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queen mary 2 obstructed vs regular balcony


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It was a nice upgrade for us from an inside cabin and we enjoyed our balcony very much. Yes, we selected that one because of the small boat. Most of the others have a view between the davits as shown in the last picture on the website.

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Research....OK, I worked on full commission for many years...i did not ask people to do my research for me that I would then present to my clients as if i knew it all...guaranteed they'd ask another similar question and i'd not know that answer either.


Karie, I think you know exactly what I mean about people who ask others to help them out and then take all the credit???Nuff said???


Maybe Cunard doesn't offer all the most helpful information but i can assure you, after looking at HUNDREDS of people's pictures, readily available on any number of sites that can easily be googled, ANYONE can do the same research and be able to answer a client's questions immediately. And that was my point.....


Now, I'll help you fish those towels out as long as I don't get my hair wet...I have a big soiree to do tonight!;)


Cheers, Penny...

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Let's all make nice now, and I'll go fish the towels out of the pool!


Karie - I don't have the energy to respond to your post in detail (and, if you're "trying to be nice", it wouldn't be very nice of me:) ) so I'll suffice with saying that I am not a travel agent but I still feel it is quite wrong for an agent to show her ignorance in a public forum.


OK, I worked on full commission for many years


Penny - don't tell me that you are an agent as well! I draw the line at sharing a lifeboat with the staff!:D

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Penny - don't tell me that you are an agent as well! I draw the line at sharing a lifeboat with the staff!:D


Fear not Malcolm...agent of a different sort...now just a simple retired (albeit early retired) lady living on the spoils of being a thoroughagent ;)


Our time in the lifeboat will not be compromised!


Cheers, Penny

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...9)Wadadli- Share the commission? Well, which part of commission do you want? For a newcomer outside agent Generally the agency gets 10% unless they sell a lot with that line. But part of the fare is what is called non-commissionable. So, say $5,000 cruise. $400 of which is non-comm. So $4600. 10% is 460 dollars. That is often split 50/50 between agency and agent for outside agents. (Many pay the agent only 20% of the commission) Now you are down to $230.00, on which you must pay taxes and social security, plus your costs of doing business. Say you spent 40 hours (not unreasonable with some clients) Okay, now we are down to $5.75 an hour BEFORE taxes, and you must also pay social security on it!

So Who wants to sign up to be a travel agent? Very few make a living at it these days. Many agencies (forget individual agents) have gone under. The perks? You have to sell a lot before you get them, and even then, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Since airlines no longer commission, but you may still have to do it, compete against Travelocity, and others plus every client thinks they know more than you (and many do! or find "deals" on the internet which you must now research and debunk) As a rule, most travel agents do not charge a penny for their services, although it is becoming more common. And they must compete with their own suppliers who offer you a 5% discount for booking online instead of through an agent. And most agents and agencies all get the same prices and can rarely "get you a better deal" There are a few ways, and I won't go into them.

Now before I get slammed for my figures, these are purely hypothetical. There are cheaper cruises, some don't take you much time to book and the clients are dolls. I don't do much of this- a couple of cruises a year, and at least one of them my own. And I didn't look up any figures....




Welcome to the real world. Having to actually work to make a living sure

is tough. That said I don't care how or how much a TA gets paid or how

hard they have to work to collect the commission.


The problem I have is the OP was looking for someone else to do their work for them. Unfortunately that seems to be more the norm in today's society. I don't agree in promoting that type of work ethic.


Who's the TA going to blame should the people come back from the cruise disappointed because their room didn't look like the picture?

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Who's the TA going to blame should the people come back from the cruise disappointed because their room didn't look like the picture?


Will she even know or care? Once she's got the clients to take a package that'll be the end of her interest in them.

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mainly because I admire the way you write here at CC, always trying to be useful and informative. And also because it's the way to go, that is, to be nice to others.


First of all let me say I don't like TAs and try hard to avoid them. I had had some very bad experiences with them, the worst being to wait at Beograd airport for someone who was supposed to meet me and take to an hotel I didn't know which one it was. Nobody appeard and I had one of the worst days ever. I have a few more stories but I'll spare you. I don't know about the US and the UK, but here in Brazil here is how it happens:

I go to an Travel Agency and ask for a cruise. They ask if I already know which one and let's say I answer one at the QM2. They will either look up for a phone number in a list or ask another employee if he happens to know who deals with QM2. Than they will call and bla, bla, bla, start to act as a mediator. Those are the standards I'll use to answer you and please forgive me if this is not the case where you live/work.


