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How I Spent 12/18-12/20 on Baby Gem!


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Your husband sounds like a (can't resist) GEM.


Well, if you see them for Christmas, give them both my love, and let them know that their gift this year will be late, just like last year. Maybe it will arrive in time for their 21st anniversary, but I doubt it...


Since you're en route maybe I can stop for a cuppa with you when I finally make it up there! You can contact me at jana [at] sleeping-around [dot] com.




Don't think I'm going to see them until after the New Year. They missed another cousin's annual Holiday Open House because they were on the GEM. I see you're in Oceanside. My best bud (High School & UCLA) is there at the moment as his Mom lives there (he lives in London) and he visits every holiday. So if you see a tall (6 feet 6 1/2 inches) very thin fellow (he still runs every day), who is in his mid-50s and eats a ton, who is with a stylish woman in her 80s who is probably still about 5 feet 10, say "Hi Geoff & Merle." Hope your Christmas is very Merry and your New Year very happy. - Sharon

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SLMS - Peter is one of my all time maritime writers - I love the site (I visit it everyday) and love his and M's passion for all things ships! Always in the back of my mind is to make it out west for one of those QM lectures.


Peter's site is pretty incredible, he and M are all about ships. One of these days, we have to do a cousins' cruise. I don't think any ship will ever be the same if it gets invaded by our fantastic family. Come on out West, you can plan a lecture around either a Mexican Riviera or a Pacific Coastal cruise. I'm sure that Coka would tell you to go for it. And for those who missed it, here's the link to my review of the Dover to Barcelona trip on the GEM back in October. http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=34115

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(I think you know my reviews too well to know what is coming next by the questions after each segment…!)

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After the private reception, Lu and I decided to eat in the Garden Café for dinner. We could have made reservations in any of the restaurants but after the press conference, I wanted to see how the Garden Café was enhanced at night. During the evening the tables are covered in cloth and mood lit candle look-a-likes. At the time we were the only ones there. I ate freshly prepared pasta from the pasta station with extra garlic, butternut squash soup, sliced duck, macaroni and cheese, and tenderloin. All of it was sinfully scrumptious.


Around 9:30pm we went up to Spinnakers to check out the band. We only heard one song before they took a break so we headed to Bliss Ultra Lounge. Upon entrance, It-girl Shannon had rented two bowling lanes and she invited the rest of us to join her. The only rule was that we had to dance our way up the alley prior to releasing the bowling ball. We all had a great time and I was so very proud of Lauren, for just about every time she bowled, she hit a strike! My family wanted to know about Lauren because they all loved her video as they played it over and over! I told them she is just as fun in real life as in the video. We are going to cruise together sometime.


After bowling, we went out to the promenade deck directly outside Bliss Lounge. Lu disappeared for a while and I talked to Mike Vasquez, a well-known DJ across America whose home base is in Miami. He is overseeing the improvements/enhancements to NCL ship nightclub music. He will train the DJ’s throughout the new ships. Heck, I have been trying to do that for years with the dance CD’s all numbered for requests...


You know how sometimes on previous cruises, you go into the nightclub and want to leave after a while? Well, not on Gem! I will never have to bring my music anymore because on the second night of cruise, the DJ played the best nightclub dance music I have heard on any cruise ship. There were some who wanted it to change and at appropriate times it did. I was stoked because from 10pm-4:30am I was listening to the best club sounds.


Still talking to Vasquez on the promenade, I noticed I liked the various colorful drawings of the four seasons. Lu suddenly appeared and I asked her where she went. She was forward ship taking care of Bob. I thought, “Forward ship?!” I then teased her and said a little of bit of him was in her hair. Of course he was not and we laughed.


We danced the rest of the night away. The Gem’s send-off party had a white night theme. Most everyone had their white sunglasses and their frosted necklaces. We were also encouraged to wear white. I had mostly black and a little white. We had to clear the dance floor a few times because the Gem dancers came out to perform. They also had white night specialty drinks but I never ordered any to tell you what they were. I did have some complimentary beer, liquor and bottled water though! Since sail-and-sign did not apply to this cruise, we thanked the bartenders appropriately.


The NCL Miami office and travel agents were all having a great time in Bliss and some joined the crowded dance floor. I surprised Lu with my dancing and I told her that it reduces stress and I like my own little zone feeling I get when I do it all night! Around 1:30am Lu and I were cooling off out the on promenade. I mentioned we could do two things: Be smart and go to bed or stay up and see if anything crazy happens. We could finish by watching the ship sail under the Verazzano Bridge.


Lu opted to stay up and see what happens. Back in Bliss, the place was still crowded, people still bowling, and the music/dancing still pumping. Lauren, her guest Emily, Lu and I hung out sitting on the bed I did not like the night before. I liked it this night. During dance breaks, the pillows are comfy to rest upon! At one break an Austrian male approached me and said, “I huv been vatching you…I vatch you dance last night…I vatch you dance tonight…I vant to dance vith yu.” So I danced with him and at one point I knew I had to get away before he spun me around like the guy on the Sun did to that Miami gal (on a previous review from a few years ago).


