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NCL Service Charge - Can this be changed? waved?


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Wow are you people rough! I never said I wouldn't tip anything... please understand.... I want to control who I give what to. And yeah, yeah... I don't want another barrage of all those workers in the back who I wouldn't see.


As another passanger said... some people are better than others... and I don't necessarily want an even distribution of my service charge.


As for those who are "seen" and those who are not... I've spoken to enough crew to know that if you are a good worker... one gets promoted to the "seen" crew... who I will meet personally and be able to tip personally. Sorry... it doesn't sound fair... but that's life folks... there are the little people in the back... and if you work hard enough, you'll get promoted.


As for the crew having to hand in their cash tips... come on now, that may be ship policy, etc. etc... but we all know they don't. Have any of you really spoken to the crew one on one... in private? They don't.


Sorry if I sound rude or cheap to you all... but I still like to do these things in person, and give to whom I want to give.


Concerning discerning remarks about my desire... how do you know what I tip.. or how much... or can comment that I'm cheap and scold me for wanting to remove this?


Have you travelled with Europeans? Tipping is something that North America has elevated... for what purpose? to show off that one is rich?


Let's all get back to basics folks... if someone does something out of the ordinary and I get good service, I will tip. If things are mediocre.. I won't.


Only replying to the highlighted portion above, ignoring the attempt to re-ignite the "Europeans don't tip, Americans do" debate that never goes anywhere. Yes, I have spoken to crew members in private (as well as reading their posts here on the boards), and yes they DO turn in any cash tips they've received from someone who decided to "stiff" the tip pool -- it's a condition of their continued employment. Would you risk YOUR job by not turning in $30 or whatever it is you decide to tip them, IF you do choose to tip at all?


To Anorak, I don't always assume someone's a "troll" when they bring up an often-discussed topic -- sometimes they just don't know how, or haven't bothered, to do research, and truly are newbies. So I'll still answer them, with the same advice given here -- leave the service charge in place -- it tips for "ordinary" services given and covers everyone who furnishes them. If someone does something "out of the ordinary" I tip extra in cash.

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This will be my last post on this topic.....


I'm glad you are all great tippers.... Europeans aren't! they just don't. Fact.


I am not a troll... just have never been on NCL.


I manage my own money... I decide what I give to whom....


If you live your life dependant upon tips... sorry for you... get a real job...! get an education.


Going on a cruise is not a charity case for the people who work on the ship. Working for a cruise line in many cases is a wonderful opportunity, especially for those from third world countries. Don't all start a huff over this... I'm not trying to get anything for free... I'm not enjoying my vacation living in luxury while the peasants work for free in the basement. Don't get the wrong impression.


I am from Europe...and I don't tip unless it IS out of the ordinary.


Also, eveyone does not cruise every year.... for some people, going on a cruise is a life time achievement for which they save for YEARS. It is a special event which some people can barely afford. We are not all millionaires, who can afford the suites with the butlers and special servers.


For those who want an outline of what I plan to do... I don't recall offering my plan.... it is my private business.


Why don't we all just start tipping everyone for anything. If you bring my food, on time, on a clean plate, without spitting in it... that is what I EXPECT... why do you deserve a tip for that?


Do you all tip your lawyers? doctors? electricians? the local bus driver?


Does the ship's doctor deserve tips? Why not drop a few bucks on the captain as well?


It's all marketing folks... don't you see. Cruise lines try to advertise their rates as low... hike up the mandatory service charges... same bottom line but good for cruise marketing comparisons. Call it then what it is... ALL included and remove the SC. We are not fools.


If NCL will not allow me to remove this service charge... it will be the last time on sail on this line.

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Guest Anorak33

"This will be my last post on this topic....."


Thank goodness for that..............but I bet it isn't




"If NCL will not allow me to remove this service charge... it will be the last time on sail on this line"



Then I for one will breathe a sigh of relief.....................I'll never have to encounter you on an NCL ship or any other ship which has this charge, thats MOST OF THE MAJOR CRUISE LINES!

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This will be my last post on this topic.....


If NCL will not allow me to remove this service charge... it will be the last time on sail on this line.


You probably need to look for another line now instead of later because they are not going to take it off.