So, say $5,000 cruise. $400 of which is non-comm. So $4600. 10% is 460 dollars. That is often split 50/50 between agency and agent for outside agents. (Many pay the agent only 20% of the commission) Now you are down to $230.00 Well paid for a few phone calls


Say you spent 40 hours 40 hours ???? On what ???? Usually asking questions because they don't know the first thing on what the passenger wants them to provide (again, this is MY experience)


Many agencies (forget individual agents) have gone under. I wonder why


Since airlines no longer commission, Why should they?


And they must compete with their own suppliers who offer you a 5% discount for booking online instead of through an agent. That's exactly my point. If nowadays there is a tool to make things easier, faster and cheaper, why go back in time? Would you?



What's the advantage of going to TA instead of to a forum like this one and doing a lot of googling? I really apoligize if I'm being unfair, but I can only speak on what I know.

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What's the advantage of going to TA instead of to a forum like this one and doing a lot of googling? I really apoligize if I'm being unfair, but I can only speak on what I know.


Mario - you are quite right. Most agents aren't worth using. It will take you longer, not get you what you want and end up more expensive than doing it yourself. There are however a small number of agents who are worth it (In my working life I've met about a dozen); some of those agents post here. What they can give by way of advice and guidance is worthy of their payment. They are generally so good that it works our cheaper for you to pay them than any saving you get from the cruise line for booking direct.:)

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For Karie:


During the new agent training process, newbies are instructed: If you don't know it, you don't sell it. PERIOD. Of course, this from an agency with a new agent training program.


Passing what was not much more than an "open-book" serial does not necessarily, despite the moniker "Commodore" upon completion, vet any agent as to being an expert. .. or close to.


The OP, who is a home-based agent btw, after her initial post on this forum patting herself on the back for having completed the serial, proceeded to ask not once, but twice, questions to material which was fully covered in the training material and she also used incorrect category terminology which can lead to client confusion. This indicates an inability to grasp the subject matter at hand and utilize it during the sales process.


Any agent needs to recognize their own limitations. I am not particularly fond of river cruises. If I have an existing client who wants to book one, fine I'll do it. But I will not take the booking for a new client. I will pass that client on to a fellow agent in the office who loves river cruises.


One agent in my office (3 years experience), lost a $65,000 world cruise booking. Why? Because he did not do his homework before quoting the client. He treated the quote like any other. When the client called to cancel he was shocked. Had he taken the time, he would have learned: air was included, gratuities, onboard credit, complimentary shore excursions, etc.

This was a costly mistake for him... and an expensive learning experience.


Just last week I overheard a senior agent lose a Cunard transatlantic booking.

Why? She doesn't normally book Cunard. She told her client if he wanted to fly into the UK several days prior to sailing, he would have to pay a $75 per person air deviation fee. He knew better. The reality is..... the first deviation is free.


Yes, I do pity a client who is planning a trip of a lifetime working with an agent who does not recognize their own limitations.

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As a very, very "lay man" just some thoughts.


Just how many TA's are lurking on these boards? They seem to be coming out like spring flowers right now. And how many to "come out" yet.


Just how many incompetent TA's are there out there (a sobering thought) If I go to a lawyer, accountant, architect, doctor, financial advisor etc etc, even priest for goodness sake, I think I have a right to expect a professional service.


The problem is that most TA's know little about cruises. Why not? If you asked a chef to cook you an omelette and he had no idea where to start you would wonder if it would be better to do it yourself. Regretably this is what so many of us do now. Cruise not omellettes.


If I was a TA I would make damn sure that I knew my subject better than any lay man on these boards. And if I was a plumber sure as sure I would know more than my clients about theire u bends that they did.





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I worked for a holiday boating company for years, and dealt with hundreds of travel agents. Particularly memorable quotes included: "Do the boats go under the aquaducts?" and "Are the Norfolk Broads in Yorkshire?". One couldn't pronounce Thames and used 'th' as in the.


Their singular talent was the phonetic alphabet. One once spelt out the name of a client as sierra mike india tango hotel.


We concluded they were recruited for their appearance.

