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Incompatible Table Mates

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We cruised Celebrity Infinity in January (South America itinerary). Seated with us was a wonderful couple from Pennsylvania who we enjoyed very much. Also seated with us was a man who looked just like Jack Nicholson, really....unfortunately that's where the similarity ended! He was rude, vulgar, no sense of humor whatsoever and in general was one of the crudest people I have ever met (and I've gotten around!!). His wife was a miserable woman who liked to talk about how depressed she was (no wonder living with no-Jack). We were going to switch tables the third night but our tablemates looked so sad that we decided to give it one more night. That night, no-Jack made an obnoxious comment with racist undertones to our table bar waiter. I was furious and made sure he (no-Jack) knew exactly how I felt!! They never came back to the table, was told by the waiter they were seated in the earlier sitting at a table for two.

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We cruised Celebrity Infinity in January (South America itinerary). Seated with us was a wonderful couple from Pennsylvania who we enjoyed very much. Also seated with us was a man who looked just like Jack Nicholson, really....unfortunately that's where the similarity ended! He was rude, vulgar, no sense of humor whatsoever and in general was one of the crudest people I have ever met (and I've gotten around!!). His wife was a miserable woman who liked to talk about how depressed she was (no wonder living with no-Jack). We were going to switch tables the third night but our tablemates looked so sad that we decided to give it one more night. That night, no-Jack made an obnoxious comment with racist undertones to our table bar waiter. I was furious and made sure he (no-Jack) knew exactly how I felt!! They never came back to the table, was told by the waiter they were seated in the earlier sitting at a table for two.

That reminds me of an incident that happened to us on the Jewel. We had two compatable couples at a table for 8 but one woman was drunk and complaining heavily. DH finally turned to her and said it was "our vacation too" . We three couples basically started talking to each other and in a few minutes, she & her husband left never to return. The other two couples thanked DH. We still keep up with one of the couples.


We basically have had pretty good luck with RCL and have had good and often wonderful tablemates. On Princess, it has been 50%. We have gone to the M'aitre d' and changed two out of four times because of negative people. Dinner in the dining room is very important so we don't want to sit with people we don't like.

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We cruised Celebrity Infinity in January (South America itinerary). Seated with us was a wonderful couple from Pennsylvania who we enjoyed very much. Also seated with us was a man who looked just like Jack Nicholson, really....unfortunately that's where the similarity ended! He was rude, vulgar, no sense of humor whatsoever and in general was one of the crudest people I have ever met (and I've gotten around!!). His wife was a miserable woman who liked to talk about how depressed she was (no wonder living with no-Jack). We were going to switch tables the third night but our tablemates looked so sad that we decided to give it one more night. That night, no-Jack made an obnoxious comment with racist undertones to our table bar waiter. I was furious and made sure he (no-Jack) knew exactly how I felt!! They never came back to the table, was told by the waiter they were seated in the earlier sitting at a table for two.



Ok, I think I have to coffee I spit on my screen cleaned off. The "no Jack" name cracked me up.

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looked just like Jack Nicholson, really....unfortunately that's where the similarity ended! He was rude, vulgar, no sense of humor whatsoever and in general was one of the crudest people I have ever met (and I've gotten around!!).


I don't know...that sounds pretty much like Jack to me! :)

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Our first cruise was a 10 day cruise for our Honeymoon. RCCL put 10 of us honeymooners all at the same table. RCCL didn't check the ages though.. this was my second marriage and I had 3 children already. The others were about 20 yrs younger than ourselves....we did all get along, with the exception of one couple that thought rock n roll was satans way of corrupting the world. We also one time had the reversal, we were the youngest at the table by about 30 years, no problem, but one husband kept buying us wine at dinner and his wife would get mad and leave in a huff. One night he saw us in a lounge and offered us money to push her overboard!!! Yeah, Alcohol was involved... What bothers me though is people that pretend to be more than what they are. Honestly, I have never met a plumber, janitor, waitress, just regular joe's on a cruise. Everyone is the president of something, talks about the millions they have. And you know they are full of __it!! We were the bad people once at a table that they were all bragging about how important they all are....and I don't talk about work on vacation, so I had been quite the first few nights. Well, I was fed up and told then I did the oldest profession in the world and I married my best customer.. That shut up the bragging....... Love to meet all different kinds of people.......guess I was the weirdo that night!!

