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High Life on the High Seas: SDII crossing Tenerife to Miami 11/03/2007


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6:15 p.m. Sea Dream II time, somewhere in the Atlantic


Had a bit of rain yesterday afternoon and again this morning, but looks like we are through the front and on to smooth sailing. Last night the TOYC was closed due to weather but it looks like the grand reopening will occur right on time tonight.


So far the animal spotting has been whales (those of inside gearing up for dinner missed this treat but James assured us there were two "breaches"), dolphins, flying fish, and two birds today.


So much to do, so little time. Yesterday involved a trip to a lovely boutique. Nina arranged an early opening so that I could replace my smashed sunglasses before a two mile walk around Deck 6 - did you know 16 laps is a mile? Torture on the open seas - today's circuit was 3 miles. The group that finishes will have done a marathon or something like that by the time we reach Miami


Then there was all the heavy lifting involved with multiple Perriers with extra lime poolside. So strenous that turning more than 40 pages in a novel was just too much work. Had to end the day with a reflexology session at the spa


We hear that there is more caviar at tonight's cocktail hour - our 64 passengers went through the offering very quickly a couple of nights ago -though I understand that we have the self-proclaimed champion caviar eater on this crossing. We lost count after his 6th refill but since he graciously shared his bounty, all was right in our small world.


Poolside offerings at noon today were mini hamburgers and mini hot dogs along with Bloody Marys. Monday was tapas and sangria.


Movies and concerts abound . . . I hear the lectures are well attended -haven't made it to one yet . . . so much to do, so little time.


Frequent Traveler


Further complaining is uncalled for, however I do see that you are doing a poor job of avoiding the camera. You could go to the turkey lecture to plan for our Med cruise.


To all of your group, keep having fun while the rest of us slave away.

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Further complaining is uncalled for, however I do see that you are doing a poor job of avoiding the camera. You could go to the turkey lecture to plan for our Med cruise.


To all of your group, keep having fun while the rest of us slave away.


That would be the '09 Med cruise right zqvol (or at least that is the year that DH has PROMISED me we are going for our 25th anniversary).


Isn't amazing how much face time FT is getting this cruise? Glad to see that her tan in progressing nicely:D

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Yes, the parapazzi are all over the place. But I do have my sunscreen on, Disney Jen. You will be pleased to know that CTBJR has been poolside twice so far.


Right now the 2009 summer schedule has not been released. I tried to obtain this morning but was unable to do so - it only goes out as far as the spring 2009 crossing so no scoop for now.


Last night was the italian dinner - and I have never seen a larger prawn -- between that and the osso buco, as well as the carpaccio and lobster soup, we had yet another delicious dinner.


several of us did go into mourning when we heard the Colts-Patriots score but that's about the most news we've discussed.


actually finished the first book yesterday - too much to do to read.


sunny today and starting to get a bit warmer, but the breeze is nice.


Liar's Club is tonight as posted early and we have a "surprise" panelist - I'm sure CTBJR will post the details later.


time to go lift some more Perriers with three limes - when Gary is poolside there"s never an empty glass.



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Glad to hear that you are wearing sunscreen FT:cool: You'll have to tip off the paparazzi that ctb is poolside ... I know that inquiring minds (including Mrs. Ctb) would like documentation of him out of the "office.":D


WAAAHH ... Osso buco is my favorite. Did you have creme brulee with madelines as well?


One book ... only one? You really must be busy.


I bet you all are welcoming the warmer temperatures. How is the motion in the ocean? (DH asked me to ask:rolleyes:).


What have you done with alita? We are missing her postings:p


Looking forward to hearing all about Liar's Club!

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We had to abandon 'the office' during lunch today when the ship sailed into a low cloud... no hard rain but lots of mist and still some winds along with dropping temperatures. Good time for a siesta and as I was an early riser this morning I shall do just that when I finish my post.


Our jefe has come up with new and fascinating ways to entertain us -- first it was the 'dinner quotes' and now it is a daily quiz, emailed to us so that no prying eyes outside of our group will see the questions and attached images. I would love to share them with you but if I did I'm afraid I might be blackballed and have to eat alone for the rest of the trip.:(


Jen... I haven't posted as much as usual as there are several other scribes from our group keeping the story moving thus allowing me to be a bit lazy and sleep 14 hours most nights.