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For my curiosity as a customer, how do I know if an agent is competent enough to book a cunard cruise for me? Every travel agent I have been to told me they can book a cruise for me. However, the reality is that not many agents have the experience with cunard. Is there any certificate that I can verify before booking?


Like what Mario said, I feel my agent is the person who is making phone calls for me. I do learn a lot from this board. For example, when I asked about the VSOE, I was told that my package includes coach transportation and cannot be changed. So VSOE is not an option. Well, I cannot pay to upgrade my transportation...very disappointing. Later, I learned on the board that VSOE is not available for all the cunard cruises...I think that's a more convincing reason to me.


I do appreciate what an agent can do for me but just feel difficult to find a good and qualified one, especially for cunard line.

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For Karie:


During the new agent training process, newbies are instructed: If you don't know it, you don't sell it. PERIOD. Of course, this from an agency with a new agent training program.


You and I both know, sadly, that there are plenty of IATAN Card Mills and other agencies with only outside agents (home-based) who get no support, no training, the agencies just want their cut of the commission, usually the better portion of it, (and to up their numbers with a line for bump-ups) without having to do any work or take any of the risk. You work for a reputable nationally known agency, which obviously, is run as a proper business (I'm sure it has its shortcomings, witness the two mistakes you quoted within your own office, but that can occur anywhere in any business)

Passing what was not much more than an "open-book" serial does not necessarily, despite the moniker "Commodore" upon completion, vet any agent as to being an expert. .. or close to.

Truthfully, i never knew it existed. I haven't bothered to look at the "courses" associated with the Princess booking engine, if that's where it is. Last I asked, we still do not have a rep here in CT. One fellow left, and they hadn't assigned another. Sadly, my agency owner is a fan of (ugh) Carnival (and Disney) and he pushes it incessantly. If he pushed Cunard as much (and several of us have done some learning and selling on our own to the extent we got a bump-up) he'd be amazed at how well he could do! I went to Community College courses to learn what I do know- Spent a lot of time learning how to write tickets on Saabre, then got WorldSpan (which I had to pay for the circuit on), which was different, and now both are more or less obsolete! I had to pay for the circuit and all it ever did was cause problems, including a double air booking that I had to eat! I'll have to take that course, just for fun. I could probably ace it! honestly, I don't do those things usually, as they are little more than an ad for the line, just as bad as the spin in the brochures! As for the getting things wrong- Cunard HAS changed the nomenclature a few time. Don't know what the course offers, so I can't say. And my memory has gotten worse as I got older. I've taken some RCCL stuff. Still can't remember one from the other- For that matter Carnival either. Even the HAL ships- I have to think to remember which of the nearly identical ships I've been on! I cannot say that about Cunard, having been on 4 of their ships and knowing a bit about others. None were alike, even though two were sister ships.

I do try to take pity on new people who haven't had the support of a strong agency and supplier reps. They really aren't a threat, all of our outside agents, sell primarily within social groups- ,maybe a service club or church doing a group thing, family and friends. While we do have a store front, and my "boss" actually has done TV stuff, I think our outside agents do most of our sales. But we also hold meetings with reps and such. The agency also used to do all of the college travel including a course on Cuba combined with a trip there (one of the few ways to get a Treasury license) I certainly recognize my limitations. It's why I don't do this much. I don't know enough, and I'm honest about that. I always feel so inadequate there. I don't do this full time, to really learn enough, and don't have the time ( all my spare time outside my "real" job, I spend here! <LOL>) I've actually referred people to you and given them your email addy. (BTW, How's your knee? I'm nursing mine right now, though not as bad as how you had it. It gave out walking down a flight of stairs two weeks ago)


Wow! bummer about the guy who lost a world cruise! Did anyone try to help him? That's also the agency''s loss! I would want to send a mailing out to that client with a special offer! I'd do it more for the client- I'd hate to see someone miss such an opportunity. (the client- never mind the agent!)

The first deviation> I did not know that myself! Then too, I've never booked a TA- not even for myself. It's good to know, and good information for this list. Maybe some might now book that would not have otherwise, thinking it's a lot of money to spend to turn around and come home! And pity the poor guy if he talked to Cunard about it! They're probably the ones who gave him the wrong information, as we all know here! you almost have to know these things beforehand to correct them! How many times have you had to catch them at a mistake when you knew better. I know I have!


