kids, we get it!


I have taken four cruises all with Ms. Flagger and my DD. My DD was 15 months, 19 months, 2.5 and 3.5 on this last cruise. While this is only traveling with one, here are some things that worked for us.


We used a portable collapsible bed rail, and our DD slept on the sofa made up like a bed instead of pulling out the sofabed. You said your twins are now 1 year, but you do not say when you are thinking of cruising with them. Lots of things change as you know. With twins, you could easily have the, both sleeping on the same sofa (butt to butt or head to head) with the bed rail to keep them from rolling off.


Celebrity now has a 45 minute program daily where parents can come into the kids area and play with age appropriate toys. You have to stay with them, but it does give them time to play. On our second X cruise, we could come as often as we wanted because there were so few kids on board.


The M-class ships have an enclosed basketball court and this was perfect in the evenings to let our DD run/toddle around chasing the 'B-balls' without getting in anyone's way.


Heck I had more people with walkers and wheelchairs nipping at my heels because apparently I was moving too slowly at the buffet. As if they would die of starvation before getting yet another cream puff, but I digress.


You would need two separate umbrella strollers, those double wides or sit in front just do not work down the narrow halls of a ship or in the elevators.


You are a parent now and you are still one even on vacation 24/7. However a cruise allows you not to have to cook or clean for a week. I actually took naps in the afternoon with my DD while my wife shopped on shore.


My daughter has spent four christmases in four different houses. She has been to, flown throw, driven through, lived in 27 states including Alaska and several countries. She is very well travelled. When we pulled up to the pier on our second voyage, she shouted "CRUIIIIIIIIIIIISE" from the back seat when she saw the ship. She knew to look for the X when we took our second cruise on Infinity. She knows that RCCL has a crown and anchor.


She also knows that she will get to see Mickey on her next cruise and the Panama Canal on the one after that.


Yes having the availability of the kid's clubs was wonderful this past cruise, but X and RCCL offer in-cabin babysitting which we truly enjoyed as well.


I hope you have a great trip and find that cruising is for you. Good luck convincing your husband!

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I'd wait until your kids could enter the kids program (as conditioned by potty training means about age 3 [don't push 'em]); they will be beyond the inconsolable stress crying stage (of about a year or so) and they'll possibly be over the "twos" stage (which is highly age varied and overhyped anyway).


At three, they'll be better "cruisers" for a lot of reasons and you can enter them into the kid program to get the vacation respite you will have certainly earned in spades! :)


If you cruise with them as infants - again good luck! If we see ya'll, I'll most likely grin and think, "Been there, done that! Life may not be easier. But at least it ain't THAT hard!". DW will glow and say, "They're SO cute!! Wouldn't you love(?)..." then she'll turn and I'll BE GONE!! :D (It beats my "Are you INSANE!!" look which always promts her frown...)


Whatever you do... enjoy 'em now. They grow like weeds!

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I am going to dip my toe in this boiling cauldron. :)


When my 4 children where young I would have LOVED a vacation where I didn't have to cook or clean or worry about anything but my kids. Kids are kids anywhere you go, but how much easier is it to take care of them when you don't have to make a bed or cook or do anything but be a mom.


When my kids were young we camped a lot. It has taken me many years to get my husband to understand that camping ISN'T a vacation for a mom. It's having to do everything you normally do at home, but without a kitchen, running water, laundry facilities, and you get to do all that under trees, on dirt and with bugs. Sure it's fun to get away from home but don't mistake camping or renting a cabin or some of the other suggestions made here, as a vacation for mom.


If the OP wants to try a cruise out with the little ones, then do it. We have cruised with grand babies and it's been wonderful.


BTW, the worse, noisiest, most obnoxious cruise mates we have ever seen was on was a cruise to Hawaii that had to have had a median age of 75. My husband and I still joke over the screaming and rude people on this cruise, it was unbelievable.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you about not having to cook and clean. However, getting two wriggling kids ready in a confined space isn't as good as being at home. Having two kids screaming because they hate taking showers isn't as good as being at home. Having to chase kids in areas where they can easily get lost- isn't as fun as being at home. Fretting over your kids at dinner- so as not to disturb others- isn't as good as being at home. And eating nothing but cafeteria style food (the only other option) is a waste of the cruise value.


