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How I Spent 12/18-12/20 on Baby Gem!


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On Thursday, 12/20 at 4:00pm I am home in Vermont exiting the airport gate where people meet their arriving loved ones. Suddenly, I hear a shout: “Oh my god, is that a Gem-IT-girl?! I hear another shout: “Yes, yes, it truly is one! Let’s get her autograph!” My older sisters run up to me, jumping up and down in front of a bewildered crowd.


They learned that trick from me years ago. Enjoying every second of their payback, they said another option was to sit quietly and hold their fingers in an L-shape to their foreheads as I came through the doors. I laughed hard! I was not getting my car back until I told them every detail of the trip from beginning to end. Sister-napped, I gave in. I began by stating, “What a ride!”


Two days earlier, I gagged while brushing my teeth before heading to the airport. I paused and thought to myself what on earth was going on? While driving to the airport, I hic-upped deep breaths. Oh my gosh, I sounded just like my mother did while waiting for one her children to come home from a night out and they were late. I met Lu1217 outside check-in and we talked briefly. As I spoke, I held back gagging some more. She asked if I was okay. I told her no, the last time this happened to me was 22 years ago during the morning of my first day teaching. I was indeed 100% nervous. I prayed for it to stop.


So I changed the subject. “Do you have Bob?” I asked Lu. She replied a little bit of Bob’s ashes were secure in a Tiffany’s pouch, which came from a piece of jewelry he gave her years ago before he became ill. While waiting to board the plane, Lu exclaimed how everyone in the waiting area looked so sad. She wanted to jump up and tell all of them what WE were doing! I was excited for her and reminded myself what I was most excited about regarding this journey: 1. The opportunity to meet Colin Veitch, 2. Meeting the It-Girls, 3. Meeting the Miami office employees who were so kind to me throughout the competition, 4. Exploring baby Gem, and 5. The thought of finally winning a bottle of champagne...and what a bottle this one was going to be!


We landed in NYC three hours later after a flight delay. NCL was having a car pick us up and I could not wait to see a tall, dark and gorgeous foreign-accented man dressed in black holding my name on his white placard. I was prepared to play a trick on him…to pretend I was not who I was and see how much cash he would accept to give fake me a ride instead of waiting for the real me.


When I saw a sweet little elderly lady holding an NCL card, the idea dissipated. She told me we were waiting for another 2 people and then a van would take us to the ship. Knowing Shannon and I were the only two flying in, she verified that Shannon was indeed who we were waiting for. Her flight too was delayed. I wondered if she and the other gemitgirls were nervous too.


Shannon is a knock-out petite and full of artistic talent. We talked about It-girl stuff on the 1.5 hour ride from Laguadia to baby Gem. I thought it sweet that our van driver was Jamaican. He could switch lanes in .001 seconds in bumper to bumper traffic, could accelerate 90 mph in .001 seconds to get 10 feet ahead of any spot he was stationary at before stopping again, all while giving us a scenic back-street route around Manhatten. I thought of offering Dramamine while Shannon’s guest made deep breath sounds similar to my mom and me earlier...


Our first scheduled appearance was the Christening Ceremony Briefing at 1:45pm. At 2:00pm, our driver arrived at the pier. The only thing I remember is seeing a lot of colored gemstones painted on Baby Gem’s hull. My eyes were not clearly focused due to the flashes of life and death that occurred on the ride over. Not stopping to take a photo, we took an elevator up to check in. We used the “press check-in line” and were expedited directly to the briefing in the Star-Dust lounge, luggage and all. We arrived at the upper level and the briefing was taking place in the lower level. I so wanted to shout out, “We are here! We have arrived and we are alive!”


AnneMarie Matthews and Kristi Bayne, two Miami office gals were helpful to all the It Girls throughout the cruise. They were sweet, energetic, fun and took excellent care of us. Seeing that the four of us arrived with luggage, they immediately called for someone to take our bags and our coats to our cabins. Down below on the stage area, Susan Robison greeted us and informed us how the ceremony would take place. All three were part of public relations and marketing. If my secret-inside information is correct, Susan was the creator/master-minder of the It Girl Concept and different teams/departments worked together to build upon it. Susan is a beautiful, 5’11” It-Girl herself and in my opinion, she has IT all going on!


