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Hello from Volendam!


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I'll make a prediction- heck, maybe we could start a betting-pool.


You'll get your "apology", Sherry. It will be followed by a self-imposed absence from the board for maybe 10 days...


Then, it will be back to business as usual.


(OK..... this poster is betting on a 10 day sabbatical...what say you?) :)

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Last Night, we enjoyed a lovely dinner in Pinnacle – I had the Tequila Ceviche appetizer and an excellent Veal Chop that was offered on special that evening, others had the standard fare – the service was much swifter than we’ve had on our Noordam cruises, and the Head Sommalier decanted our wine into a most unusual long-necked crystal serving piece that reminded us of an Aardvark, presumably to make it easier to serve from across the long table against the banquette. One of the more clever features of their banquette seating in Pinnacle is that the tabletops are mounted on rails that enabled the table to be drawn out so that one needn’t skootch down the banquette to be seated or arise from the table, then it could be pushed back and locked in place for service.


We purposely scheduled our dinner in Pinnacle to coincide with the Master Chef Dinner - After dinner, a number of our new shipboard friends who were not part of our little group asked us why we didn’t tell them how awful the Master Chef was going to be… In Our Humble Opinions, the sooner Rudi, Bill & Stein get used to the idea that the Master Chef is a Master Disaster and discontinue it once and for all, the better – Most new and repeat passengers hate it, the menu isn’t that great, and the idiotic “Dinner Show” is an embarrassment for the staff and waiters.




Speaking of Staff and Crew, we’ve enjoyed excellent service at Table 137 – I can’t say enough good things about our waiters. Our steward for cabin 7086, Widi, is an absolute joy, and the numerous bartenders, waiters and waitresses in the bars and lounges are just wonderful – many of whom Scotty, Adele and Greg know from previous cruises aboard Zaandam, Ryndam and Rotterdam.


Kenn who plays in the Piano Bar is new to the line – but he told us today that he has been offered a position on the Eurodam Inaugural – I suggested to him that if he wanted to make a particular Ruthless happy, that he’d better learn how to play “Celery Stalks at Midnight”… ;)


Our CD Mike and his cruise staff are a very fun and friendly group – all but DJ Jason, who doesn’t like to play music according to the theme of the evening and has told a number of passengers making requests that he can’t (even tho the CD has said it’s OK) saying “It’s against the Rules” and “Mike’s Wrong.” In Our Opinion, the music coming from the Muzak Channels in the stateroom is better selection than what Jason plays. (Where’s DJ Jazzy Jeff when we need him???) When I mentioned this issue to our CD Mike, he actually took the time to make a call to 7086 a bit later this afternoon to ask for more information when I also mentioned to him during our chat my thoughts on the Black & White Ball. He told me that none of the officer’s on this ship participate in the B&W (clearly a leadership issue) but that the idea of moving it to the last formal night rather than the night before Panama was a worthy idea so that more folks could participate. Mike obviously cares about his passengers and his staff - and he seems quite amenable to reasonable feedback. We do appreciate him looking after us and making sure that our concerns are fairly addressed and look forward to seeing him and his lovely wife Leia (our Onboard cruise consultant) on future cruises.




Chocolate Alert!


If you want to have a yummy Chocolate Milk, do like Adele and I are right now: Smuggle aboard a bottle of Chocolate Curacao and pour some into a glass of Milk & ice from the Lido – it’s a tasty treat! (and its full of calcium – good for strong bones and teeth)






We hear that the Duck disappearances are continuing unabated – Poor Francois, our HM tells us that his staff and crew are being unduly blamed for the kidnappings (Well, there has been Duck on the menus for the past few days, and Duck Pate served in the lounges before dinner…). Apparently, the Duckie members are getting their feathers all ruffled - they’re even turning on each other: one lovely lady in the group has actually been excommunicated from the Ducky group! One wonders what future atrocities could be in store…