The vast majority of people here are saying to wait. The OP doesn't have much longer to wait until she can have a really wonderful cruise and ship the kids off to the kids club for some true RNR. And the kids will love it. Its a win- win situation.


I have done rented condo with blowup pool and it was way more relaxing than being on a cruise. In fact, I was only on the ship with my 13 month old for four days. The other three my parents took us to a resort in Bermuda. This was on the Zenith and we disembarked while in Bermuda and got back on to return to US. The resort was so much better than the ship. We had a beach, a pool that he was allowed to use with swimmies. A huge hotel suite with big bathroom and "tub"- toddlers don't like showers.


Anyway, I've said my peace but I agree with husband.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you about not having to cook and clean. However, getting two wriggling kids ready in a confined space isn't as good as being at home. Having two kids screaming because they hate taking showers isn't as good as being at home. Having to chase kids in areas where they can easily get lost- isn't as fun as being at home. Fretting over your kids at dinner- so as not to disturb others- isn't as good as being at home. And eating nothing but cafeteria style food (the only other option) is a waste of the cruise value.


The vast majority of people here are saying to wait. The OP doesn't have much longer to wait until she can have a really wonderful cruise and ship the kids off to the kids club for some true RNR. And the kids will love it. Its a win- win situation.


I have done rented condo with blowup pool and it was way more relaxing than being on a cruise. In fact, I was only on the ship with my 13 month old for four days. The other three my parents took us to a resort in Bermuda. This was on the Zenith and we disembarked while in Bermuda and got back on to return to US. The resort was so much better than the ship. We had a beach, a pool that he was allowed to use with swimmies. A huge hotel suite with big bathroom and "tub"- toddlers don't like showers.


Anyway, I've said my peace but I agree with husband.


Whooo weee do I remember those days! :o I can just see myself in heels and a long gown doing that run around chase number! All I need is my DH in a Groucho Marx mask chasing me chasing the kids and we got some new nightly entertainment.

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We too did the camping thing and the cabin or condo thing when the kids were very small. We would take my younger brother (12 years younger) with us or a teen ager when we did the cabin thing. Usually it was Tahoe and we could go out at night. Actually as a teen I did the mother's helper thing often during the summer. even if you are still cooking, etc it is better for everyone and not quite the same as being at home. We would keep the meals simple, use paper plates when we could, everyone that was old enough pitched in to help.


I have noticed the OP has been on a couple of boards asking the same questions. It sounds to me like she is trying to convince herself this would be a great vacation and DH is trying to convince her otherwise. She has only sailied HAL, Celebrity and SilverSeas.

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I usually do not post on these boards, but I had to comment. I feel like parents of children are being discriminated against. Why should I stay at home if I can take may child with me on a cruise. My son is 13 months old and will be sailing with me in 2 weeks to Hawaii. I feel very offended by the comments on this board. Other boards are more family friendly. I feel that if a parent disciplines the child and is okay with entertaining them all day, it is no one's business if he/she is on the boat. I have a feeling these opinions are on this board because most cruisers are older. Also, to answer the comment that my child may cause an injury to another passenger- he is 20 1bs and 30 inches. He is not really a lineman or anything. I wish everyone would be a little more tolerant of others and just enjoy your vacation.



He doesn't have to be a lineman. He is mobile - therefore, he is potentially dangerous. Toddlers, by definition are small and low to the ground. They move (and stop) in unpredictable ways. Cruise passengers are often elderly. They may have slower reflexes and reactions, and they may not have the greatest balance in the world. You put these two types of people together in a confined area and you have a recipe for disaster. If an adult trips over a child underfoot, BOTH are likely to be injured. The only safeguard against this is if the parent intends to NEVER LET THE CHILD ON THE GROUND in any public room. If that's the plan, I say good luck!


I would think a nice SPACIOUS room at a resort with actual grounds would be much safer and more enjoyable for the children and the parents. My point was never to safeguard the interests of people who don't want to see kids on cruises - I was answering the OP's question for HER benefit and for the benefit of her twins.