During the briefing, I met Cindy, Lauren, Mary and their guests. Cindy is more beautiful in person if you can imagine that possible. She has all the characteristics of godmother and gemitgirl. Lauren is a vivacious, beau-dacious young Bernadette Peters. Mary is my new hero. If I have ¼ of her sense of humor and her zest for life/travel when I am 75, then I will be happy. Lu hung out with the It-girl guests and talked about best friends in off off Broadway, college, waste management, and travel escorts. During this time, NCL had free-flowing cocktails to reduce the nerves. I am a cheap date and ordered the tallest glass of water.


When the briefing finished, we had about 50 minutes until the Pre-Christening Ceremony Reception. Our agenda had an “It Girl Treatment” in the Yin-Yang Spa. This included getting our hair and make-up done. I thought this was a nice bonus! Since I was behind schedule, I said thank you very much but I really needed to eat something! If I go beyond 7 hours in a day without eating, I get a headache.


Lu and I whisked off to the Garden Café buffet and I devoured a slice of rare roast beef, a barbecued chicken leg and some soup all before Lu buttered her bread. I felt so bad! I told Lu to trust me, that cruising NCL is never rushing like this! She was so sweet and told me to go ahead and get ready…she would find her way. I would miss the ceremony as opposed to leaving her there alone.


I now had 35 minutes to get to the Pre-Christening Ceremony in appropriate time. I had to get to the cabin, to unpack my outfit, to shower, to fix my hair and makeup.

I was ready with most everything in about 25 minutes. The last thing was to put on my animal print dress with slits and my leopard sling back peep toe sandals. Lu helps zip me up in the back and she exclaims that my dress is ripped…



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…Let me tell you, there was nothing classy or glamorous that came out of my mouth. I suddenly stopped, sat down on the bed, and laughed. I laughed some more as I relaxed for the first time since finding out I was a finalist. I thought how many times am I destined to have dress malfunctions? I already had five slits in the dress…what about ripping the dress some more and making it six?


Fortunately, I had thrown in a black satin bolero jacket. Fortunately, I spotted a tiny safety pin in my make-up bag earlier. Fortunately, Lu made it look brand new again. Note to self, never try on a dress 50 times without checking it over before officially wearing it…


We made it to the Pre-Christening ceremony only 15 minutes after it began. It was held in the Star Bar and I had no idea what to expect. Getting there, the layout of the ship was similar to the Jewel. Upon arrival, Captain Mikael Hilden was greeting people at the door. He is a handsome man from Finland and he is very gracious. He also has a wonderful sense of humor. After meeting him, there were two guys dressed all G-Q looking who I met next…they were from Apollo, the company that invested 1 billion dollars into NCL. I was talking to them for a while (hey, I am not dumb), when I noticed Lu was not by my side.


Where was Lu? I excuse myself and walk a bit further into the crowded room. I am greeted by a bar server and asked if I would like a drink. Why yes, thank you, I replied, I would like some water. I find the It-Girls and their guests and walk further in to talk with them. In addition to us, NCL had invited the honorable mentions on this journey too. During the next two days, Lu and I had a blast with them as well. Only two of the five honorable mentions were on this trip.


I finally spot Lu and she joins our entourage. When asked where she went, she replied she was in the bar further talking to people. She was hob-nobbing with a Florida Senator…Did I invite a great guest or what? I knew at that moment I did not have to worry about Lu! We were all chatting further and I hear someone say to me, “well, I see all the leopard…you must be the It-Girls!” I turn and say, “Yes, that is us…and you are…?” The man replied, “I am Colin.” According to Lu, my face went blank and was unregistered for what seemed like a minute…until I realized that “The Man” was standing next to me. “OH!” I exclaimed, “Colin! You are the reason I did this contest! I am honored to finally meet you!”