This morning, we enjoyed a new concept for the Mariner’s reception: We were invited to a cocktail reception (with the good nuts) in the Explorers Lounge where we met Captain Fred and our HM Francois – this is where they presented new medals, took photographs and honored our Adele for being the passenger aboard this cruise with the most days on HAL (560). Afterwards, we were funneled to the Lower Dining Room where we were greeted with flutes of Champagne and escorted to tables where we were seated according to place-cards – this was also where we were presented with our HAL tiles picturing a reproduction of the Statendam (III) poster. Adele, Greg, Christopher, Scotty and I were seated at the large central table w/ our HM along with another couple and we enjoyed a lovely luncheon served with a Chateau Neuf du Pape. Francois told us of how hard HAL is at work to make the AYW Dining concept work well for their passengers, including tracking passengers wine so that it can be served at their tables wherever they may be, and also upping the compensation of the table stewards in the AYW Dining areas so that they will not suffer any financial losses. He also informed us that this luncheon was an attempt to make the Mariner’s feel more appreciated for their continued patronage, and we agree – we felt that this was nicer than sitting in the show-lounge and enjoyed getting to share a meal with other Mariners and hear stories about their travels on HAL. (It even turned out that the couple that were seated at our table with us had been on the 2003 Rotterdam (VI) “Cruise From Hell” that went through the bad storm off the coast of Greenland a number of years ago with our Adele.)


Francois has been w/ HAL for a number of years, coming from Pearl Cruises, the Marco Polo and Windstar, eventually settling at HAL for the past 12 years. If you get a chance to see him, he’s a very nice man and like many others on HAL, enjoys a good laugh.



Stormy Weather


Well, we asked the waiters and stewards to do a “Sun Dance” for us, but to no avail: It’s been just as gray and drizzly today as it was yesterday. The Apples and Crackers are out for the amateurs, so we may not see many folks at dinner this evening.


At one point, the Magrodome was opened slightly to allow for some air circulation (and possibly to free the little yellow finch who’s been aboard with us the past few days) We then sailed into a rainstorm and the driving rain came through the opening and completely drenched the folks who were sleeping on the chaises surrounding the midship pool – a rude awakening! The deck stewards and waiters ran to move the chaises and closed the roof to a resounding applause. It’s now nearly 5pm and the skies are finally beginning to clear – we all hope for sun on our last day at sea tomorrow so that we can go home proudly wearing tans and sunburns… (Don’t worry, Nana – I’ve been using my SPF1000/Suntan-in-a-Bottle)


It’s about time for a short nap now – We lost an hour last night so I need to make up a bit before dressing for our last Formal Night this evening.



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I feel that you misread my statement. In no way was I suggesting that religion is hypocrisy. I was commenting on the uncharitable actions of one individual. You could refer to the action as hypocrisy that flies in the face of the ideals he is supposed to represent.

PLEASE----I am not trying to start another hot topic.---Just clarifying my statement.


Please Sapper1, in no way did I mean that YOU were suggesting that religion is hypocritical. I AM THE ONE SUGGESTING (or better yet, stating) IT!! I understood your post.....you did NOT AT ALL say anything that would start a hot topic....if anyone did, it was me....thats why I added my disclaimer.


I just wanted to agree with you on how a "man of God" should not present himself in the way he did. You said it very well. I am the one who added something I probably shouldnt have. Oh well. At least its not a picture....


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Please Sapper1, in no way did I mean that YOU were suggesting that religion is hypocritical. I AM THE ONE SUGGESTING (or better yet, stating) IT!! I understood your post.....you did NOT AT ALL say anything that would start a hot topic....if anyone did, it was me....thats why I added my disclaimer.


I just wanted to agree with you on how a "man of God" should not present himself in the way he did. You said it very well. I am the one who added something I probably shouldnt have. Oh well. At least its not a picture....



I understand completely. I wasn't offended at all.

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I'll make a prediction- heck, maybe we could start a betting-pool.


You'll get your "apology", Sherry. It will be followed by a self-imposed absence from the board for maybe 10 days...


