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Photographers - Pictures

Krazy Kruizers

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(1) What do you think of HAL's ship photographers? (i.e. - too pushy?)


I have never sailed with HAL. However, I one time read a thread about the gangway being backed up at a port due to everyone having their picture taken. If that's the case it's too pushy for me.

(2) What do you think of the prices of the pictures?

I feel they're too expensive on all cruise lines. They print them all out, and whatever is not purchased is tossed. Therefore, regardless of their final sale price the cost of printing the pictures is constant. If the cost were lowered, I would definitely purchase more pictures and probably spend more total money which would yield a larger profit in my case.

Since the cost to HAL is fixed I guess they've found the price point that gives the highest possible income.

(3) Do you buy a lot of pictures?


We probably purchased four pictures on our last cruise.


(4) Would like to see more of the 5 by 7 photos rather than a lot of larger photos?

Definitely. I find 5 X 7 pictures to be a lot easier to find a place for.

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Some cruises have better photographers than others. The picture formats and sizes are okay, but we seldom buy the "picture in picture" formats.


I will buy a couple of stock pictures of the ship if it is our first time sailing on her.


When we travel with family I will buy any picture that is half way decent. Six years ago we took my parents on the Veendam for their 60th wedding anniversary. I prize those pictures. They are 92 and 94 now and their cruising days are over.


The last time we were in Alaska, I purchased one of the pictures taken with us in the foreground and the Hubbard Glacier in the background. We asked the photo staff to put it on a commemorative plate. I have the plate and stand in my office and smile every time I see it. We are thinking of getting a plate made on every cruise that we take in the next 12 months. We're celebrating our 25th anniversary for the entire year.


We were supposed to sail on Ryndam in Alaska for our actual anniversary but had to cancel when both of my parents became ill. We decided to have champagne on the first of every month and celebrate for the whole year. Works for me!

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I think it awful they way they have so little regard for our pleasure and enjoyment that they set up at any location that will demand/require we all must wait in line and are unable to simply pass on by.


The prices are ridiculous and we buy very few photos these days. We used to buy a few now and then but it is rare when we bother now because of their greed (as I perceive it). If they charged a fair price and IMO they would make more money by selling more photos.


The large photos are too large for my taste. I have many framed and set out in an arrangement and their big photos take too much space. Another reason I do not buy many.


The ultimate greed IMO is when they come into the dining room; interrupt our dinner and then DEMAND they are going to take a photo of him and then one of her. A few times I have said, "If you take one of us as a couple, we would consider it. We do not want individual photos. That means nothing to us." They always refuse to do that. They want to sell two photos rather than one. Their "dumb attitude" assures they sell us None.

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On some ships the photographers are more pushy than on others. We used to buy one or two, but now seldom buy any. Re the DR, I politely tell them, that ,no, we do not want our picture taken. I refuse to stop eating my dinner for a photo op. The prices, IMO are way out of line. Setting up for formal pics outside of the Ocean Bar is riddiculous, and I for one, refuse to go around them. I just keep walking, they should never block a public area.

The pirates, should be made to walk the plank.....jean :cool:

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Naturally we all tend to blame the photographers, as they are the ones directly inconveniencing us. We should be blaming HAL management who are allowing the photographers to be in the dining room at our tables (used to just formal nights; on the Maasdam it was every night), all over the public areas on the ships, and at the end of the gangplank holding up traffic, now both getting off and getting on the ship.


Unfortunately a lot of pax enjoy this so it is profitable to both HAL and the photo concession so it continues. :mad:

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(1) What do you think of HAL's ship photographers? (i.e. - too pushy?)


I've never found them to be pushy. I HAVE found them to sometimes have something of an attitude ... and not a pleasant one. I've also had some that were able to take good photos, and then there have been those who take just dreadful photos.


(2) What do you think of the prices of the pictures?


If I don't want them, they're too expensive. If they're REALLY good photos -- and sometimes they are -- then I'll pay the price for them.


(3) Do you buy a lot of pictures?


No. I've been on cruises where I haven't bought a single photo. I've also been on cruises where I've bought 2 or 3. And, I've been on cruises where I've bought many more than 5. It all depends upon how good the photos are, who is in those photos, and how WE look.


(4) Would like to see more of the 5 by 7 photos rather than a lot of larger photos?


Yes ... I like seeing a good distribution of photo sizes as well as settings. I'd like to see more shots taken around the ship, at many various times, rather than the many posed portraits.

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We used to buy two or three pictures on each cruise when they were the 5 x 7 size and lower in cost. Now we rarely buy even one. It is such a waste of resources that they take such a huge amount of photos and then charge such outrageous prices. So many of them just go into the trash. I really believe that lower prices would result in greater sales for them.