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Are there really people so cheap, they plot in advance to find a way to avoid spending $140 in tips between them? Do those people actually sleep at night, or are they just psychopaths?
Oh they are for real, I know a few and I just don't understand them. Sure it sounds like a lot of money when you say $140 or whatever but when you think about all they do for us, it is very little. I think the comment that always gets me: we just saved so long for the cruise and don't know if we can afford the tips. I can assure everyone, we are not floating in money, we live on a small retirement, DH has a part time job and as you all know I am a TA, but not a rich one. I would never plan on going to a place where tipping is expected and not tip the comtomery amount or more.


It is the same when it comes to the drinking issue: my cousin who cruised with me last month sees nothing wrong with smuggling a 5 liter bottle of wine on board, getting a couple of wine glasses and actually filling them in the cabin and taking them to dinner. I don't think so!!!!!



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This will be my last post on this topic.....


I'm glad you are all great tippers.... Europeans aren't! they just don't. Fact.


I am not a troll... just have never been on NCL.


I manage my own money... I decide what I give to whom....


If you live your life dependant upon tips... sorry for you... get a real job...! get an education.


Going on a cruise is not a charity case for the people who work on the ship. Working for a cruise line in many cases is a wonderful opportunity, especially for those from third world countries. Don't all start a huff over this... I'm not trying to get anything for free... I'm not enjoying my vacation living in luxury while the peasants work for free in the basement. Don't get the wrong impression.


I am from Europe...and I don't tip unless it IS out of the ordinary.


Also, eveyone does not cruise every year.... for some people, going on a cruise is a life time achievement for which they save for YEARS. It is a special event which some people can barely afford. We are not all millionaires, who can afford the suites with the butlers and special servers.


For those who want an outline of what I plan to do... I don't recall offering my plan.... it is my private business.


Why don't we all just start tipping everyone for anything. If you bring my food, on time, on a clean plate, without spitting in it... that is what I EXPECT... why do you deserve a tip for that?


Do you all tip your lawyers? doctors? electricians? the local bus driver?


Does the ship's doctor deserve tips? Why not drop a few bucks on the captain as well?


It's all marketing folks... don't you see. Cruise lines try to advertise their rates as low... hike up the mandatory service charges... same bottom line but good for cruise marketing comparisons. Call it then what it is... ALL included and remove the SC. We are not fools.


If NCL will not allow me to remove this service charge... it will be the last time on sail on this line.



Oh I see your a real cheapskate! Why did you not say that from the start!

Don't come to where I work buddy! We charge a 20% service charge on all food and beverage. If you don't want to tip. Don't cruise!

If you don't want to tip while dining out go to a fast food restaurant

I take personal offence to your remark about get and education!

I have been a foodserver my whole life. I have an education:D

If you can't afford a cruise don't go!!!!!

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Ouch!!! To the OP, please don't take these comments personally. As I've found, there are a few very hot topics on these boards and posters can be less than friendly.


As for all the less than gracious posters out there, give us newbies a break. We are only trying to get answers to our questions, not lectures on how to live our lives.


The seasoned members on this board should have more tolerance. And the OP, who was probably driven to express his less than gracious remarks about "getting a job" was probably furious that his innocent question became a forum to slam him. Not fair you guys!!!


As for the whole tipping situation I don't understand why NCL (and the whole service industry) doesn't just pay people a regular salary instead of having them depend on the kindness of strangers (or lack thereof) to make ends meet. This whole practice of tipping is archaic and should be done away with. Tipping should not be done out of guilt or (especially) mandate. It should be an added expression of a job well done and not a forced offering to help pay the salaries of NCL or any other personnel. I always tip and do so well. But when I am forced to pay an additional forced gratuity or service charge or whatever other euphemism you may choose to use for a job that was shoddy at best then I am offended. JMO.

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I and I think most of the other contributors to this discussion seem to have been assuming that the service charge is mandatory, but a quick Google reveals the following NCL rule:

"In the unlikely event we cannot satisfactorily resolve the issue through our guest satisfaction program, guests will be able to adjust the service charge according to the level of inconvenience they feel they have experienced."

That seems to me to say that if a "smart-alec" has done enough to awaken me from my normally phlegmatic state, I report him and I am dissatisfied with the resolution, they will deduct from the service charge something reflecting "my feelings" of inconvenience to the disadvantage of the entire staff, most of whom have performed in an exemplary manner and the offender will escape almost scot free since he will lose only his proportionate share. That seems to favor those passengers who want to save a few bucks by being dissatisfied and to disfavor those who are not the least bit interested in saving a few bucks, but want to fully reward those who have done their job and not reward at all those who haven't.

