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A poll about smoking on Celebrity


Do you think Celebrity should adopt Azamara's stricter smoking policy?  

329 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Celebrity should adopt Azamara's stricter smoking policy?

    • Yes! Celebrity should adopt Azamara's stricter smoking policy!
    • No! Celebrity should leave their smoking policy as/is!

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I know when we sailed on the Caribbean Princess, their code was more restrictive. I don't know for sure what is was, but friends insisted on watching the game in the cigar bar as opposed to poolside. They could not smoke around that pool. A sign of things to come, we'll see.

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So let me see if I have this correct.......ban smoking, but not drinking and bad behavior???? What is the difference? Since I don't drink, I don't think I should have to listen to the people out on the balcony, having drinks and being loud, or watch them drink in the casino and get mad and say curse words, or watch them drink beer out at the pool and leave their beer bottles laying around for someone to move! I am a smoker.......so get over it. I smoke only in the stateroom and other DESIGNATED areas, if you don't want to come and bring your drinks where I am....stay away!!!! You offend me as much as I offend you.......enough about second hand smoke.......DRINKING KILLS also. I have NEVER HEARD of anyone killing anyone from driving a car while they are smoking.......but I have heard plenty about DRINKERS killing people or themselves. YES, I think a ship full of smokers and NO DRUNKS would be the way to go. So I hope Celebrity bans drinking on their ships!

Enough said........get a life!

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Second hand smoke kills thousands every year - and this is a fact.


WA state has a non smoking law in all restaurants, buildings etc and a 25 foot rule near any doorways. The only place you can smoke indoors is in an Indian Casino and hopefully they too will someday be concerned enough about their employees and other patrons to reduce that too - you can't smoke in their restaurants, only the playing areas.


It amazes me how smokers don't seem to notice how awful they smell - it discusting! They walk by you and you can smell it, it is in their hair, their skin, their clothes. YUCK Not to mention WHY would anyone choose to do that to their own bodies?

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To quote the green line under your name " Why worry about what people think, they don't do it very often"........does this apply to anyone on this board?


Enough already about 'smoking'. Last time I checked we all lived in America, home of the FREE and the BRAVE and we were allowed to make our own decisions. Let's keep it that way. You make your decisions and I will make mine. Yes, every building in the world will be smoke free at some point and I don't have a problem with that. I am a very respectful smoker, would never invade your space with my smoke, and again ONLY SMOKE IN DESGINATED areas. If you were in 'my space' and politely told me that my smoking was bothering you, I can assure you that my smoke would be gone immediately. I am respectful of others, however, DRUNKS and drinkers are not respectful of others. I took my Grandchildren to an outdoor baseball stadium to watch a game, which is smoke free and I respected that, however, the GROWN MEN behind us drank beer the whole game, got rowdy, poured it down my hair, and on my Grandsons, and then one of them threw up all over the back of our seat....my thought was that my smoking would have probably bothered them, but it was okay for us to be bothered by them during our family outing. FAIR is FAIR....if you can drink in public places, I should be allowed to smoke in public places. So when they make the cruise ships alcohol free I will cheer!!! AGAIN, enough already...if you don't like smoking, stay away from my space and I can assure you that I will stay away from yours!




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To quote the green line under your name " Why worry about what people think, they don't do it very often"........does this apply to anyone on this board?


Enough already about 'smoking'. Last time I checked we all lived in America, home of the FREE and the BRAVE and we were allowed to make our own decisions. Let's keep it that way. You make your decisions and I will make mine. Yes, every building in the world will be smoke free at some point and I don't have a problem with that. I am a very respectful smoker, would never invade your space with my smoke, and again ONLY SMOKE IN DESGINATED areas. If you were in 'my space' and politely told me that my smoking was bothering you, I can assure you that my smoke would be gone immediately. I am respectful of others, however, DRUNKS and drinkers are not respectful of others. I took my Grandchildren to an outdoor baseball stadium to watch a game, which is smoke free and I respected that, however, the GROWN MEN behind us drank beer the whole game, got rowdy, poured it down my hair, and on my Grandsons, and then one of them threw up all over the back of our seat....my thought was that my smoking would have probably bothered them, but it was okay for us to be bothered by them during our family outing. FAIR is FAIR....if you can drink in public places, I should be allowed to smoke in public places. So when they make the cruise ships alcohol free I will cheer!!! AGAIN, enough already...if you don't like smoking, stay away from my space and I can assure you that I will stay away from yours!





Beth, you sound like you are a very considerate smoker and that really is the point of this conversation. It is your right to smoke if you wish, I just wish that everyone who chooses to smoke would be as considerate and not impose it on those around them who chose not too.

