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Hello from Volendam!


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I agree with some of what Hammy wrote.

But I can also understand Greg's reason for posting those pix.

It can be frustrating when you're posting a review -- live or after the fact -- and you mention how fellow pax were dressed, and people don't believe you.


It has happened to me.

I read a lot of things about the HAL dress code on CC before my first cruise several years ago. So I was prepared to see a lot of people really dressed up. To my amazement, I saw people in jeans in the dining room! I also encountered many, many people who wore shorts and T-shirts throughout the ship [though not in the dining room] on formal nights.


I came back to CC and posted about the jeans, and I got flamed and branded a liar.

One person implied that I must have been drinking heavily or using drugs, because there was NO WAY anyone in jeans would be allowed into the dining room.


Ever since then, I have been tempted to take pix of pax to illustrate what I've experienced, but I haven't bothered.

Greg obviously is seeing a lot of what I [and others] have seen on the ships in recent years.


Sorry to see this thread become personal attacks on Greg.

He and Brian and doing a fabulous job of describing their cruise, and I am sad that some had to undermine their efforts.

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You can post photos without showing faces. That is what made this so cruel. Glamour magazine does something similar each month, but they put black bars over the peoples faces!


When I was FDS (Front Desk Supervisor) I had to deal with pax who had lost luggage. One of their biggest fears was how people would look at them on formal nights, even though they were excused due to their bags being lost. True, not everyone who doesn't dress up has lost their luggage, but you never know.

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When I was FDS (Front Desk Supervisor) I had to deal with pax who had lost luggage. One of their biggest fears was how people would look at them on formal nights, even though they were excused due to their bags being lost. True, not everyone who doesn't dress up has lost their luggage, but you never know.


Excellent point SG - one of our first cruises, an entire plane load of people coming from O'Hare embarked without luggage. We met a couple who were on their honeymoon and was devasted to miss out on formal night.


Of course, back then the shops carried a decent of selection for people in this unfortuante circumstance and they were able to purchase enough to get by until their luggage arrived in STT.


Just goes to show - we never REALLY know do we? :confused:

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You can post photos without showing faces. That is what made this so cruel. Glamour magazine does something similar each month, but they put black bars over the peoples faces!


When I was FDS (Front Desk Supervisor) I had to deal with pax who had lost luggage. One of their biggest fears was how people would look at them on formal nights, even though they were excused due to their bags being lost. True, not everyone who doesn't dress up has lost their luggage, but you never know.


Maybe the airlines only lost their luggage that contained their formal clothes. :confused: :confused: And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.:eek:

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Still, Greg was saying that there were about 300+ passengers onboard, part of a group, who had apparently not been informed or neglected to read about the dress code.


So clearly this is not a case of lost luggage. The fact is a lot of people just aren't bothering to pack their formal wear for whatever reason and it's extremely frustrating to those who really enjoy a formal night.

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Maybe the airlines only lost their luggage that contained their formal clothes. :confused: :confused: And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.:eek:


Sorry, but we've seen it happen numerous times... not every cruiser brings more than one bag either - especially on shorter cruises.


In fact, I would have to really think hard not to come up with one time in 16 cruises that I did not hear of someone or personally witness passenger luggage being loaded at one port or another... :( Can't think of one time it didn't happen...

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Still, Greg was saying that there were about 300+ passengers onboard, part of a group, who had apparently not been informed or neglected to read about the dress code.


So clearly this is not a case of lost luggage. The fact is a lot of people just aren't bothering to pack their formal wear for whatever reason and it's extremely frustrating to those who really enjoy a formal night.


Heather - Sorry, but how in the world would he know this? Did he interview these people?


As I posted above, I have not been on a single cruise where I can recall not having heard (or run across someone with) lost luggage. I'd rather give folks the benefit of the doubt rather than assume they could care less, are misinformed or otherwise neglectful - especially since we can't be certain.

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IMO, Greg's frustration caused him to post those pictures and he probably used poor judgment in doing so.


Who among us hasn't been guilty of poor judgment at one time or another.