Pictures in the dining room...we simply refuse to cooperate...why should we interrupt our dinner?


Pictures at the gangplank....recently we have had no problems as there seemed to be enough room to step around them and keep walking.


Formal night photos...again, recently there have been opportunities to walk around the area and avoid being caught in the line-up. Guess it depends on the ship and also on the photographers. Sometimes we choose to pose and sometimes not. Somehow, candid shots of us seem to turn out better than the posed ones. Our personalities come through better when we are caught unawares.

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I find the photographers to be too pushy for my liking. I resent being stopped evey time I try to get on or off the ship or when I go to a function like the Capitan's reception. But, what I especially dislike is when they disturb my meal and want me or my companions to get up from the table so they can pose us.


I never buy any of their pictures and I have never tried to learn what they charge. I get all the pictures I want without extra cost by having someone take my picture with my digital camera. I can look at them immediately to see if I like them and later print them out at whatever size I like. If I don't like the picture, it is no problem to erase it and try again.


In spite of my dislike of the ship's photographers, however, there are times I find it quicker to let them take the picture than to try to argue with them. All it costs me is my time; I don't buy and I tell them so.

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If they need to lighten the ship due to bad weather, the photographers should go over the side first, along with their attitude. That should do the trick.


When I am leaving the ship at a port, I am smiling and jovial [on the outside] as I walk past them [on the inside I am questioning their ancestry and giving them the finger]. When they insist, I tell them I don't buy photos, so I am doing them a favor and I just keep walking and smiling.


In the dining room, I am the most pleasant and jovial noncompliant person you'd ever want to meet. As they get near the table, I put on my sunglasses and, when they make mention of it, I tell them I have epilepsy which is triggered by flashing lights; if they take a photo of me while I am looking at them, I will most likely end up convulsing on the floor and getting injured. If they don't get it, I tell them, "You have been warned; you are now legally liable for any injury." At this point, I am mentally referring to them as an IQ-challenged musical orifice (and I don't mean lips that whistle). Think of Vanna White turning letters. Two words, six letters in the first, seven letters in the second.

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I've never had a problem walking "around" the photographers, even if that means having to walk between them and their subject. We have noticed that HAL photographers, for the most part, are unimaginative hacks. Its never been a problem to ignore them.


Our best experience with a ship photographer was on the R7 in the eastern med a few years ago. This guy was brand new to the area, the ship and the line - but was an experienc4ed photographer. He and my wife spent lots of time exchanging opinions about the best views and venues, as well as about "technical stuff" I don't understand. He didn't "set up" any single place, but would occasionally stop us and suggest we go with him to a nice venue for an interesting shot. We bought more pix on that cruise than all the others put together!

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We will purchase a picture if it is exceptional, most are not, so we generally do not buy any. Our digital camera provides us with lovely pictures and we have always found fellow passengers to be very very helpful when it comes to getting a shot of the 2 of us together!


On my way onto the Ryndam, there was a huge line that was being held up by the photographer. My husband and I pleasantly said excuse me, and went around the line and the photographers. One photographer tried to tell me I had to wait, I looked at him and told him that thank you, it was our umpteenth cruise on HAL and we had plenty of pictures already. (If looks could kill....:rolleyes: )


Most of the time getting off the ship at ports we are able to scoot right on by them. I try not to let them put a damper on our good time and have learned to avoid certain routes to the dining room on formal night!!!:cool:

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We have found that some of the photographers have gotten too pushy. We are tired of sometimes waiting in long lines to get off the ship while everyone is having their picture taken. And like many of you, we are also tired of having our meals interrupted. At least on our last Maasdam cruise we weren't bothered each evening in the dining room. We are also tired of trying to go from one part of the ship to another and having our access blocked by photographers.

The prices have gotten out of hand. We rarely buy a picture any more. And that is due to price and size. We used to buy 2 or 3 pictures at $6.95 a piece when they sold the 5 by 7's. I think if they lowered the price and reduced the size of a lot of the photos, people might buy more.

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For those who think the photographers are too pushy, think of those who want photographs and the photographers were hard to find.


In my experience, it's rather easy to either walk around the photographers or have them go away by just saying 'No thank you'.

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Some will, indeed, back off when you indicate you are not interested. But I have found that becoming increasingly unusual. "Pushy" seems to be more the norm and, unfortunately, a little more than pushy on one occasion.


I realize it's their job and HAL's commission, but I paid to be on a cruise, not to be a target of opportunity. They exist for me, not the other way around.

