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Why a set curfew for teens?

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The point is that the rules are instigated or enforced when enough people cause problems that require these types of rules. There are mature tweeners and there are immature older teens. I have seen 13-15 year olds that are very well behaved and completely out-of-control problem causing 17 and 18 year olds. The point is that all it takes is a small handful to cause problems and the ship *WILL* do whatever they have to for the greater good of the majority of the cruise population and sometimes that means curfews.


Unfortunately, that is life. Once you get out into the real world, you'll see repeated instances of this. If you work in a large office, it only takes one or two to break the "unwritten rules" or abuse privileges for everyone to lose those privileges. Like the people who flex their hours too much and "core hours" and instituted. Or people who don't pick up after their pets when they walk them to get doggie laws about where and when you can walk pets. Or people who abuse free services and suddenly services are stopped. It's a part of life.


When I started cruising in 2001, they used to not enforce the liquor rules nearly as strongly and would turn a blind eye for one or two bottles of booze stashed in luggage. Now, because a few stupid adults and kids have abused the rules, problems with inappropriate drunken behaviour and alcohol being served to minors they are much more strict about confiscating alcohol as it comes aboard.


As long as it keeps the trouble from teens down (and it does), the curfews will be enforced because a few teens cannot keep out of trouble.


Outstanding post, snoopy. :)

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One would be: Teens now feel that any language they decide to use is acceptible. Inculding at the poolbar while they are just hanging out with their new friends. Including, all lounge chairs after hours while it might be nice to take a stroll on the deck before going to bed.


I wasn't going to post in this thread, but this does not just apply for teens. I do not use bad language, even when I am just around the guys, but have you ever walked into a sports bar? All you hear is ef this and ef that (adults mind you).

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I wasn't going to post in this thread, but this does not just apply for teens. I do not use bad language, even when I am just around the guys, but have you ever walked into a sports bar? All you hear is ef this and ef that (adults mind you).


Tha Apple don't fall far from the tree! When you live with it, YOU LIVE IT!

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Our minds are very open and we realize we aren't doing a perfect job, that is why I said we know he will break the rules at one point or another. I know we don't see everything but there is no way I am going to have him attached to us 24 hours a day. We trust but verify. Any parent would be naive to think they have a perfect child. We are there in the good times and the bad. We reward for the good and punish for the bad.

BTW the open mind and insert foot was for me, not you. I was just saying we can't judge how diligent the parents were or anything else.


Sorry, if you thought I was talking about you. The next sentence is yours and then the next one was my comment on your sentence. The last part was totally about me.


If all parents would keep track of what is up with their kids, we would all be happier.


That is easier said than done. I don't have a teen or tween now. I was constantly checking as to what they were up to but still missed SO MUCH that I had no idea. Some things take 3 mintues or less if you know what I mean.



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BTW the open mind and insert foot was for me, not you. I was just saying we can't judge how diligent the parents were or anything else.


Sorry, if you thought I was talking about you. The next sentence is yours and then the next one was my comment on your sentence. The last part was totally about me.


If all parents would keep track of what is up with their kids, we would all be happier.


That is easier said than done. I don't have a teen or tween now. I was constantly checking as to what they were up to but still missed SO MUCH that I had no idea. Some things take 3 mintues or less if you know what I mean.



I apologize also. I was reading this thread and another about kids gone wild and over reacted after misreading what you wrote.

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I'm all for the curfew. I certainly had to obey the rules when I was a teen. Lest you think I don't understand your plight, I graduated from high school when I was 17 and spent the first year of college as a minor. It sucked. While I knew I was way smarter than any adult, the rest of the world had yet to jump on board. I am 34 now and I can't believe my arrogance in believing I was somehow above being naive or (dare I say it) mortal.