Colin is everything I had envisioned him and hoped him to be. He oozes NCL and everything it stands for. Prior to this trip, I had wondered if he would do the ceremony and then rush off to meet the Trump in NYC. He stayed on the cruise and was out and about throughout the two days. He is intelligent, classy, charismatic, clever and a perfect host. Approximately 10 minutes before the christening ceremony in the StarDust Theater, the Gemitgirls all received a dozen yellow roses. The Miami office gals gathered us up and escorted us to the next event…The Christening Ceremony…



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The entire trip we were always escorted and treated like celebrities. Holding our yellow roses, the finalists and their guests were brought down from the Star Bar to the StarDust Theater where many passengers were already partying. The event was publicized throughout the ship’s monitors and they were showing scenes of everyone in the various locations having a grand time with free-flowing champagne. I suspect this was not a usual christening ceremony and it was fun to be a part of it. I was the last to walk in and once we were announced, I was ready to have a good time and enjoy the moment.


As we walked down the StarDust Theater stairs, people were clapping and cheering. I think the announcer might have been the cruise director but I never found out for sure. If he was, then he did a great job getting the crowd pumped up. As the others went down, I thought I spotted Crewmom’s son because she sent me a picture of him. I remained behind to talk to him, but he looked at me like I had three heads when I asked if he was. Realizing the guy was not, I just told him I thought he was someone else…Crewmom, I never found him and I am sorry I did not!


I milked the moment walking down. The regular me came out and it was awesome to stop and chat with people along the way. I waved, I danced a bit, I smiled and thought wow, this is great! We were seated in the front row on one side. Our guests were behind us and the Gem officers and NCL reps were with us. Center row were the investors and partners to NCL. On stage with the announcer were the Gem dancers all dressed in leopard. We had our names on our seats and programs for the ceremony.


Opening the ceremony were the Dem Boyz Step Team from NYC. They stomped, they stepped, they jumped, they clapped and they kicked in unique and special ways! During it, 75 year old Mary leans over to me and whispers, “I do that every morning after I wake up…!” I just about lost it with laughter. Second up was the Luminescence Choir from NYC who sang a few holiday songs. One was “All I want for Christmas Is You” sung in the Mariah Carey way. A Mariah Carey was introduced as being in the audience and Lu thought it was real deal. I was not sure because they had introduced some fake celebs earlier like Paris Hilton.


Colin Veitch spoke next and he ran the rest of the show. He introduced the IT-Girl finalists and their videos. He went by our ages so I was fourth. He received some bonus points in my book because he announced I was 41. Who was I to correct him? Our videos were sprinkled throughout the program. Afterwards, Mary said that he too got her age backwards and wrong as well because she was only 57. Mary always found a way to make me crack up with laughter during the quiet moments of the ceremony.


My favorite part of the ceremony was the Invocation. I wish the brochure named the woman reverend who blessed baby Gem. I thought she was absolutely fantastic. Again, I suspect it was not a usual or routine blessing. She was moving, uplifting and spiritually awakened the crowd. She had us all stand and she brought the blessing through us as we breathed. I held Mary’s hand to my left and Lu’s hand behind me with my right. I squeezed Lu’s hand every time the reverend moved me knowing that Lu too was moved by her words.


The Chairman of NCL Corporation, Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay spoke next. I apologize for not remembering his message because my video was next up. Not only did they show our videos, but they had a live shot (like they do in the Academy Awards) of us on the big screen as well. I enjoyed watching the camera guys get ready for each of the IT girls. I wondered how one gets to be the guy who carries and moves the camera chord as the operator moves around filming. Mary whispered something to me not for publication and again I just about lost it…again during an inappropriate time. May God always bless Mary!