The dance floor still crowded, I put my arms up and sort of danced away. Being 6’1” in my dance shoes it is easy to maneuver. I find a safe spot and continue to be happy. During one dance move, I brought my elbow down and felt it whack a head behind me. I turn around and it was Colin! I was…mortified! I paused to see if he was going down. I apologized profusely and he continued to dance. I moved back towards the Austrian, thinking oh my god, oh my god, “The Man” gives me this wonderful trip, treats me like a celebrity, gives me a Tiffany’s necklace and this is how I thank him? I could see the press release title: “Jilted godmother-wannabe knocks out Pres/CEO of NCL…emergency airlift needed to big apple…” I wanted to disappear! So I did.


I decided the only safe spot for me and everyone else for that matter, was to just jam away on the carpet area next to our bed. I figured this way everyone would be safe…until my hand lightly braised some young guy-who-appeared-out-of-nowhere’s hip. He almost falls over. My hand had barely touched him. I realized this good looking young lean 20-something had “that-absolutely-schnaukered-smile.” Curious to know for sure the level of his inebriation, I lightly press his shoulder with my pointer finger to see if would fall over. He figured it out and without warning he picked me up off the ground. That is when I liked the idea of that bed being there. Fortunately, he put me down immediately and he walked away. The last time I saw him his head was face down in one of those comfy chairs while his legs were still standing…



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…I glance over at Lu and she had the “Okay, Coka, I am done!” look. I knew it would be the same look, yet add a Chershire cat grin, she would smile when I walked by her work desk 26 hours later. If I did not have to get off the ship five hours later, I think I would have stayed dancing. We returned to cabin, showered, and packed. Getting into my jammies, I jokingly suggested we put our make-up and next day’s clothes on…that way we would be ready when we awoke 2 hours later. I was the only one laughing at the suggestion. Lu was asleep. I was so pumped up from dancing I just talked to myself and laughed at the things I said.


I did the “ahhhhhhh” as I crawled into the new comfy bed under the plusher duvet and plusher pillows announced in Freestyle 2.0 enhancements. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I see flashing lights in my eyes. The Verazzano Bridge! Directly under the bridge, I jump out to the balcony to feel the experience yet once more. If you have done it before, then you know what I am writing about. If you have never cruised under the bridge, it a very cool experience, whether in the light or in the dark. If you can hold your breath while making a wish the entire time passing under, then your wish will come true. This is true for any bridge. The only rule is that you must be a passenger and not a driver.


At the Garden Café breakfast, we ate freshly prepared eggs benedict. We had VIP debarkation in the Star Bar at 9am but Gem was cleared at 7am. I finally met Claudio, the concierge and I told him that everyone at cruisecritic says hello. Claudio seemed friendly and prompt as he walked us to the limousine pick-up area. Hooray! NCL sent Lu and I the tall dark foreign speaking guy driving a stretch limousine back to the airport.


I saw cruisecritic Jana at the pier so I danced my way over to say goodbye. We talked about the great time everyone had. While talking with her group, a French gentleman said that I should take up a type of dance that is done in Rio at Carnivale. I told him that my sister and I jumped into a carnivale parade in the Bahamas while on a Majesty cruise years ago and we had a blast. Come to find out, I think he is the hubby of a famous cruisecritic!


Wanting to leave the Vermont airport already, my sisters interrupted me. “So! Are you disappointed you did not win?!” they asked. I replied “Come on! Did you not hear everything I just told you? NCL treated us like celebrities. They far exceeded our expectations. The Gem is truly special for she brings the inner IT out in everyone who sails her. She has just the right mix of fun, chic and taste that everyone falls in love with her! My only disappointment was the chip in my nail polish! Believe me, Nobody will be disappointed with Gem!”


As I kissed my sisters goodbye and thanked them for the safe return of my car, I added that while at the NY pier getting into the limo, I turned back to Gem for another admiring look. Proud of everything she became, I asked her if she minded that I be her wild and crazy aunt instead. As the limo door closed, I swear all the diamonds on her hull winked at me.



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This review is dedicated to all of you who supported me and wished me well! You have given me one of the greatest gifts…a lifetime experience to remember. I truly believe your words of kindness have made me a better person than what I was before October. I thank you very much for this journey. May all of you have a fun and healthy new year that includes at least one cruise in it!

Louise Strong

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Hi, Louise:


I just wanted to thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with all of us. You are such a great story teller that you made us feel like we were there with you. I was in Germany last week and even with the time difference, I stayed up to find out the IT Girl winner from crewmom. Had a tough time staying awake the next day but I got caught up in the excitement.