There is nothing you can do on board after 1am that you could not do before it. As far as adults, the only thing open to us is the casino, bars and nightclubs. None of which any teen would be able to partake in anyway. As far as sitting on deck just socializing, why can't you do that in someone's stateroom? As long as you are quiet (God forbid) there should be no problem just hanging out in a room talking. There's even room service if you're hungry. If that doesn't sound like "fun", just what were you planning on doing in the public areas that is so different?


Personally, I think that 1am is a very generous curfew. It gives adults very little time to themselves. Before you think its my bad parenting skills, I don't have children. It was a choice. Just like I choose to relax and enjoy my vacation on board a ship where I paid for my cruise out of my own pocket.

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Have I ever been next to a cabin of drunken teens yelling and carrying on at 3 a.m.? Nope. Have I ever been next to a cabin of adults going in and out at all hours and yelling and carrying on at 3 a.m.? YES! Just because you have been next to one cabin that was occupied by a bunch of irresponsible teens does not mean that we are all like that!!! Do you see me placing all adults in the same category just because I was next to a bunch of yelling adults? NO!


Unfortunately the cruiselines do base these curfews on how many incidences occur onboard from kids. Although there are certainly some adults that behave poorly on cruises there have been more incidences involving kids. Yes, there are good teens and unfortunately they are grouped together with all teens so the rules apply to all those under 18. An adult is responsible for you until you are 18. I've been at many land resorts that also have curfews for teens and so does my town so it is not just the cruiseships that have these rules and although it seems unfair, it is partly for your safety. Do you think a 13 year old should be allowed to roam the ship alone all night? I understand you are probably with friends but eventually you all have to separate to go back to your own cabins and it's just not safe. There is a site called cruise bru..ise and I think you'd be very surprised at the number of incidences found there. Last Nov. the Explorer had several problems and damage caused by teens on the Nov. repo cruise back to Miami. Search the threads and you'll find it and you'll also find videos from that cruise on that other site and that may explain why there are curfews and why they are now enforced.

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Yep, me too. That's why my teenager has a curfew, on land or at sea! :D
That is of course up to you, what I think this thread is about, is, young adults who have not had the benefit of the type of life skills, that you and I have.They if they are on a cruise on there own or with parents who do not have these values,and cause a problem, then is a blanket curfew fair, in our mind it is not. The cruise line has a duty then to make sure that other passengers including responsible young and old adults holiday is a pleasant one, they should do this in all cases with effective security, like on land, step out of line sanctions, take teens out of this, alcohol is a problem, if I see adult drunks do I ban alcohol, If I hear or read thing that offend me do I ban freedom of speech that is draconian regards
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That is of course up to you, what I think this thread is about, is, young adults who have not had the benefit of the type of life skills, that you and I have.They if they are on a cruise on there own or with parents who do not have these values,and cause a problem, then is a blanket curfew fair, in our mind it is not. The cruise line has a duty then to make sure that other passengers including responsible young and old adults holiday is a pleasant one, they should do this in all cases with effective security, like on land, step out of line sanctions, take teens out of this, alcohol is a problem, if I see adult drunks do I ban alcohol, If I hear or read thing that offend me do I ban freedom of speech that is draconian regards

If cruise lines had the amount of security forces in place to assure that no one did anything wrong at night, we would all be paying a fortune in fares and the very people who are now saying a curfew is wrong would then be complaiing that the ship was like a gestapo state with security anywhere.


On one of our recent cruises (not RCCL), a group of teens 15-ish in age waitied until everyone had put all their luggage out on the last night of the trip. Due to the new airline regs requiring liquids be checked, this included some liquor that was packaged in those cardboard totes that the Caribbean liquor stores use. The kids proceeded to go up our passageway, breaking open the totes, and taking any bottles of vodka in them, leaving the packages in shambles. The teens were discovered, some passed out, with a large cache of liquor in the very front of a top deck, where it is pitch black at night.