We then saw the movie sode “License to Thrill” that featured Colin and baby Gem and their search for the newest It girl godmother. You too can see what we saw on the gemitgirl website. I figured out earlier that it was not going to be me. I am an excellent reader of eyes and hidden signals. Frankly, I do not even think the person was aware I understood. If they were, then I appreciate it very much and that I understand. Also, the cameras on Cindy before the announcement clearly gave it away to the rest of us!


The GemItGirl website has the live footage of Cindy’s announcement. The Captain and officers escorted her on stage and she did a fantastic job. She announced the naming of Norwegian Gem and asked god to bless her and all who sail her. On the side of the stage was the lever to release the champagne bottle and she pulled it. On the big screen was the champagne bottle outside being released and smashed into Gem’s hull. Streamers were suddenly falling from the StarDust theater ceiling and everyone was cheering. The big screen showed people in all the lounges cheering as well. I was truly thankful for being a part of it all and what a fantastic memory the last few months had been.


There were more memories to be made. Remember I thought earlier before the agenda that it would be “okay, enjoy your 2 day cruise” after the christening? Not so! There were even more cool things to occur. More cool things to attend. More cool surprises for the Entourage and their guests!



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I have really enjoyed the postings and think you would have been the perfect Godmother for the Gem. Please continue with the rest of your trip, tell us about your cabin, how you were treated, where you ate, etc. I am loving every minuite!!!

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My favorite part of the ceremony was the Invocation. I wish the brochure named the woman reverend who blessed baby Gem. I thought she was absolutely fantastic. Again, I suspect it was not a usual or routine blessing. She was moving, uplifting and spiritually awakened the crowd. She had us all stand and she brought the blessing through us as we breathed. I held Mary’s hand to my left and Lu’s hand behind me with my right. I squeezed Lu’s hand every time the reverend moved me knowing that Lu too was moved by her words.




Her name is August Gold of The Sacred Center of New York. http://www.sacredcenterny.org/


You're right, it wasn't a typical invocation, to be sure!



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Hi coka,


I am really loving every detail of your experience on the Gem!


I am waiting to hear more.


You are such a wonderful person with class, grace, and a wonderful sense of humor!


ps...I am glad that all of Vermont welcomed you back with open arms! We will be in Woodstock next weekend!

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Lu and I whisked off to the Garden Café buffet and I devoured a slice of rare roast beef, a barbecued chicken leg and some soup


Lu helps zip me up in the back and she exclaims that my dress is ripped…




I see a connection. Should've skipped the buffet! :eek: ;)

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After the christening, a VIP cocktail reception with Colin Veitch was held in Spinnaker’s Lounge. From 7pm-8pm, the sailaway cocktail party (with press) took place in the same location. Spinnaker’s is tastefully decorated in magenta, gold and turquoise colors. I have heard the ship’s décor described as funky or art deco by some. In my opinion, it is neither. The best way to describe Gem’s overall ambiance is “chic.” The lounge is forward ship on the top level with windows ¾ around the room, perfect for viewing the ocean.


I am happy to report the designer did not put in eggshell bar stools or chairs (as seen on the Jewel last year). Many of the chairs, couches (along with a few bed loungers) were in velveteen. One side had a dart board in the back, a foozball table and a pool table. The other back side had a roulette table and some televisions to view different channels. The stage was front center with a large dance floor. The middle had semi-circle long couches with tables spaced in front. The long bar located in the back of room had comfortable stools.


At the reception, I ordered my first cocktail. As I got out my sail-and-sign card to pay, it was here I found out from Mary’s son the cocktails on this cruise were complimentary to everyone on the ship. Well alright, I thought. NCL certainly knows how to thank their travel agents, press and employees! I announced I was going to drink the cost of my leopard shoes that evening and drink the cost of my animal print dress the next day.


That of course did not work out because I already told you I am a low maintenance date. I got some of the gemitgirls and guests to get out on the empty dance floor. The Gem showband was very good and we danced a few songs. Dancing felt great and I finally got the regular cruising coka flow through my veins. Well, maybe it was the two pinot grigios…!