Yes, I do pity a client who is planning a trip of a lifetime working with an agent who does not recognize their own limitations.


Well, Sometimes, the client knows what they want. And usually you start out with friends and family if you don't have much of a support system. I pity the agent who doesn't get support. She'll never become good. That's why I try to remember dumb mistakes I have made- like taking a huge upgrade for my Dad on an Alaska cruise because the line over booked, but it involved going a week earlier. Little did I know there was NO air to be had. The line had it all booked up! I now KNOW how hard it is to book air!

Sure they got a great upgrade But they almost didn't get to go at all! Believe me, we tried to hook it up with a train ride up the coast of California (which they actually wanted to do anyway) and even looked into buses!

My Dad knew I screwed up. But because he was my Dad and I was new at this... Well, Let's just say my Dad was the greatest.


And Mario-

I agree, if you can do all of this yourself, and many people know more than most agents, then more power to you. I am now so inundated with information that I can't even keep up with things like flash specials. I get so much crap in my email that I ignore most of it. It used to be that agents would often get a fax that was a very limited time offer. Those could sometimes be real deals that the public would not know about. Nowadays, the lines will allow anyone to sign up for their emailings (be careful. It's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff) The value of an agent can be that they know what is a come-on, and what is a real deal. They also try to learn a bit about each ship, or resort, so that they chose something right for you. And yes, I have spent untold hours and a lot of my own money on people who were major PITAs (Pain In The ...) If you don't have agency checks you may have to ship a payment overnight, likewise the passenger's docs. You know how bad Cunard is at getting docs to you on time. Now, figure I have to drive to my agency to pick them up, then get them to my client. Before, my agency was close enough to drive there and back on my lunch hour. They moved to a new office and now it is an hour to an hour and a half EACH WAY! Usually I have someone who works there once a week bring them home, then I drive twenty minutes to her house to pick them up. There is a value to working with agents. But the suppliers (Cruiselines, resort companies) are shooting themselves in the foot in someways by trying to go around them direct to the customers. Unfortunately, the average joe doesn't know what in an ad or email is a teaser price (Starting from $199.00... (small print) for an inside next to the engine room, you must provide your own linens, meals not included, for the first night only, then twice as much each successive night! <G>) and what is reality. And we can often tell you what is a good value for you. That's the reason some folks on here when asked about the penthouse said, have you thought about taking a P grade and going twice? Some people don't think about that, and maybe that value would be preferable for them. Some know what they want and it's the once in a lifetime trip! Some find out what Q grade would cost for a week, and never again consider a trip, even though there are lots of other possibilities that make it do-able. I'm sorry you have had bad times with agents. But they're not all bad. Honest. I think for her clients, Babette is pretty good. at least from what I've seen here. She's knowledgeable and knows how to get the deals and get around obstinate Cunard booking reps when she knows more than they do! Others might steer you into something inappropriate for you because they get a bigger commission or they happened to like that cruise line (when you might not) I have had a few bad auto mechanics. And since I used to do some of it myself, (unusual for a girl) I know my way around who's is yanking my chain. But I'm still going to take my car to a professional, just not that one!


well, I've run on too long again, but by now, y'all know that's just me.

I still like to give others the benefit of the doubt. I've done plenty of stupid stuff in my time, and not known things I should have known (but maybe was not exposed to) I just saw myself in Starfamily. Trying to learn on her own, not getting any support, all enthusiastic and proud of what seemed like an accomplishment to her (And no one else on this list has ever bragged, been better or smarter than thou, or otherwise appeared as a know-it all! Me included!) I just did not see why people came out of the woodwork to trash the poor girl. What did she do to be humiliated publicly! Put yourself in her shoes, folks! How would you feel. I would have been in tears. I hope all of you superior and flawless people (I'm talking to you Malcolm. don't be a meany- no reason to be so cruel. You wouldn't like it if the shoe were on the other foot. Don't try to defend yourself. it was MEAN no matter how much more you think she should have known. Congrats because you knew more. That's why you're here! This is your HOBBY!, your Avocation!) never ever do something wrong, or say something innocent that gets jumped on. It was actually this thread on top of the other one where there were people I'd never heard from before that got to me.

Look. Enough. I know I say too much.



Karie, who tries to always walk in the other man's moccasins. Except they usually don't fit!