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Hi Mom of Twins,


Boy oh boy...bet you got more than you thought you'd get! As a mom of 3 boys (ages 17, 14, and 7 now) who have traveled extensively since they were babies...but did not cruise til they were at least 4...I would tell you that I don't think I'd choose to cruise with a toddler (baby who can't walk yet, maybe)...just because I think there are alternatives that will let everyone have a better time.


I think everything that could be said has been, but I'll offer some suggestions of other Nice-for-Mom too ideas for family vacation with toddlers.

- There's a website called Rascals in Paradise that, as the name suggests, focuses on family travel. Just looking at their web site will provide you with the names of a lot of truly family friendly resorts in Hawaii, the Caribbean and many other places.

- If what you want is a warm weather vacation with service and lots to do (things that cruises do really well!), consider an all-inclusive, family friendly resort like a Beaches in Turks and Caicos or a Club Med. Or a resort that clearly caters to families like the Atlantis in the Bahamas? We once stayed at the FDR Resort in Jamaica, where they assign you a Vacation Nanny for the week : ) It was fantastic! We spent most our children's waking time with them, but when they were napping...the nanny would stay in the room and we could go down to the pool/beach and actually READ a book for awhile or play some tennis. And at night, we would take them to kids dinner, play, give them baths, put them to sleep and then go out for a leisurely dinner.


Mom of Twins, it's so important to take vacations...we all need a break from our regular lives, but I know that I would enjoy a land-based resort vacation much more with a toddler than a cruise. My kids love to cruise now and Celebrity has been a great choice for us...2 times now and we've had great experiences.


Happy planning!



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He doesn't have to be a lineman. He is mobile - therefore, he is potentially dangerous. Toddlers, by definition are small and low to the ground. They move (and stop) in unpredictable ways. Cruise passengers are often elderly. They may have slower reflexes and reactions, and they may not have the greatest balance in the world. You put these two types of people together in a confined area and you have a recipe for disaster. If an adult trips over a child underfoot, BOTH are likely to be injured. The only safeguard against this is if the parent intends to NEVER LET THE CHILD ON THE GROUND in any public room. If that's the plan, I say good luck!


I would think a nice SPACIOUS room at a resort with actual grounds would be much safer and more enjoyable for the children and the parents. My point was never to safeguard the interests of people who don't want to see kids on cruises - I was answering the OP's question for HER benefit and for the benefit of her twins.



Drew, as someone who has worked and cared for the geriatric population for almost 20 yrs, I COMMEND your comments. One of the biggest fears people have as they age is falling. And personally, having cared for this age group for many years, I can see why. Thank you! You summed up the above very nicely.

No one intentially is out to cause an accident. But accidents do happen. Put 2 populations together (toddlers and elderly)that are both unsteady on their feet in a confined area and the potential of injury increases!with the risk of falls. I am not advocating the 2 populations should never encounter one another--FAR FROM IT--just much more intense caution needs to be exercised.

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I feel like the middle of an oreo cookie.


I totally agree with you FinelyCruising! I didn't know I would start World War III with my comments. I was just a little upset that the view on these boards was 180 degrees from the view on the Family cruising boards. Also, I am a physician and I am going on my cruise with my father and mother (69 and 63 respectively). I am not some "young" person who doesn't understand the dangers of a child running under someone's feet. Let's make a deal- I make sure my child does not bother anyone and you understand that people with children have reasons to go on Celebrity also (my parents and I prefer a more relaxed, sedate environment). So, lets please close this board. It really hasn't helped Mother of Twins at all.

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coopersmommy....I am all NOT for polizaration due to age groups. I hope I did not/do not come across that way.


I was on one of our cruises and saw parents who were in left field when he seas were rough and they were taking pics of one of thier two littler ones. The littler of the two was grabbed by one ahead of me who feared that littler one would have gone through the rails and ended up in the ocean.


Now let's chew on this...should DYFS been called for bad parenting? Should the Parent been labeled "Bad" because of their efforts to have photos taken with the other child. Either way NO in my humble opinion.


