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LIVE from the Monarch....a cruise in progress

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Just to leave everyone totally disoriented, I'll start at the end. :)


So far, my cruise record is spectacular - this was an absolutely indescribably FABULOUS experience. (but I *will* try to describe it!) My transit record, on the other hand, is somewhat blotchy. :(


First the good part:


Rick and Bobbie shared their departure experience with me. We were personally escorted off the ship around 9:45, going right through all the people snaked around Deck 4. Then we were walked right past a 45 to 60 minute wait for Immigration & Customs.


(Side note: This was my first cruise from the West Coast. I haven't done Alaska yet. I filled out my declarations card, and the guy asked, "So what did you buy in Mexico for $20?" I said that they only things I had bought were one t-shirt and two refrigerator magnets. He said, "In Mexico?" I said, no, on Catalina Island. He said, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO DECLARE IT UNLESS YOU BOUGHT IT OUTSIDE THE U.S.!!!!!!!" He was nice about it, not mean, but I felt like an idiot. DUH! I am so accustomed to Caribbean cruises where you are out of the country most or all of the time!)


So, we grab our bags that are sitting RIGHT THERE, almost alone, Rick grabs a porter, and we are in a cab and pulling away from the curb at 10 a.m.


First we dropped off Rick and Bobbie at USAirways, lots of hugging and kissing, then our friendly taxi driver takes me a short way to the AirTran dropoff point. As he put my bags on the curb, I looked at my watch. 10:25!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe how fast we had gotten there.


I checked my one bag (weird system at LAX where they check you in, tag your bag, then tell YOU to take it over to an X-ray machine and drop it off there), and proceeded to my gate. Security was insanely easy. No one asked for my plastice (3-1-1) bag, and I just left it in my carryon.


After buying a friggin' two dollar bottle of water (gotta love California!), I waited for the flight to be called, grateful and happy when Rick called to check on me around 11:45. We started boarding just moments after that. We were all settled in our seats and ready to go even BEFORE our scheduled departure time of 12:15.


Now the not-so-good part:


The one thing everyone noticed as we boarded the plane is that it was WARM. That's not usual.


I had gotten some seat-selection tips from a friend a couple of months ago, and I did a good job checking in online when we were in Ensenada. I was seated next to what was almost the only empty seat on the plane. (I was in F, the window seat). First, both the other seats in my row were empty, then a handsome young pilot on his way to his next flight came and sat in the aisle seat. (Yes, my luck still holds in SOME areas! ;) )


He explained to me the likely reason that the plane was so warm. As they started to announce delays, he confirmed what was going on. The thingie that cools the plane is also the thingie that STARTS the plane! That piece of equipment wasn't working. They brought up the replacement thing, and IT didn't work. They did this THREE MORE TIMES, and believe me, this took a LOT of time. They finally got one that worked, after about an hour and a half of sitting in a very hot plane! People asked for water, at least, and the attendants did finally start passing out water with ice. I just held the cup to my neck points, and that helped A LOT. Two people were allowed to get off the plane, and they DID look like they could pass out at any moment.


My young pilot friend kept talking to me and explaining everything that was happening. He made the time pass much faster, and I was really glad to know exactly what was going on. We talked for about 4 hours, at which point we had been in the air more than 2 hours. Then we each dozed and read and listened to music the rest of the flight.


Naturally, by the time we landed in Atlanta, my flight to Philadelphia had long since departed at its scheduled time. It was the same situation for many, many others on the plane.


An AirTran agent in the airport rebooked us, slowly but surely, though she made an announcement that SOME people would be spending the night in an airport hotel! Fortunately, there was another flight out at 11 P.M., and she got me on it. That agent, by the way, looked at my original flights, and said, "There is no way you could have made that flight!" I told her that AIRTRAN had changed my flights and assured me that I could definitely make it! She just shook her head. :rolleyes:


Although not up to the standards of my wonderful Monarch dining room meals, my dinner in the airport actually was not a bad experience. It was quite edible, and waaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than LAX or PHL airport restaurants. I had a 1/4 baked chicken with broccoli, canned blue lake green beans, a salad and a roll............all for $9.95!!!!!


Ah, those canned blue lake green beans.............they took me back.............There was many a meal of macaroni & cheese and canned blue lake green beans when I was putting my XH through law school on a North Carolina public teacher's salary!! (You North Carolinians can relate to that, I know.)


This flight boarded promptly and left on time and actually arrived a few minutes early in Philadelphia.


