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Orca Enterprise


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We booked with Orca in early May and have never received any confirmation. I have called and was told it was on the books, and still did not receive anything on email yet. We also asked for some other information, and after some delay, have found someone who is checking it all out for us. I will email them and ask for an email receipt for my files. Looking forward to the experience with them!

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they get so many emails, i would call them. but if it's on their books...you are set. i printed my credit card statement from on-line and took that, even though i had confirmation.

if you don't get a confirmation: you meet about 1/2 hour before the tour, sign the slips for the credit cards (they charge the final amount the day before your excursion)...the office is across from the tram station, 2nd floor over the t-shirt shop. (big black/white ocra hanging from the roof..really can't miss it)

i have to be careful with my email address...have a .net that people write down as .com...have to ALWAYS correct them on that.

(can you tell my joints are hurting, i am been on here all evening!!!)

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20 plus replies to her... not one other problem...as I said ..it pays to ask questions... thanks to all who replied, makes me feel better about booking with them.. am looking forward to my time onboard with them.

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I actually have the similar problem of Orca being slow responding to my email. I'm actually wondering if my email went to their spam folder. I did call and was able to speak to someone, so I know when I really need their answer right away, I'll call.

My family (16 of us) wants to charter a boat in July and I'm talking with 2 companies including Orca. The other one is very responsive and accommodating to my request, but since I hear a lot of positive things about Orca, even though their price is higher, I'm willing to book with Orca, but I'm not in rush right now. Especially finding out about the cancellation penalty, I would take time to do more research. Though if Orca replied to my email promptly, more likely I have booked already.

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they get so many emails, i would call them. but if it's on their books...you are set.


Yes and no - Kelli's problem was being "all set" but not receiving anything in writing, which also included the cancellation policy.


Having said that, I always check when booking anything what the cancellation policy is. Before I part with my money, I check the cancellation policy and write it down. I might or might not ever cancel, but I generally book trips up to a year in advance and who knows what will happen between now and then.


So, Kelli, it is unfortunate that you received no written confirmation from Orca (based on posts on this board that has been very common all spring) but it is too bad that you didn't check the cancellation policy when you booked. Actually $50 is a cheap lesson to learn. Think of how much you are going to save in cancellation fees in the future since you now learned to always ask about cancellation policies before parting with your money.



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I always ask also - as you never know. I have a trip book in Seward and while the policy is on their site I still asked.


I'm sorry this has happened Kelly as I know you have been planning for a long time and now that it's getting close - it's a little disappointing. I know others have talked about the cancelation policy and it not being clear. There was someone last year that had to cancel at the last minute (like morning of) due to one of the group getting sick or something (don't remember all the details) but what it came down to is you have until like 72 hours to cancel and only be charged the $25 - after that they keep your entire deposit if you cancel. Orca was kind enough to keep the entire deposit but did keep the $25 cancelation fee and got a lot of flack about it (since it was an illness) but at least they didn't keep the entire deposit.


Again sorry - lesson learned.

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We did a whale watch with Orca last Wednesday, and we had a great time. However, be sure to check the charge receipt before you sign it at their office before the watch begins. We were double billed rather than having the deposit credited to us. When I pointed out the error, they apologized and promptly corrected it.

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I had emailed Orca on the 16 May and when I did not receive a reply the next day I called them. I was able to book the day and time I wanted. The first thing she told me about was the cancellation fee. She gave me the option of paying for 1/2 of the cost now or in full. I chose the 1/2 which came thru on my CC right away. She told me it would take about 2 weeks to get an email confirmation.(I did think that was strange:confused: ) This weekend will be 3 weeks from when we leave I figured if I do not get this email confirmation my the June 4th I would call them.


I was statisfied with the information they gave me on the phone and I am really looking forward to their Whale wathcing experience.:)

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Not uncommon for shore excursions in Alaska to have a cancellation penalty. Second, it is not uncommon for Web Sites to not go into cancellation policy when they are not setup to accept payment through the web.


I think it has been stated many times that Orca's policy is to tell you the cancellation policy when you call to book and they also highlight this when they send you the confirmation. This seems more than acceptable to me.


I am not disputing this paticular case, but for you to claim they have unstated cancellation policy is just not true.


ADPeterson - I am not the OP. I based my comment on what the OP said. And I still think it's prudent for businesses to state plainly, and on their website if they advertise there and particularly if they accept payments via the web, what their cancellation policy is. Since I didn't even try to book with ORCA, I have no idea what their policy is or where they inform their customers of their policy. The OP made the claim, not me.



