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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Welcome home Barb. Thank you for sharing your good information and suggestions with us.


Having a dog go to the bathroom in a potty box is probably one of the most unique habits that can be trained a dog. Any way that we can get our dogs to do this much needed task successfully is pure genius! I say, CONGRATULATIONS, to all our wonderful dogs who do this well!

Checking in with the registration folks about your dog before you board is a great suggestion. I certainly may save you some aggravation in the long run.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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We travel with a service dog..she is going to be on her 6th cruise in September and 7th in November.....We've learned a lot and have some suggestions for you....


  • Don't be hesitant to do it.....it's wonderful! And truly has made our cruising so much more fun!!!!!! :p
  • We've cruised on Celebrity/NCL/Princess/Carnival and HAL.
  • The Best (most accomodating-all around) - HAL
  • The Best set-up (potty-box) - NCL/Princess
  • The Best crew for dog friendliness HAL/Princess
  • Passenger friendliness...every ship we've ever been on. We only 1 passenger in all of our cruises who absolutely refused to eat in the Buffet area, with a dog!

If you have any questions about the ship requirements/easy way to deal with "special needs" departments/cabins/dining area/potty box/food/exercise/hotel/excursions/airplanes, etc. Ask away......


I don't want to bore you with all the details...so, I'll let you lead the way! ;)


I just thought you might want to take a look at this thread ...




... and offer a few comments.

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Oh, one more thing!

The check in staff at the pier were mostly new, and it was their first sailing for many. No one told me to look for the Pier Coordinator to check in. Instead, we were directed to the regular line for our status/class of room. When we got to the front of the line, she tried to check us in, and then couldn't find our room cards, and finally went to find out what was going on. We were then sent to the Pier Coordinator to provide the paperwork for Scooter and have our photo taken and receive our cards.


Next time we take Scooter, I'll ask right away if I should be in the regular check in line, or go directly to the Pier Coordinator with the paperwork for the dog and to check in.


That’s a great suggestion, Barb. So often they end up searching for a supervisor anyway and sending you elsewhere, so it’s a waste of time to stand in the alphabetical/whatever lines.


I’ve been meaning to mention the following. We sailed on Holland America’s Veendam out of Ft. Lauderdale in April, and the manager at the pier was a real pro and the best I have seen (on our seven cruises with the dog). He sought us out as we entered security and could not have been kinder or more helpful. He took us directly to a specific checkin agent to get our key cards, and soon thereafter personally walked us aboard with the priest, escorting us directly to the ship’s customer service desk (before any passenger boarding had begun) where we provided them with the dog’s paperwork. Done!


The box arrangements were good too - grass sod, under cover at the bow end of the promenade, and accessed easily through a door from a regular (although narrow) passenger corridor. It was a rainy cruise, so I was grateful to use that sheltered area (it was still windy at times and very cold, but much more user-friendly than Celebrity’s infamous “wind tunnels.)

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Become a CCI puppy raiser!! :>)


I would love to do this. My environs do not lend to a "puppy"....having a fully trained CCI SD and the demands that that entails for me is about all I can handle....right now!


I love what you do and am in awe of how many people you have helped along the way! You are a wonderful hero to us!

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I just thought you might want to take a look at this thread ...




... and offer a few comments.


Thanks for sharing this. It's infuriating when I see folks taking advantage of the system.


When I go into the public with my CCI dog I walk with pride as I know he will act his best and behave with restraint. I do put colorful scarves and collars on my dogs but it doesn't take away from their behavior.


If I see a dog, in public, that I doubt is a true SD, I will let the handler know that I will be speaking with management about it.


CCI is truly working on getting the sale of vests/collars/signs and other SD stuff taken off the internet and they're contacting airlines/cruise lines and other public transportation entities about how to handle fake SD's.


We, as the public, can speak-up and let them know that we are "calling them out" too!

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Thanks for sharing this. It's infuriating when I see folks taking advantage of the system.


When I go into the public with my CCI dog I walk with pride as I know he will act his best and behave with restraint. I do put colorful scarves and collars on my dogs but it doesn't take away from their behavior.


If I see a dog, in public, that I doubt is a true SD, I will let the handler know that I will be speaking with management about it.


CCI is truly working on getting the sale of vests/collars/signs and other SD stuff taken off the internet and they're contacting airlines/cruise lines and other public transportation entities about how to handle fake SD's.


We, as the public, can speak-up and let them know that we are "calling them out" too!


I too have a problem with people cheating the system, but to be honest have as much of a problem with anyone deciding who is cheating, I’ve been abused for using a handicapped parking permit, because someone thinks I “don’t look” disabled, but I guess unless they have xRay vision they can’t see the fractures.