Adults can legally purchase alcohol and have no reason to destroy other people's personal property as these teens did. It's great to say it is not right to have a rule that these 15 year olds should have been in bed by 2 AM until it is your personal property that is destroyed - then you'd be screaming for restitution by the cruiseline.


I can verify this story as the group I was traveling with had their liquor purchases destroyed and we were provided with the facts by security personel.

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As a father of two grown kids (now 27 and 32), I have never understood what is so magical about the early morning hours for doing stuff? My son specifically never really went out until after 10:00 at night. It was unusual for him to get home before 2:30 or so. Now granted he was a college student when he was doing this, but still I've always wondered what all is going on at 2:00 in the morning that couldn't go on at say 8:00? Beats the heck out of me. Maybe one of the young folks posting here could explain what is so magical about being up at that really late hour. Luckily our daughter never really went over to the dark side.

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As a father of two grown kids (now 27 and 32), I have never understood what is so magical about the early morning hours for doing stuff? My son specifically never really went out until after 10:00 at night. It was unusual for him to get home before 2:30 or so. Now granted he was a college student when he was doing this, but still I've always wondered what all is going on at 2:00 in the morning that couldn't go on at say 8:00? Beats the heck out of me. Maybe one of the young folks posting here could explain what is so magical about being up at that really late hour. Luckily our daughter never really went over to the dark side.


I was thinking the same thing myself.


Right now its summer vacation for all the kids . My kids are home all day while DW and I are at work. The same goes for all his other friends whose parents work all day.


They have the whole house to themselves for 8 or more hours. (Mine are 19,16,15) Thank God we have never had a problem and in fact they actually do a lot of little chores around the house to help out. But I know they aren't angels. They can do just as much "stuff" frojm 9-5 while the "cats away" as they can going out at night.


19 yr old will be at home alone while the rest of us will be on our next cruise . He will be in college and is working and will not be able to take the time off.


I know ther will not be any wild paties, he has proven himself on many occasions alone that he won't do that. Will he have a few buddies come over that DW anhd I have known for years andare always in our home, SURE.


Will ther be a few nights that his GF will be sleeping over? ...you can bet the farm on it *LOL* I am not naive enough to not think that won't happen.


But if you raise good kids and teach them the rules, and the consequences of their actions and reinforce it, hopefully you can guide them the right way.


See I look at curfews and things like that as a double edged sword , maybe not the best term.


Kids today have a lot more out there to contend with. They also (at least many do) have a lot more responcibilities thrown on them at home too.


Growing up my Mom was home all day long, she had breakfast on the table when we got up, our clothes were washed and folded our school lunch was packed . When we got home from school, our beds wer made , an after school snack was waiting for us. the house was immaculate, and a home cooked meal was a few hours away.


Today in many families , both parents work, the kids take on more and more chores. DW and I are gone before our kids wake up for school, They get themselves up, they get their own breakfast, make their own lunches, get off to school, they come home , do their homework, they have a little list of stuff to do around the house includeing starting dinner .


I know its not like this in all houses, but it sure is in mine.


Not sure my kids would, but a lot would look at that and think. "Man, I can be trusted to cook and clean and watch t5he youngers siblings, but on a cruise ship I can't sit on a deck chair with a soda and some friends.


Again i know not all kids are like this , but there are many out there.

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Soccer mom was there a curfew on this ship ? were these 15yr olds on there own? also my first contact with providing security to cruise lines in the med was in the 90s to stop prostitution on certain ship, the first signs were a higher than normal ratio of single middle aged adults, so the cost and the gestapo comments are fatuous, regards

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Soccer mom was there a curfew on this ship ? were these 15yr olds on there own? also my first contact with providing security to cruise lines in the med was in the 90s to stop prostitution on certain ship, the first signs were a higher than normal ratio of single middle aged adults, so the cost and the gestapo comments are fatuous, regards


On my first three times reading that, I can make no sense of what you're trying to say. Does this story about prostitution in the 90s and a higher than normal ratio of single, middle-aged adults tie in somehow to SoccerMom's post?