But a boat can be dangerous place for kids. On personal boats, the Coast Guard would chastise the lack of Life Vests worn on children or any other passenger or navigator in rough seas. Not practical on cruise ships, but dangerous places do exist that no parent would ever know about for the most part.


For elderly, I have read recently of fractures and surgeries required due to imbalance due to age coupled with the seas even if not rough. Babies or elders can easily be endangered. Fact of the matter is ANYONE an be endangered!!!


Bottom line we all need to look out for one another and not be put off because of age. Forget the idea that parents ought to be better off or elders ought to be smarter. Everyone needs another set of eyes and hands and cares to keep us safe.


We all need to be better to one another and stop griping about one single baby or one single old person along the way ruins our cruise. If one person ruins your cruise, its you for letting it/them.:rolleyes:

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I totally agree with you FinelyCruising! I didn't know I would start World War III with my comments. I was just a little upset that the view on these boards was 180 degrees from the view on the Family cruising boards. Also, I am a physician and I am going on my cruise with my father and mother (69 and 63 respectively). I am not some "young" person who doesn't understand the dangers of a child running under someone's feet. Let's make a deal- I make sure my child does not bother anyone and you understand that people with children have reasons to go on Celebrity also (my parents and I prefer a more relaxed, sedate environment). So, lets please close this board. It really hasn't helped Mother of Twins at all.




My concern was never about "bothering anyone". I think that it's important for the OP to recognize that the cruising experience she loved before she had her kids is not going to be the same as the one she will have with two toddlers. If she knows what she will face and decides she wants to do it, good for her. I hope she has a safe and a wonderful time. If she thinks about it and realizes that there may be safer, more relaxing, more comfortable vacations for her and for her sons, she may decide to make alternate plans. In that case, too, I hope she has a safe and a wonderful time. All of my comments (and those of many others on this thread) were about what is best for her and for the children. You got it into your head that it's about what's best for other passengers. For the most part, that's not the case.


Thank you.

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My first cruise was on X, and our DS was 3 1/2, so he was Fun Factory age. The couple in the next cabin and also part of our group had a son a year younger so he could not go to the Fun Factory but he could play in there with a parent. I watched that poor mom run and chase this little boy, who was not a bad or disobedient child - just typical toddler. The dad did not help out much, so the mom really didn't get much of a vacation. It was then and there that I concluded I was very glad we waited until our little one (now almost 6) was old enough to go the kid's program (even though my DH would have helped much more than this dad did!).

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i have to laugh at this thread! First, the thought of parents being selfish bringing a young child on a cruise is ridiculous. Before my husband and I had our first daughter, we would travel to Thailand, Japan, Brazil, Europe, etc. If I was being selfish I would take my toddler to Rome. However, we are compromising with the cruise and we will be at the beach in every port since that is our daughter's favorite thing to do. (not our favorite by any means - we'd be snorkeling or taking city tours).


We went on the Infinity to the southern caribbean in 2001 and we were able to stay up late drinking cocktails and gambling, see the shows, take the snorkeling or city tour excursions, etc., which was wonderful of course, but I personally would MUCH rather spend the week chasing a toddler around on a cruise than leaving her at home. This is my week to spend time with her (my husband and I both work), and I don't care if I have to spend 24 hours a day reading her books in my cabin, I will be happier doing it on a cruise than at my house. I understand that many people would prefer to leave their children at home, but that is not necessarily the most desirable option for everyone.


Additionally, I understand that people without kids or people who have already raised their kids would prefer a nice quiet adults-only cruise, but that is just not realistic. I just find it frustrating that people are so quick to criticize the presence of children on the boat, when in my experience, I have been FAR more bothered by noisy drunk adults trapsing by my cabin at a later hour, or difficult people screaming at waiters over a minor problem with their meals. The bottom line is that I am most annoyed by noisy people late at night - most crying toddlers are passed out in their beds by 8pm so that should not be a problem.


Good luck to you and of course, only you know what vacation is appropriate for your family. I have friends who have only taken their kids on a 3 day disney cruise; i have other friends who have taken their kids to europe or beyond. It's simply a matter of what you are looking for in a vacation.