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Karie: If your former rep was Tony, you do have a new rep. The knee is still bad, btw... but I keep at the physical therapy.


An excellent question was asked, How does one find an experienced agent for Cunard.. or any other specialty line?


Not easy. Which is why I despised the "Commodore" program in the first place.

Now agencies who have at least one agent completing the course work has a designation of Commodore agency on the cruiseline's website. Not a specific agent...... but agency. Doesn't mean squat. I think it is misleading the public.


At one Cunard meeting I attended I was told that only about 4% of agencies in my territory actually sell Cunard. And I'm in a very heavily agency-populated territory.


Cunard is a different product because the product line is multi-faceted.

You have the QE2, which God help you if you don't know what you are doing, the QM2.. which is an animal all to itself... either sold as a sophisticated European/world voyage to experienced travelers... or sold as a "I am going to rebate all my commission just so you will book with me Caribbean/transatlantic sailing. And then.. the QV.. while not even launched is giving us headaches already. Then there is the air/sea department... Overland excursions..........funky back office operations which can make your hair stand on end at times....................and last, but certainly, not least........... split inventory worldwide.. the likes of which you see no where else in the industry.... and of course, more tariffs worldwide than any other cruiseline.


Still, all in all...... I enjoy it. And I don't have to worry about there being too much water in the river... or not enough water!


But getting back to the original story....first and foremost, the OP should have never mentioned any agent issue/perk in the first place.

By doing so, she opened Pandora's box. It's really none of the cruising public's business. If she had kept quiet and asked the very same questions as a "cruiser-at large", it would have been a different story.

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Like Mary I once worked for an agency (hotel in my case) and had to deal with hundreds of travel agents. Most were so thick that they made short planks look intelligent! They were an almost complete waste of space. The only reason we had to deal with them was that they did provide the majority of the company's business.


Unfortunately, the average joe doesn't know what in an ad or email is a teaser price


Neither do most agents. They're only told to put an offer on a card in the window. They sell from that.


Put yourself in her shoes, folks! How would you feel. I would have been in tears. I hope all of you superior and flawless people (I'm talking to you Malcolm. don't be a meany- no reason to be so cruel. You wouldn't like it if the shoe were on the other foot. Don't try to defend yourself. it was MEAN no matter how much more you think she should have known. Congrats because you knew more. That's why you're here! This is your HOBBY!, your Avocation!) never ever do something wrong, or say something innocent that gets jumped on.


Oh boy. YOU are in a bad mood aren't you? You're quite right. This board is a hobby, a pass time. It is somewhere I go in my spare time (and I do have quite a lot of spare time at the moment:) ) but that does not mean that I may not state an opinion and it does not mean that I have to accept abuse form quasi agents. This board is not here to act as a training ground for travel agents. If knowledgeable agents do post I appreciate their wisdom, but I don't see why I should make a special effort to be nice to incompetent agents.


After SF posted for the first time I received several emails from agents saying they were "appalled at the post", were letting it fade away on the basis of least said soonest mended and asking me to remember that not all agents are like SF. I've had similar emails, just from different agents, following her second post. That she posted once is bad enough, that she posted a second time is inexcusable. It shows that she learnt nothing from that first post. You accuse me of being "superior and flawless" - at least when I make a mistake I don't make it again within a few weeks.

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I don't see why I should make a special effort to be nice to incompetent agents.


Instead, make a special effort to be...less than nice.


Come on, time to let it go, everybody.


Lately, the Cunard forum is appearing decidedly haughty.

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>Just how many TA's are lurking on these boards?


A US Government site states there are over 100,000 Travel Agents in the USA alone!


I assume they don't all deal with cruises?, but there is lots of other good travel info on these boards.


So I would hope the answer to your "lurking" question would be at least 99,000. These boards seem a good place to learn for everyone.


>Just how many incompetent TA's are there out there (a sobering thought) If I go to a lawyer, accountant, architect, doctor, financial advisor etc etc, ...... I think I have a right to expect a professional service.


With all those professions (left out the Priest) I assume the opposite. If I don't already know the individual I keep my expectations low and allow them to surprise me!


It took me 20 years to find a good lawyer. I still haven't found a good financial advisor!


I certainly do NOT expect all Travel Agents to be experts at everything.

There is a good argument that says it would be nice is they could be experts at something, and stick to their area of expertise. There is also the other side of the coin, some of these folks are just trying to feed their families in a competitive industry. Buyer beware!