Does anyone read it differently and does anyone think its fair?

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The following was posted on a Gem Review by Davandee right here on this website.

"We prefer to reward good service personally ourselves, and object to the NCL policy of adding $10 pp/day to the bill to be distributed to all service staff. There were the odd service people who perhaps were complacent in this policy and who we felt annoyed that would be rewarded. Here is a tip for other NCL Gem cruisers. Accordingly we went to Reception (one can go up to the next to last day of the cruise) and filled out a form with the reason we wanted to withdraw (for personal choice reasons), and withdrew from the automatic charge, and got envelopes and made our own rewards. NCL do not publicize this, but were happy to comply with our wishes".

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Ouch!!! To the OP, please don't take these comments personally. As I've found, there are a few very hot topics on these boards and posters can be less than friendly.


As for all the less than gracious posters out there, give us newbies a break. We are only trying to get answers to our questions, not lectures on how to live our lives.


The seasoned members on this board should have more tolerance. And the OP, who was probably driven to express his less than gracious remarks about "getting a job" was probably furious that his innocent question became a forum to slam him. Not fair you guys!!!


As for the whole tipping situation I don't understand why NCL (and the whole service industry) doesn't just pay people a regular salary instead of having them depend on the kindness of strangers (or lack thereof) to make ends meet. This whole practice of tipping is archaic and should be done away with. Tipping should not be done out of guilt or (especially) mandate. It should be an added expression of a job well done and not a forced offering to help pay the salaries of NCL or any other personnel. I always tip and do so well. But when I am forced to pay an additional forced gratuity or service charge or whatever other euphemism you may choose to use for a job that was shoddy at best then I am offended. JMO.


I disagree with the highlighted portion, in this particular case. The OP didn't post an "innocent question" (although it was framed in that guise, and he/she received the initial replies an "innocent poster" would have, mine among them -- if the question had been sincere). The OP had an agenda -- read the subsequent (paraphrased) replies -- "I'm a European! We don't tip like Americans! I don't tip for "ordinary" stuff!" and so on.


The bottom line is whether we cruisers think the lines should pay people an above-living-wage and not have them rely on tips (or even permit them), that's not how it IS on mainstream lines. If service is shoddy you have a remedy, on NCL -- go report it at the desk and request an adjustment in your charges. If service is ordinary/as expected, leave the tips in place. That isn't, or shouldn't be, news to anyone who reads their cruise documents. It's exactly what NCL's policy (and contract terms) say.


Why would anyone pick their hard-earned cruise vacation as the time/place to make a "political statement" over tipping, when it's been customary on mainstream cruises for donkey's years? If that fact offends you -- pick a different vacation, or a different cruiseline -- I hear Seabourn has a "no tips expected" policy.

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I don't understand why NCL (and the whole service industry) doesn't just pay people a regular salary instead of having them depend on the kindness of strangers



They do. It's called a the Auto-Tip pool. :rolleyes:

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if you report someone, just to have a complaint to get the charges reduced...you are, also, on your way to getting the poor guy/lady fired.

that's how it works, complaints = losing your job. this person who spend 1/2 the year, on a ship, away from his/her family..trying to make enough money so that their kids get the education they couldn't get...loses their job because someone doesn't want to "tip". no matter if you agree or not, if they do it in europe that way (or not)...(BTW, i have always paid the 12 to 15% surcharge when i travel around europe, also paid for the bread that no one told me wasn't included with my meal)

to any newbies: this system works, it's very easy...most of us really like it this way. if you get bad service, report it and write it on the comment cards. surcharges are 80 to 90% of the salary of these really nice, hard working people.

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The following was posted on a Gem Review by Davandee right here on this website.

"We prefer to reward good service personally ourselves, and object to the NCL policy of adding $10 pp/day to the bill to be distributed to all service staff. There were the odd service people who perhaps were complacent in this policy and who we felt annoyed that would be rewarded. Here is a tip for other NCL Gem cruisers. Accordingly we went to Reception (one can go up to the next to last day of the cruise) and filled out a form with the reason we wanted to withdraw (for personal choice reasons), and withdrew from the automatic charge, and got envelopes and made our own rewards. NCL do not publicize this, but were happy to comply with our wishes".