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I always take my kids with me on vacation- but I pick vacations appropriate to their ages. Of course it is humanly possible to do a cruise but I think people are saying that there may be other- better options that are more toddler friendly.


Toddlers especially love to climb, run and swim. Most resorts allow swim diapers but cruise ships don't. Most resorts have sprawling grounds for them to run and play.


I did do a cruise with a 13 month old (mistake) and stopped cruising until he was nearly 4. Ever since then he has been on seven cruises. It is our favorite way to travel.

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I just booked a family with 11 month old twins. Total of 6 people.. two cabins... one crib in each.


Unless you are going in a suite, how are you going to put two cribs in one standard sized stateroom?


The best child care under the age of 3.. is on Cunard.

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We took are Twin girls on the Galaxy in Jan . Our girls were 15 months and walking . We got 2 inside rooms with a connectting door .We did inside rooms becuase they are Cheaper . We got two rooms so at night we could talk or watch T.V. while the girls were a sleep .


Here's some good and bad points


1) We took one of the beds out so the room would fit both Pack and plays . You do not get cribs . you get Pack and plays . We brought our own sheets .Pillows ect.. So they would feel like they were sleeping at home . The two rooms worked out great . One bad thing was we had to paid for 4 people instead of 2 grown ups and 2 kids .


2) We emptied one of the mini bars and ever night out cabin steward brought us 6 milks so we could make milk in the middle of the night . he also washed our bottles ever night . Our Cabin steward was great . He really made the rooms work . We tipped him an extra $ 100 .


3) One nice thing about being on a ship . At night I would read while the girls slept and my partner would go out on deck ,then we switch the next night . You could not do that in a hotel .


4) We could not eat in the main dinning room . Our girls could not sit for 1 1/2 and be happy . We tried it once and it was no fun for the girls or the people around us . I would not ruin other people nice dinner with active kids near them . So eat ate in the cusual dinning .The food was not as good but the serive was great . Plus we could eat in 20 mins . I think this was the thing we missed the most . Not having very good dinners .


5) One nice about a ship - We take the girls to a show . After ten mins they get bored or nosiey so we run them down to the dance floor to dance 2 songs and leave .


6) Pools - No kids under 3 in the pools . But on the sea days the kids club set up a little pool for us . Then you also have all the beaches . You can not stay long due to the sun . and it takes 20 mins to get to the beach . So the beaches really did not work for us .


7) Overall it was a lot of work with the girls . They had a great time . We had good time . I was tried all the time .Being at home is easier in a lot of ways but I needed to get away . We would do a Cruise again . I do not think people on the ship were uncomfortable with the girls around but we also made sure they were not getting in peoples way .


8) One thing with twins you both have to be with the girls all the time . The ship is not child proofed . thier are railing they can fall through . The out side stairs are unsafe for kids . Doors open hard and heavy . We never got to sit down and just relaxx , unless we were in our room .


9 ) feel free to ask me anything else . I hope this was helpful

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bill just gave us the answer. I have noticed the OP hasn't been back, nor back to the other boards where she posted similar questions. From what she has said, (a week or more ago) I think she was looking for re-assurance so she could convince hubby to cruise. For the most part she didn't get quite what she was hoping for. At no time did I want to sound like I don't like kids or do not think they should be on a ship. I do think, as Bill pretty much said, it is a lot more work than some realize. By the time kids are 3 or 4, know what limits mean, are potty trained, can use the pools, will enjoy the kids club and can be left somewhere with out mom and dad for awhile, cruising can be a wonderful family experience.



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Let's all help "Mom of Twins" come up with some really good arguements to help convince her husband that cruising with "less than year old twins" would be fantastic.


How about romance in a room the size of a broom closet with two babies snuffling beside you?


How about gourment meals in gorgeous dining rooms that last 5 minutes because babies decide to be fussy?


How about broadway shows that terrify baby when the lights go out and the VOLUME turns up - and you leave in a hasty exit?


How about - we can only be on deck 5 minutes because it's too hot (too cold) for babies?


This isn't kid or baby bashing folks - it is just the reality of having precious babies. Sure - you go for it if you like - yup it's a free world - but do you really, really want to????