Service has been superb thus far and the food quite yummy. I've done some spa stuff and enjoyed it but I do think the treatment rooms are a little on the stuffy side... a bit more ventilation would not be out of place. However my cabin is deliciously cold -- a welcome change from the SS Wind earlier this year. Hoping to get a night out under the stars; my first reservation was rained out and I don't believe anyone has been able to make it this crossing. I have reserved next Sunday night and will hope for fair skies as we sail nearer to Florida.


Tonight is Liars Club and I very much fear that Mac the mechanic will be back again... full reports tomorrow!!



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Sorry to hear about the low hanging clouds that forced you to abandon the office. Hopefully that weather won't last long.


What fun dinners must be! We certainly understand your inability to share the quizzes although it would be fun to see one:D


Looking forward to today's photos and recap!


Fair wind and a following sea ...

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11:05 a.m - somewhere in the very calm (finallly) Atlantic. Its amazing how much difference there is between a "moderate" 7 meter sea and a moderate 2 meter wave. We are finally on the "pond"


Again never a dull moment . . . ..I've seen a rainbow, sunrise, and a sunset. I missed the excitement of a the smokestack belch a couple of days ago but just about died laughing last night. I won't spoil the fun, but yes, Mack, the Backyard Mechanic roamed through the dining room and moved through Liar's Club - At first I thought he was the chainsaw murderer but then realized he was just a French Canadian caught in "Deliverance" (the movie) country.


Chef Jes is quiet fetching in gold lame - so flattering. My team (with a name that can not be printed) was allegedly robbed of a correct answer, according to CTBJR but we have one more session to catch up and win). A hint - if you ever have a choice between turrkey stuffing and a weapon from Elfland - go with the turkey stuffing.


A new level of pampering - not even experienced at a Four Seasons - cleaning guest's sunglasses poolside each afternoon - quite impressive.


The Thai menu items were heavily sampled last night - don't pass on the spring roll or the won ton soup. Gazpacho that was just hot enough . . . and decadent dark chocolate sorbet.


Today's agenda includes pizza and blood marys poolside at noon, a trivia contest - Tibor, the devilish bartender, picked the topic - "Cocktails" - so we'll see if the former bartenders among the guests can win this one, and as yet announced "special event" with a trip down the hall to the spa wrapping up the afternoon.


We gain another hour tonight . . . getting too close to Miami. No dollar blackjack yet so my donations are going to the spa. Too much to do and so little time.



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Glad to hear that the seas have finally smoothed out for all our Sea Dreamers!


I see the paparazzi is doing an excellent job of capturing our intrepid travelers!


I see that Mack (FT is that the right spelling;)) made an appearance at Liar's Club. Actually, it looks like a grand time was had by all ...


Ctb you looked especially happy last evening:p


FT I saw Allan and Maggie walking ... where were you?


Alita I thought for sure there would be a photo of you singing at the piano bar by now:D


Wishing I was there ...

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Time for me to chime in. First and foremost, I have provided proof of the error that occurred last night during Liar's Club and am awaiting the results of our appeal. I am correct on this one and will be looking forward to FT acknowledging that to be the case!


DJ, I'm especially happy every night but I have to say that the group that we have assembled for this trip is a very excellent collection of people that we all seem to be enjoying very much. If only you and Mr. DJ were here.......


Today has been warm and smooth, as earlier chronicled by FT. I hit the treadmill early and then moved to the Office to supervise the walkers who did 48 laps (3 nautical miles) this morning. Very impressive. Then it was time for the lecture on Turkey which was fascinating, followed by Bloody Marys and pizza poolside. Might have been DJ's Bloody Mary recipe which I recall fondly from a trip a couple years ago.


After that, it was time for lunch. We squeezed 10 people into a 6 top on Deck 6. Next was nap time in the Office and then Team Trivia where the passengers (thanks to the excellent assistance of FT and her Secret Weapon) thumped the crew team led by the chief bartender. The topic was Cocktail Trivia and James did an excellent job coming up with challenging questions. I spent more time drinking my beer than accurately answering questions but was fortunate to have very knowledgeable teammates!


Tonight will be dinner outside on deck. We're all looking forward to that.


DJ, I haven't seen much of alita at the piano bar yet so I believe that the photos are reflecting reality. Some of my photos will be among those posted next, including some very special ones of Mac (note correct spelling) the Mechanic.


All for now. I'm sure that others will be chiming in soon.

