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BAck from Imagination..Good cruise bad problems


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I am taking my 6 and 4 year old and their second cruise in September and I would beat my childs butt if they threw food at someone. My kids are definately not the best behaved kids on earth, but they know their limits. I keep them from disturbing passengers without kids and from running wild. They are not allowed to be free of discipline.


I wish more parents would take the job of parenting serious and I am sorry you had a bad experience, but please don't look down on the parents that want their children to experience awesome vacations with them and not stay home without us.

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On our Mariner cruise I had a confrontation with a spoiled little girl in the elevator. She was probably around 10 years old. Her name was Haley and she enjoyed pushing all the buttons on the elevator. She was with 2 other little friends, and they would push all the buttons, then when the elevator stopped and the door opened they would run out but run right back in before the doors closed. After a couple of times the other 2 she was with tired of the game and got off. One even told Haley to stop after she saw the look I was giving them. DH and I, and one other adult were also in the elevator. Little Haley just looked at me with a bratty little grin on her face and said "Don't you just love it when we push all the buttons?" I told her no, I didn't. She tossed her head, and after a couple more floors she finally got off and said in a really sarcastic way, "Sorry we bothered you." I couldn't help myself, I told her she was a very bratty little girl. I had so hoped to get on an elevator another time with her, while she was with her parents, so I could smile sweetly at her and ask if she was going to push all the buttons this time too. Darn. Never happened. But I had never seen such a bratty child on any of our other cruises. And hope to never again.

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We were on the beach in Destin a couple of weeks ago and I like to fell out of my chair when I witnessed a boy about 8-10 yrs old yell at his mother that he would get his G** D*** A** out of the water when he was ready to.

His mother said "you know you are not supposed talk like that"-the kid followed that up with F*** Off B****.


If my now 28 yr old son had ever or for that matter ever used that language in public or private he would wouldn't be able to sit and at 28 he would still taste the soap in his mouth.


My son called me a butthole once when he was about 8..it was the last time he ever did that again. He got a mouth full of Dawn soap. I mentioned this once on a thread here and was called a cruel parent for it..Oh Well!!!! He turned out to be a very nice young man.

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We were on the beach in Destin a couple of weeks ago and I like to fell out of my chair when I witnessed a boy about 8-10 yrs old yell at his mother that he would get his G** D*** A** out of the water when he was ready to.

His mother said "you know you are not supposed talk like that"-the kid followed that up with F*** Off B****.


If my now 28 yr old son had ever or for that matter ever used that language in public or private he would wouldn't be able to sit and at 28 he would still taste the soap in his mouth.


OH MY GOD:eek: :eek:

They'd be putting me in jail. If my kid EVER talked to me like that she'd get her mouth slapped so hard I might knock out molars.

I love whern these bratty little ones get away with stuff like that, and when they're teenagers and doing stuff so horrendous that they wind up on the front page of your local newspaper, and their parents act all weepy wondering how little Johnny could have gone so wrong. :rolleyes:


My son called me a butthole once when he was about 8..it was the last time he ever did that again. He got a mouth full of Dawn soap. I mentioned this once on a thread here and was called a cruel parent for it..Oh Well!!!! He turned out to be a very nice young man.


LOL...at least you wouldn't go to prison for that.

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i still feel there should be an adult pool and the kids MUST go to camp carnival with their own kiddie pool


Amen on the adult pool. If an adult is overly annoying we can buy them enough alcohol to pass out. problem solved!! :eek:

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My son called me a butthole once when he was about 8..it was the last time he ever did that again. He got a mouth full of Dawn soap. I mentioned this once on a thread here and was called a cruel parent for it..Oh Well!!!! He turned out to be a very nice young man.

They must have been the parents that let their kids get away with murder!

Nothing wrong with a good bar of soap! I only had to use it once, also.

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We were on the beach in Destin a couple of weeks ago and I like to fell out of my chair when I witnessed a boy about 8-10 yrs old yell at his mother that he would get his G** D*** A** out of the water when he was ready to.

His mother said "you know you are not supposed talk like that"-the kid followed that up with F*** Off B****.


If my now 28 yr old son had ever or for that matter ever used that language in public or private he would wouldn't be able to sit and at 28 he would still taste the soap in his mouth.


Well... they do call that area the "Redneck Riviera" (we can say that, as we lived in the panhandle of Florida for many years..)


I would guess the woman was accustomed to being addressed in that manner - by her husband or INsignificant other (likely not even the boys father...:rolleyes: ) - which is also where the kid picked it up no doubt.