All the best - Jayna K

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bill just gave us the answer. I have noticed the OP hasn't been back, nor back to the other boards where she posted similar questions. From what she has said, (a week or more ago) I think she was looking for re-assurance so she could convince hubby to cruise. For the most part she didn't get quite what she was hoping for.



She actually did go over to the Family cruising board where they were a little more encourging but recommended other cruise lines.

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Bill ..

I think I remember when you said you were going and people tried to give you the same advice as we are now giving to Mom with Twins.


I did the cruise with just one 13 month old and you just can't enjoy all of the things a cruise has to offer and you end up paying for the kids to go- which is a big expense.


I can relate to you and that is why I tell people that for the money it is best to wait until they are old enough to enjoy the youth programs.


Don't be discouraged from cruising in the future. I took my son again when he was nearly 4 and we have been cruising happily twice a year every since.

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She actually did go over to the Family cruising board where they were a little more encourging but recommended other cruise lines.


golly, I hadn't checked that out as I rarely wander over to that board. I hope she isn't disappointed. I know her cruising experience has been with the upscale lines, well, not totally, but Celebrity, HAL and yes, Silverseas. I am afraid she will not enjoy the other lines, just from her comments. I guess we all have to do what we think will work and if it doesn't, face the consequences. NMNita

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We took are Twin girls on the Galaxy in Jan . Our girls were 15 months and walking . We got 2 inside rooms with a connectting door .We did inside rooms becuase they are Cheaper . We got two rooms so at night we could talk or watch T.V. while the girls were a sleep .


Here's some good and bad points


1) We took one of the beds out so the room would fit both Pack and plays . You do not get cribs . you get Pack and plays . We brought our own sheets .Pillows ect.. So they would feel like they were sleeping at home . The two rooms worked out great . One bad thing was we had to paid for 4 people instead of 2 grown ups and 2 kids .


2) We emptied one of the mini bars and ever night out cabin steward brought us 6 milks so we could make milk in the middle of the night . he also washed our bottles ever night . Our Cabin steward was great . He really made the rooms work . We tipped him an extra $ 100 .


3) One nice thing about being on a ship . At night I would read while the girls slept and my partner would go out on deck ,then we switch the next night . You could not do that in a hotel .


4) We could not eat in the main dinning room . Our girls could not sit for 1 1/2 and be happy . We tried it once and it was no fun for the girls or the people around us . I would not ruin other people nice dinner with active kids near them . So eat ate in the cusual dinning .The food was not as good but the serive was great . Plus we could eat in 20 mins . I think this was the thing we missed the most . Not having very good dinners .


5) One nice about a ship - We take the girls to a show . After ten mins they get bored or nosiey so we run them down to the dance floor to dance 2 songs and leave .


6) Pools - No kids under 3 in the pools . But on the sea days the kids club set up a little pool for us . Then you also have all the beaches . You can not stay long due to the sun . and it takes 20 mins to get to the beach . So the beaches really did not work for us .


7) Overall it was a lot of work with the girls . They had a great time . We had good time . I was tried all the time .Being at home is easier in a lot of ways but I needed to get away . We would do a Cruise again . I do not think people on the ship were uncomfortable with the girls around but we also made sure they were not getting in peoples way .


8) One thing with twins you both have to be with the girls all the time . The ship is not child proofed . thier are railing they can fall through . The out side stairs are unsafe for kids . Doors open hard and heavy . We never got to sit down and just relaxx , unless we were in our room .


9 ) feel free to ask me anything else . I hope this was helpful


Great post! Thanks!

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Whenever I read threads about toddlers on cruise ships, I always look to see if MY main concern is being addressed. And....it usually isn't.


They are TODDLING. Can't walk steady; fall over easily.


To me it isn't a behavior thing, or a cranky thing, because parents deal with that anywhere and at anytime with children this age.


It's a SAFETY thing. You can't keep them in a crib or a stroller all the time; they need to move around. But, they are moving around on a moving object: the ship. Seems like an accident waiting to happen, twice.


I think children who can handle the physical challenges of cruising should start cruising. I think that's about age 3 or when they are plenty steady on their feet.



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