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Well, I was fed up and told then I did the oldest profession in the world and I married my best customer.. That shut up the bragging....... Love to meet all different kinds of people.......guess I was the weirdo that night!!


Ha, Ha, Ha....LOL!! Can I borrow that line....it's priceless!!

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on our last cruise we had a season cruiser and a large table of couples . we all got along except for the one season cruiser... Us ladies had to ask the matre d to sit them elsewhere . the smell and the rudeness was just tooo much to bare. we then made sure we did not run in to cruiser the rest of the cruise however they seated him at the table next to us. we sent a bottle of wine to say sorry to the table...


steph and jim

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We have cruised many times with only one case of not enjoying our tablemates. We were at a table for 8 with a family of 6 adults from Ireland. Although they were pleasant enough to talk to, they had horrible b.o. and we just couldn't enjoy our food!!! We ended up at the Windjammer, but should have asked to be moved.

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We've sat at tables for 2, 4, 6, 8 and larger. We really have not ever had horrible tablemates but have enjoyed some more than others.

At breakfast and lunch it's enjoyable to eat at a table in the dining room or WJ with other people. If you don't enjoy their company it is only for a short time. If you enjoy the conversation you can always meet up again. For our evening meals I prefer a table for two. I always know who I'm dining with, whether he's having a good day or bad day!:D (There's been a few times I've wanted to request a different table for the evening!!!! He's not always perfect.;) )

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One of the highlights of every day on holiday is our evening meal, taking time over choosing nice stuff from the menu, a good bottle of wine, a chat about what happened during the day.....which is why I cannot face the thought of having to make small talk, every night, for 7 or more nights with total strangers. I can feel the flames now :rolleyes: and I'm very pleased for those of you who met your best friends for life at your dining table on a cruise but I LOVE spending time with ONLY my family and friends at dinner time and choose only to dine with them. I'm the friendliest person you'll meet in any other situation but please give me my 'special' time with those I want to be with and not those I'm forced to be with ;)


That's pretty much how we feel, Bobal. When it was several (or just one other) girls traveling together, we took what was assigned and NEVER had an unpleasant experience. Now that I'm married, I prefer to eat with just my husband. I still prefer traditional dining to free style. (But I LOVE that commercial about the little old lady who wants to discuss her gallbladder surgery at the table!!!:D )

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We have had good and bad luck with tablemates on past cruises. The past two cruises we have had just the four of us at our table, even though I have requested a large table. I am always somewhat disappointed, as it can be fun meeting new people, but after reading all the posts, it reaffirms that sometimes it's not so bad to sit just with people you know!

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On our last cruise, my husband and I requested a large table, for the very good reasons mentioned earlier in this thread.


Every single night of the cruise it was just 4 of us (my husband and I and one other couple) and 6 empty chairs! None of the other 6 people EVER showed up, not once!


The couple we dined with were nice enough... but she talked non-stop. We couldn't get a word in edge-wise, so we finally quite trying and just sat back and listened. By the end of the cruise, we knew EVERYTHING about THEM, and I don't think knew a darned thing about us! :rolleyes:

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What bothers me though is people that pretend to be more than what they are. Honestly, I have never met a plumber, janitor, waitress, just regular joe's on a cruise. Everyone is the president of something, talks about the millions they have. And you know they are full of __it!! quote]

LOL ! We were seated with braggers once, and they finally slowed down enough to ask DH what he did for a living.

He said, " I'm a bum ". :cool:


P.S. I should add that we've never had "bad" tablemates....Just a few who thought they were "great". :D ;)

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My wife and I are a bit nervous about this. On our first cruise we were with friends and we had a table for 4 so there was no problem. This time it's just the two of us. We have asked for a table for 2 (which is our preference), but we've also said that if we can't have that we would prefer to be at a bigger table than just 4. I see pros and cons to sitting with other people at dinner. Sure it could be interesting and fun if you end up with "good people", but we also really enjoy special dinners alone. Also, for us it's too important of a part of the day to put up with someone who we don't click with. I would definitely not eat at the Windjammer every day just to avoid them. I think that I would have to ask to be moved either to another table or the other seating.