And I say again -- sure, they were "happy" to do so -- why argue with the pax at the desk, when those that reviewer chose to tip in cash HAD to turn in those cash tips into the tip pool, on pain of termination? The only people who lost anything in that report were the reviewers -- they lost whatever time they spent in line at the desk having the autotip removed. Everyone who should have received a share of that autotip still did -- when those the reviewer tipped in cash turned in those tips, as the policy requires.

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They do. It's called a the Auto-Tip pool. :rolleyes:


Do we autotip the Captain of the ship? Do we autotip the owner of the manager of the restaurant? Do we autotip the cruise director? No...they are paid salaries. So why isn't everyone else compensated properly according to their job instead of having me be responsible for paying part of their salary. That was my point. An employee, any employee, should be compensated by the company for which he/she works instead of having to depend on gratuities from strangers to help him/her make an appropriately compensated living.

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Do we autotip the Captain of the ship? Do we autotip the owner of the manager of the restaurant? Do we autotip the cruise director? No...they are paid salaries. So why isn't everyone else compensated properly according to their job instead of having me be responsible for paying part of their salary. That was my point. An employee, any employee, should be compensated by the company for which he/she works instead of having to depend on gratuities from strangers to help him/her make an appropriately compensated living.



Being from Philadelphia you should understand the tipping method used. However, since you obviously don't perhaps you would be happier if the cruiseline just charged everybody more for their cruise, and cut out tipping altogether. I wouldn't mind if they did, but whatever they decide is fine with me.

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Do we autotip the Captain of the ship? Do we autotip the owner of the manager of the restaurant? Do we autotip the cruise director? No...they are paid salaries. So why isn't everyone else compensated properly according to their job instead of having me be responsible for paying part of their salary. That was my point. An employee, any employee, should be compensated by the company for which he/she works instead of having to depend on gratuities from strangers to help him/her make an appropriately compensated living.


I have been in upper managment in the food and beverage industry forover 35 years.If we were to pay our food servers what they would work for without tips......your bacon and eggs would cost you $25!

We have to have a staff of 40 to run the front and back......

You would be paying triple for a cruise if they had to salary the servers.....:eek:

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Do we autotip the Captain of the ship? Do we autotip the owner of the manager of the restaurant? Do we autotip the cruise director? No...they are paid salaries. So why isn't everyone else compensated properly according to their job instead of having me be responsible for paying part of their salary. That was my point. An employee, any employee, should be compensated by the company for which he/she works instead of having to depend on gratuities from strangers to help him/her make an appropriately compensated living.


Why we are asked to help pay the staff, because it is CHEAPER for you.


Yes, cheaper. Let's assume NCL included the $10 per day surcharge in the fares. The fares would be $70 more per passenger for a week long cruise. The commission NCL pays the travel agents would include that $70 in the gross amount of the commissioned fares. Assuming the Travel Agents gets 10% of this additional amount, that's an extra $7 NCL would have to add to the fares you are paying to break even. Corporations always break even on salary changes.


So why are you complaining about NCL saving you $7 per person on your week long cruise?

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I just came off the Pearl and there were several times that it was suggested that if someone did an outstanding job, you were permitted to tip them. It didn;t appear to me that they had to take their cash and put it into a pool. And when I do tip even if they are allowed to accept them I do it discreetly.

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This is always a heated topic-and most of the people say they want to take the auto tips off so they can reward who helped them but people don't understand everything that goes on past the "crew only doors." As someone who works in the buffet we are always cleaning up messes, getting drinks etc and we almost never get cash tips, and thats fine becasue we get the auto tips. People who take the auto tips off because they want to "reward the people who made our trip great" are GOOD people, but they don't really understand who will miss out because of this and believe me we can tell when lots of them are removed.



I don't think anyone is bad because they think they shouldn't auto tip becuase they want to leave tips in other forms, but I wish they would understand that coming from a CREW MEMBER that this stiffs out alot of people who did help you with your cruise, if you know it directly or not.

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Well said James! Thanks


Personally, I've never had a need to remove or lower the auto tips and I also have tipped in cash from time to time for service "above & beyond", and for room service. Also, although it no longer applies to us, our kids are over 19 now, but when they took part in the kids club I always tipped cash there as I've never heard those people are included in the pool.


Woo Hoo-my edocs for the Pride of Aloha arrived this afternoon!

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This is always a heated topic-and most of the people say they want to take the auto tips off so they can reward who helped them but people don't understand everything that goes on past the "crew only doors." As someone who works in the buffet we are always cleaning up messes, getting drinks etc and we almost never get cash tips, and thats fine becasue we get the auto tips. People who take the auto tips off because they want to "reward the people who made our trip great" are GOOD people, but they don't really understand who will miss out because of this and believe me we can tell when lots of them are removed.