I hope we can all calm down down and get on with this thread and the great cruise writing that has been posted here.

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IMO, Greg's frustration caused him to post those pictures and he probably used poor judgment in doing so.


Who among us hasn't been guilty of poor judgment at one time or another.


I hope we can all calm down down and get on with this thread and the great cruise writing that has been posted here.


You're absolutely correct, Carol.

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My last report from the Volendam:


Our second-to-the-last day at sea was a nice, quiet, relaxing day spent enjoying ourselves and the ship ... just about a perfect sea day! We had MOTION -- finally -- all day long; the ship was experiencing gale and near-gale winds and from rough to very rough sea conditions, with 12 - 14 foot waves and some significant swell being common throughout the course of the day. It was fun! :) Sadly, some of our fellow passengers and even some of the crew were not so happy about the sea conditions, and it became evident as the day wore on that it was taking a toll of them. Events around the ship were poorly attended, at best, and some people were looking more than just a little bit green. Pre-dinner cocktails were also fairly thinly attended, and there was very little dancing going on.


The day turned out to be another overcast day, and that and the strong winds kept most people indoors. Some people were very upset about the weather, and here was some grousing going on about it. I'm not sure, but I didn't realize that any of the ship's officers had direct responsibilities for the weather ... and, no, that's not my department either!


This was our first time to attend the new Mariner's Brunch, and I greatly enjoyed the experience. They held a reception for the Mariner Medal holders in the Explorer's Lounge. There wasn't a large group of us ... it was fairly thin, actually, and I was surprised that several of the new 100-day awardees didn't show up for the presentation. Adele (longtimecruiser) was recognized as being the Mariner aboard ship with the most number of days (560) and there was a great deal of discussion as to how someone so young could have so many days!!!! It was a very nice reception ... and yes, Ruth, they had the good nuts out for us!!!!! :) Indeed, the good nuts have been making a regular appearance on this cruise -- at all receptions, at all Formal Night dinners, and even some of the casual nights!


At the brunch itself we were all seated at tables according to our mariner classifications ... though somehow Christopher and I ended up at the table with the Hotel manager and Adele. :) It was a very nice lunch and we had a good conversation with the Hotel Manager regarding the implementation of AYW dining aboard the Volendam, which will begin next cruise. Based upon what we were told, I am hopeful that everything will work out to the satisfaction of everybody most of the time. Some factors make it sound like the Traditional section will become even more like the old traditional that many of us remember and loved. We were told that they were doing their very best to track the wishes of their mariners, that our desires are noted and taking into account in the process, and that our concerns -- and, particularly, the concerns of solo cruisers -- are being factored in as well. All who want Traditional should be able to get it ... either in the Traditional Section of the dining room, OR by placing a reservation for every evening for the same table and the same time. This is sounding good, and if it is finally implemented in this manner, I am quite hopeful that things will work out well for everybody concerned.


Formal Night last night was very nice. As we moved through the cocktail hours prior to Main seating dinner the observation was made that a greater percentage of the passengers of who "out and about" were abiding by the dress code ... in spirit, if not entirely by the letter. There was the occasional person who refused to play, but they were rather more rare than on prior formal evenings. A few guys showed up without jacket and/or tie, but at least most were in long pants this time ... not that relaxed-casual is much better than sloppy on a formal night! But, at least, that much effort was made. No pictures of those who violated the basic code regarding "no shorts or t-shirts in the lounges or dining room during the evening hours" ... and not because of the castigation of my photographic escapade, but simply because there wasn't enough of them to warrant documentation.