Then, it will be back to business as usual.


(OK..... this poster is betting on a 10 day sabbatical...what say you?) :)


I wouldnt count on any apology. More like a "if you dont like it, dont read it" type of lecture, which goes along with the "if you dont like dressing up, dont sail with HAL" type of comments I am used to reading.:D



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Last Night, we enjoyed a lovely dinner in Pinnacle – I had the Tequila Ceviche appetizer and an excellent Veal Chop that was offered on special that evening, others had the standard fare – the service was much swifter than we’ve had on our Noordam cruises, and the Head Sommalier decanted our wine into a most unusual long-necked crystal serving piece that reminded us of an Aardvark, presumably to make it easier to serve from across the long table against the banquette. One of the more clever features of their banquette seating in Pinnacle is that the tabletops are mounted on rails that enabled the table to be drawn out so that one needn’t skootch down the banquette to be seated or arise from the table, then it could be pushed back and locked in place for service.


We purposely scheduled our dinner in Pinnacle to coincide with the Master Chef Dinner - After dinner, a number of our new shipboard friends who were not part of our little group asked us why we didn’t tell them how awful the Master Chef was going to be… In Our Humble Opinions, the sooner Rudi, Bill & Stein get used to the idea that the Master Chef is a Master Disaster and discontinue it once and for all, the better – Most new and repeat passengers hate it, the menu isn’t that great, and the idiotic “Dinner Show” is an embarrassment for the staff and waiters.




Speaking of Staff and Crew, we’ve enjoyed excellent service at Table 137 – I can’t say enough good things about our waiters. Our steward for cabin 7086, Widi, is an absolute joy, and the numerous bartenders, waiters and waitresses in the bars and lounges are just wonderful – many of whom Scotty, Adele and Greg know from previous cruises aboard Zaandam, Ryndam and Rotterdam.


Kenn who plays in the Piano Bar is new to the line – but he told us today that he has been offered a position on the Eurodam Inaugural – I suggested to him that if he wanted to make a particular Ruthless happy, that he’d better learn how to play “Celery Stalks at Midnight”… ;)


Our CD Mike and his cruise staff are a very fun and friendly group – all but DJ Jason, who doesn’t like to play music according to the theme of the evening and has told a number of passengers making requests that he can’t (even tho the CD has said it’s OK) saying “It’s against the Rules” and “Mike’s Wrong.” In Our Opinion, the music coming from the Muzak Channels in the stateroom is better selection than what Jason plays. (Where’s DJ Jazzy Jeff when we need him???) When I mentioned this issue to our CD Mike, he actually took the time to make a call to 7086 a bit later this afternoon to ask for more information when I also mentioned to him during our chat my thoughts on the Black & White Ball. He told me that none of the officer’s on this ship participate in the B&W (clearly a leadership issue) but that the idea of moving it to the last formal night rather than the night before Panama was a worthy idea so that more folks could participate. Mike obviously cares about his passengers and his staff - and he seems quite amenable to reasonable feedback. We do appreciate him looking after us and making sure that our concerns are fairly addressed and look forward to seeing him and his lovely wife Leia (our Onboard cruise consultant) on future cruises.




Chocolate Alert!


If you want to have a yummy Chocolate Milk, do like Adele and I are right now: Smuggle aboard a bottle of Chocolate Curacao and pour some into a glass of Milk & ice from the Lido – it’s a tasty treat! (and its full of calcium – good for strong bones and teeth)






We hear that the Duck disappearances are continuing unabated – Poor Francois, our HM tells us that his staff and crew are being unduly blamed for the kidnappings (Well, there has been Duck on the menus for the past few days, and Duck Pate served in the lounges before dinner…). Apparently, the Duckie members are getting their feathers all ruffled - they’re even turning on each other: one lovely lady in the group has actually been excommunicated from the Ducky group! One wonders what future atrocities could be in store…