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ADPeterson - I am not the OP. I based my comment on what the OP said. And I still think it's prudent for businesses to state plainly, and on their website if they advertise there and particularly if they accept payments via the web, what their cancellation policy is. Since I didn't even try to book with ORCA, I have no idea what their policy is or where they inform their customers of their policy. The OP made the claim, not me.




I had no problem with what the OP said, actually quite sorry it happened. I can't really say anything to make that better, other than it must of been some kind of human error because this company try's to clearly state it's policy.


But I still take exception with your comment!

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I had no problem with what the OP said, actually quite sorry it happened. I can't really say anything to make that better, other than it must of been some kind of human error because this company try's to clearly state it's policy.


But I still take exception with your comment!


I'm also sorry it happened to the OP.


But I really don't know what part of my comment you take exception to. That businesses ought to highlight their cancellation policies on their website if they advertise on the internet? Seems pretty routine to me - maybe I'm missing the thrust of your concern?



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I'm also sorry it happened to the OP.


But I really don't know what part of my comment you take exception to. That businesses ought to highlight their cancellation policies on their website if they advertise on the internet? Seems pretty routine to me - maybe I'm missing the thrust of your concern?




I agree an E-commerce business should, and they are not. I work for a Fortune 500 company, obviously we have a web site for advertisement. We do not have a E-Commerce site and guess what, we do not go into our return policies or warranties. That responsibility falls on our sales team. You keep making this statement but the fact is most people do not.


You want to complain about missed emails or slow response, then I have no problem. But you are trying to vent on something that just doesn't exist. Of all the companies I have booked shore excursions with, Orca spelled out their cancellation policy the best. First over the phone and then with the following highlighted text in the confirmation:


Cancellation policy is $25 charge per person per trip up to 72 hours prior to trip departure. No refund for cancellations within 72 hours unless vendor cancels the trip.

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When I spoke to the people at ORCA ENT they told me their cancellation policy was on their web site...When I asked them where...They couldnt answer me..She said well people have read it to me right off the web site...


OH WELL...Shame on me for not calling them..WHICH I did several times...:)


I am sure they put on a good tour...and I hope everyone has a good time..In my case their customer service was VERY lacking and they were very unbending..Id rather spend my money somewhere else where they apprecaite the customer and want them back in the future..


Whatever happened to The Customer is always right??..I am a

a small business owner...I would never treat a customer that way..Their patronage is to important to me..

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I agree that the cancellation policy should be posted on the website. It is a good business practice and will help avoid argument later.


I booked with Orca and am still waiting for the email confirmation. I don't quite understand why it should take 2-3 weeks.

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Gretchen 86,


I'd call Orca Enterprise if I were you....we got our confirmation e-mail within a couple days of when we booked. They were extremely helpful and answered all our questions and even took time to tell us all about the trips they take out. A friend who is going with us on the tour in a week even called to ask specific questions about taking pictures, etc...and she was also very impressed with the "customer service" she received.


I even e-mailed them last week to confirm our trip with them and got an answer back within a day saying they are looking forward to our touring with them.


Forecast looks like there's to be quite a bit of rain through the first week of June....we're hoping for some clearing skies....at least not pouring rain!

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I wonder if they are being bombarded because they too told me it would be 2 to 3 weeks to get my email confirmation. I booked this on the 16th and still no emial and yes I check my spam mail several times a day. When I asked if I did not receive before we left she said to call and they would try to get it emailed. We leave 3 weeks from Saturday so there is time but I too admit it is a bit strange to take that long to get a confirmation for the tour. Like I stated already it hit my Credit card immediately.

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I tend to second those people who say that the cancellation policy should be posted on the website. It is not a question of what other businesses are doing, but rather a question of whether or not that kind of disclosure helps potential/current customers. I doubt that anyone would say that having a disclosure like that on the website would hurt the customers, or for that matter, the business that discloses it. Certainly, our OP would not have been so dissatisfied, and Orca might have earned more business from her in the future.

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I agree it would be nice if it was stated on their web site, especially if they tell someone it is. That would be helpful information to those viewing their web site; however, this does not make the policy "stated" since Orca cannot assume everyone has (a) been to their web site, and (b) read and understood the policy.


Orca has to effectively communicate this policy when the customer either calls or emails them. Which brings me back to my point, any company that takes the time to share their policy over the phone, takes a yellow highlighter to the print does not have an unstated and therefore unknown policy. They were so upfront with this policy that I can actually kind of see why they would be defensive when someone say's it was not communicated.


We all know human error does occur. It has also been documented that Orca has been very busy this spring and has brought on some new employees. So I do not doubt this unfortunate event. I am just saying before Sam jumps to the conclusion they have "unstated (and therefore unknown) cancellation charges", that you consider those of us who have experienced the booking process before taking that leap.