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On my first three times reading that, I can make no sense of what you're trying to say. Does this story about prostitution in the 90s and a higher than normal ratio of single, middle-aged adults tie in somehow to SoccerMom's post?



I dont agree with blanket bans or curfews, I believe that the line should provide security who stop any form of problem, be it caused by young adults or adults, curfews do not work, soccer mom said that would cost to much and put prices up, I used an example of personel being supplied to a cruise line from a company I had an interest in, the first problem was prostitution, this was stopped by 2 people, they then stopped the petty theft by passengers mainly "adults" from the shops, then the problem of drunks in the "adult"disco and bars,were stopped that was to try to explain that the cost implications are small, they did not look like the gestapo either, just like the ex Israeli SFs they were, regards
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The more I think about it, this thread is just like most of the others that cause the most controversy. They all seem to revolve around people arguing over "the rules."


Why can't I bring my own liquor on board?

Why can't they enforce the rules and keep all those nasty kids out of the solarium?

Why do I have to have a curfew?

Why would they let a teenager in the Concierge Lounge after 5pm? :eek:

Why, why, why . . . ???


People seem to have their own pet rules that they either think aren't fair, and they justify themselves breaking the rule, or rules that they think the cruise line should enforce more strictly. There are all kinds of rules in society that we have to deal with every day. Some are strict rules, and for good reason. Some are more lax and are only really invoked when there is a problem. It's not that hard to grasp.


Yes, there is a curfew. This is one of those rules that they use some discretion in terms of how strictly they want to enforce it. But there are a number of good reasons that they may want to enforce a curfew, not the least of which is that most of the ship is trying to sleep that late at night and don't want a bunch of kids roaming around the ship. It doesn't matter that some teens might be quiet and respectful, and some adults may be loud and drunk. It doesn't matter that there are some 12-year-olds who know how to drive a car safely and some adults who should not be allowed near a motorized vehicle. That doesn't make it "Draconian" to set a minimum driving age.


The curfew is a way to keep order on the ship and make it a pleasant experience for the maximum number of passengers. And it is one of those rules that they enforce more some times than others, depending on the circumstances.

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Soccer mom was there a curfew on this ship ? were these 15yr olds on there own? also my first contact with providing security to cruise lines in the med was in the 90s to stop prostitution on certain ship, the first signs were a higher than normal ratio of single middle aged adults, so the cost and the gestapo comments are fatuous, regards

First of all, please type your posts in a manner that I can understand (i.e. use sentences, punctuation, etc.)...


There was no curfew on this ship, although these activities had to have happenned well after midnight which is when the luggage was put out. Maybe if there were a curfew this would not have happened. Not sure if the kids acted alone when they stole the liquor as we obviously were not present or we would not have let this occur- they were alone when they were caught, based on the security reports.

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I will probably never get why any teenager on a cruise ship would want to go out in the middle of the night to just hang. I am 15, and since my sister is quite younger than me, I have to watch her at night while my parents go out to the club or casino. It doesn't bother me at all, and in fact I have zero intentions of going out in the middle of the night to "hang out" or do monotonous things.


I see those kids my age and older who sit on the stairs, race around the promenade deck, make out with their "significant other", getting drunk, and I merely just laugh. It's 50/50 blame...the kids and the parents. If a child is that stupid enough and at that age, and I believe everyone knows what consequences are at that age, they should know the outcome. And, if the parents can't even keep a 15 year old in line they probably can't keep themselves inline. Which makes the parents equally as stupid as their child.


Curfew or not, I highly doubt it would work. As much as everyone would like to see a curfew be put in charge, it will most likely slip. Teenagers always find a way to get around these things and end up doing something just as equally as bad or worst.