I don't think anyone is bad because they think they shouldn't auto tip becuase they want to leave tips in other forms, but I wish they would understand that coming from a CREW MEMBER that this stiffs out alot of people who did help you with your cruise, if you know it directly or not.



James, after several rounds of this discussion, I have to believe they do "understand" that.... they don't care. It seems that either they want to feel like Lord or Lady Bountiful and hand the "peons" whom they feel have actually met whatever their "standard" is for service cash tips, or they don't intend to tip at all.


To Slotaddict -- the staff IS permitted graciously to accept cash tips, and keep them... if the person giving them hasn't cancelled the tip pool/autotips. You can always tip above and beyond for excellent service.

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but when they took part in the kids club I always tipped cash there as I've never heard those people are included in the pool.


Woo Hoo-my edocs for the Pride of Aloha arrived this afternoon!


Congrats on the edocs, and thats correct the kids crew people are not in the pool.

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Wow are you people rough! I never said I wouldn't tip anything... please understand.... I want to control who I give what to. And yeah, yeah... I don't want another barrage of all those workers in the back who I wouldn't see.


As another passanger said... some people are better than others... and I don't necessarily want an even distribution of my service charge.


As for those who are "seen" and those who are not... I've spoken to enough crew to know that if you are a good worker... one gets promoted to the "seen" crew... who I will meet personally and be able to tip personally. Sorry... it doesn't sound fair... but that's life folks... there are the little people in the back... and if you work hard enough, you'll get promoted.


As for the crew having to hand in their cash tips... come on now, that may be ship policy, etc. etc... but we all know they don't. Have any of you really spoken to the crew one on one... in private? They don't.


Sorry if I sound rude or cheap to you all... but I still like to do these things in person, and give to whom I want to give.


Concerning discerning remarks about my desire... how do you know what I tip.. or how much... or can comment that I'm cheap and scold me for wanting to remove this?


Have you travelled with Europeans? Tipping is something that North America has elevated... for what purpose? to show off that one is rich?


Let's all get back to basics folks... if someone does something out of the ordinary and I get good service, I will tip. If things are mediocre.. I won't.


and if they do something out of the ordinary most of us would give them extra. $10 a day is minumum. That is why NCL and other lines have set that amount; hopefully everyone will abide by the policy and give a little above for those who serve you better than the average.



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This will be my last post on this topic.....


I'm glad you are all great tippers.... Europeans aren't! they just don't. Fact.


I am not a troll... just have never been on NCL.


I manage my own money... I decide what I give to whom....


If you live your life dependant upon tips... sorry for you... get a real job...! get an education.


Going on a cruise is not a charity case for the people who work on the ship. Working for a cruise line in many cases is a wonderful opportunity, especially for those from third world countries. Don't all start a huff over this... I'm not trying to get anything for free... I'm not enjoying my vacation living in luxury while the peasants work for free in the basement. Don't get the wrong impression.


I am from Europe...and I don't tip unless it IS out of the ordinary.


Also, eveyone does not cruise every year.... for some people, going on a cruise is a life time achievement for which they save for YEARS. It is a special event which some people can barely afford. We are not all millionaires, who can afford the suites with the butlers and special servers.


For those who want an outline of what I plan to do... I don't recall offering my plan.... it is my private business.


Why don't we all just start tipping everyone for anything. If you bring my food, on time, on a clean plate, without spitting in it... that is what I EXPECT... why do you deserve a tip for that?


Do you all tip your lawyers? doctors? electricians? the local bus driver?


Does the ship's doctor deserve tips? Why not drop a few bucks on the captain as well?


It's all marketing folks... don't you see. Cruise lines try to advertise their rates as low... hike up the mandatory service charges... same bottom line but good for cruise marketing comparisons. Call it then what it is... ALL included and remove the SC. We are not fools.


If NCL will not allow me to remove this service charge... it will be the last time on sail on this line.

so you say Europeons do not tip: that is a bunch of you know what. GB adds a 10% service charge in restaurants, Poland does tipping, although again more like 10%, Spain adds a service charge, and on and on. Even if what you say were true, which it is not, I have always as others do, believed you follow the country's custom. I wouldnt' walk up to the cashiere in London and ask to have the 10% removed.



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