I'm about to go on my 14th cruise and have always asked to be seated at large tables. I've never had tablemates that I didn't find friendly and enjoy chatting with during dinner. I've kept in touch with some from time to time.

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I agree with you. We get a table for two. And like you said people might disagree and the point it to meet new people. I feel that we meet new people during the course of the 7 days. Every event we join every interaction, every elevator ride, you meet new people. that does not mean I want to eat with them. I don't go to a restaurant and ask to sit with strangers, I don't want to do it on a cruise. I think the interaction that we have now is just right FOR US.


If you request a table for 2 (through your TA I assume?) are you likely to get it? I thought those were pretty limited.

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LOL ! We were seated with braggers once, and they finally slowed down enough to ask DH what he did for a living.

He said, " I'm a bum ". :cool:


P.S. I should add that we've never had "bad" tablemates....Just a few who thought they were "great". :D ;)

I love this! We sat with three other couples once who spent every night discussing how educated they were, how high up in their companies they were, and how much they could drink. It was hard to sit there and listen to all that bragging! I couldn't decide whether to say that we were ditch diggers or CEO's for a couple of Fortune 500 companies. I've read since of people who enjoy making up different personas for each cruise they go on. Sorry! With my memory, I'd probably get them all mixed up.


We also sat with a family once whose other relatives wanted nothing to do with them. It was two little old ladies (sisters), a forty-ish son of one of them, and his girlfriend. We were there with our kids who were 18 and 21 at the time. All this other family did was complain ALL the time! We contacted the matre 'de and suggested that they might be happier sitting two levels down with the rest of their family. He agreed, but the next night at dinner, the "good" son (the one who the old ladies kept comparing the poor guy at our table with) came up with his wife and convinced them that there were no good tables left near them, the service down there was terrible, and he was sure they'd be miserable there. Too bad he didn't realize that the old ladies spent a good deal of each dinner hanging over the balcony in the dining room and watching them have a great time down there.

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Query: how would those of you with children feel about having tablemates drinking wine at the table? Our only experience with this situation was with a couple we met a few years ago on Vision. They were seated with a family with children who were appalled, and said so loudly, when they ordered wine with dinner. It made them so self-conscious that they didn't finish the wine and ended up at our table after we met at the Captain's Gala the next night.


We order wine with our dinner and aren't inclined not to do so if somebody else at the table finds it objectionable - I think that would be a good example of incompatible tablemates. Part of my aversion to sitting with children is that I don't want to be Exhibit A in the "don't grow up to be like her" book (although I think I turned out pretty well, actually). I know that there are adults who frown on alcoholic consumption (we once sat with a teetotalling couple who requested a table change to get away from the rest of us), but I should imagine it's quite a bit more sensitive subject when kids are involved.


I know there's not going to be a universal answer nor will any result be statistically significant, but I'm curious how my fellow CCers with children feel about the issue...


We have 4 children ranging from 9-17. We are so involved in their school and sports, that when I am on vacation with just my husband, I want to act like an adult. I want to drink wine if I want. I know my husband wants to have a few beers. We do tend to drink a lot less when we bring the kids with us.

I want to be able to have adult conversation with other adults. Just the same as when my kids come with us on a cruise...they would rather sit with a family with kids than a family of all adults. No fun for them, they have nothing in common.

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Ha, Ha, Ha....LOL!! Can I borrow that line....it's priceless!!


yes, alwayshappytocruise...you can use my line...but beware, you wont' make a lot of lady friends.........but the men will be quite attentive and curious;) ...and it will keep the work talk/bragging down to a big ZERO!!:D

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two little old ladies (sisters), a forty-ish son of one of them, and his girlfriend. We were there with our kids who were 18 and 21 at the time. All this other family did was complain ALL the time! We contacted the matre 'de and suggested that they might be happier sitting two levels down with the rest of their family. He agreed, but the next night at dinner, the "good" son (the one who the old ladies kept comparing the poor guy at our table with) came up with his wife and convinced them that there were no good tables left near them, the service down there was terrible, and he was sure they'd be miserable there. Too bad he didn't realize that the old ladies spent a good deal of each dinner hanging over the balcony in the dining room and watching them have a great time down there.

ROFLMBO!!!! This had to be priceless...seeing their expressions when he lied to them!! :D :D :D Wonder if they figured out what a PITA they actually were?

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