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I agree with Alcheme that once again this is about rules.We were on the Freedom in April and the captain had suspended the curfew.We could not get in the adult hot tubs because there was about 25 teens in there.The time was 1:30 a.m. We decided to start looking for a different cruise line.We have two previous booked cruises and then we're gone.However,I wonder if those opposed to a curfew would have no problem with smoking in the dining room,or nude sunbathing,or loud cursing.If you don't have rules you have chaos.Since Rccl seems to want to cater to teens,it is our option to try other cruise lines.It will be interesting to see where things are in about 5 years.

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I will probably never get why any teenager on a cruise ship would want to go out in the middle of the night to just hang. I am 15, and since my sister is quite younger than me, I have to watch her at night while my parents go out to the club or casino. It doesn't bother me at all, and in fact I have zero intentions of going out in the middle of the night to "hang out" or do monotonous things.


I see those kids my age and older who sit on the stairs, race around the promenade deck, make out with their "significant other", getting drunk, and I merely just laugh. It's 50/50 blame...the kids and the parents. If a child is that stupid enough and at that age, and I believe everyone knows what consequences are at that age, they should know the outcome. And, if the parents can't even keep a 15 year old in line they probably can't keep themselves inline. Which makes the parents equally as stupid as their child.


Curfew or not, I highly doubt it would work. As much as everyone would like to see a curfew be put in charge, it will most likely slip. Teenagers always find a way to get around these things and end up doing something just as equally as bad or worst.

CC- you sound like you have good head on your shoulders.


Thanks for presenting your point in a thoughtful, mature fashion.

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I am hope you are never out of your cabin after 1:00 AM, because whatever you needed to do clearly could have been done before.


I for one think all 15-17 year old should be given a plastic bracelet that could be worn for the length of the cruise. If said 15-17 year old cause any trouble, their plastic bracelet is then removed and they are bound by a curfew.


A cruise ship is more of a Hotel than it is a city. Most hotels have no curfew.


BUT.... It would seem that a lot of the cities that the hotels are located in do!


So are you saying it would be ok to roam the empty halls of a hotel? And do what?

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Its funny to me how you can fight and die in a war as a teen, but staying up late, at 56 I can still remember my teens regards


You will admit that a young man or woman at 18 after the needed training to fight in a war will more often than not be more responsable than an 18 year old who has not had that training.

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Like i said, paying SOME of your bills or expenses does not make you an adult! When you live on your own, and do EVERYTHING on your own, you are an adult. Until then someone else is responsible for you. My parents are still responsible for me. I will be 23 and my parents still want to know where i am before they go to bed. Why? because they are good parents. When i lived on my own (100%) for a few years, I still talked to my mom every night and she still asked if i was in for the night or if i was going out...


I feel bad for kids who dont have parents like mine. They may be over protective at times but they are one of a hand full (including my brother and S/O0 that I know will come to my rescue if i ever need it.


You got that right!


We lived for years in my mom & dad's 2 family home and my mom would wait up for my wife and I to come home cause she would worry, even if we were only going to my in-laws house.



I'm 51 now and up until my mom passed away in 2001 when we would leave her house (after we and she moved) after a visit we were always reminded to give her 2 rings on the phone when we got home to let her know we got home safely.


She would hear of a rush hour accident and would call us in the evening just to see that we were ok!


I miss that a lot.

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I never had a set curfew as a teen. I graduated high school at 16 way back in 1971!! I would ask my parents what time I had to be home and they would ask what activities were planned for the night and what time things would be expected to be over.


Their answer was..."use your head!!" If a high school dance was over at 11, using my head, I'd better be home by midnight!!


As I got older and bolder and was no longer a teen, I may have used my head less but always phoned my parents from where I was and told them what I was doing. All they really wanted to know was that I was safe. I lived on my own in New York City at barely 18 while going to college and still told my parents everything I was doing!!


I used the same "method" raising my son years later. It worked. He never took advantage and always informed me of what was going on...


Sadly, some kids can't handle the flexibility of choice and that's why "curfews" are imposed.




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