As far as the abuse of alcohol goes, I'm not sure what laws you have where you live, but here you can be arrested and/or charged for consuming alcohol in public areas, being intoxicated in public, drunk driving, ect. it's still a problem and not perfect but there is recoarse......I've never heard of anyone being charged/arrested for having no regard where there second hand smoke goes. Death by second hand smoke is much slower and doesn't grab the same headlines as a car crash but does that make the perpetrater any less responsible??

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So let me see if I have this correct.......ban smoking, but not drinking and bad behavior???? What is the difference? Since I don't drink, I don't think I should have to listen to the people out on the balcony, having drinks and being loud, or watch them drink in the casino and get mad and say curse words, or watch them drink beer out at the pool and leave their beer bottles laying around for someone to move! I am a smoker.......so get over it. I smoke only in the stateroom and other DESIGNATED areas, if you don't want to come and bring your drinks where I am....stay away!!!! You offend me as much as I offend you.......enough about second hand smoke.......DRINKING KILLS also. I have NEVER HEARD of anyone killing anyone from driving a car while they are smoking.......but I have heard plenty about DRINKERS killing people or themselves. YES, I think a ship full of smokers and NO DRUNKS would be the way to go. So I hope Celebrity bans drinking on their ships!

Enough said........get a life!



Funny thing is that you read this thread several posters have pointed out that smokers drink more than their non-smoking counterparts.Perhaps curving smoking will reduce the behavior that you find offensive.........Frank

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Sorry Beth, smoking and second hand smoke and public drunkeness are two unrelated issues and you can't lump them together. You have to deal with each of them as the circumstances require.


Also the "patriotic" argument doesn't wash anymore either. If this is the "land of the Free" etc, then I have as equal a right to be smoke free as you do to indulge your addiction. Since you create the smoke, then you are responsible to see that it does not invade my space. Practically speaking this is going to be difficult to do since the smoke does not necessarilly stay right where you are. BUT, you are still responsible for keeping your polution in your space and not allowing it into mine. If you could find a way to absolutly do that, I think that you could become both very rich and famous, but I'm not aware of a 100% solution at this time. That doesn't mean that there isn't one, but the bottom line is that it is your responsiblity to keep your problem to yourself, not mine. You are creating the problem, you have to either deal with it, or refrain from creating it. That's the "American Way " of problem solving.


You are not the problem; it's your smoke that's the issue.

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Last time I checked we all lived in America,


When is the last time you checked??:confused:


I think I got included in the wrong census together with a few other cruisers ;)


Since you create the smoke, then you are responsible to see that it does not invade my space... but the bottom line is that it is your responsiblity to keep your problem to yourself, not mine.


Ed, you Nailed it..

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As a former long time smoker I still cringe with embarrassment at the thought of my behavior when I was smoking. Did I care for the affect it had on those around me? NO!

Did I care where I disposed of the butt? NO! Did I care how smoke permeated every thing it contacted including my kids lungs? NO! In short I was an inconsiderate and dangerous individual. Oh....but it was legal! So Too Bad!


Crown Pincess Apr. 07. Stood on our balconey in San Juan watching guy on balconey below us smoke and flick the ashes onto the folks below. Then ofcourse, toss the butt, I assume hoping it would hit the water. Couldn't tell if it did or not. I don't imagine he cared one way or the other.


If you want to damage yourself..well it's your body and life. It is the average smokers utter disregard for other people and the enviornment that galls me.

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You've admonished the non smokers that you do smoke and to 'get over it'. With all due respect, many of us have, and I believe that is the contributing force of our opinions!:)




Thank you, Mary. Somehow though I think people are getting "Over It" less and less. Sometimes I've just felt bullied about it.

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I just got a reponse from Celebrity concerning their pipe & cigar smoking policy onboard. This is exactly what they said:

Dear Ms. Rongers:


Thank you for your e-mail. We appreciate this opportunity to respond to you.


In regards to your e-mail, pipe and cigar smoking is not permitted in the staterooms or Public Lounges. Pipe and cigar smoking is permitted on open deck at a specific time and areas which is on deck 10, aft, port side from 8:30 PM - 12 midnight every evening.


Smoking is strictly forbidden in the following public rooms: The Cosmopolitan Restaurant, Waterfall cafe, Celebrity Theater, Words, Notes and Online@Celebrity.


In all other public rooms, we have a designated smoking and nonsmoking areas.

The port side of those public rooms has been designated as the smoking areas.

Smoking is permitted in the Casino.



Thank you for choosing Celebrity Cruises. We look forward to welcoming you onboard.


