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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Thanks for the correction. I can't imagine how scary that must have been; and you are still cruising???


Of course, it didn't stop me from booking the Star and I read the detailed report.:rolleyes:


Princess gave us a pretty nice incentive to cruise again ($$$$), so we sailed last year to Alaska. Needless to say, we pay a lot of attention at the muster drill!! We sail again in two weeks. I think all of the SD's named on this threat would have behaved very well during the event.

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we had service dogs on the dawn in aug when we seen them coming down the stairs we moved over so they could go through they did have a 4x4 box on the port side towards the front of the ship under cover for the dogs .. i thought it was cool . i never did ask to pet or anything as i know they were doing thier job,, i think its cool that they are allowed , i would love the idea of having the owners have some time for guest to pet and touch the dogs , because it does help with those who have dogs at home . :) i say cruise on and enjoy because to me its just another peice of heaven

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we had service dogs on the dawn in aug when we seen them coming down the stairs we moved over so they could go through they did have a 4x4 box on the port side towards the front of the ship under cover for the dogs .. i thought it was cool . i never did ask to pet or anything as i know they were doing thier job,, i think its cool that they are allowed , i would love the idea of having the owners have some time for guest to pet and touch the dogs , because it does help with those who have dogs at home . :) i say cruise on and enjoy because to me its just another peice of heaven


We don't have a problem with people petting our daughters service dog as long as they ask first. It gives us an oportunity to tell people about what the dog can do and about the service dog program in general. We did it alot when we were in WDW. It's a good way to educate people about service dogs. What we don't like is the people that just bend down and start petting the dog. :mad:

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We don't have a problem with people petting our daughters service dog as long as they ask first. It gives us an oportunity to tell people about what the dog can do and about the service dog program in general. We did it alot when we were in WDW. It's a good way to educate people about service dogs. What we don't like is the people that just bend down and start petting the dog. :mad:


I agree with you as long as I am not WALKING OR talking to someone. I have very limited energy so when I am out and about with Bailey, I am usually trying to get shopping done. I hate it when people yell, "ohh, a dog can I pet her?"

It means MY focus is changed, her focus has changed and it takes twice as long to get bread and milk. :(


It seems like it is just common sense not to interrupt a stranger when they are busy.


Now, if I am sitting with her, or it is a social setting, there is nothing I would rather do then talk about my partner and educate the public. :)

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I agree and i think it all depends on the person and the dog . I go to disneyland alot bec i have an anual pass... i let the people who ASK pet..... nothing could have prepared me for my first cruise though .... i am so nice and my dog knows when we r working and when petting is appropriate that he can just do it , but even by then end of our cruise it got bad .... because i let people who asked pet and DIDNT EXPLAIN to them that it was ok to pet but please ask first and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont call bark at whistle or say my dogs name when im moving ( walking he is my eyes ) i had people calling and clapping at him saying oh hi Denver ... there goes denver hey denver how ya doing buddy ,,,we couldnt get down a hall without being stopped LOL SOOOO i guess i would say be careful and always explain that they need to not be called when your working ..... even my dog got confused after a while and he is usually SOLID when people call him he just keeps going ( unless i stop ) i TOTALLY KNOW IT WAS MY FAULT but i tell you i think twice now about the people with those signs on their harness LOL i dont think they are all that rude now LOL and i ALWAYS tell people now that it is fine to pet but please remember he is working even if he is under a table sleeping and PLEASE do not just call him ..... it was a hard lesson but i learned it ....

cari and Denver

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We are going to meet Joe on Wednesday. I'm very excited and unsure how I will feel. I know he will be great. Today I go home to take care of my mom and I will be back Wednesday to see Joe. I'll let you all know how it goes and hopefully have a few pics to show.


Cari, We are going to ask if we can get "please ask before petting" on his jacket. I think its a great idea, especially on the cruise.


I'll talk to all of you soon, Cindy

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Hi cindy

great news about joe... where is he coming from again ? is it CCI ? will you have to fly or r they bringing him to you ????

the patches are good if set on TOP ( on the dogs withers ) area of the cape we have them for the dogs we train and our grads get one.... it goes just under our logo it is a pic of a hand with a slash thru it that way it is visable even to those who do not read english ..... sadly ALOT of people will still pet anyways without asking and some will even comment on the patch like... oh im not supposed to be petting him huh and smile LOL but it wll take care of the majority for you !!! i have a harness bec Denver is my guide so when i hold the handle it is pretty straight on and people can see it bec it is yellow but even then people ignore... but i know it will help some and i have ordered one for my next cruise i have never used one i just was tld they are not as effective as we would like as handlers ..... anything is better than nothing right ? you might even consider putting velcro on the patch and cape so it is removable and you can replace with another patch if you dont want it on ALL the time ...our grads tend to just leave theirs on though it works best for them and the dog esp at the beginning

let us know about joe !!!! cant wAIT !!!!!!!

have a pawfect day

cari and Denver

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Cindy: Please let us know how it goes. Brenny has a "patch" on her vest. With CCI the logo is on both sides and any patches only have room on the very top (between the zippered pouches.) and between the shoulder blades or withers. (Are withers for dogs and horses?)