If one of our children had ever mouthed off like that to us (or anyone!) - I would probably be in jail for "child abuse" (striking child in public)... Though I am happy that we never had to resort to physical punishment for either of our boys (though perhaps it would have been "easier" at times!)




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You didn't say but it sounds like you had early seating. I would have gotten up immediately if a child threw something at me. I won't go to the grocery stores on Saturday because of the number of children whose parent's let them treat it like a play ground.


And if there is a language barrier, you cannot even make the parents aware of their loud obnoxioux children.


I have been very fortunate in my cruises, very rarely even saw the children.


I am doing a labor day cruise and am waitlisted for 2nd seating.. I will beg if I have to, to go later.




ps next time do a higher end cruise or wait until school is in session.

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We cruise with our kids. I don't have anyone else to leave them with, and I feel that it is also their vacation. They love the children areas, we don't leave them there the whole time, but they would rather eat up on deck, then sit in the dinning room with us, so that is our alone time, so we get the best of both worlds--wonderful time alone, and family time.


Last summer on Royal Carribean, we were all in the pool area together. There were a lot of kids there, and the pool was crowded. The ship did have an adult only pool, so the way I figure it, if you didn't want to be around the kids, go there, otherwise, if you were with the kids in the pool, it was because you had to be because you had kids!! Anyway, my older son wanted to go in the hot tub, but he knows the rules, and anyone under a certain age (maybe 14) had to be with an adult. So he asked me to go with him, and I did. As we went to get in a woman who is in the hot tubs tells me that he isn't allowed in because he isn't old enough. In the meantime there is another child in the hot tub who is unsupervised. This child speaks up and tells the woman that my son is fine, because I am with him. I found it a little funny that he knew the rule but wasn't following it, but he was well behaved, so I wasn't going to say anything...of course I really wanted to point out the sign also said "NO FOOD OR DRINK" and this woman had a plate full of food she was eating in the hot tub, and a drink in hand...I did not point out about the "no food" but I did tell her that there was an adult only pool and hot tub she was welcome to go to if she didn't want kids around...



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My son called me a butthole once when he was about 8..it was the last time he ever did that again. He got a mouth full of Dawn soap. I mentioned this once on a thread here and was called a cruel parent for it..Oh Well!!!! He turned out to be a very nice young man.



Mine turned out pretty good also. He still remembers and tells the story of when he was 9 and we went to the school Halloween carnival and all his buddies were running around and acting up. Oh but not him-he stayed with his dad and I the whole time. Too bad so sad. Didn't ruin him for life like he swore it would.


Even at 28 he still says yes maam and no maam and never fails to tell me he loves me when he hangs up the phone. He takes a lot of ribbing from his friends but you know what-he could care less. He knows right from wrong and I expect when he has children of his own he will teach them the lessons he was taught. All my friends tell me what a nice and polite young man he is.


Forget time out give me a bar of soap instead.

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Mine turned out pretty good also. He still remembers and tells the story of when he was 9 and we went to the school Halloween carnival and all his buddies were running around and acting up. Oh but not him-he stayed with his dad and I the whole time. Too bad so sad. Didn't ruin him for life like he swore it would.


Even at 28 he still says yes maam and no maam and never fails to tell me he loves me when he hangs up the phone. He takes a lot of ribbing from his friends but you know what-he could care less. He knows right from wrong and I expect when he has children of his own he will teach them the lessons he was taught. All my friends tell me what a nice and polite young man he is.


Forget time out give me a bar of soap instead.


When my son was about 11, a store clerk was disgusted over the customer in front of me "counting" as her 5 year old played with the automatic doors.


When that customer left, the clerk looked at me and said "well counting sure doesn't work". My 11 year old spoke up and said "that is because she is not using my Mother's counting method....one....two...Unconscious!"


Clearly it is the unconscious part that makes it effective!!

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When my son was about 11, a store clerk was disgusted over the customer in front of me "counting" as her 5 year old played with the automatic doors.


When that customer left, the clerk looked at me and said "well counting sure doesn't work". My 11 year old spoke up and said "that is because she is not using my Mother's counting method....one....two...Unconscious!"


Clearly it is the unconscious part that makes it effective!!


That's just too funny!!


I myself was never a fan of the counting thing either.

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My child knows that the count is 1, 2, wooden spoon applied firmly to butt cheeks repeatedly--and yes, I do take it everywhere we go. Children learn very quickly that 3 is either just another number or something very unpleasant.