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So my big excitement tonight is hosting bunco ... an excuse for 15 other women and me to drink wine, graze on appetizers and throw the dies!


Trust me ... after reading Ctb's post and closing my eyes and saying "Calgon take me away ..." I am still here in NC:eek:


Looks and sounds like you all are having such an incredible time. How wonderful that Mother Ocean and Mother Nature have decided to work in concert. Dinner on deck sounds wonderful!


Why am I not surprised that FT was behind the guests winning this important challenge. She is a person of many talents.


The incorrect spelling of Mac was for FT's benefit ... she'll be able to make the connection as it relates to my DH and her.:p


Every time I make those Bloody Marys I think of that trip with you ctb and Mrs. ctb (where is that sigh smilie when you need it:confused:)


Glad to see that you remember the camera this year ctb! Looking forward to seeing more photos ... and remember we have had a FT spotting each day:D


Calgon take me away ....

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I was showing DH the photos from Day 4 (yes he is a day late ... and sometimes a dollar short:p).


He pointed out that Mack is the correct spelling of the mechanic ... There is photographic evidence:D (see, I told you I am a lawyer at heart:p).


Awaiting photos from Day 5 ...

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I stand corrected. Mack is the correct spelling. The sad thing is that I took most of those photos!


A delightful dinner outside tonight following cocktails around the pool deck. We had a nice table for 11 and after that some of us headed for disco dancing in the Main Salon and the more intelligent members of the group headed for the TOY Bar and after dinner drinks.


All in all a very nice day and evening. I'm sure there will be more reports to follow tomorrow.

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Last night wasn't so late, particularly with the one hour time change we enjoyed. We woke up this morning to light rain and overcast skies and things haven't changed much since then. The seas are smooth and we did have breakfast and lunch on deck. It's not looking as if we'll have cocktails and dinner on deck tonight, however. We were also scheduled to have an Eagles concert DVD showing on deck tonight after dinner. That won't happen either.


The Captain gave a lecture this morning on his hike up Mt. Kilamanjaro. Those who attended said it was excellent.


The passengers handily beat the crew in trivia this afternoon. The topic was SeaDream ports.


Some passengers are currently at the afternoon lecture by the plastic surgeon. Others of us are lying low in our cabins waiting for cocktails and dinner. I'm sure that others will be posting as their busy schedules permit.

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Thanks for checking in ctb! Sounds like you have had a real mixed bag of weather so far this crossing.


Has Chef Jes made his lobster pumpkin bisque yet?


Resting up for cocktails and dinner sounds like a grand plan!


This time next week DH, DD and I will landing at FLL and getting ready to board HAL's Zuiderdam:eek:

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Last night I dined with James and two other guests topside and it was a gorgeous evening, we had a table at the rear of the deck and the usual great food and superb service. Afterward I was feeling more energetic than usual so I went up to the top of the yacht and found the office occupied by ctb, ted, allan and bill, all smoking huge cigars. But the smoke was carried away by the wind so I joined them, had a couple of lemoncellos, and learned all about 'mileage runs' and topping up FF accounts before the end of the year. Most educational!!


Ctb was signed up for the big bed at the front of the ship and he offered it to anyone who was interested... FT and others went of up there and played around for awhile but in the end decided not to sleep there and a good thing too, as the rain began in the early hours of the morning and continued off and on all day today. Good news is that the seas were calm in spite of the wet weather...


Tonight we had our full complement of ten at JT's table plus our honored guest CAD James. It was a particularly lively evening... we all seemed wired, perhaps because we'd been cooped up inside all day. Plans are now afoot for LeeAnn's birthday celebration, watch this space to find out what outrageous acts we stage to welcome her to her 29th year!

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I'm waiting for alita to edit her post to acknowledge that I was not smoking a huge cigar last night - or anything else for that matter. Otherwise, her post is generally accurate. It was nice to see her at the TOY Bar after dinner last night.


I've just left the showing of the Eagles DVD in the Main Salon. A good group in there still at this late hour. I did a quick drive by of the TOY Bar and Piano Bar, both of which are in full swing.


As I have a very busy day scheduled tomorrow, I'm signing off for now. Stay posted for further details.

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Disney Jen -I noticed that I still owe you a couple of responses. Yes, creme brulee with madelines was on the menu the night of osso bucco. I'm usually walking the deck about an hour before the 'organized walk' - can't miss the sun at 10:00- so I avoid the parapazzi.