Brenny's patch reads: "Please do not pet I'm working!" Some people will still sneak a "pat", these dogs are irresistible! I do not acknowledge the people, in elevators, whose feet she sits on and who feel they've earned their pat!

If you walk directly toward Brenny, as she's wearing her vest....you can't even notice the patch, until you're right on her and then it's too late.

We really need a "pop-up flag"; as the people are approaching and you can always tell what they're going for, "a secret pat" or a "question", we can just "pop-up" the flag, with a flick of our wrist and waahlah!! No more questions!

In all seriousness; Cindy, good luck with Joe....May every turn you make be filled with much good health and happiness, with your new companion!

Life is so much more complete and sweeter with our Service Dogs!!! ;)

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The only other thing I have is that you said SD weren't allowed in churches. I have never heard of that, our dog has been to church many times.


Religious organizations (churches, temples, mosques, etc.) aren't under the ADA. Separation of church and state, ya know? So, a church has no legal obligation under federal law to allow a disabled person to bring their SD into the church with them. They, of course, can choose to allow it, if they'd like. But they don't have to. It is sad, but I know of some folks who have been denied access to churches because of their SD. (You'd think a church would be loving and understanding!) I've been to several different churches in different states and all have been accepting, but not every church is like that, unfortunately. :(

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This is attaching human emotion to an animal, who have different rules. A dog with head hung low, and or a tail between its legs is a very unhappy dog.

It is not attaching human emotion to an animal. Dogs can be happy without wagging their tails around. And I said normal, not head hung low and tail between its legs, is a normal mood.





Here I meant that the girl young woman had a muscular disorder, while made her movements jerky and so driving the wheelchair, using this unsure movement made the chair sway around a lot.

Then the person who trained the dog should have taught the dog to properly keep clear of the wheelchair.




But who regulates these agencies? The government? The ADA?

I once tried to report a lady who had German shepherd that was a guide dog the dog was beautiful at first, I was teaching a college class at the time but over the semester it got skinner and skinner until you could see its hip bones, spine every thing, I asked the girl who she got the guide dog from and she told me some agency out of Texas, when I tried to contact them I was told the business had shut down, then talking to some people in the area who said that anybody can start a service dog business because there is no government regulations controlling them.

The ADA is a law, not an agency. SD programs are businesses or non-profits (depending on the program). There is no federal standard, so no regulation beyond normal business or non-profit practices. Yes, some have not been able to stay alive due to costs. The woman should have been reported to her local animal control/animal welfare agency just as any other dog owner should be for the mistreatment of an animal, which malnourishment is.

There have been a couple scam companies handing out "service dogs" (which weren't really SDs at all) just like there are scams with many other types of businesses.




I hope this is true


It is.

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Monkeys are wild animals, not domesticated like dogs and therefore not reliable as SA

Many quadriplegics will beg to differ on that one. They are very helpful to them in doing things they literally can NOT do for themselves and no dog can do (no opposable thumbs).




No emotional support animals have the exact rights as any other service animal. They can go any where as the person who has it may have a panic attack any where they go and the animal is suppose to stop this. It is the law, check it out for your self, our department attorneys thoroughly researched this as it was such a problem in our area.

Emotional Support Animals are NOT service animals. That is the law (federal, but I don't believe any state has access for ESAs in their laws). They are pets that have been prescribed to a person with a mental disability. They can live in no-pets housing and travel in the cabin of an airplane with a letter from the doctor stating specific things, but they cannot accompany their person into stores, restaurants, etc. that do not allow pets.

There are service animals for people with mental disabilities, such as panic attacks that are disabling, but those dogs are trained to do tasks that mitigate the disability just like all other types of service dogs (guide, hearing, mobility, etc.). Those are called Psychiatric Service Dogs. Emotional Support Animals, on the other hand, are not trained to do tasks; they help the person by being there for them, getting the person out for a walk, giving the person the responsibility of feeding and caring for the dog, etc. They are not much different from any other pet.

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WRONG !!!!if they are disabled and want to play in their chair more power to them !!!!! LOL


You apparently missed the part of that sentence that said "a person brought one when they had no medical need for one". We're talking about a non-disabled person in the hypothetical situation, not a disabled person.


im not going to beat this to death !!! LOL but HELLO !!!!! what in the heck do you think a SD is ??????????????????????????????a medical device reguardless of if it is being ysed or not it is STILL A SD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, one of my points was an SD is a medical device.

and it IS allowed on the beach if it is not working if a disabled person needs the dog then it is allowed if the dog wants to kick up its feet in the water a little ( and im not saying run full board off leash ) it can still be there SERVICE DOGS ARE NOT PETS even when off duty !