You may not have won the title but I think you won much more. You had so many people pulling for you especially your creativity and I don't think I am alone when I say I really admire you for being so magnanimous and having such a positive attitude.


I will look for your mermaid and tower gift when we visit the Gem on its 2/6/08 sailing. I will try to find an appropriate charm that can be added to the ones you have. I saw the picture of the mermaid but wish you also had one of the tower, to get an idea of the size of the charm that would fit. Maybe they will let me take a picture of it and I will send you a copy.


Too bad you were not able to get the hot stones massage but it sounds like you were really busy with a lot of exciting activities. You can always get the spa treatment on your next cruise.


I wish you the best in the coming year.

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I saw cruisecritic Jana at the pier so I danced my way over to say goodbye. We talked about the great time everyone had. While talking with her group, a French gentleman said that I should take up a type of dance that is done in Rio at Carnivale. I told him that my sister and I jumped into a carnivale parade in the Bahamas while on a Majesty cruise years ago and we had a blast. Come to find out, I think he is the hubby of a famous cruisecritic!


Louise Strong


Dearest Louise,


I have to say that despite only two hours of sleep, you were glowing on departure morning. I think you were still giddy from the dancing, the ship, the company, the experience and yes... maybe fatigue. But I have honestly never met anyone who can carry two hours of sleep as beautifully and as gracefully as you did.


He's FINNISH, Louise, the gentleman to whom I introduced you, not French, LOL. Maybe my lack of sleep had me slurring my Finns and French. And yes, he is the husband of Cruise Critic's Editor in Chief, Carolyn Spencer Brown. He was as taken with you as everyone else was.


Thank you for my yellow rose, and Midgie says Joyeux Noel (which is French... neither of us can say it in Finnish).



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Jana, pardon my French, er Finnish! He was a charming man!


I do hope that people who sail Gem will bring a meaningful charm! Any charm that can fit on a necklace or bracelet will fit somewhere on the tower as there are many places to hang one from. Remember, it will give courage to go up to an officer!


I have not heard from Lu in few days (she has the week off with the teachers and students) but I am sure she is recuperating too!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All!

Coka, thank you so much for your review! One of the advantages of being sick for so long was that, by the time I was better, your review was totally done and I didn't have to wait for the next installment, I could read it all at once!


Congratulations, again, on your trip and your wonderful experience. I knew you would enjoy it to its fullest. Thank you for sharing it with us! Reading your reviews is so much like being there that I couldn't sleep at all after reading it. My body was convinced that I was on a 2 night cruise and shouldn't waste a minute sleeping.;)


I loved hearing about your new potential position at NCL. Sounds like a great fit!

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  • 3 years later...

Welcome to Cruise Critic Lifehasitsquirks! OH...MY....it sure does as does the power of positive thinking! I swear two days ago I was driving my car to work thinking about you and wondering what current Broadway or off Broadway show I could find you in now. Lu and I still talk about all the fun we had with you and your guest Emily! We still talk about meeting up again.


Lifehasitsquirks, can we tell the cruise critics who you are? I know who you are but I bet those who have been around these boards a while want to know too! Hint: Lifehasitsquirks is the IT Girl coka cast her vote for to win...


Life, I will send you an email so we can "catch up."



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Hello Monte! I am glad to see you back on the boards. I hope all is well too! This thread sure is a blast from the past. As I read through it, I noted I have not seen Cosmopolitan around. Does anyone know where she is?



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coka, I saw this thread and for a minute I thought that you were able to do another last minute cruise on the Gem but this time without me!


Nice to relive this one again. Thinking of you and hoping to sail with you and Mr. coka again soon.

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Pardon my ignorance but what is an IT GIRL ?


As marketing/promotion for the Norwegian Gem, NCL had an IT Girl contest, where passengers sent a 3-minute video of why they should be the Gem's IT Girl. The IT girl is the godmother of the Gem and they had a big christening and all. Coka with 3 other ladies were the 4 finalists and they were all invited to the big affair. A lot of CC members voted for Coka because we felt that her video was the best and most unique video presentation of 4 finalists. Coka came in 2nd but she won our hearts instead.


Her gift to the Gem, Robbie still watches over the Gem, it's officers, staff, crew and the passengers.

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As marketing/promotion for the Norwegian Gem, NCL had an IT Girl contest, where passengers sent a 3-minute video of why they should be the Gem's IT Girl. The IT girl is the godmother of the Gem and they had a big christening and all. Coka with 3 other ladies were the 4 finalists and they were all invited to the big affair. A lot of CC members voted for Coka because we felt that her video was the best and most unique video presentation of 4 finalists. Coka came in 2nd but she won our hearts instead.


Her gift to the Gem, Robbie still watches over the Gem, it's officers, staff, crew and the passengers.


If you want to see pictures of the mermaid go to the Roll Call section on CC, click on the Gem Roll Calls, the sticky at the top has info and pictures.

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