And we enjoyed a wonderful couple of hours stargazing the night CTBJR reserved the bali bed. The milky way was absolutely stunning in the middle of the ocean. Good thing no one slept out as the rain moved in early . . . as others have chronicled, it rained off and on all day yesterday. While we weren't able to dine outside last night . . . dinner was another masterpiece. I wasn't expecting venison but it was delicious. And in addition to the never empty glass of champagne, we also have the never empty chocolate truffle dish. As soon as one gets close to being depleted, another miraculously appears on the table.


I've been remiss in giving credit where credit is due . . . the TOY bartenders have gotten especially creative in the afternoon lull. We were surprised with customized smoothies a couple of days ago. Then it was excellent margaritas and yesterday was an iced coffee with secret additions which I've been sworn never to disclose -- Zoltran and Silvio rock!!!


And then my first "Asian Fusion" massage . . .. my only complaint was that it was only 50 minutes long --- almost had to roll me off the table at the end to get me to leave. Going back for an encore today.


We are going to have a PajamaRama birthday bash at the TOY bar Sunday night. More details to follow but remember what happens on SDII stays on SD II.


CTBJR is monitoring (heckling) the walkers - due to the rain yesterday, the walk was cancelled and the group is doing 4 miles today. Cloudy but calm at 10 a.m. in the middle of the Atlantic. Guess I'll go join him at the office.



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Greetings Sea Dreamers!


I just took a look at the photos that are up from this morning's sunrise! All I can say is WOW!!!


The water looks as calm as a lake ... and the sky is gorgeous. I also see that you have a hitchiker ... a bird:p


Hope you have a glorious day as the weather looks postcard perfect (I'll show DH these photos and not the ones of the gray skies from yesterday:D)

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Yesterday’s weather was a bit disappointing – a glorious sunrise (or so I heard) but deep dark cloudy by noon. Still the hours flew away. A busy Sunday awaits . . . champagne and caviar splash PLUS the PajamaRama Birthday Bash.


Last night’s spa cuisine was wonderful . . . but so hard to resist those little chocolate truffles. The pastry chef is a genius. He’s fairly new and I haven’t had the privilege of thanking him in person but the chocolate just keeps on coming!!


DisneyJen - no pumpkin lobster bisque yet but Jes assures me its coming. Special requests for other guest have included homemade onion rings, salmon fish and chips, and curry chips. So far I have yet to have heard of a request that hasn't been honored.


Also was privileged to meet the Captain and the new Chief Engineer at dinner last night. This is the first time I’ve been on a yacht preparing for the annual inspection and its been fascinating – the “fireworks” from the SOS drill were quite interesting. The Chief Engineer has only been with SD for about a month but is already quite passionate about how much he enjoys his job and the crew.


Yesterday’s excitement was out newest passenger arrival – a bird came flying in poolside, he struggled to land, and then walked around the railing. From the size of his talons, it appears he’s a coastal or swamp dweller – not a sea bird. The captain thought he may have come from the cargo ship we saw in the distance in the morning.


Thanks to the kindness of fellow travelers, I was able to hear Loretta Lynn’s version of Rocky Top yesterday (how did we survive before Ipods?) and actually heard the 4th verse for the first time ever. And I learned the Vols were victorious in revenging last year’s loss to the hogs – GO VOLS!!


So much to do, so little time, the sun is calling me. A morning walk, then breakfast where the wonderful Vlado always remembers the grilled tomatoes. And then more sun . . .Champagne & Caviar, I guess I will have to skip the massage to work in a nap before dinner and the PajamaRama . . .


Frequent Traveler

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For those of you interested in following our progress across the Atlantic, here's the link to the website that will be updated daily:




That website is great! I have seen a couple of freeweb.com pages for SeaDream voyages. Is that something the company provides (which would be a refreshing innovation) or is this maintained by fellow passengers?




SD II, Dec 14th, 9 Day Caribbean



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That website is great! I have seen a couple of freeweb.com pages for SeaDream voyages. Is that something the company provides (which would be a refreshing innovation) or is this maintained by fellow passengers?


The website is provided and updated by SeaDream. Some of the photos are contributed by passengers but otherwise, all we have to do is pose.


SeaDream started doing these with the SD2 Crossing in Oct.-Nov. '05 and I think has provided them for most transatlantic crossings since. Glad you're enjoying it. It does give you a flavor of daily goings on.

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