No, it is not allowed to play on the beach like a pet if the beach does not allow pets. When an SD is not working, pet rules have to be followed. You cannot bring your SD into a public place pets aren't allowed in for the SD to play. He cannot play in a store (except pet stores), restaurant, etc. any more than he can play on the beach or in a park pets aren't allowed on.


The only reason the law allows us to bring our SDs in public places that pets aren't allowed in is because the SDs are working to mitigate our disabilities. That is what the law (Americans with Disabilities Act, not Service Dog Act) is for - to mitigate our disabilities. The law is not for SD playtime. SDs have no access rights at any time. Only disabled ppl (and, in some states, trainers of SDs) have the right to bring their working medical device (SD) with them based solely on need. Whether you like it/agree with it or not, that is the law.


thats all i will say about this ....im going to get back to what this board is ment for and it is not fighting it is for all of us who need info on cruisng and to share our experiences not bash each other over beliefs .....

cari and Denver


Nobody here is fighting, just trying to get ppl to understand the laws they need to know if they use an SD.

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The website that she [Tinwoman] and her cohorts are touting is absolutely the worst thing that anyone can do, who ligitimately believes in our SD's and the proper training and certification that it takes to go into public areas with them! She is the very reason why some of us are faced with discrimination!

No, no, there is a site even worse than her site - one charges over $300 for fake certification, patch, vest, etc.!!!!! :eek: That is insane!!!!


Quam: Our dogs are very welcomed into Churches of all denominations.


Churches are not under the ADA and, therefore, have no legal obligation to allow a person to bring their SD in. (This goes for any religious organization, not just churches.) While some churches understand our need for our SDs so do allow them, others do not and they don't have to.


Some religions are not very dog-friendly. It is a big deal, for example, that a blind Muslim teenager was allowed to bring his guide dog onto the property the mosque he goes to is on. The dog is crated in a certain place and not allowed in the prayer room and such, but it was a big enough deal for the dog to be allowed that close because many Muslims see dogs as unclean (which is why some Muslim taxi cab drivers try to refuse to take SDs in their cabs - that is illegal, since the cab is not part of a religious organization, of course). All that is legal - they could have denied the dog from coming onto the property and it still would be legal. However, they chose to allow the dog in one part (near the entrance, I believe) in order for the blind boy to be able to get to the mosque guided by his working dog. (I am not sure if his dog is allowed in his house or not; most Muslims do not allow dogs in the house, only guard dogs outside and such.)

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Actually that was me who was on the "Charred Princess". A very lengthy study was done by the Marine Investigating Board and a summary was provided abt a year after the fire. The conclusion was that it was indeed a cigarett butt that smouldered in some towels left on a balcony. Since there was no sprinkler system ON THE BALCONY, with the wind, the fire spread rapidly. We were among the last passengers to disembark in Jamaica. Princess changed the type of balcony furniture, put in sprinklers and instituted a 24/7 watch on balconys.


:eek: How scary to be on a ship during an actual emergency!!!!! How much damage was done? Did y'all get all your belongings back? If so, how long did that take?


Was the ship docked at the time? Or did you have to tender to the nearest land (Jamaica)?


I can't recall - do you have an SD? If so, did Jamaica balk about the SD entering their country (no dogs allowed) at all even though it was due to an emergency?

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:eek: How scary to be on a ship during an actual emergency!!!!! How much damage was done? Did y'all get all your belongings back? If so, how long did that take?


Was the ship docked at the time? Or did you have to tender to the nearest land (Jamaica)?


I can't recall - do you have an SD? If so, did Jamaica balk about the SD entering their country (no dogs allowed) at all even though it was due to an emergency?


Hi Quam. I am a volunteer handler of service dogs. I volunteer with an agency that breeds and trains service dogs. This thread helps give me insight into some of the challenges service dogs and their recepients might face. I often have service dogs in training(young dogs and puppies) in my home or out on outings.


The Star Princess fire occured while the ship was in transit to Jamaica. The fire was extinguished and the ship was able to sail on to Jamaica, but the cruise was terminated at that point. Later the ship was taken for repairs, somewhere in Europe. While over 100 cabins were totally destroyed, ours was not. My husband and myself were fine, our daugters were with us, so we were able to remain pretty calm. At one point, we weren't sure if we were going to have to board life boats. We joked that we were glad we weren't out in the middle of the Pacific. I did write a first person acct of this, it is somewhere in the cc archives if you have any interest.


Thank you for your very concise points regarding service dogs and legal access. I also thought church's would be required to follow ADA laws, so am glad I have the correct information.