I had asked the fate of my checked suitcase while I was being rebooked in Atlanta. She said that it would have been sent on my original flight, and I should go to a baggage service office when I got to Philadelphia.


Well, when I got down there, there were several bags from our other flight, BUT NOT MINE. The woman at the counter was very nice and pleasant, and she said that it SHOULD have been there, but there was still a chance that it had been pulled and put on my actual flight. We filled out the paperwork anyway, just to save time.


The carousel started to spin, and bags began to plop out. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.


EUREKA! There it was! Even my helpful AirTran Agent saw it, since I had showed her my bright orange pompom on my carryon and told her that the missing suitcase had the same pompom.


My son was waiting at the curb, and I was home around 2 A.M.


WHEW. Enough for one post. Stay tuned. (and/or ask questions)

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OMG - I had Ismael on our surprise cruise last week! Merion Mom, if you get a chance, and you read this, please tell him Chad and Dona say hello! He was a gem. I miss him!!! Always helpful.


Also, if any of you read this while you're on board, please stop by the Schooner Bar in the evenings (check your compass for times) for Eric. He plays the piano there and is fantastic. He and I still e-mail each other! Tell him Dona said hello!!! (Please).




D :)

Dona, please email me. Use my CC name (no space) on AOL.

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I went back over my earlier posts, so I hope that I won't repeat any (or much) of what I have already written.


First of all, I apologize for not posting more FROM the ship, WHILE events were occurring. There were three reasons:


1. TOO FRIGGIN' expensive. Once I used my free minutes, I wasn't willing to donate more to RC at the Internet Cafe. (though I did a couple of more times, a little) Then it turned out that the place in Avalon wanted 33 cents a minute! Heck, I could pay that onboard the ship!


2. Too much, um, ALCOHOL. It's just DISTRACTING. ;)


3. Too much fun! Couldn't tear myself away from the BEST CRUISING COMPANIONS EVER.


So, a few beginning points:


Unlike other ports from which I have cruised, LA *really* doesn't start boarding until after noon. We all met up in the holding pen, er, D/P/Suites lounge, and the time passed quickly as we met and recognized and started the process of getting to know one another face to face, after a record-breaking Roll Call.


Once it started, boarding was painless and quick. (check-in had been, too)


We went up to the Windjammer for a sit-down gabfest, er, lunch.




This was one of only three times that I ate a regular meal in the WJ. I had two breakfasts there, too, once before getting off to see San Diego, and on departure day, to kill time and sit someplace nice. It was RC's usual good breakfast fare. I am not an egg-eater, so I can't vouch for the quality of those.


I loved my cabin. Perfect location, deck-wise and hall-wise. 8042 - three doors from the elevators and steps, and right next to Celia!


Same deck as Circuit lounge, one up from Boleros, two down from the Royal Suite ;), three up from Casino and Schooner, three down from WJ and pool deck. I just realized I never made it up to the Viking Crown the entire time!




Except for the last night, when I was wearing high heels, I always used the stairs, and I *made* Celia walk, too.


Got to the cabin, met Ismael our cabin attendant, and fell in love. :D You know how people say, "HOW CAN THERE NOT BE A SAFE IN MY CABIN? WHAT WILL I DO WITH MY VALUABLES?"


One look into Ismael's eyes, and you can see that he would rather jump overboard or die than touch or take your things.


We got our robes and bathroom stuff (shampoo, shower gel and lotion) within minutes of asking.


The bed is just incredible. This is SUCH a major step and upgrade for RC - long overdue, but at last now it is done, and it makes SUCH a difference in the cruise experience.


Every evening Ismael would take the "dressing" off the bed (five pillows and the bed drape thingie at the end) and put them behind the curtain on the windowsill, a very clever and unobtrusive place to stash them)


My thermostat worked very well, and I kept my cabin nice and cold. I love to snuggle under my down comforter!


We had towel animals all but the first night. I have a picture, but I'm still not sure what the first one was. Then it was THE hanging monkey, and an elephant. (choc mint eyes) He used extra towels, not the ones from the bathroom, so I ended up with a huge pile of towels by Friday morning!


Plenty of room under the bed for my suitcases.


Nice built-in cabinet, night table thingie in the corner at the head of the bed. Good place for stashing Caffeine Free Diet Coke and strange plastic bottle of dark brown liquid. :D


Tiny round glass table in corner at foot of bed, under TV (mounted up high- AND BOLTED DOWN, I might add :rolleyes: ), perfect for RC propaganda, er, brochures, and the books I brought and never touched.


