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Hello from Volendam!


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It seems to me that Crystal remains the most traditional of all the cruise lines,in terms of fixed/assigned seating dining and attire.


They have also accepted that some of their passengers prefer to dine more casually and/or change into more comfortable attire,after dinner, and have adjusted their code accordingly, by a specific time of day, 6:00 PM.


After this hour, all passengers out of cabin are required to adhere to the minimum, which is along the lines of a polo shirt/khaki pant kind of thing.


And yet, from time to time, they also have had the occasional group who dress as they please. Enforcement depends upon the number of passengers because it probably becomes impractical to lock down the ship when the balance tips in favor of a more casual enviornment.

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Is there a chance that someone who has just been on the panama canal cruise could scan and post the daily newspaper here? We are on the ship leaving the 23rd and always wind up missing things because of scheduling. It sure would be nice to get a peek into the future.:)


I will be happy to do so when we get home. In fact ... I think I'll scan them all in and put them in my gallery. :) While such would change from cruise to cruise, it would be a good guideline for the kinds of things to expect.


I am also curious what took place at the Culinary Arts Center (Kitchen Stadium)?


Nothing took it's place ... it's still there and still used.

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[QOTE]I am also curious what took place at the Culinary Arts Center (Kitchen Stadium)?


Nothing took it's place ... it's still there and still used.



What I mean is what kind of programs do they offer? Is it worthwhile? Is it geared toward foodies?


And thanks in advance for posting the daily newspaper.


Have a safe trip back.

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Nothing took it's place ... it's still there and still used.



What I mean is what kind of programs do they offer? Is it worthwhile? Is it geared toward foodies?


And thanks in advance for posting the daily newspaper.


Have a safe trip back.




The programs are ok ... they have lessons on how to cook certain items, mostly some of the basic things in the menu like crab cakes and what amounts to Macaroni and Cheese, etc. It's worth-while if you're into cooking. Me ... I go there for worship and for movies (if I'm interested in a movie and not some of the other entertainment ... that doesn't happen often, but does sometimes on a long cruise with lots of sea days).

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.............. I have a question though, since HAL allows shorts, is there any rule about how short the shorts can be without being offensive? I mean, some people might push that envelope too. Just a thought. :eek:


I think people push that envelope all the time:D :D (and I don't mean on cruises).


But HAL doesn't allow shorts in the dining room in the evening unless there's been a change in the last 5 minutes. Am I wrong???:o

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the large number of those who were not dressing according to suggested code is an aberration.
I'm not going to go back and read the whole thread again, but didn't Greg mention that all these people had been booked through the same TA? If so, it seems to me that it is the TA's fault for not informing, or misinforming, or intentionally misleading them as to what HAL expected.


What I mean is what kind of programs do they offer? Is it worthwhile? Is it geared toward foodies?

My DW loves to go to the cooking demos there, so she has collected a few recipes done recently:

Herb Crusted Alaska Scallops with Thai Chili Mayonnaise

Crepes with Mexican Chocolate Sauce

Pacific Northwest-style Rockfish witn Chardonnay Reduction

Quenelles of Buffalo Mozzarella with Roasted Baby Beets and Fresh Herbs

Northwest Seafood Ceviche with Lemon Mayonnaise


I also remember a cold berry soup once. I don't know exactly what you mean by "geared toward foodies", but they're not Rachael Ray quick recipes! Almost always they are things that appear on the dining room menus, often in the same week.

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Thank you Rev.Neal and Brian for bringing back great memories for DH and I.We sailed this itinerary in February aboard the Volendam ,however our photos pale by comparison to yours.With your permission a few of yours may "sneek" into our album.

Heather in Florida ,sorry to say,but we also saw many passengers in shorts being seated in the Main Dining Room,late seating!!!We were not "happy campers".This was also a cruise with a large group booked by one TA.

Back to Rev Neal and Brian,thank you again for taking us along,we enjoy your reviews and look forward to your next review,from whichever "dam" ship.




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HAL may look the other way with certain group pax if they are all booked by TAs who are valuable to HAL's business. It's called rising above your principles. ;)

Sounds like newspeak for "selling out your principles". :rolleyes:

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Sounds like newspeak for "selling out your principles". :rolleyes:


I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "If all else fails, lower your standards." :mad:


Then again, I saw one one the back of a horse trailer that said "Don't be what your lookin' at" :D ;)

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I still don't understand why people are so comfy in jeans. I know I'm in the minority, but I think they are the most uncomfortable clothing you can wear.




Then maybe you haven't tried ones with "stretch". The ones with the stretch material can be very comfortable.

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I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "If all else fails, lower your standards." :mad:


Then again, I saw one one the back of a horse trailer that said "Don't be what your lookin' at" :D ;)


Isn't it wonderful when we can capsulize everything into just a few simple words????


I think this post basically says it all. Such a shame for oldies like me who just loved the good old days.