Captain Hilden talked with me for a while and I let him know I had a present for him and the bridge guys. I explained that the people I knew who went on the transatlantic crossing raved about the Gem and there were many more I knew who were looking forward to sailing her. He asked if I wanted to go to the bridge and give it to the guys in person. I quietly wanted to give to him and he could decide what to do with it. I do not wear white to a wedding if I am not the bride, do you?


Another surprise was that Santa showed up for the party too. This was when I thought of home. For Christmas, I asked him to bring some happiness to my students who I know have a hard time not only during the holiday season, but during the entire year. I thought of four separate instances where their single parent just up and left them to fend for themselves. Thank God for teachers and for schools who provide some stability for these teens…


The New York City skyline is beautiful at night. As we sailed away, the lights appeared to twinkle and dance with delight. One could tell the city was happy to finally have Gem arrive and surprisingly, father winter sent us warm winds and calm seas throughout the inaugural sailing.


By 8:30pm it was time for the group dinner hosted by NCL executives in Le Bistro French restaurant. Colin was on the same elevator as Lu and I heading down. A passenger looked at me, saw my lanyard tag around my neck (we had to wear them to get into the special events) and asked if I worked for NCL. As I got off on my deck, I responded, “No, but I will in the future. They just don’t know it yet!” and I left them in bewilderment as the door slid shut.


The Gem has 10 restaurants and dining rooms with 13 dining options. Le Bistro is on deck 6 located mid-ship port side. The décor is classy and comfortable. It is rectangular shaped with a few corners for even more intimate dining. Every seat has a good ocean view even if you are not at a window table. It reminded of the Sun’s Trattoria restaurant. NCL had two large tables set up for us. Lu and I sat with Shannon, Mary, Lauren and their guests. I think there was an executive who was assigned our table but she discreetly realized there were only 8 seats at the one we selected and she went to the other one.


I began my meal with escargots followed by the warm goat cheese tart, two of my favorite NCL appetizers. I tried to talk Lu into the mushroom soup in the sour dough loaf but she loves French onion soup. NCL also has the best breads. I have sailed Carnival, Princess and Royal Caribbean and I can not think of anything in particular I love regarding their food to ‘make me want to sail them’ again. Although I do not cruise to eat, I look forward to NCL’s breads, cold soups, meats, and pastas along with the above mentioned specialties. I ate every bite of the braised short rib and grilled beef tenderloin. For dessert, the crème brulee was recommended by our waiter but I knew from cruisecritic that I could order the chocolate fondue not listed on the menu. I was happy to see that ½ cut-out pineapple arriving with strawberries, bananas, pineapple, grapes and chocolate to dip them in….yummmmmmmmm!


Ashish from India was our waiter and his female assistant was from Romania. They too became themselves once they realized our group was not stuffy. We talked about their countries and their religions. Ashish was surprised I knew about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Hindu gods). Since the cocktails and all specialty restaurants were complimentary on this sailing, there was no paper to sign in order to tip extra. The gifts that Lu and I brought worked out well given this situation. My sister ordered specialty M and M’s with the words “NCL” and “Baby Gem” on them. We wrapped them in green and red tissue paper and tied them with a holiday bow. In addition, we had international phone cards so that they could call their families back home…more than once because it was the holidays! Lu said after she will never forget the Ashish’s thank you as he held his hand to his heart…



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Coka - Just because you have a life doesn't mean you can let those of us who don't wait for hours for your next post :D As usual, I love reading about your cruise. You have a way of telling a story that is second to none. Plus, I'm dying to know what your gift for the Captain and the bridge guys was.


I can't believe that you know of 4 students whose parents just up and left them. So many of us have such good fortune in our lives; sometimes life just isn't fair.

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Thanks, Coka.


