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Cruising AGAIN! Are you RICH?


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You (incorrectly) assume that everyone is travelling from America. The Australian dollar is actually very strong. Also most people who travel to Asia can live very cheaply. A LOT cheaper than you can if you holiday locally. A lot of Australians travel to Asia for that reason. Even taking into account the extra cost of airfares it is much cheaper than a similar holiday in Australia.





I tell my son that I can now afford to holiday with th extra money I'm not spending on his food, electricity and broadband internet. LOL He was under the misguided belief that I was actually making money on him each week when I nagged him for his board.

He has since realised the cost of living after moving out in June.


I don't assume at all-most people here are from the US, you are in the minority on this board! Actually that is great about your dollar- for years everyone said go to Australia instead of Europe as the US dollar went further; now, even in Canada our US dollar is the pits-or at least it was in September.


I guess it has to do with the US being in debt 9 TRILLION.

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I know my boss for 10yrs, ashame but this is how he thinks. He also has a heart of gold. If he thinks your down and out, he actually gives you more of a raise. If he thinks you dont need money he cuts you short. I am a manager there and we discuss the raises. :(


Charming. I guess I know how single women get paid compared to married men with children, then.

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We hear it from our 20 year old son! He says "Your going on another cruise? Gosh mom' date=' did you get rich after I moved out or what?" We have gone on 2 cruises since he moved out over a year ago and have 1 more planned. I feel like his feelings are hurt, so we don't discuss our cruises around him.[/quote']


But our son is 27 yrs. old and has long since moved out.

He wonders how we can afford to cruise when we don't

earn as much as he does. Frankly, it's none of his

business. We don't ask him about his finances unless

he asks us for advice.


As far as an inheritance, we feel like he's spending his

inheritance right now. Every time he get paid it's because

of our efforts of paying for private school, college

expenses and everything else that got him to this

point. So we tell him every time your earn those

big bucks you're spending your inheritance from us.


Because if it weren't for us being there every step of

the way, camp, picking the right schools, right programs

to participate in, picking him up from his after school

projects, rain, sleet or snow. He wouldn't be where

he is. That always shuts him up. :p


We're goin' cruisin' :D

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We hear it from our 20 year old son! He says "Your going on another cruise? Gosh mom' date=' did you get rich after I moved out or what?" We have gone on 2 cruises since he moved out over a year ago and have 1 more planned. I feel like his feelings are hurt, so we don't discuss our cruises around him.[/quote']


What does he feel you owe him that you have not given him? My parents took cruises after I was grown and gone, and when Mother announced one was coming, I would say (in jest) "This is coming out of my inheritance, isn't it?" and she'd laugh, "You bet it is!"

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I don't have a husband with a well-paying job to help pay for cruising.


It's been just me and DD (21) for a long time, now.


When he and I separated (DD was 3-1/2), I enrolled in college (at age 37), and worked part-time. I went to summer school every session to keep up with my classmates. I studied my rear-end off, and ran up the student loans so we didn't have to apply for government assistance.


I passed my professional exam and got a "real" job. I'm still paying off my student loans and DD is now close to graduating from college without any loans. I don't want to saddle her with that debt coming right out of school.


We used to go to the beach and camp for a few days. That was our summer vacation, because I couldn't afford a hotel room. We had loads of fun and never felt deprived.


Can I "really" afford to cruise? Probably not. I have a new mortgage (moved here almost 3 years ago). But I've also lost friends my age and I refuse to put off doing the things I want to do, because I know that the day may never come if I do!


As long as DD wants to cruise with me, we'll cruise. When she goes back to school in August, I stop spending. I stay out of stores, I don't eat out, I don't buy anything (except what I need to cruise; I'm packing the same dresses I've worn on the past 4 cruises).


Am I going in debt up to my eyeballs to cruise? Nope.


Once she's off on her own, I'll either cruise solo or find a friend to join me. If she can get the time off, I'll take her and pay her way, if necessary.


I'm hooked. Every time, I research land-based vacations and I just cannot come up with anything close to the value that I get from cruising.


And when people at work make comments, I tell them cruising is not nearly as expensive as they think.


Our managing partner is a cruiser (plus she takes a diving vacation every October to Bonaire), so she totally understands!

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Maybe I'm getting a bit dotty in my older age but I like asking people outright why they make their comments about where I vacation or how much money they think I have. They will usually stand there and sputter or are stunned and can't say anything. Believe me, it doesn't happen again!

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Yes, cruising is still seen as 'only for the rich' by many people. It's still pricey for us, but we save for it and then it's no problem.


We also timeshare and people think this also is 'only for the rich.'

I normally won't tell people I own timeshares as they look at me like I'm really stupid with my money. HA, joke's on them! It's cheaper for us than cruising, especially since we can drive to them and sometimes take the doggie, too. I take lots of trips now as I found it helps with day-to-day stress. This year there was spring break on the beach with the girls, a long weekend in Gatlinburg, a road trip to see Stockbridge, Mass with hubby + dog, another trip to Gatlinburg with the girls (would have gone white water rafting but the drought killed that plan) ... I'm done for the year, having blown most of my vacation time VACATIONING. I'm healthier and happier for it.