This morning, we enjoyed a new concept for the Mariner’s reception: We were invited to a cocktail reception (with the good nuts) in the Explorers Lounge where we met Captain Fred and our HM Francois – this is where they presented new medals, took photographs and honored our Adele for being the passenger aboard this cruise with the most days on HAL (560). Afterwards, we were funneled to the Lower Dining Room where we were greeted with flutes of Champagne and escorted to tables where we were seated according to place-cards – this was also where we were presented with our HAL tiles picturing a reproduction of the Statendam (III) poster. Adele, Greg, Christopher, Scotty and I were seated at the large central table w/ our HM along with another couple and we enjoyed a lovely luncheon served with a Chateau Neuf du Pape. Francois told us of how hard HAL is at work to make the AYW Dining concept work well for their passengers, including tracking passengers wine so that it can be served at their tables wherever they may be, and also upping the compensation of the table stewards in the AYW Dining areas so that they will not suffer any financial losses. He also informed us that this luncheon was an attempt to make the Mariner’s feel more appreciated for their continued patronage, and we agree – we felt that this was nicer than sitting in the show-lounge and enjoyed getting to share a meal with other Mariners and hear stories about their travels on HAL. (It even turned out that the couple that were seated at our table with us had been on the 2003 Rotterdam (VI) “Cruise From Hell” that went through the bad storm off the coast of Greenland a number of years ago with our Adele.)


Francois has been w/ HAL for a number of years, coming from Pearl Cruises, the Marco Polo and Windstar, eventually settling at HAL for the past 12 years. If you get a chance to see him, he’s a very nice man and like many others on HAL, enjoys a good laugh.



Stormy Weather


Well, we asked the waiters and stewards to do a “Sun Dance” for us, but to no avail: It’s been just as gray and drizzly today as it was yesterday. The Apples and Crackers are out for the amateurs, so we may not see many folks at dinner this evening.


At one point, the Magrodome was opened slightly to allow for some air circulation (and possibly to free the little yellow finch who’s been aboard with us the past few days) We then sailed into a rainstorm and the driving rain came through the opening and completely drenched the folks who were sleeping on the chaises surrounding the midship pool – a rude awakening! The deck stewards and waiters ran to move the chaises and closed the roof to a resounding applause. It’s now nearly 5pm and the skies are finally beginning to clear – we all hope for sun on our last day at sea tomorrow so that we can go home proudly wearing tans and sunburns… (Don’t worry, Nana – I’ve been using my SPF1000/Suntan-in-a-Bottle)


It’s about time for a short nap now – We lost an hour last night so I need to make up a bit before dressing for our last Formal Night this evening.




In between all the excitement (and I can't remember a livelier Sunday on the HAL boards), there is still a very good cruise review being offered here for our pleasure.:) Thanks, Brian.

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Last Night, we enjoyed a lovely dinner in Pinnacle – I had the Tequila Ceviche appetizer and an excellent Veal Chop .............



Timing is everything.......the interjection of the veal chop at precisely this moment in time is perfection.:D

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Phew! I was starting to think I had made more enemies!! :D I'm glad you understood. Sometimes the written word is hard to get across...



I know what you are saying. Sometimes you are thinking one way and without the nuances that occur during a spoken conversation the written message is quite flat and can be taken any number of ways.
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We hear that the Duck disappearances are continuing unabated – Poor Francois, our HM tells us that his staff and crew are being unduly blamed for the kidnappings (Well, there has been Duck on the menus for the past few days, and Duck Pate served in the lounges before dinner…). Apparently, the Duckie members are getting their feathers all ruffled - they’re even turning on each other: one lovely lady in the group has actually been excommunicated from the Ducky group! One wonders what future atrocities could be in store…




Don't tell me they are.......eating their own....:eek:

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I have to confess to 'skipping ahead' in this thread....I couldn't face wading through page after page of 'how dare they' comments. I honestly don't see how another person's mode of dress could SO impact one's cruise. Not everyone is comfortable in formal wear. Are they to be confined to their cabins for those nights? Will they receive some reimbursement from HAL for the restriction on their use of the ship? (I'm willing to bet they paid full pop for THEIR cruise too! I'm certainly not a fan of 'wife beaters' or jean shorts in the DR, but if they're wearing slacks and a shirt, I don't have a problem. (frankly, I'd rather see nice slacks and a shirt than the fanciest jacket possible paired with leather pants......would I let it impact my cruise? NO.)


