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Should I expect rude comments?


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I have cruised 3 times when I was single. This is my first time taking my kids (DS 2 & DS 6). I often see people making comments on threads about "leave your kids at home" and other rude remarks. I honestly say my DH may flip out if he hears someone say something about leaving my kids home when we paid to be on the same vacation as them. I mean how many times can we go to Disney World? I just want to prepare myself in case we do come upon suck remarks. Has anyone encountered someone being rude, simply because you had your kids with you?:confused:



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You'll find all sorts of responses when it comes to kids. My first cruise, I didn't have one. My second cruise, we left him at home with Grandma and Grandpa. This one we were going to do the same, until Grandma and Grandpa decided they wanted to come too.:) At first, I was devastated. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary, and I was just looking for a no responsibility, no paying attention to anything cruise. Then I found CC. I have been reading people's experiences with kid's clubs, and shore excursions, and now I can't wait. I actually think I would be sad if DS couldn't come with us. Will your 2 year old be able to participate in kid's club? There was a thread about 6 weeks ago, regarding kids on cruises or whatever, and someone told the funniest story, and I hope I don't have to, but I'll use the punchline if I have to.....So a family was in the elevator, a mom and her kid/or kids, and her brother in law and his kid/ or kids. In walks this grump of a man who mumbles "I came on this cruise to get away kids". So the BIL wittingly says......"and I cam on this cruise to get away from a$$holes, I guess we're both disappointed" :D:D

Have fun on your cruise, your kids will love it, so will you. I know I can't wait for ours. Please let us know how everything went on your return.

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You'll find all sorts of responses when it comes to kids. My first cruise, I didn't have one. My second cruise, we left him at home with Grandma and Grandpa. This one we were going to do the same, until Grandma and Grandpa decided they wanted to come too.:) At first, I was devastated. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary, and I was just looking for a no responsibility, no paying attention to anything cruise. Then I found CC. I have been reading people's experiences with kid's clubs, and shore excursions, and now I can't wait. I actually think I would be sad if DS couldn't come with us. Will your 2 year old be able to participate in kid's club? There was a thread about 6 weeks ago, regarding kids on cruises or whatever, and someone told the funniest story, and I hope I don't have to, but I'll use the punchline if I have to.....So a family was in the elevator, a mom and her kid/or kids, and her brother in law and his kid/ or kids. In walks this grump of a man who mumbles "I came on this cruise to get away kids". So the BIL wittingly says......"and I cam on this cruise to get away from a$$holes, I guess we're both disappointed" :D:D

Have fun on your cruise, your kids will love it, so will you. I know I can't wait for ours. Please let us know how everything went on your return.



Thanks for the awesome line even if it's not yours. At least your parents are coming and they can watch DS sometimes! I was thinking of bringing my mom, maybe next time!



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No problem. I think it's priceless. I will have extra help, and I am grateful. We actually are working on building a group, we're up to 29 or so. We got married in the Caribbean, so we tried to round up as many people from that cruise as possible. Another plus was when I realized we are celebrating 10 years of marriage, and part of that is our beautiful little man. Just a thought for you, have you check the NCL boards? They may have some better info particular to your ship's program.

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A lot will depend upon the time of year you cruise. If you cruise in the off season, you are likely to be traveling with retired people, childless couples, etc. Not to say that those are the only people traveling in off season - just more likely. During the summer months, you will see more families, and less older people. No matter though. Maybe some day they'll have an "adult community" cruise (over 55)!!!:D :D :D

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I doubt that you will hear anything.


Try not to be hyper sensitive to a situation like this - you may falsely "invent" hearing something because you are already on the defensive.


Who cares anyways? People like that are negative and miserable to begin with. If it wasnt your kids they would be finding something else to complain about!


If you have to say anything then simply look at them and, with a shocked expression, say "how completely rude of you!"


Otehrwsie just ignore them and have a great time!

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If you have to say anything then simply look at them and, with a shocked expression, say "how completely rude of you!"


That's a good one!!!!!




No worries!!!! Since people are annonymous on these boards, it is a lot easier for them to make rude comments. If children didn't belong on cruise ships, the lines wouldn't put so much money into state of the art child facilities, pools, etc.



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I was a bit worried too, after reading so much here on the message boards... But in reality, it was FINE! I just got off the Mariner on Sunday, with my DH and sons, 12, 9, and 3. Everywhere we went, we got nice comments on how cute they were, well behaved, etc. There was not a single person that I encountered that even had a questionable look on their face in the presence of my kids! Everyone was great.

I would not worry at all. I think reading too much may make us expect the worst, but like I said, in real life, it was just fine!



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DD has cruised with us her entire life (she is now 11.5YO). She is a very nice young lady and we've been attentive.


She has gotten pleanty of VERY positive attention on cruises. Many of the staffers are away from their own children and really dote on the kids on board. Most of your fellow cruisers will also either not care much one way or the other if there are kids on board or will appreciate them. When DD was just about to enter third grade our dining table assignment was with two "older" couples - the women were both retired 2nd grade teachers, one man was a retired elementary school principal the other a retired elementary school music teacher. They LOVED our daughter (although she wasn't as enamored by all the attention!)