Oh well, as I must have said a gizillion times, go with the flow or walk away. I have a feeling the choice we'll be making, but we love to be out there on the big ocean and we may just have to grit our teeth and deal with it:) . Or find a lot more money somewhere and step up a couple of notches.;)

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Just a few comments from a CCer & one of the Mac "geeks" aboard the Volendam this week:


I was mailed the entire HAL packet, including the "Know Before You Go" booklet. I have no reason to doubt the rest of the Mac people and the Shakespeare people also received theirs, as well. Whether they chose to read it or not, I cannot say.


The travel agent in question is also my personal TA, and I think he has been unfairly represented here. He had virtually "round-the-clock" logistical duties, catering to the groups & meetings, performances, etc. throughout the cruise. If he were "caught" in shorts and a polo shirt before his dinner seating, I can guarantee you it was not his choice, but due to his obligations for his guests' expectations to be met. He was to join me in the terracotta cabana, but had to stay on board to "fix" problems all day. He never made it to HMC with us.


I saw him many times at dinner (late seating); at the Pinnacle several times, and at the Crow's Nest later, after his "duties" for the day were over. I never saw him inappropriately dressed, although he, like some of us, may have been in "public areas" at the end of his day before dressing for dinner.


To suggest that he "misinformed", or misled the conference attendees is, to me, unappreciated, and not called for. He should not be held "accountable" for the lack of preparation that, perhaps, some of his clients may have shown. I am further not convinced that, by any stretch, the "offending" pax not dressed to code were specific only to the two groups mentioned.


I ate several evenings with Brian & Greg's group, and enjoyed their company. I also dressed appropriately. And I was part of the Mac group.


Go figure.


Sorry for my rant. Maybe I'm wrong...but I feel the blame for the lack of appropriate dress on board the Volendam just does not fall on the shoulders of my well-traveled, and well-respected, agent. Some folks don't get it; some folks don't know...but it's hard to believe anyone would cruise these days without a concern for dressing appropriately. Were some of the Mac group & Shakespeare group dressed less than code? I don't know.... But the generalization that "the Mac & the Shakespeare groups" were the ones who violated the dress code is way too broad to be believed. I don't.


I, too, saw many people dressed less-than-code; I just didn't recognize them as belonging to one group.


Just wanted to clarify a little bit. Thank you.



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Just wanted to clarify a little bit. Thank you.

Thank YOU, Paul. It's good to know. If everyone received the booklets, and it seems we have no reason to think they didn't, then they simply did not take time to read/understand the expectations.


I can only imagine what work that cruise was for the TA. But taking care of the customer has to come first ... if one wants to retain those customers!

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Greg & Brian - Truly enjoyed your tales from the sea. Sure wish we had been there. Sounds like you had a fantastic, nutty, if a bit soggy voyage. So jealous that you got to have dinner with Security Chief Larry & his DW Susan! He's such a gentleman.


So.........Feb 12, 2009 on Noordam again? Sounds good to me, especially since we haven't been to most of those islands AND she'll make a stop at HMC, my happy place. I'll work on him. ;)


And Greg, we'll be seeing you & Christopher in Big D in a couple of weeks. :)

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Greg & Brian - Truly enjoyed your tales from the sea. Sure wish we had been there. Sounds like you had a fantastic, nutty, if a bit soggy voyage. So jealous that you got to have dinner with Security Chief Larry & his DW Susan! He's such a gentleman.


So.........Feb 12, 2009 on Noordam again? Sounds good to me, especially since we haven't been to most of those islands AND she'll make a stop at HMC, my happy place. I'll work on him. ;)


And Greg, we'll be seeing you & Christopher in Big D in a couple of weeks. :)


YIPPIE! YES .. we wanna see you on that cruise!!!


And ... YES ... Let me know what your schedule is for your visit! :D

We'll take you out for some nice food and a few sights.


And ... finally ... yes ... I'm home.


Laundry to do.

Review to finish

Photos to process

A half-foot deep pile of mail to sort through.

The joys of arriving back home.

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Thank you Rev.Neal and Brian for bringing back great memories for DH and I.We sailed this itinerary in February aboard the Volendam ,however our photos pale by comparison to yours.With your permission a few of yours may "sneek" into our album.


Thank you! And, absolutely ... I take photographs to share them, and am happy to have people "borrow some" that they like if they reflect a view or a memory that remember and enjoyed! :) But wait a few days until I have a chance to get my best photos of the Islands and the Canal and the Ship prepared and up in a Gallery. They'll be larger and better. I'll be sure to post a link here to them when they're ready.


Back to Rev Neal and Brian,thank you again for taking us along,we enjoy your reviews and look forward to your next review,from whichever "dam" ship.


Thank you, Mary. I will have a formal review of the Volendam ready in a day or two ... depending upon how deep my pile of work at the office is. I suspect it will be deep, but I should a few minutes to devote to the rest of my formal review tomorrow night. I got about half of it written while sitting at the airport in Ft. Lauderdale waiting for my flight.