What an experience for you. Sounds wonderful:)


Coka-I just wanted to 2nd what Como and others have said. With your "it's all good" attitude, I still wish it had been you selected as Godmother! I appreciate the effort you've put in the review!!! thank you


Merry Christmas


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(Jimswims, there is plenty of snow here! Sorry for not letting you know...I went to visit mom who is doing well and then the brothers and sisters had our holiday gathering...I tried to get them to serve me the hors d'ourvres like they did on the Gem...haha)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


We finished dinner in Le Bistro by about 11:00pm. As stated in previous reviews, I think the specialty restaurants and dining rooms are meant for savoring the dining experience and for enjoying the company you are with. You will not be rushed out. Even so, there have been times when we stated we needed to be somewhere at X O’clock and we were out in time. If you are in a hurry, then the buffet is the best option. I did notice items in the buffet that were also on the menus.


Lu and I visited the boutique stores after our dinner. I was happy they closed at midnight so we had some time to peruse the merchandise. The cost of cigarettes went up since sailing the Dawn in October. They were around $24.50 per carton. The duty free liquor prices still looked the same as before. Much of the Gem memorabilia had “inaugural season” printed on it. Lu finished her holiday shopping there and she was pleased with her items.


Returning to the balcony cabin (10022), I finally had some time to look at it. Indeed, the towels were plush as were the beds. Lu loved the duvet. The shower was rectangular with a sliding door. Upon entrance, five storage shelves were on the right, a safe on one of the shelves, followed by a two door closet to hang your clothes, followed by a refrigerator at eye level (perfect for not having to ‘bend way down’) with three drawers beneath, followed by a vanity area with hair dryer. To the left was the bathroom. Further into the room were the beds, nightstand, and pull-out couch. Across from the pullout couch was the television and another shelf with coffee pot/ice bucket. The balcony completed the room. Our cabin steward, Fatima was a sweetheart. We too gave her the M and M’s and a phone card.


I noticed a Gemitgirl bag on the bed with lots of goodies in it. It seems every cabin received one. There were some nice things in there! A travel agent booklet filled with information on NCL itineraries, 2008-2009 brochures, the MENUS, and such. Additionally, there was a striped hat in leopard colors, a black winter cap with GEM printed on it, white sunglasses, leopard pens, Gem-glo necklace, air freshener in the shape of Gem, Gem dog-tag, luxury lotions/shampoo/conditioner/after-shave/spa gel/ lip balm/day cream/eye cream from Frances Denney (I can not wait to see if the eye cream reduces my puffy eyes…), a Gem personal care travel bag with empty containers that meet travel regulations, hello gorgeous blinking lips, a PGA golf ball, and an NCL mouse pad with all the fleet floating somehow in it (very cool)!


After oohing and ahhing over the goodies, it was time to check out Bliss Nightclub. Lu said she was just going to rest for a few minutes and she was going to meet me later. How many times have I heard that story before from a travel companion? I wished her goodnight and I would see her in the morning.


Bliss was crowded. Located on deck 7 aft, you see the bowling lanes upon either entrance, two per side. There are two areas for private parties as well. The bar area is in the center back and all along the middle sides are varying-shaped club/lounge chairs with tables. In the center is a long stand-up or sit-down long skinny bar table. Front is a small stage and a small dance floor. There were also a few club/lounge beds in the front area too. If you are not a night-clubber, then you might think this all very strange. Having danced in plenty of nightclubs all over the world, I thought NCL did a very nice job with capturing a club-like atmosphere. Not sure how I would like bowling alleys on both sides, I was pleasantly surprised that none interfered or clashed with the other.


I met up with Lauren and her guest and we headed out to the crowded dance floor. There were some chairs up front I wanted to move out of the way so that I had more room to dance, but I think the passengers sitting in them might have been a bit perturbed if I did! I was not sure about the bed in my way either. I was not sure that I liked it there until the following evening. I danced for about an hour and without notice, everything caught up with me. I thought I was going to pass out. If I moved my legs one more time or if I waved my arms one more time, I would drop to the floor. I concluded I was absolutely exhausted. I was in my cabin bed at 1:20am, the earliest ever on a cruise I think! I wondered if I was getting old…



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