Have a crappy day on the job? go home and plan some more details for the next trip OR book one for 2 years from now!!! I'm waiting for Mom to sell her house and move to Houston before I book our cruise departing from Galveston - want to kill 2 birds with one stone. So, we'll just keep saving for it until she moves and I can book it. I don't have a problem waiting for things I really want. this is not the case with a lot of people.


Unless they do their own research people will not believe how affordable vacations can be, so they can do stuff at home like I used to spend my vacation time on: moving, painting, cleaning out the garage, re-arranging the attic... Yeah, I have a house built in the 40s that could use a new kitchen, remodelled bathrooms, etc., a 93 chevy van, a 98 buick and dh has the one vehicle we're still paying on. I cook so we don't eat out much, I'm not one for shopping (you'd be appalled how few pair of shoes I have for being female) and neither of us feel the need to blow money 'for fun.' Taking vacations and seeing the world is more important to me than cheap thrills more frequently. I want the experience of world travel much more than I want 'stuff.'


If you feel the need to respond to people just say something like "I always manage to find room in the budget for my trips." I, personally, will not take on debt in order to take a trip and get the feeling that most people on this board feel the same way. Don't mean to offend anyone that needs a vacation badly enuf to do it on credit.

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Maybe I'm getting a bit dotty in my older age but I like asking people outright why they make their comments about where I vacation or how much money they think I have. They will usually stand there and sputter or are stunned and can't say anything. Believe me, it doesn't happen again!


I like this!

I think I'll try it. ;)



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I tried to let these remarks pass, I really did, but I just could not. Its just not that simple.

The fact is many countries in Europe contribute to end World poverty , my own being one. We are far from having currency issues, yet Britain's contribution is one of the highest amounts of aid per ca pita [ most aid compared to amount of population] in the world, and the pound , and the euro , are still strong. It is not the amount of aid you are giving that is causing your problems.

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I tried to let these remarks pass, I really did, but I just could not. Its just not that simple.

The fact is many countries in Europe contribute to end World poverty , my own being one. We are far from having currency issues, yet Britain's contribution is one of the highest amounts of aid per ca pita [ most aid compared to amount of population] in the world, and the pound , and the euro , are still strong. It is not the amount of aid you are giving that is causing your problems.


An interesting article on this:



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What does he feel you owe him that you have not given him? My parents took cruises after I was grown and gone, and when Mother announced one was coming, I would say (in jest) "This is coming out of my inheritance, isn't it?" and she'd laugh, "You bet it is!"


I always try to remind my kids too, if they are sort of making me feel guilty, that when they are MY age, and have worked as many years as my husband and I have, then they will probably be able to afford it also. Kids forget that it takes time to establish a career, pay for a home and go on really nice vacations. When I was their age, I certainly wasn't able to go on vacations like I do now or to go on cruises. So it is all relative. But I also have taken them on some nice vacations when they were younger to Florida, Bahamas, Hilton Head Island, etc. so I remind myself not to feel too guilty about going away now when they are home working. Sigh. oh oh. I'm feeling guilty. Hopefully one of these times we can all go on a cruise together.

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Please do not misunderstand me. I am in no way questioning America 's generosity, I was just questioning the previous statement that it is this generosity that had lead to your weakening dollar.

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I always try to remind my kids too, if they are sort of making me feel guilty, that when they are MY age, and have worked as many years as my husband and I have, then they will probably be able to afford it also. Kids forget that it takes time to establish a career, pay for a home and go on really nice vacations. When I was their age, I certainly wasn't able to go on vacations like I do now or to go on cruises. So it is all relative. But I also have taken them on some nice vacations when they were younger to Florida, Bahamas, Hilton Head Island, etc. so I remind myself not to feel too guilty about going away now when they are home working. Sigh. oh oh. I'm feeling guilty. Hopefully one of these times we can all go on a cruise together.


Drop the guilt. You owe your children nothing once they are adults. I honestly never thought I would be able to take 'nice vacations' - camping or crashing with relatives was about where my expectations were. I have been very lucky, but also frugal.


My parents starting travelling when I was 13. I did get to see most of the US courtesy of the folks (except Maine, Alaska, Hawaii) and would not otherwise have made it to several family reunions many states away during my poor college years. I paid for my own college and the debt aftermath and there was never any hint of inheritance. What's theirs is theirs, I'll make mine. I am owed nothing, since they already gave me life, a safe home and values. It's up to me to meet my obligations and secure my retirement and there is only me to count on. I was raised to be independent.


Dad has been gone now for almost 10 years and Mom doesn't get to travel as much. So we 3 kids pitch in and she gets to take trips periodically, but nothing like what she and Dad did (80k miles in the RV annually). She now seems envious of ME!