The only time we had any negative comments at all was on an AK cruise when DD was about 6YO -- where a very rude woman at the next table (who never used her "inside voice") came over to berate me for allowing my DD to read at the table when she was finished eating. She said she had been taught that "reading at the table was rude" - one of my gallant tablemates came to my rescue when he stated that it was even more rude was to try to be the manners police and point out the imagined transgressions of complete strangers. Everyone at the tables around us gave him a standing ovation! (DD of course was mortified -- the matre'd brought her over a small stuffed Inky and apologized profusely). The woman changed her seating assignment for the remainder of the cruise.


There is a small, but rather nasty minority on these boards who take every opportunity to take pot shots at kids on cruises. After a while you learn who they are. They are the same folks who look at the glass of water that some of us describe as half full and other describe as half empty - they of course describe it as "nearly empty" and also manage to point out that the glass is smudged and has a chip in the rim! :)

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I expected rude comments on my first cruise with my toddlers because of these boards, but only received positive words and attention from passengers and crew. We've been on three cruises together (my twins are 2-1/2), and the only thing anyone has ever said is "They're not even going to remember this" - as though having fun together doesn't count unless they can report it back to me when they're grown!


The funny thing is - I DID hear rude comments when I cruised with my husband in a wheelchair. "I should bring one of those so I get special treatment too" and the like. Clearly, there are rude people everywhere, but they have bigger problems than children or wheelchairs on board, so if you encounter one - and you probably won't - don't let them affect your vacation.




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Our youngest son was 4 on our first cruise. The only comment we heard from other passengers was "He's so cute!" when we brought him to dinner on formal night with dark pants, white shirt and bow tie. Our most embarassing experience with the kids happened the next year, when the two youngest became carsick on our excursion in Jamaica. (They never had a carsickness experience until then - but if you've ever traveled by car or bus in Jamaica, you'll understand:eek: ). The other passengers with us were completely sympathetic, and during the rest of the cruise would ask about them when they ran into us on the ship.

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We cruised with our two DD's two years ago -- they were older than your little guy -- 9 and 6 -- but they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the only comments we got were positive ones! My brother and sister-in-law cruised with grandparents and a baby and had a wonderful time. The crew just adored the little one -- they do miss their own kids. And grandparents can give you some all-important alone time (when we traveled, our DD's went to kids club and we had some time to ourselves.) The only caution I would offer is if you little guy gets cranky or noisy, remove him from a situation that could get uncomfortable -- the dining room, for example (of course you would do that, but felt obligated to say it.) To be honest, even a fussy baby doesn't bother our family -- my DH is likely to try to make the fussy little one laugh, and our DD's will try to make friends.


Have a wonderful time and may this be the first of many, many happy family cruises.

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The only time we had any negative comments at all was on an AK cruise when DD was about 6YO -- where a very rude woman at the next table (who never used her "inside voice") came over to berate me for allowing my DD to read at the table when she was finished eating. She said she had been taught that "reading at the table was rude" - one of my gallant tablemates came to my rescue when he stated that it was even more rude was to try to be the manners police and point out the imagined transgressions of complete strangers. Everyone at the tables around us gave him a standing ovation! (DD of course was mortified -- the matre'd brought her over a small stuffed Inky and apologized profusely). The woman changed her seating assignment for the remainder of the cruise.


Are you kidding me??? She had the nerve to berate a 6 y/o for READING?!!! I am a teacher and you should NEVER put down someone for READING. If it is rude for children to read at the table, then why do Applebee's, Bennigan's, Ruby Tuesday's and other restaurant chains give kids puzzles and coloring materials at the table. I would have LOVED to have been at your table for that meal.:rolleyes:

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I expected rude comments on my first cruise with my toddlers because of these boards' date=' but only received positive words and attention from passengers and crew. We've been on three cruises together (my twins are 2-1/2), and the only thing anyone has ever said is [b']"They're not even going to remember this"[/b] - as though having fun together doesn't count unless they can report it back to me when they're grown!




This comment always amazes me! We take our DD on our cruises (this summer will be her 6th). Her first cruise was at 21 months. No, of course she doesn't remember it, but I believe a happy childhood starts at birth (well, prior to, actually) and is an accumulation of all of the events, feelings, love, etc. that the child receives and particitpates in. Who cares if DD doesn't remember her first cruise? She may not have an actual memory of the love and care she's received since before she was born, but she's certainly been impacted by it and, at least in part a product of it!



The funny thing is - I DID hear rude comments when I cruised with my husband in a wheelchair. "I should bring one of those so I get special treatment too" and the like.


Unbelievable! I probably shouldn't be shocked since I can't even report how many times I've seen someone disabled waiting for an elevator only to have those around rush into it when it arrives. Sad, but true.