I personally see nothing wrong with a "professional" posting a question on a message board. I'm aware of several message boards (not travel related) where 90%+ of the posts are questions from professionals in that industry (or part-timers trying to financially support their day jobs). Many other professionals try to help out, even if they suspect the OP's are potential competitors. Those boards tend to be highly moderated, flame/insult anyone and the Mods will kick the post out within minutes. It doesn't take long for members to realize the best policy is to either be helpful or not reply at all :)


Of course if you don't like the idea of a professional posting a question you can always get your evil twin to reply with misinformation?? OP's always take that risk!



Happy Easter everyone :)

%%%% - Who has never been a Travel Agent, will never be a Travel Agent, and has no relatives or close friends who are Travel Agents.


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She told her client if he wanted to fly into the UK several days prior to sailing, he would have to pay a $75 per person air deviation fee. He knew better. The reality is..... the first deviation is free.



Is this true? I am paying the $75 fee, since I am not returning to the US the same day as the QM2 arrives in Southampton after my E/B transatlantic. Is this considered the first deviation? I go in 8 days. Should I call my TA or Cunard and try to get a credit? Thanks

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Is this true? I am paying the $75 fee, since I am not returning to the US the same day as the QM2 arrives in Southampton after my E/B transatlantic. Is this considered the first deviation? I go in 8 days. Should I call my TA or Cunard and try to get a credit? Thanks


If all your agent did was merely change the day you fly back, the first deviation is free.


If your agent changed the date of travel during one phone call and then called back to make another change (change the day again, cherry pick flights) then you would be charged the deviation fee because it would be a second change.

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"But they're not all bad. Honest."



I happened to deal with some. The problem is: When they were good (very, very few, at least here in Brazil) I felt I got just a liiiittle bit more compared to what I'd be able to get by myself, but when they were bad I found myself alone at the Beograd airport with nowhere to go, or in Paraguay around 2 a.m. arguing with a hotel manager about a reservation which I payed for and was not booked by the TA. I could go on and on. May be some of you at this point are asking yourselfs why did I went to them on those occasions. The answer is very simple and here we come to my second problem: some companies won't deal with you directly Cunard being one of them! To be fair I have to admit I didn't have any problem this time and the people at the Travel Agency were very nice and attentive, and here comes my point again: the result was exactly the same as when I booked by e-mail two year ago.


I agree on many people not knowing the first thing about travelling so TAs can be very helpful BUT those people won't be able to compare what they could have get.


I have to admit I had a couple of good experiences but in my opinion and from my experience I'd rather play the lottery.


From your posts here I'm sure you are one of the good ones, but don't be modest and admit you are an exception.

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Folks ...


I come to these boards for information about the Cunard Line. That includes factual information of all sorts about Cunard ships; factual information of all sorts about Cunard services; personal opinions about experiences aboard ships; personal experiences dealing with the Cunard Line.


Sorry to have to say this, but my interest does NOT include personal opinions about other people who post to this board.


Frankly, I don't give a fig whether a poster is a total neophyte or the Captain of the QM2 ... an employee of the travel industry or not! Everybody is entitled to basic courtesy and respect.


"Starfamily" asked a simple factual question. A simple factual answer could (and should) have been provided.


With respect, could those folks who want to turn these informational boards into personal chat-rooms please find another venue in which to grind their axes?


This, in my opinion, would increase the value of this board to the majority of its readers.


Thank you.

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Folks ...


I come to these boards for information about the Cunard Line. That includes factual information of all sorts about Cunard ships; factual information of all sorts about Cunard services; personal opinions about experiences aboard ships; personal experiences dealing with the Cunard Line.


Sorry to have to say this, but my interest does NOT include personal opinions about other people who post to this board.


Frankly, I don't give a fig whether a poster is a total neophyte or the Captain of the QM2 ... an employee of the travel industry or not! Everybody is entitled to basic courtesy and respect.


"Starfamily" asked a simple factual question. A simple factual answer could (and should) have been provided.


With respect, could those folks who want to turn these informational boards into personal chat-rooms please find another venue in which to grind their axes?


This, in my opinion, would increase the value of this board to the majority of its readers.


Thank you.


I think the majority of those who post regularly are normally quite happy with the mix.


If you don't like it, ignore it.



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