If she wanted to, she could work to have money to travel more but she chooses not to. that's her business, but the dayjob can be stressful and I need down time to spend any way I want and that's what we do - go somewhere, sleep late, eat whatever/however and see the sights.


Bottom line is that everyone makes their own priorities and how you spend your money is a very personal decision. My parents wisely chose to not let us have everything we wanted and as an adult, I expect to work for what I want, not get it instantly and pay off the debt over time. It's so much sweeter when you have to wait for it.

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I tried to let these remarks pass, I really did, but I just could not. Its just not that simple.

The fact is many countries in Europe contribute to end World poverty , my own being one. We are far from having currency issues, yet Britain's contribution is one of the highest amounts of aid per ca pita [ most aid compared to amount of population] in the world, and the pound , and the euro , are still strong. It is not the amount of aid you are giving that is causing your problems.


It is not "aid" welsh wizards anyway that is destroying the US economy. It is supposed to be looking after "American interests" but I don't see it. I guess I should not have replied "yep" to that post, as I have never seen the Iraq war as "aid" or even a true fight to destroy terrorism. But let's stay away from politics and talk crusing here! A MUCH happier subject!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I often get a comment so which cruise are you going on now? I agree with the other posts that people are often gealous or they still have this old imprssion that cruises are extremely costly.


I find cruising to be a great deal compared to high hotel costs when traveling & compare what you get...in a hotel you are lucky if breakfast is included and you wake up in the same place everyday. You have to plan and pay for all activities & on acruise they are included.


I love waking up in a new place/country almost every morning without the need to pack/unpack & worry about getting there...Additionally, there have been areas that at first we thought that we would love to go there and spend a week R&R-ing on the beach but after visiting them on a cruise, one day was enough! SO it's a great way to sample places & then spend more time in the ones you enjoyed the best.


I think as many here, once you try cruising, you are stuck and can't wait for the next adventure!

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Know what? I hope the "general public" continues to remain under the impression that they can't afford to cruise!


Leave the ships to those of us who understand what a great vacation value we're getting! Keep those cruise prices low rather than watch them climb due to too much demand!



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I always try to remind my kids too, if they are sort of making me feel guilty, that when they are MY age, and have worked as many years as my husband and I have, then they will probably be able to afford it also. Kids forget that it takes time to establish a career, pay for a home and go on really nice vacations. When I was their age, I certainly wasn't able to go on vacations like I do now or to go on cruises. So it is all relative. But I also have taken them on some nice vacations when they were younger to Florida, Bahamas, Hilton Head Island, etc. so I remind myself not to feel too guilty about going away now when they are home working. Sigh. oh oh. I'm feeling guilty. Hopefully one of these times we can all go on a cruise together.


I've been having the time of my life planning an Alaska cruise in August with 3 kids and their spouses. :D They are all thrilled I'm spending their inheritnce on ME but I'm sure they appreciate my including them. Just the planning has been a blast!:) It will be the time of my life!


As for the OP's question. If someone asks me how I can afford to do something I just ask them why do you ask? That shuts them up.:D


Winnie<------> packing for next cruise

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Judy - 89 cruises?????????? Are you rich? Did you win the lotto? did you inherit money? lol damn, girl that is quite a record.


89 cruises is not much of a record. Many others have more cruises but they are retired or rich.


No to all your questions. I work full time; at the same company for 43 years.


I am now married but was single until I was 50. I started cruising in the early 70's. It was all a matter of priority. I had many inside cabins.


My husband is not as much of a cruising nut as I am; he goes maybe once or twice a year. But he does not object if I go alone. We go together one or two times a year and I go alone usually twice a year on a B2B each time.


What do I like about cruising: its hassle free, decision free and away from reality.


Does that make sense?



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What's the big deal about people making comments about you being rich? Instead of getting defensive and making a case for how and why you can afford it, enjoy the knowledge that you have found a way (however you manage it) to do something you enjoy tremendously. Allow yourself to be a little smug about how smart you are to have "figured it out" while a lot of those co-workers, relatives, neighbors, etc. continue to shop till they drop, dine out daily, and otherwise spend the cash as fast or faster than it comes in. Got to love it.

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Although no one has actually said anything to me about being rich (they all know I'm NOT), I sometimes get the impression that some folks don't approve of me spending money on travel.


But it doesn't bother me a bit! I became a single mom 21 years ago and put myself through 4 non-stop years of college while working 3 jobs and raising 4 young children. I've worked fulltime since college and during the past year I've worked a parttime job too. My children are all grown and gone, so I'm not wasting anymore time. I love to travel and that's where my extra money goes. I live a frugal lifestyle so I can enjoy traveling and I pay cash for it all.


The people who really make me feel good about traveling are my parents and siblings - we've always been a travel-happy family and they think everyone should travel as much as possible.


Bottom line: any critics are jealous because they don't save any money. Many are living materialistic lifestyles that are way above their means and they are up to their eyeballs in debt.

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