Last I will add on this.

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I agree that the cancellation policy should be posted on their Web site. My DH owns a business and when I was helping to set it up to accept credit cards they asked if we had a Web site. They required that our refund policy be public and indicated that posting it on the Web site met that requirement.


In this "day and age" it seems like a no brainer to post that kind of information on the Web site since, as ADPeterson pointed out, human error does happen.


Kelly, I'm sorry you experienced this. If you weren't told the cancellation policy and weren't given a confirmation with the policy stated in writing then my feeling (FWIW) is you shouldn't be charged for it. Unfortunately, you've ended up in a he-said-she-said situation. BTW, I agree with what Cheryl posted on the Spirit group.



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I agree it would be nice if it was stated on their web site, especially if they tell someone it is. That would be helpful information to those viewing their web site; however, this does not make the policy "stated" since Orca cannot assume everyone has (a) been to their web site, and (b) read and understood the policy.


Orca has to effectively communicate this policy when the customer either calls or emails them. Which brings me back to my point, any company that takes the time to share their policy over the phone, takes a yellow highlighter to the print does not have an unstated and therefore unknown policy. They were so upfront with this policy that I can actually kind of see why they would be defensive when someone say's it was not communicated.


We all know human error does occur. It has also been documented that Orca has been very busy this spring and has brought on some new employees. So I do not doubt this unfortunate event. I am just saying before Sam jumps to the conclusion they have "unstated (and therefore unknown) cancellation charges", that you consider those of us who have experienced the booking process before taking that leap.


Last I will add on this.


I have dealt with Orca Enterprises, and totally agree with you that they verbally state the cancellation policy and that their written material could not state the same policy more clearly.


I guess that, in the case of OP, neither verbal nor written declaration of the cancellation policy appears to have happened. And one another thing that OP mentioned in one of the subsequent posts is that someone at Orca had told her that the cancellation policy was on the website, which is not the case. I think that compounded OP's frustration. It would have mine.


It was unfortunate for OP, who had to undergo such an experience, and is unfortunate for Orca as well, since, at minimum, they lost OP as a future customer, and worse, suffered a bad publicity here.


I still like Orca Enterprises, though.

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I also agree with you guys that they just mention it verbally. They really need to put it in writing so there can be no employee error of forgetting to mention it.


When I booked, I called to book. She told me of the $25 verbally and said I likely wouldn't be getting my confirmation in the mail in time cuz I booked around 2 weeks before the trip. It came a couple of days before I left. Ya don't need it tho, but it's nice to have.


I just got back from the cruise where I went with them. They look SLAMMED. I had a late time, and I was still on a 2nd boat (not with Capt Larry) cuz they had so many people booked already. Still had a fabulous time with them tho. Was the highlight of my trip.

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I just got back from the cruise where I went with them. They look SLAMMED. I had a late time, and I was still on a 2nd boat (not with Capt Larry) cuz they had so many people booked already. Still had a fabulous time with them tho. Was the highlight of my trip.


What do you mean by "slammed"?

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What do you mean by "slammed"?


Sorry for my youthful vernacular. I meant they looked extremely busy. We only were there from check in until they took us to the buses, but it was more crowded in that store than the buffet was at meal times on the ship.

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Normally I am not a complainer and pretty easy to please. That being said....My experience with Orca Enterprise has been VERY unsatisfactory. When I made my reservation I was told that if I cancelled with in a certain time frame I would recieve a refund of my deposit..I Cancelled our reservation after many weeks of trying to contact them by both phone and email. Today I tried calling them once again and they told me our reservation had been cancelled and refunded minus 25 bucks each..That was the penalty for cancelling.NOW I was not told of any such charge when I made the reservation..I was told I would recieve a refund of my deposit..Like I said before..My experience has been very unsatisfactory with this compant..Communication has been zero from day one.,..No returning emails or phone calls...No mailing of brochures Nothing..nada ziltch..Goldbelt has returned every phone call Ive made and Sent me brochures as requested anbd paper conformation with boarding pass......Dealing with this company has been a very different and positive experience and I am more than happy to give them my hard earned $$$.


I have not read thru all the messaages but I have a contract for our trip with Orca in Sept it states with gold hightlights:

Cancellation policy is $25 charge per person per trip up to 72 hours prior to trip departure. No refund for cancellations wothin 72 hours unless vendor cancels the trip

Now I think we got last years prices as a large group so not 100% sure if the same cancellation is the same....but I would figure it is close anyway.

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