There was a vast number of nice wooden hangers in the closet. Even I couldn't use them all. With all these hangers, five shelves and eight drawers, I could have keep the desktop/counter nice and neat. I didn't. They kept filling it with gifts and goodies!

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My TA sent some goodies: There was a fruit plate waiting when I arrived. He sent a bottle of wine, and later, a cheese plate.


Since there is no Concierge Lounge on the Monarch, they send you goodies each day if you are D or D+. Let's see.......cheese plate (not nearly as good/nice as the one my TA sent :D), chocolate covered strawberries - both delicious and very nicely decorated, not *just* dipped; bottle of champagne, plate of petit fours and dessert bites.


Three of us brought that bottle of champagne to dinner the last night in the DR and we drank them up, at our four tables.


Ismael kept replacing the ice in the buckets, although the bottles sat there for three or four days.


I safely brought home all three glasses that I had accumulated. My daughter will be so happy, since her cat has broken most of the earlier glasses we have received. There's nothing like Royal Caribbean glasses to spark a college apartment! Thanks, Celia! Even the martini (martooni?) glass made it!


The best goodie of all?


MY WONDERFUL FRIENDS. What a bunch. We are SCARY funny. Yes, we got looks in the DR, but I swear, they were looks of envy!


Ah, dirtgirl's wardrobe malfunction...........I OFFERED to sew it for her, but NOOOOOOOOOO, "we can do it" - well, two drunk ladies and one needle and thread later................................no repair. :D :D :D

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I just want to repeat something that I posted from the ship that may have gotten lost in the rest of the post.


On formal night, the compass did not say "suggested" - it said


EXPECTED attire: Formal.

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MY WONDERFUL FRIENDS. What a bunch. We are SCARY funny. Yes, we got looks in the DR, but I swear, they were looks of envy!

OH? Do you think so? Just wait. There will be new members signing up JUST to complain about all the crazy adults in the dining room and how it just RUINED their cruise. ;)

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OK... WHY am I just seeing this thread today?? It's not like I haven't been here at least once a day every day this past week... :confused:


Carol, I'm glad you had such a great time... I knew you would! :D


Celia is going to be on the Serenade Hawaii cruise with us in October. I'll bet she was a lot of fun, I'm looking forward to meeting her.


Welcome back! :)

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My friend Anne got her bag! She is so happy about that. She has also watched the Cruise in Review DVD, and says that Carol, Anne, and I are all in it dancing together. I'll have to check that out when I have time.;)


I wanted to thank Jean and John again for their help in making our day waiting for our flight better. We had booked the LA tour, but they cancelled it. We instead spent several hours at Jean's before heading to LAX.:)

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My friend Anne got her bag! She is so happy about that. She has also watched the Cruise in Review DVD, and says that Carol, Anne, and I are all in it dancing together. I'll have to check that out when I have time.;)


I wanted to thank Jean and John again for their help in making our day waiting for our flight better. We had booked the LA tour, but they cancelled it. We instead spent several hours at Jean's before heading to LAX.:)


Oh, Carol, that is such good news! Nothing worse than a totally lost suitcase.


Uh oh on that video - was that from the first night in Circuit?


OH? Do you think so? Just wait. There will be new members signing up JUST to complain about all the crazy adults in the dining room and how it just RUINED their cruise.
Oh, I forgot to tell you.


Joe Stalin was on our cruise, and was sitting two tables over.


No kidding; I just saw this guy and did a double-take. He looks JUST LIKE the ol' dictator himself.

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Great, last post disappeared into cyberspace - let's try to reconstruct it.


I told you about San Diego, and a little about Avalon. More now.


The tender to Catalina Island was uneventful - that's a good thing, particularly when you are traveling with me!


Walked around a little while with Rick, Bobbie, Dru and Rita, then they were happy to get rid of me when Celia, Lorna, and Bill finally made it over, on the next tender. We went to negotiate the rental of a golf cart, *the* way to get around and tour Avalon and Catalina. As we were just loading into our cart, Evie and Tony arrived, so we traded it in for a six-seater.


Lorna was our Driver and Tour Guide. She was great! It is amazing to see the burnt areas and ash that still remain, and come right up to the roadside, stopping just short of the houses. Lots of very steep hills - I was glad that I wasn't on a bike, like some of the huffers and puffers that we passed.


We had lunch at El Galleon, where I had a 16 ounce (!) Mudslide, and an Avalon Cobb Salad. That's a beautifully arranged chopped salad, with lettuce, tomatoes, hard-boiled egg, avocado, bacon, shrimp and crab. YUM! I'm getting hungry just typing this.