I realize that formal night and the accompanying dress code is covered in the pre-cruise info., but if not everyone chooses to comply, or perhaps is UNABLE to comply, why does it matter? I'm all for enforcing A dress code in the formal DR, but elsewhere on the ship, I'm sorry, everybody is on a vacation. RELAX. I honestly don't believe it will end civilization as we know it.


..and for the record...I do not live in a trailer....or in the south.....I have all of my teeth, a job, friends, family, bathe regularly......in no way am I a redneck. :-)

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I really am not a big fan of posting pictures of people without their knowlege, but I believe that this whole thing has gotten blown out of proportion.


To turn this into a religious discussion is incorrect in my mind. Just because the poster works in a religious position I dont think it is fair to attack him in this manner. Whether we like it or not, it is legal to take pictures of people in a public setting.


This is cruise critic, and should be focused on cruising. Pictures of people on the cruise ship regarding dress code is cruise related whether we like it or not...religous and moral issues are not. Just my opinion along with the many others that are being shared here.

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I have to confess to 'skipping ahead' in this thread....I couldn't face wading through page after page of 'how dare they' comments. I honestly don't see how another person's mode of dress could SO impact one's cruise. Not everyone is comfortable in formal wear. Are they to be confined to their cabins for those nights? Will they receive some reimbursement from HAL for the restriction on their use of the ship? (I'm willing to bet they paid full pop for THEIR cruise too! I'm certainly not a fan of 'wife beaters' or jean shorts in the DR, but if they're wearing slacks and a shirt, I don't have a problem. (frankly, I'd rather see nice slacks and a shirt than the fanciest jacket possible paired with leather pants......would I let it impact my cruise? NO.)


I realize that formal night and the accompanying dress code is covered in the pre-cruise info., but if not everyone chooses to comply, or perhaps is UNABLE to comply, why does it matter? I'm all for enforcing A dress code in the formal DR, but elsewhere on the ship, I'm sorry, everybody is on a vacation. RELAX. I honestly don't believe it will end civilization as we know it.


..and for the record...I do not live in a trailer....or in the south.....I have all of my teeth, a job, friends, family, bathe regularly......in no way am I a redneck. :-)


For the record, I live in the south, know how to dress as does my wife, have all my teeth, have a job, have a lot of friends, and probably live in a nicer house than you do and most certainly bathe regularly and am proud to be a redneck. If you can't afford to dress properly or are unable to dress properly on a HAL cruise what in the hell are you doing on a HAL cruise? NCL has a great product specialy tailored for the uncooth and those unable or unwilling to dress properly :D :D

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Kenn who plays in the Piano Bar is new to the line – but he told us today that he has been offered a position on the Eurodam Inaugural – I suggested to him that if he wanted to make a particular Ruthless happy, that he’d better learn how to play “Celery Stalks at Midnight”… ;)

Ah, but will he also know the proposed (rejected) title for the flip side of the record? ;)

Have any of you been in the Piano Lounge to see how he is? In other words, will I like him? :D Just tell him to concentrate on music from 1950 and back---with special emphasis on the 20's and 30's. K?

As usual, Brian, your posts continue to entertain and enlighten. And bring out envy that I'm not there. :)

Thanks a bunch.

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"It is legal to take pictures of people in a public setting."


True enough... but that's not really the issue here. It's what was done with the photos afterwards. To me it's about posting them on a public website for the purpose of ridiculing them. It's a character issue. IMO


I make no pretense of piety... but it would never occur to me to make fun of what other people look like or what they were wearing as a form of entertainment... as I've seen from the Rev and his "cousin" on a previous post. I really find it quite offensive.