Same as I’ve been abused onboard because “I saw you use a wheelchair to board, now you’re walking around”. Yep because some days are diamonds some days are stones, I do and intend to go on, using the minimum I can, some days that’s a chair, some a walking frame, some day’s sticks, somedays nothing, one great thing about cruising is that there is almost always a rail to hold onto if I need to.

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TRUE STORY: So, I'm walking to my doctor's office, from the parking lot, with Horton walking beside me. A woman starts patting Horton, making him stop and I keep trying to walk. I give Horton a "correction" and try to advance another step, she keeps stroking him. I stop and ask her to please stop touching him and I then suggest that she continue to walk and we'll follow her. She says, "how rude!" She starts to walk and then abruptly stops, turns at Horton and me and says, in a loud voice, "you keep walking, I'll follow you!" "You shouldn't be here, you don't belong here!" I keep walking with Horton and approach the elevator [where I say a silent prayer to myself, "please don't be going in the same elevator as us!"] She walks into the elevator across from us and I just breathe a sigh of relief.


What the heck just happened? Does every outing with Horton have to feel like a day in the combat fields?


It's enough to make a person shy of going anywhere with their SD!

Happy weekend everyone!

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I too have a problem with people cheating the system, but to be honest have as much of a problem with anyone deciding who is cheating, I’ve been abused for using a handicapped parking permit, because someone thinks I “don’t look” disabled, but I guess unless they have xRay vision they can’t see the fractures.


Same as I’ve been abused onboard because “I saw you use a wheelchair to board, now you’re walking around”. Yep because some days are diamonds some days are stones, I do and intend to go on, using the minimum I can, some days that’s a chair, some a walking frame, some day’s sticks, somedays nothing, one great thing about cruising is that there is almost always a rail to hold onto if I need to.


I know exactly what you're talking about. The presence of a Service Dog in the public venue, where people are not expecting to see a dog, can be too much to bear for a lot of folks.


I try to be as teaching as I possibly can be......that is unless they're impeding my ability to get from one place to another. By overly exaggerating gestures to my dog or by asking one question after another or simply by being rude.


You have to walk just one day with Horton and me in the public to totally understand what I mean. Those of you who cruise and travel with your dogs know exactly what I'm talking about.


"Sunshine", one of our bloggers, who actually cruised with Brenda and me, a few years ago, handled the public and paparazzi for me so that we could get around the ship and excursions without being late to everything because of all the questions and picture taking.

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Also, if you have to use a wheel chair at some times, a walker for others and then can walk without anything at other times is TOTALLY your business and NOT mine or anyone else's.


How dare anyone try to make you feel badly about any of this. Some people have no soul!

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I know exactly what you're talking about. The presence of a Service Dog in the public venue, where people are not expecting to see a dog, can be too much to bear for a lot of folks.


I try to be as teaching as I possibly can be......that is unless they're impeding my ability to get from one place to another. By overly exaggerating gestures to my dog or by asking one question after another or simply by being rude.


You have to walk just one day with Horton and me in the public to totally understand what I mean. Those of you who cruise and travel with your dogs know exactly what I'm talking about.


"Sunshine", one of our bloggers, who actually cruised with Brenda and me, a few years ago, handled the public and paparazzi for me so that we could get around the ship and excursions without being late to everything because of all the questions and picture taking.



Maxy is learning to pick things up for me, but I’m not sure I’ll take him on a cruise even when he is fully trained.

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The only time that I do NOT have a Service Dog with me is when I'm having an MRI done. Otherwise my dog is right by my side; in the car; walking with me; sitting with me and in the room giving me the much needed moral support that he's the very best at doing!


No one and I mean NO ONE, can make me feel more comfortable and unafraid of new situations than Horton Jeffrey can.

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Maxy is learning to pick things up for me, but I’m not sure I’ll take him on a cruise even when he is fully trained.


If Maxy were fully trained to assist you and had certification to be able to go into a full elevator and NOT lick, whine, growl or react to the public in any way and to sit quietly under the dinner table or in a darkened theatre without making a sound [except to "alert" the handler if necessary], his purpose would go beyond just picking up objects for you.


I can't imagine travel without a Service Dog! The work is so worth it!

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If Maxy were fully trained to assist you and had certification to be able to go into a full elevator and NOT lick, whine, growl or react to the public in any way and to sit quietly under the dinner table or in a darkened theatre without making a sound [except to "alert" the handler if necessary], his purpose would go beyond just picking up objects for you.


I can't imagine travel without a Service Dog! The work is so worth it!

He will do most of that, most of the time, still not perfect. And I’m not sure he’d like be8ng on the ship for three or four weeks.