Justin Palacio

Customer Service Representative


It's official; the designated area & time for smoking pipes & cigars in deck 10 aft, portside from 8:30pm to midnight. That pretty well makes it clear that cigar & pipe smoking are not allowed on verandas. :)




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Sure sorry to hear that you were one of those "rude people" ands I am sure that you are now a perfect lady.

the truth is we do not live in a perfect world and I resent being called rude just because i choose to use tobacco.



What a childish reply. I completely agree with jerry49, thank you jerry.

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Does'nt sound all that official, since the word veranda is not mentioned. So i think you may be reading between the lines. I am not a cigar or pipe smoker so in away who cares.



I just emailed Celebrity again and asked specifically if pipe or cigar smoking are allowed on passengers' private balconies.

And I'm not a cigar or pipe smoker either, but wow, do I NOT wanna be smelling THAT while I'm out on my balcony.

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Its all a matter of translation.


You have always been allowed to smoke on your balcony, cigarette, pipe, and cigar. They have not specifically prohibited it except IN the stateroom. Says nothing about the balcony.


Customer service will likely dance around this issue.


I'd be interested to see what the response to your specific question will be

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What a childish reply. I completely agree with jerry49, thank you jerry.


Name calling, by any other name, is name calling. Childish, rude, moron, are all inappropriate no matter what side of this debate you are on. You can always attach a deraugatory name to someone/something that you personally do not like, but does that make you 'more right'?


i think no.


If you find that someone's lifestyle does not correspond with your own do you always attach a name to it? Do you do the same thing with color, orientation, and the like? While those things may not directly affect you, it's the mindset that concerns me in this case.

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I just got a reponse from Celebrity concerning their pipe & cigar smoking policy onboard. This is exactly what they said:

Dear Ms. Rongers:


Thank you for your e-mail. We appreciate this opportunity to respond to you.


In regards to your e-mail, pipe and cigar smoking is not permitted in the staterooms or Public Lounges. Pipe and cigar smoking is permitted on open deck at a specific time and areas which is on deck 10, aft, port side from 8:30 PM - 12 midnight every evening.


Smoking is strictly forbidden in the following public rooms: The Cosmopolitan Restaurant, Waterfall cafe, Celebrity Theater, Words, Notes and Online@Celebrity.


In all other public rooms, we have a designated smoking and nonsmoking areas.

The port side of those public rooms has been designated as the smoking areas.

Smoking is permitted in the Casino.



Thank you for choosing Celebrity Cruises. We look forward to welcoming you onboard.


Justin Palacio

Customer Service Representative


It's official; the designated area & time for smoking pipes & cigars in deck 10 aft, portside from 8:30pm to midnight. That pretty well makes it clear that cigar & pipe smoking are not allowed on verandas. :)





Its really is not official, the interpretation has always been that the veranda is a private space. This is no change from what has been earlier referred to. In your response above, the individual states "in all public areas" after referring to cigar and pipe smoking. Again, they have always allowed pipe and cigar smoking on the veranda's and I see nothing in this response prohibiting it. I am also a non smoker but just passing on what has actually transpired on the ships.

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Well, staterooms are private space; pipe & cigar smoking is specifically prohibited from that private space. If we follow your argument, we would surmise that pipe & cigar smoking are also prohibited on the private balconies of the staterooms.

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If we follow your argument, we would surmise that pipe & cigar smoking are also prohibited on the private balconies of the staterooms.


Anxiously waiting for that 'official' response from Celebrity. I, ever curious, wondered the same thing specifically about the balcony, so I sent an email too. We can compare responses, if we get them.

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Well, staterooms are private space; pipe & cigar smoking is specifically prohibited from that private space. If we follow your argument, we would surmise that pipe & cigar smoking are also prohibited on the private balconies of the staterooms.




If you will notice it says in the staterooms. I am only dealing with the reality of what has occurred in the past. If you wish to interpret it otherwise, that is your choice. I am relating what I have seen and what others have reported...

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Celebrity used to have cigar/pipe rooms, what happened to them? Years ago, (Maybe 8 years) the Galaxy had a lovely cigar room (Churchills, I think) Last year on the Westerdam, HAL had a classically decorated cigar room next to the Crow's Nest, with a door to to tables and chairs on the upper deck. This was a perfectly acceptable environment for cigar smokers.


The cruise experience for my DW and I includes the chance to both smoke good cigars after dinner a couple of times a week on a cruise, while imbibing a good port. We are sadden by the loss of a structure for this, and feel that it diminishes the experience.


20th Century economist Hayek's book, "The Road to Serfdom", notes that our individual freedoms are eroded away by just these kinds of changes in our society.

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