As to my "photographic escapade" -- those who took issue with it should remember: (1) you were not on this ship, nor experiencing the scene, (2) had I not photographed them, many of you would have been among those who thought that it couldn't have been as bad as described, (3) some of you would argue with me on this matter -- and on any topic -- regardless of what I did, so why not??? (4) It is nearly impossible to identify those photographed ... and, with one exception, I did the best I could to obscure faces, cut-off heads in mid-face, show a side view or back view, show in shadow, etc. I took 9 photos, mostly in crowds, mostly of other things with them on the sides (each one had my target cropped OUT, and only the dress code violator showing). (5) As for me making a spectacle out of people ... quite the contrary: they made a spectacle of themselves by flagrantly violating the "not allowed" stipulation of the Dress Code regarding shorts and/or t-shirts in the public rooms during the evening hours. I was simply documenting that fact ... not to mention the fact that they stood out like sows ears among silk purses. (6) As for the personal attacks on my self ... par for the course and, in some cases, fully expected.


Dinner was a blast. Officer Larry and his lovely wife Susan joined us yet again for a wonderful evening with surf-and-turf (some of the smallest "lobster" yet seen on the high seas!) and, thanks to Scotty and Janice, we enjoyed a wonderful bottle of Dom Perignon! Brian experienced much frustration over the "Baked Alaska Parade" beginning before we even had our entrees, and just kept on eating his salad in the dark while the guys pranced by with their sparklers burning; sadly, not even having your entree is the danger of being at the lower level of the dining room during the old Traditional Program. Hopefully, this will be done away with in the future under the AYW system.


Today has, thus far, been a quiet last day at sea. I enjoyed lunch with Sage and her family, and then I spent some time (groan) packing so that I don't have to worry about it at all tonight. Tonight I plan on staying out rather late, then sleeping in tomorrow and having a nice breakfast before disembarking when the "all ashore" announcement is made. My TA is supposed to pick us up at the Port and take us to lunch before transferring us to the pier, so that should be nice. :)


It has been a joy bringing you with us on this glorious cruise, and I look forward to doing the same aboard the Rotterdam in Jan/Feb 08, the Eurodam in July 08, and the Noordam in Feb 09! Yes ... that's right ... Brian has twisted our arms into booking the Noordam's 10 day Southern/Eastern Caribbean cruise for Feb 12, 2009. Who wants to come along?????


Some selected photos will follow in a subsequent post.

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Heather - Sorry, but how in the world would he know this? Did he interview these people?




He didn't interview them, Laura, but he posted that some other passengers had spoken to some within the group and they said that they didn't know they should bring formal attire.


He posted that earlier on this thread .... that's all I'm going by.

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Selected photos:


Officer Larry and his wife Susan during dinner on our last formal night ... note the bottle of Champaign that Scotty and Janice got for our table ... they let Susan keep the bottle!!!!




Here's a good photo of our group from the last formal night. I think this is about as good as any that the ship's photographers ever did.


And, now, I leave you with a lovely Day At Sea, to tide you over until your next cruise on a wonderful dam ship!!!!! :D



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He didn't interview them, Laura, but he posted that some other passengers had spoken to some within the group and they said that they didn't know they should bring formal attire.


He posted that earlier on this thread .... that's all I'm going by.


Okay, I see that now - I stand corrected, sorry! I wonder why in the world they wouldn't read "Know Before You Go" - especially if they've never cruised before.... :confused:

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I'm with you--I like it when the ship rocks and rolls a bit and was disappointed on my last cruise that it was smooth sailing the whole week! People thought I was nuts--and not a good nut!


So, for the fifth time, tell us about the near drowning on HMC. Pleeeeeeease?


Oh, and the beauty of that water is just killing me. Now let's see, how long till my next cruise? 1 month, 3 weeks, and 4 days! Whoopee!

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It has been a joy bringing you with us on this glorious cruise, and I look forward to doing the same aboard the Rotterdam in Jan/Feb 08, the Eurodam in July 08, and the Noordam in Feb 09! Yes ... that's right ... Brian has twisted our arms into booking the Noordam's 10 day Southern/Eastern Caribbean cruise for Feb 12, 2009. Who wants to come along?????


Thank you Greg. It's been enjoyable to feel as though we were right there with you. :) So a Noordam "reunion-reunion" cruise is in the works huh? Good to know.


Thanks again. Sorry the thread took off - I doubt that was your intention either.