Then we walked around Avalon some more. Bill went into Von's and purchased his beloved Diet Pepsi. He was very happy. ;) :)


I bought my son a t-shirt that says "Abercrabbie and Fish". He loves it! He thinks that designer labels are as ridiculous as I do.


Standing in line for almost two hours, waiting for a tender, was no picnic, but at least we had each other. I tried to get everyone to sing to pass the time, but no one wanted to join in. :( I must have started 15 or 20 songs, and NO ONE joined in. Doesn't anyone go to summer camp any more?!?!?!?!?!


Valiant Tony went and scrounged up some bottles of VERY cold water. That tasted mighty good, under the circumstances.


Once the tender arrived, and it was finally our turn, they completely overloaded it. (fine with me; probably violated twelve laws and regulations). I sat on the floor - there were WAY more people than seats.


When we met up with the ship, there were a few high waves, and the men had some difficulty getting the gangplank set up. I helped a little old lady up the ramp - getting myself back on board sooner. :D


I love Royal Caribbean. Everyone greets you by name. (when they ding you in, your name is on their screen).



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LOL. no one wanted to sing while standing in line!

Row, Row, Row your boat, genltly down the stream......everybody join in....;)


We missed Catilina due to high seas and the tenders.


I know what you mean about long lines...Hawaii tendered ports are the same, a hour is nothing. Then throw in crew cutting a line and officers catching them is pure entertainment!! :eek: :D :eek: I saw one crew get his pass takean away and he reported to the staff captain. Most likely just a slap in the wrist but still a violation and something to witness.


Love your review, especially the part getting home. That is torture to stit on a plane with no air would of killed me for sure!


Expected Formal Attire!!! Whats with that? I can see where that may be a thing of the past on the shorter cruises!!


Glad you had a great time...you always do!!! ;)



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I know what you mean about long lines...Hawaii tendered ports are the same, a hour is nothing.

Oh man! Maui is my favorite island, but I hope to never have to tender there again. It took forever. Couple that with having two ships in port. We found out from a local police officer while waiting to tender back that our ship didn't like to tender on both sides of the dock so that is why it was taking twice as long and twice as fast for the HAL ship. Rather than wait in the long line (Carol, we would have sang with you!), we hung out under the shade and were the last ones back on the ship. :rolleyes:


Carol - thanks again for the great report! I am looking forward to our trip on Monarch...although it will only be the 3 day to Ensenada. All is good though because I will technically only miss one day of work! :D It will be a total suprise to DD & DH ( I like to plan these sorts of suprises!)

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LOL. no one wanted to sing while standing in line!

Row, Row, Row your boat, genltly down the stream......everybody join in....;)

Trust me - that's one of the many songs I tried to get started. I thought that it would distract people, and be FUN. Silly me. :rolleyes:


We missed Catilina due to high seas and the tenders.
Remember, our difficulties were because one tender was "broken", "out of service". They were ferrying everyone with ONE boat, and the turnaround time was about an hour! :eek:



Expected Formal Attire!!! Whats with that? I can see where that may be a thing of the past on the shorter cruises!!


Glad you had a great time...you always do!!! ;)



I don't think that it led to anyone changing his or her mind about what to wear, but it certainly lends fodder to OUR never-ending debate! ;)


Thanks, yes, I do!

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Catalina Island was Wednesday's port of call.


When we finally got back to the ship, it was time for the P/D/D+ cocktail reception in the Circuit. It was more than half over by the time I got there, because of the tender fiasco. Our favorite bar waiter, Desmond, was on patrol, though, and brought me a marvelous chocolate mint martini. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. I want one NOW! The usual RC hors d'oeuvres: caviar, salami, smoked salmon, on bread or crackers. Hot puffs and turnovers of various types. Big ice sculpture. Looked seriously, um, phallic, from a certain angle. Oh well - that could have been a combination of the hot Catalina sun beating down on my head for hours plus the martini.


Anyway, as the party was winding down, the waiters got towels and wiped off the sculpture. (could I make this stuff up???) They took it away, probably to re-use on the chocolate buffet for that night.


Wednesday night was our Gala "Captain's Dinner" in the Windjammer. RC really pulled out all the stops for this one. It was our *gang* plus D+ on board this cruise. We had four very large (either 10 or 12 each) tables set up, in the very front, up against the windows. The chef was preparing our food right there, behind one of the counters. Most of the senior staff was there. I can't begin to name them all (damn lack of memory cells!), but Trudy (Guest Relations Manager) and Danney (Loyalty Ambassador) set it up. Captain Teo *dropped by* but was having so much fun that he stayed and stayed.