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I have cruised 3 times when I was single. This is my first time taking my kids (DS 2 & DS 6). I often see people making comments on threads about "leave your kids at home" and other rude remarks. I honestly say my DH may flip out if he hears someone say something about leaving my kids home when we paid to be on the same vacation as them. I mean how many times can we go to Disney World? I just want to prepare myself in case we do come upon suck remarks. Has anyone encountered someone being rude, simply because you had your kids with you?:confused:


DD cruises with us and never has anyone made a rude comment to us about it. The crew has always treated her like the princess she is, and she loves to cruise!


It's easy for people to hide behind a username on a public message board. I believe--and certainly hope this is true--that people would not be so rude to anyone in person.


Have a wonderful cruise!





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Norwegian is a good choice. There will be tons of kids on board. You won't hear these kinds of remarks.


I think it is important that you know your child's limits. They get easily over- stimulated on cruises. There are many quiet places to escape to during the day. And I make my son (age 6) take naps. That way he is good to go in the evening. We both stay up late!

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I took my DD on her first cruise when she was just a year old. No bad comments what so ever!! She will hit her 3rd cruise in Sept. She loves to cruise. I have never ever had a problem with anyone making any bad comments. On our last cruise one of the waiters went out of his way to make sure that she had everything that she needed. He was awesome. Said she made him miss his daughter at home. He even went to the Ship's store and bought her a stuffed doggie. She still calls it "Baby Mr. Emil." It is CUTE!!!


This is the first time my DH is going with us (we usually go with my parents). I agree I don't know how he would react if someone made such a comment.


Just take anything that someone says with a grain of salt... I agree just say "How completely rude of you!!"


Enjoy your cruise and HAVE FUN!!!

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If your kids are polite and well behaved you will never hear a word from anyone. If your kids are out of control and screaming and running around bumping into people and being completely unruly expect to get some dirty looks and an occasional comment. I guess what it comes down to is if as a parent you can control your kids or if they control you.

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My children are very well behaved, but they are children and children do not act like adults. I would not allow my 2 y/o to scream and act up at meals, I would remove him. Luckily I have NEVER had to do so at a restaurant so I am not expecting him to act that way on a cruise. BUT that's why they call it terrible two's because they can surprise you.:eek:

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My children are very well behaved, but they are children and children do not act like adults. I would not allow my 2 y/o to scream and act up at meals, I would remove him. Luckily I have NEVER had to do so at a restaurant so I am not expecting him to act that way on a cruise. BUT that's why they call it terrible two's because they can surprise you.:eek:


Sounds like you have your act together as a parent. Some people would just sit there and let the kid scream.


Im sure you will have no problems at all on your trip.


Go enjoy your self

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We've been on four cruises with our boys, and we've had a great time every time. They were 1 and 4 on our first cruise, a little over two years ago. So far, we've only heard one rude comment.


When we were on our last cruise (Spring Break on the Rhapsody), much of my family joined us. That included my nine month old niece, who was in a stroller when we got off the ship in Cozumel. While we were waiting at the dock's cab stand, a woman muscled her way through our group. She actually pushed the stroller aside and said something along the lines of "you shouldn't travel with young children." I assumed that we were dealing with a woman who rarely was happy with anything. We let it pass and had a fine time.


As for those who may comment that your children will not remember the experience, keep a couple things in mind. First of all, they do remember something, even if it's just a horizon that is a little broader than it would have been otherwise.


Second, and just as important, even if they don't remember anything from the trip, you will. I go on vacation to be with my children, and it's worth every minute.




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While we were waiting at the dock's cab stand, a woman muscled her way through our group. She actually pushed the stroller aside and said something along the lines of "you shouldn't travel with young children." I assumed that we were dealing with a woman who rarely was happy with anything. We let it pass and had a fine time.


As for those who may comment that your children will not remember the experience, keep a couple things in mind. First of all, they do remember something, even if it's just a horizon that is a little broader than it would have been otherwise.


Second, and just as important, even if they don't remember anything from the trip, you will. I go on vacation to be with my children, and it's worth every minute.





I hate people like her. One reason I became a teacher is so that I could travel and take my children many different places and spend our time off together. If people took the attitude "babies don't remember that young, does that mean they don't have birthday parties for them, buy them gifts, or take them anywhere. ALL experiences make you who you are, the good & the bad, whether you remember them or not.

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Infants and younger children may not have specific memories of a particular event, but the individual that the child will become is the sum of their experiences. Spending time with people that love you is never a bad thing!

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We've taken DD and DS (now 8 & 6) on about half a dozen cruises, beginning when DD was 1 and DS wasn't yet. We've always had positive experiences. It's just like on an airplane or resturant -- a small number of (usually) older people are annoyed that children exist, and that someone has the nerve to take them out in public. Most people without children simply ignore the kids and don't care one way or the other. And another group -- usually older -- like having kids along and try to make friends and chat us up about kids and their kids and grandkids.


Here's the puzzle to me: People always say "I've paid a lot of money for this cruise so don't you let those kids bug me or bring them along, etc" (at least on thie boards at cc). But, when we book a cabin with two adults and two kids, we're paying considerably MORE than they are. So, since we're the big spenders, shouldn't the non-families step aside and let us take priority? And make sure they don't bug us by breathing out burnig tobacco or drinking out of anything but a sippy cup?;)

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