Have a safe trip home. :) Enjoy your last evening on the beautiful Volendam.

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Thank you Greg. It's been enjoyable to feel as though we were right there with you. :) So a Noordam "reunion-reunion" cruise is in the works huh? Good to know.


You might say that! Right now our working name for the group is "The Voyage of the Good Nuts," in honor of RuthC's preference for only the "good nuts!" :)


Thanks again. Sorry the thread took off - I doubt that was your intention either.


My intention was neither to be humorous nor hurtful, but rather to document what we were seeing in order to substantiate the observations in pre-response to articulations of disbelief from certain voices on this board who either don't believe that such ever happens, or don't believe it could possibly be as bad as it manifestly was. Some of those voices of disbelief spoke, and still appear to not believe that the percentages could possibly have been as high as I indicated. But, they were. Look ... when almost half of the Ocean Bar on Formal night from 7:00 - 8:30 pm is casually attired -- and ditto for the Crows Nest after dinner -- you know something is amiss. It wasn't just a few couples not having their luggage ... it was a willful disregard for the code in its most fundamental (and easiest to keep) stipulation: no shorts or t-shirts during the evening hours (much less on Formal Night).


That I should have blurred or blacked out a face or two (in 2 photos, out of 10) I will grant, but that I shouldn't have done it at all I do not accept. Had I not done it, no one would have believed it. Indeed, having done it, some still don't believe it. Also, it might be noted that 3 of the photos were actually crops out of other photos of our own people on formal night, where those who were insufficiently dress got into the background. It was what gave me the idea in the first place.


Have a safe trip home. :) Enjoy your last evening on the beautiful Volendam.


Thanks! I'm not looking forward to going home, but I am ready. It's been an excellent cruise, but I have a busy 2 months ahead of me.

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Rev Neal,

I know what you mean about the rockin' & rollin'. We too love the ship's movement at sea. Our last transatlantic from Barcelona was like being on glass all the way. Most loved it but we really had hoped for a little more action. Maybe next time. :D April '08. :D


p.s. Thanks for reporting "LIVE".

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Yea to you, thanks John. This hoopla is ridiculous. "Each to his own." I adhere to the daily dictates when cruising because it ads to my fun quotient. It also helps me repay my parents for all the years spent in private school. Oh, by the was they have both gone to their greater rewards. There is beliefin the afterlife.

I think we should live and let live. Life is just too short to let all the little daily foibles to get in the way. I do not feel the need to prostheletize.

I have really enjoyed the other fun-filled writings. They bring back great memories of my canal trip after 9/11, albeit on the Mercury. I look forward to doing this particular cruise again on one of HAL's lovely ships. Keep those great stories coming Brian.icon14.gif

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Sorry, but we've seen it happen numerous times... not every cruiser brings more than one bag either - especially on shorter cruises.


In fact, I would have to really think hard not to come up with one time in 16 cruises that I did not hear of someone or personally witness passenger luggage being loaded at one port or another... :( Can't think of one time it didn't happen...


Lets give the benefit of the doubt to those on the Volendam this week and all agree the airlines lost just the luggage with formal wear for 360 plus passengers. This has to be a record of some kind and I think we need to submit this tale to the Guiness book of records!!:p :p :p

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Lets give the benefit of the doubt to those on the Volendam this week and all agree the airlines lost just the luggage with formal wear for 360 plus passengers. This has to be a record of some kind and I think we need to submit this tale to the Guiness book of records!!:p :p :p


Yes! A record of all records I would say:D .


Laura, in defense of some passengers, there are many TA's who (in keeping with their attempt to cut expenses) don't even send the Know Before You Go any longer. I got it this year for the first time in 3 or 4 years because I switched TA's when they refused to send half the document "stuff" including the wallet!!!


Still, I think you have to live under a mushroom not to know that formal nights still exist on most cruise lines.


Greg and Brian, thank you so much for bringing us one of the best onboard reviews ever on CC. Threads drift all the time, but it didn't detract from the heart of your sharing your cruise with us.:)

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