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:mad: quam


give it a rest already... if we needed an ADA referee we would ask for one .... your word is not the gospel and yes service dogs are allowed in churches LOL geeze...cant you find anytihing better to do than to nit pick everyones posts and referee???i mean you have replied to everyones posts like you were the ADA god yourself !!!! this is a board about crusing and service dogs and if we want to share things about our experiences then let us do it , but dont sit there and try to prove everyone wrong or say your word is the final word and the ADA law is what quam says it is LOL GIVE IT A REST i know im tired of it cant speak for everyone else , but im sick of it ..... cant we all just talk about our cruises and dogs !!! LOL

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WOO HOO one more week till i leave for my disney cruise ! i havent packed yet but Denver is all packed ..... i cant wait to sail with mickey!!!


hey roz 0 glad the soup thing turned out ok... i still wanna go eat soup though LOL seriously when i get back from my cruise do you want to go ???? i also want to give you that lawyers name for future refrence ,,, i know you got the issue resolved at soup plantation but you never know where else you might need it .


have a great evening everyone


Cari and Denver :cool:

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Quam, thanks so much for being vigilant about finding errors in interpretation of the ADA, and other things that people with disabilities seem to think aren't important, or aren't meant for them to abide by. That kind of carelessness makes it difficult for those of us with disabilities who do try to abide by the laws, and who sometimes pay penalties for those who think they're "above the law", just because they are disabled. While I don't have a service dog, I do have a disability (use a wheelchair for mobility), and all-too-often hear comments like "Well, you're disabled; you hve special privileges!" I heard that several times on my recent cruise, for example, when it appeared I was getting moved to the front of lines, or if people saw someone holding a door open for me. Stupid, I know, but there it is.


I don't want "special privileges". I just want equal treatment. And being a disabilities consultant myself, I know how often the ADA is misunderstood, misinterpreted and misrepresented. I appreciate your knowledge!

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This is off topic, but I thought that some of you might be interested. We read a lot of Dean Koontz stories and get email updates from his website. He is a dog lover and not long ago lost a beloved pet, a golder retriever. The update we received last night was that he adopted a dog who did not make it through the CCI program. He seems to do a lot for that organization. I know some of you have gotten your dogs through CCI.


I think it was through the CCI website that you can transform your dog into a "superdog" by putting a red cape on one of your own photos of your dog.

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Roz: I know you and Brenda are leaving for Santa Rosa sometime soon, or maybe already gone. Just wanted to let you know I am finally mailing my letter and the application for them to apply with Albertsons for a portion of everyones dollar spent there to go to Canines Companions for Independence! Sorry it took so long. Full time school and full time work is taking a toll on this ole lady!


Hope everyones upcoming cruises go with out hitches and all the furbabies have a wonderful time smelling the salt air! I can smell it now just typing about it. :)


Have a great rest of the week, its Hump day, we're on the down slide of the week.



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WOO HOO one more week till i leave for my disney cruise ! i havent packed yet but Denver is all packed ..... i cant wait to sail with mickey!!!


hey roz 0 glad the soup thing turned out ok... i still wanna go eat soup though LOL seriously when i get back from my cruise do you want to go ???? i also want to give you that lawyers name for future refrence ,,, i know you got the issue resolved at soup plantation but you never know where else you might need it .


have a great evening everyone


Cari and Denver :cool:


Can't wait to see your trip report. We do the Disney cruise in July. Hopefully my wife will call Carol at special needs today and get the paperwork started.

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We had an awesome time on the Disney cruise! If you have them, be sure to take booties/shoes for Denver for the beach. (Ollie was kept in harness while on the beach but did pose for a few pics in the water). There are potentially sharp shells.

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We had an awesome time on the Disney cruise! If you have them, be sure to take booties/shoes for Denver for the beach. (Ollie was kept in harness while on the beach but did pose for a few pics in the water). There are potentially sharp shells.


We are planning on doing the Stingray Encounter on Castaway Cay in July but we're not sure what we will do with our SD. My wife and I both need to be in the water with our daughter. We were thinking of buying a portable kennel and leaving Orson in it while we do the encounter. Any other suggestions?

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Hi All, Well I finally got to meet Joe today. He is awsome! He's very puppish right now and we do have some concerns about him. He just needs some more training. It's another month til John goes to training. But he's a big goof, very lively and just crazy about his trainer. John took him outside and worked with him alittle, but he was just interested where his trainer was. Of course she had the treats in a bag strapped to her waist. They train them with carrots and apples now. The last dog was trained with old roy dinner rounds from walmart. He had a puppy raiser and a trainer in the prison, both women. As you can see I posted some pics of him for you all to see. I'll talk you all of you soon.

Cindy & John & Joe of course!



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