Here's a link to his website: http://revneal.org/donation.html


Perhaps his supporters would like to go and make a donation so he can continue cruising in the manner he's become accustomed.


I honestly consider myself very open-minded and would not have minded cruising with group. (until this) I don't know how to say this... (because I'm not sure of the current politically correct term) but why is it that a "certain group" is so preoccupied not only with their own attire but apparently everyone else on the ship?


In a small way... perhaps... this is also hurting CC. I see there is a whole page where you can purchase CC logo hats... shirts... etc. At this point I'm not sure I want anyone to identify me with this site.


Finally... I am not addressing the issue of dress codes. I have no problem dining in the Lido. I do find it offensive that someone suggests I be served Corn dogs and chili when I'm paying the same price for the cruise.

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I joined this site to learn more about cruising since I am a first timer next month. I am dismayed at RevNeal postings. This man is surely not a minister? I read back where he talks about Christopher and he analyze and make fun of what people are wearing. Then to read his rant about dress code and taking pictures of what he believes is not appropriate.

People all pay for this cruise and I don't think it is anyones business what a fellow cruiser wears. Get a life!

Maybe those who are so offended by others attire should find another cruise line...like Crystal....or better yet....buy your own ship!

Just sign me dismayed at the Cruise Critic Message Board


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Cath66... the "leather pants" comment made my day. You are now one of my favorite posters along with NoNoNanette and a few others.


I really have no problem with the leather pants... because I don't care about what anyone else is wearing. But is was funny.


Please let me add... that I'm not in favor of folks wearing shorts on formal nights etc. I believe people should dress appropriately. If I'm not comfortable in a tie I'll eat in the Lido. (as long as the food quality is not significantly diminished)


I really appreciate folks listing their future cruises. It really is a help when planning bookings.

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"It is legal to take pictures of people in a public setting."


True enough... but that's not really the issue here. It's what was done with the photos afterwards. To me it's about posting them on a public website for the purpose of ridiculing them. It's a character issue. IMO


I make no pretense of piety... but it would never occur to me to make fun of what other people look like or what they were wearing as a form of entertainment... as I've seen from the Rev and his "cousin" on a previous post. I really find it quite offensive.


Here's a link to his website: http://revneal.org/donation.html


Perhaps his supporters would like to go and make a donation so he can continue cruising in the manner he's become accustomed.


I honestly consider myself very open-minded and would not have minded cruising with group. (until this) I don't know how to say this... (because I'm not sure of the current politically correct term) but why is it that a "certain group" is so preoccupied not only with their own attire but apparently everyone else on the ship?


In a small way... perhaps... this is also hurting CC. I see there is a whole page where you can purchase CC logo hats... shirts... etc. At this point I'm not sure I want anyone to identify me with this site.


Finally... I am not addressing the issue of dress codes. I have no problem dining in the Lido. I do find it offensive that someone suggests I be served Corn dogs and chili when I'm paying the same price for the cruise.


Wow....well said! I can't add anything more!



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The mental image is probably not what you intended. :D


Actually, Ruth, with tongue in cheek it sort of was:D . I always preview my posts!;) It was a little attempt at humor.


I wish everyone would give it a rest. This has been the most wonderful thread to read and for people to tromp on it for personal reasons isn't fair to the rest of us who are enjoying Brian and Greg's ongoing review.


Greg's website is no secret, he posts it himself. We're always told by the hosts that if we have a personal problem with a particular poster we should simply use the "ignore" feature provided us.


People are so busy going after Greg that most missed Brian's continuing review above and that's a shame.

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I really appreciate folks listing their future cruises. It really is a help when planning bookings.



:D:D:DMy sentiments exactly! I will sure check to see who is cruising where and on what ship before I book my future cruises. I will not have my vacation ruined by "greater than thou" folks who entertain themselves at others disposal.

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