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I know the photogs are simply trying to do a job. We walk around them when we're leaving the ship in a new port. Most often walk around them other places, too. We have no need for another Titanic staircase photo. If the photogs are set up in a spot that is unique to the ship we're on, we'll consider posing for a shot.


It's the dinner time photos that irk me. I'm in the dining room to enjoy a good meal. I don't want a pseudo-pirate hunkering down on my shoulder for a photo. It irks me more when they won't take 'no' for an answer.


Yes, the prices are too high and the sizes are too large.

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Lew -- Not sure what you mean. If I read you correctly, I think the answer is, "There are individual photogs who don't have manners." I don't think it's company policy, unless the policy (or onboard management) is, "More pictures = more money. Fewer pictures = next job is McDonald's."

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I guess I'm the odd ball here. I enjoy the photographers and having my picture taken. We usually by several each cruise. We by at least 1 each formal night and at each port when we get off early enough to get our picture taken. The only picture we usually skip is the embarkation picture because it is usually not the most flattering one because we are so tired.


We are hooked on pictures because of my dear father. He was a picture enthusiast to the max. For as long as I remember, my father always insisted that every occasion, large or small, be memorialized with pictures. He always insisted on portraits and for many years and over many protests we took many pictures.


Now, we cherish those pictures. They are a record of who we were, where we have been, who we were with. The portraits show us at our best. In our family we share them with yet another generation who never met my father or the generation who came before him. Yes he memorialized his parents, too.


The portraits of my family, parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents all hang on the wall in my family room. I look at them all the time. I show them to Ryan all the time. (And Emily too, even though she is a bit young to apprciate them)Ryan also looks at the portraits in the albums. He enjoys seeing us all dressed up and formal. It's priceless, as far as I'm concerned.


If you don't want photographs taken by the ship's photographers, don't buy them. I have never known of any tactic pressuring people into buying photographs. If you don't want your picture taken, just tell the photagrapher so. I have seen people do this. I can't imagine anyone will force you to have your picture taken, or force you to stand in a line if you just want to get by. I have passed through a line by just politely saying "excuse me, I just want to walk through".


I honestly don't understand why this is a problem. Perhaps someone could expain it to me.



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We used to buy a photo or two and usually gave them to our children. But after awhile they nicely told us enough was enough - they apparently know what we look like.


Now we just walk around the photogs and never have a problem. Sometimes I'll tell them I'm in the witness protection program (which may or may not be true).


I take a lot of pictures on a cruise and always worried about the film being spoiled by airport X-rays, especially in other countries. Last May I had 12 rolls developed on the Westerdam and the processing was excellent!


But I expect to buy a digicam before our next cruise, so the X-rays will no longer be a problem.

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We rarely purchase them anymore. I purchase them if they are of the kids and it is a good photo - the kids like them. The kids have posed with some of their friends and the photos have come out well.


My DH cannot stand the dining room intrusion. We are trying to enjoy our evening and the pirate comes by and puts the knife to your throat - and the flash is blinding! Very disruptful, IMO. We have politely remarked that we DO NOT wish our picture to be taken in the dining room - many photogs will take it anyway or cop a really nasty attitude. :(


I don't get it. We don't want it, won't buy it - why take it? Same with the gangplank photos... we try and breeze by with a "no, thanks" - and the photographer gets mad? Take them of people who actually want them!

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We purchased one picture on our first cruise (zuiderdam) that we got put on a plate & that was from the formal night, where we had to wait online to get the picture taken. That is the only pic we have purchased.


Yes I do think they are rude, and yes they are overpriced.


When trying to disembark the tender at Half Moon Cay we had a long line as the photographer & assistant were holding everyone up trying to get everyones picture. We walked passed & said "excuse me... excuse me" to which the assistant told us we should wait on line, to which we said "we don't want a photo," then walked by them. I think they are rude. Yes they have a job to do, but not everyone wants their picture taken. Can't they set up to the side so people that aren't interested can walk around them easily?


As for the shots in the dining room, I think they are very wrong. We took our own camera & asked our server to take a picture of us as a couple, then one with all our table mates. That is enough for us.


~Sharon~ :)

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While I do feel that the cost of pictures is way overpriced, I was pleasantly surprised by the cost of photo developing last year on the Carnival Inspiration. A 24 exposure roll of film cost $4.44 (or was it $8.88:confused:) to develop, with double prints and overnight service. That's comparable to a good deal at a local drugstore.


It was great being able to develop it on the ship. We took some pictures with friends we make on board,and this allowed us to give them a copy of the pictures with them in it.:)

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