This is about the zillionth thread on this subject and the bottom line remains the same, children are what they are taught. Period. "Talking" to the parents would be moot since if they cared the child wouldn't be acting like that to begin with.


And as for the child that cussed at his mother, I would not have even made it to 1, let alone 3, it would have been 0 to "unconscious" in .0002 seconds. Unbelieveable. Truly. :eek: :(

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Wow Maria! You sound bitter. I would suggest never leaving the house, or a good dose of Valium if you do. Sounds to me like you need to vacation at an adults only resort. Of course I have a feeling this wouldn't work for you either. I wish the people you vacation with the next time a heartfelt good-luck.

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There are kids...and then there are BRATS.


People with BRATS, should leave them home for the duration.

People with nicely-behaved sociable children

should feel free to bring them on a cruise, no problem.

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We got of the Imagination the other day and we had good cruise,good shows,good everthing as far carnival goes,but the people real bad.

All I say is shut your brats up or get out of the dining room,shows,pool and even the line to get on ship.This is my vacation too and I leave my kids home.When kid acts up,you leave not keep telling them to be good.:mad:

I so mad and it not just one family.Yes the pool water is salt and it hurts eyes and tastes bad,but don't cry and scream every 2 minute when it gets in eyes.:mad:



I think what a lot of these parents fail to understand, in their lack of control over their children, is that it becomes 'contagious'. .. other kids see it and sometimes it becomes a chain reaction.


I dont believe we should expect it because its summer and there are a lot of children on board.. Thats to be expected, but its not fair to the other families that have well behaved children or adults trying to vacation.


Children should not be admited to a caberet type show. period. If its a family oriented show then other guests would expect kids to be present.


Just like Camp Carnival should not be marching and singing thru the Casino

There is a time and place for everything.

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My child knows that the count is 1, 2, wooden spoon applied firmly to butt cheeks repeatedly--and yes, I do take it everywhere we go. Children learn very quickly that 3 is either just another number or something very unpleasant.


This is about the zillionth thread on this subject and the bottom line remains the same, children are what they are taught. Period. "Talking" to the parents would be moot since if they cared the child wouldn't be acting like that to begin with.


And as for the child that cussed at his mother, I would not have even made it to 1, let alone 3, it would have been 0 to "unconscious" in .0002 seconds. Unbelieveable. Truly. :eek: :(



LOL i got the spoon and that is why i respect others

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I thought it was One....Two....Whack!



Sometimes i didnt even get the one, two


We were raised that you didnt act out at dinner, or off to bed

you didnt act out in someone elses home


when it was playtime it was playtime and when it wasnt we behaved.. strict parents and catholic school.. but there was this one time i hit the nun back... oh thats another board LOL

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We were on the beach in Destin a couple of weeks ago and I like to fell out of my chair when I witnessed a boy about 8-10 yrs old yell at his mother that he would get his G** D*** A** out of the water when he was ready to.

His mother said "you know you are not supposed talk like that"-the kid followed that up with F*** Off B****.


If my now 28 yr old son had ever or for that matter ever used that language in public or private he would wouldn't be able to sit and at 28 he would still taste the soap in his mouth.

If that was my kid he would not have any teeth. I listen to the way some of these kids talk nowadays and I am appalled, if I dared say something like that when I was young I would not be replying to this post right now, some of these kids need a good spanking, not saying to abuse your child but it's all about time outs and that's a bunch of crap imo, these are the kids who turn out shooting up schools or murdering their families.

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Ray!!!! Long time! :)


I can't imagine having to sit through dinner with a kid screaming the entire time. Why do the parents allow this to happen? Frankly, I long for the days when corporal punishment was allowed in schools, kids respected their teachers and parents and getting in trouble at school meant the parents backed up the SCHOOL!


We've only seen minor problems with children, but then we usually cruise during the school year. No summers, no holidays.

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If that was my kid he would not have any teeth. I listen to the way some of these kids talk nowadays and I am appalled, if I dared say something like that when I was young I would not be replying to this post right now, some of these kids need a good spanking, not saying to abuse your child but it's all about time outs and that's a bunch of crap imo, these are the kids who turn out shooting up schools or murdering their families.


My 14 yr old stepgrandaughter was with us and even she was shocked. She looked at me and said "did he just say what I think he said"? She is the typical teenager but no way in the world would she ever dream of talking to her mother like that.

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