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I was mailed the entire HAL packet, including the "Know Before You Go" booklet. I have no reason to doubt the rest of the Mac people and the Shakespeare people also received theirs, as well. Whether they chose to read it or not, I cannot say.


Hi, Paul! I hope you got home ok?

I talked to several Mac Geek types who told me that either didn't get the Know Before You Go Bookelt in the HAL packet, or that they just didn't read it. They were among those who didn't bring anything for dressing up.


The travel agent in question is also my personal TA, and I think he has been unfairly represented here. He had virtually "round-the-clock" logistical duties, catering to the groups & meetings, performances, etc. throughout the cruise.


It seemed like he was constantly "on the go!" He's gonna need a cruise to recover from the cruise!!! He did seem like a very nice guy, though. I felt sorry for him, actually.


If he were "caught" in shorts and a polo shirt before his dinner seating, I can guarantee you it was not his choice, but due to his obligations for his guests' expectations to be met. He was to join me in the terracotta cabana, but had to stay on board to "fix" problems all day. He never made it to HMC with us.


And I definitely regret that ... I was looking forward to that. But, as you report, he was being run ragged.


To suggest that he "misinformed", or misled the conference attendees is, to me, unappreciated, and not called for. He should not be held "accountable" for the lack of preparation that, perhaps, some of his clients may have shown. I am further not convinced that, by any stretch, the "offending" pax not dressed to code were specific only to the two groups mentioned.


One Casual evening Scotty and I were chatting in the Ocean Bar waiting for some others to arrive and one of them -- I think he said he was with the Shakespeare group ... he had a name-badge on, but I don't remember his name or what group it specified -- came over to ask me where I had bought the vest and tie set that he had seen me wearing with my Tux on the first formal night. I told him where I had ordered it (on line) and he made a note of that. He then proceeded to ask me about the Dress Code on HAL, and seemed to be a bit frustrated; when I inquired about that, he then said that he was part of one of the two groups and that he would swear that he didn't remember seeing anything in the documentation about Formal Nights. He said that he would have been happy to bring a suit and tie if he had known. He also said that a few others had indicated something similar to him, as well. We chatted a while longer, then he went off when the rest of our group started trickling in.


Oh, I definitely agree that the "offending" pax were NOT specific only to the two groups. Based upon the numbers, there had to be quite a few who were not a part of either of those two groups.


I ate several evenings with Brian & Greg's group, and enjoyed their company. I also dressed appropriately. And I was part of the Mac group.


It was GREAT having you with us, and you most certainly were fabulously dressed! I think the difference may well have been more along the lines of those who were either not frequent cruisers, or who had not cruised on HAL before, or who had not paid attention to the "KBYG" booklet ... or, indeed, who just didn't care. And, frankly, those factors can be true of ANYBODY, inside or outside a group.


Sorry for my rant. Maybe I'm wrong...but I feel the blame for the lack of appropriate dress on board the Volendam just does not fall on the shoulders of my well-traveled, and well-respected, agent. Some folks don't get it; some folks don't know...but it's hard to believe anyone would cruise these days without a concern for dressing appropriately. Were some of the Mac group & Shakespeare group dressed less than code? I don't know.... But the generalization that "the Mac & the Shakespeare groups" were the ones who violated the dress code is way too broad to be believed. I don't.


Well put, and I don't believe that such is the case. I think a connection was incorrectly drawn between the 25% figure that we came up with through observations in several lounges and in the dining room on 2 of the 3 formal nights and the number of passengers in the two referenced groups. By coincidence, the two figures are similar. To the extent that I was responsible for that error, I'm sorry.


I, too, saw many people dressed less-than-code; I just didn't recognize them as belonging to one group.


Again, see my reference above. While anecdotal, it is one example of someone from one of the two groups. That there must have been others, who were unconnected to either group, who didn't dress according to code is, I believe, beyond question, and you have stated it very well, my friend. Very well indeed.


It was GREAT finally getting to meet you!

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Does anyone know if they have dance hosts on your cruise? We are going on the same ship in less than two weeks and was curious. Just finished watching Out to Sea.


I saw your question, but didn't notice if anybody bothered to answer it in the midst of the "pile on."


The answer is "No." HAL assigns dance hosts on cruises which are 14 days in length, and longer. The Volendam's current itineraries are 10-day cruises.


"Out To Sea" is a great film, and was made even more wonderful by having been shot on the old Westerdam!

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Hey Rev, any ship's whistle blowing by Capt. Fred upon leaving Willemstad?


As you could see from my photos of the departure from Willemstad, I was outside on the forward Verandah Deck. And, yes, Captain Fred blew the ship's whistle as we pulled away from the pier, passed the channel, and turned out to sea. It was one of the few times I heard him do it. :(

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