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Also, if you have to use a wheel chair at some times, a walker for others and then can walk without anything at other times is TOTALLY your business and NOT mine or anyone else's.


How dare anyone try to make you feel badly about any of this. Some people have no soul!



They seem to think I’ve used it to jump a queue.


I wonder how else they think I’m going to get the chair on the ship even if it’s a day I don’t need it, it’s bad enough trying to get all the equipment I need on.


That’s one thing Max is having some trouble with. He so badly wants to be close to me that sometimes he get too close to the wheels when I’m in the chair.

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Here’s my boy27c2514dd13ff3c618a5f7a15f39c437.jpg

Max is adorable. He knows what his job is and he will try to do it as best he can. <3.

I have the same issue that I look fine, but what they don't know is the pain I am in most of the time now. So weird, when I walk (not for any distance) it actually feels better than if I'm just standing still. So yes, sometimes I walk just to try and stretch it out. At times I feel like ripping my shirt up and showing them the 4" + scar up the middle of my back. Then telling them, "No, it didn't fix it and in the process now my left leg and hip hurt, at times that I can't make the pain go away." No, I do not like taking medication every day, but know if I don't I will be in unbearable pain. No, I am not addicted to it, trying every imaginable option to try and get off the meds. Chiropractor, massages, physical therapy, injections (I hate them and they do not work). Okay, so I get it, slowing stepping off my soap box. :D

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Max is adorable. He knows what his job is and he will try to do it as best he can. <3.

I have the same issue that I look fine, but what they don't know is the pain I am in most of the time now. So weird, when I walk (not for any distance) it actually feels better than if I'm just standing still. So yes, sometimes I walk just to try and stretch it out. At times I feel like ripping my shirt up and showing them the 4" + scar up the middle of my back. Then telling them, "No, it didn't fix it and in the process now my left leg and hip hurt, at times that I can't make the pain go away." No, I do not like taking medication every day, but know if I don't I will be in unbearable pain. No, I am not addicted to it, trying every imaginable option to try and get off the meds. Chiropractor, massages, physical therapy, injections (I hate them and they do not work). Okay, so I get it, slowing stepping off my soap box. :D



I was telling a couple of drs recently that I rather walk a half hour than stand for ren minutes, they said that is a common report.


I got off the drugs, they just weren’t working, and I was on some high doses 180mg oxy, plus 150 Fentanyl patch.


Same issues “back” good luck with finding at least some relief. doctors keep saying I can’t go on a cruise, had to cancel 😕 4 which doesn’t help.

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I was telling a couple of drs recently that I rather walk a half hour than stand for ten minutes, they said that is a common report.


I feel the same way and I don't have a service dog or a wheelchair.

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I too have a problem with people cheating the system, but to be honest have as much of a problem with anyone deciding who is cheating, I’ve been abused for using a handicapped parking permit, because someone thinks I “don’t look” disabled, but I guess unless they have xRay vision they can’t see the fractures.


Same as I’ve been abused onboard because “I saw you use a wheelchair to board, now you’re walking around”. Yep because some days are diamonds some days are stones, I do and intend to go on, using the minimum I can, some days that’s a chair, some a walking frame, some day’s sticks, somedays nothing, one great thing about cruising is that there is almost always a rail to hold onto if I need to.


We are going to have the same type of situation in October. My wife is having some issues with her hip that may require somewhere down the road a replacement. She has good days and bad days. We are going to Disney World in October. I am renting her a scooter. I can't wait for people to see her hop off the scooter and help me get our handicapped daughter on a ride. But A. I'm never gonna see those people again and B. I don't give a #*&% what they say or think!!

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We are going to have the same type of situation in October. My wife is having some issues with her hip that may require somewhere down the road a replacement. She has good days and bad days. We are going to Disney World in October. I am renting her a scooter. I can't wait for people to see her hop off the scooter and help me get our handicapped daughter on a ride. But A. I'm never gonna see those people again and B. I don't give a #*&% what they say or think!!




Some days I need a cane. Others I don't. Some days, Scooter is retrieving all kinds of things for me. Others I don't need him to. Some days I wear my red light filtering glasses. Other days I don't. I don't care what people say - I know my own challenges and limits.

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I feel the same way and I don't have a service dog or a wheelchair.

We (hubby and I) do have a rollator that we share when we venture out to say the Boat Show or other events where there is no seating. No Service dog here, either. I just kind of adopted this thread a bazillion years ago. Love them to pieces. :hearteyes:

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Some days I need a cane. Others I don't. Some days, Scooter is retrieving all kinds of things for me. Others I don't need him to. Some days I wear my red light filtering glasses. Other days I don't. I don't care what people say - I know my own challenges and limits.

Amen, DKD and Barb!

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