Someone, Gavin the CD I think, found out that a California high school barbershop quartet was on board, and they came and sang two songs for us. They were wonderful. We had the Centrum guitar player to serenade us also.


Beautiful Croatian Boy was our waiter. (no, I didn't name him that, but I'm not going to *out* the name-bestower, either. ;))


The food was fabulous. I brought the menu home, but it's buried. I know that I had a FABULOUS piece of filet of beef. The waiters (particularly Beautiful Croatian Boy) just kept pouring the wine and pouring the wine and pouring the wine............ Dessert was a magnificently crafted nut and cookie shell bowl filled with ice cream and gorgous berries and whipped cream. I swore I wasn't going to touch it, just admire it............but it somehow disappeared.............hhhhmmmm.........very mysterious. ;)


From there it was back to Dueling Pianos. Not as much fun as the first night, but it would be hard to top that one.


I didn't even stop to look at the chocolate buffet, but the passenger mass was chomping at the bit to be let loose on it. It's funny - you would think that no one ever fed them!


Pictures in the photo gallery NOT GOOD. Since I had a coupon for one freebie, I found one of Lorna, Celia and me that was worth having just for the memory value.

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Carol..............you are doing an incredible job of going backwards thru our cruise! Must be the teacher instinct in you!!


I know that Carol told you that after meeting Captain Teo.........and getting an invite to the bridge...........with permission to touch anything that she wanted...........she now knows where the ships horn operator button is located....at least on the Monarch!


What surprised me was the fact that captain Teo let so many of us up on the bridge for a sail away...............normally not allowed.........but he pulled out all stops........and there were at least 16 of us watching and listening to the commands being called to slowly get the Monarch out of Ensenada. And Carol had a front row position, watching the lines being coiled, and then winches pulling in the main lines........and levers being moved............as the Monarch started to pull away from the dock.

We had a tug assist for a short period of time due to the cross wind that day, but within 10 minutes we were past the breakwater and the condition was changed to yellow, and the Captain turned the duty to the Staff Captain........so that he could come over and talk to all of us.


Some of us stayed aboard the bridge for a period of time before heading back to our cabin.........and hoping that Carol would finish off the Jim B that had her name on it............but only Jen and Honey showed up.


Bobbie asked me to pull the suitcases so that she could start to pack......and I wanted to go down to join my fellow mates for dinner.

The food was OK......the company was great!! Carol brought in champagne for all of us to enjoy and have a final toast to each other.


Bill and I tossed a napkin to each other.......but that's a story for another day.


Carol is just starting to tell of all that Danney and John and Trudy did for us on this 4 day trip.


Bobbie and I have had some wonderful trips on RCCL.........and the gang that was with us knows how we like to travel..............well......this was the best that RCCL has ever put on!! We had about 10 aboard that were part of the pre inaugural of the Liberty..........and I bet the only difference is that they had to buy a couple of cocktails. We had liquor, champagne and wine in our cabin for anyone of the group to enjoy.


Well........that about ends day 3!



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The usual RC hors d'oeuvres: caviar, salami, smoked salmon, on bread or crackers. Hot puffs and turnovers of various types.


What?!?! No eyeballs!!? :D


What surprised me was the fact that captain Teo let so many of us up on the bridge for a sail away...............normally not allowed.........


That must have been outstanding! Being on the bridge is cool enough, but with the Captain pulling out of port - very special.


Captain Teo was our Captain on Legend when it was sailing the Mexican Riviera in the summer of 2004!

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Please - all you D and D+ folks - let RCI know that we west coast folks would really really like a Radiance or above class ship. The Monarch is great fun - but the tiny cabins give the first time cruisers the wrong impressions of todays cruise ships. And we would love a CC lounge on a ship we could - hop on hop off from SoCal.


Are the larger ships too much for the 'training' they do on the 3-4 day cruises?

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Carol..........absoultly superb pictures!!


By the way..........where did Helen go??? You said if any of the pictures were not to my satisfaction...........I needed to go to Helen and wait!!..............what was that all about!!:D :D :D


I love you kiddo..............you are the best!!



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OK, did I miss your post about the first night of Dueling Pianos, Carol? ;)


What a great cruise! I had so much fun with you, Carol. I cannot believe it took us this long to cruise together! :D I hope we don't wait so long for the next time. :rolleyes: ~ Lorna

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