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How I Spent 12/18-12/20 on Baby Gem!


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Day 2


We awoke to a phone call that NCL added in a bridge tour with the Captain to our agenda for the day. Before the press conference, we were to meet in the reception area. Lu and I went to the buffet for breakfast. The Garden Café has action stations and you do not have to wait in a line for everyone to select their items. You just go to the station that interests you. I made my ritual visit to the omelette man.


Available crew presented us with the offer to take our plates to an open table. Our table was in La Cucina Italian Restaurant nearby. Decorated with thick wooden tables and hutches along the walls, the floor to ceiling windows completed the scene. Lu commented that the staff was all foreign and I filled her in as to why. She concluded that American servers can learn a lot from them…


At 11:00am, the gemitgirls, the honorary mentions and their guests met at the reception desk located on deck 7 in the crystal atrium. I prefer NCL’s atriums over the competition’s atriums. The carpet and furniture’s main colors are fuscia and cerice. Two stairways go up to deck 8 where the Blue Lagoon and Flamenco’s Tapas and Tex-Mex Salsa are located. Beautiful crystals above pull the look together. A piano and the Java Café are also located in the atrium. Off to the sides are the reception/shore excursion/port-of-call desks and perfume shop. The internet café nearby has 8 computers. I was not sure I would like the giant screen taking up an entire wall in the 2 story atrium, but when I saw artwork images on display, I thought it all worked well. Keep in mind I am not a mall shopper (I prefer boutiques, haha) and therefore do not prefer the competition’s multi-level mall-like grand atriums.


Once everyone was gathered for the bridge tour, we were asked if all of us had scheduled our spa appointments. Shannon told me the night before that they were all booked up and the last spot left for her was at 9pm. I told the rep that after 30 cruises and never making a spa appointment (although I do the salon services), my heart was not broken that I could not be scheduled one. Even so, she gave me her card and told me to email when my next cruise was and I would get my free spa service then. How classy was that gesture? Extremely.


Twelve of us were then escorted to the bridge where Captain Hilden greeted us. We were introduced to the bridge officers and the Captain spent a good 35 minutes as he explained the operation. We asked questions and he had all the answers. If you ever followed my question on cruisecritic’s “ask a cruise question” board I wanted to know the difference between a Captain and a Skipper. We could not find an answer on the internet and we never agreed on the right answer. According to Captain Hilden, there is no difference. Mystery solved! While viewing the vast ocean ahead, I secretly wondered if I had logged all my marine hours and continued my training after 8 years driving state police marine boats, could I too have worked my way up to become Captain of cruise ship? I doubted it because it certainly takes a lot of experience/knowledge/training and motivation mixed with the right charisma to become one.


I made sure I was the last one to leave so that I could privately give my present to the Captain wrapped in a box stating “Hugs and Kisses and Holiday Wishes.” I wanted to bring a present that was meaningful to baby Gem, meaningful to cruisecritics and meaningful to me. I commissioned the help of my sister who is an artist/musician. Inside the box was a one-of-kind hand-crafted clay Gem-It Mermaid. Also in the box was an incomplete tower of gems that holds meaningful charms.


The Gem-It Mermaid has long Mediterranean blue hair and her fish-tail is leopard print. She holds the world in one hand to represent all the places she will take us. In the other hand she is holding a rope and anchor to protect the crew and passengers if necessary during rough seas throughout their journeys. She rests on a magenta color seashell from the Caribbean.


I started the gold-colored tower with a row charms. They include: a Christian cross and a Jewish star (the Gem-It Mermaid welcomes all religions), a yin-yang symbol (to represent her relative Orient), a peace symbol (she dislikes conflict and invalid complaints…this symbol also sometimes represents the gay community and NCL is a gay-friendly cruise line), fruit from her itineraries (an apple for New York, an orange for tropical Caribbean, and a strawberry for Mediterranean…these charms will also bring a healthy life for Gem and fruitful year end profits for NCL).


I included a lighthouse that will always guide baby Gem and NCL towards right direction. This charm is already working as many of you have seen already with Freestyle 2.0. So Gem never forgets her family and where she came from, I included a Star and a Sun charm, to represent two NCL ships. A seashell charm is for everyone (baby Gem, the crew and passengers) to always remember to have fun in life. Lastly, I placed a special charm on her mermaid tail that has three dolphins and three words: “Best,” “Friends,” and “Forever.”


I told the Captain that I was going to tell all of you about Gem-It Mermaid and her tower of good luck charms. When you visit Gem throughout her years, you too might want to add to her tower. There is plenty of additional space on the tower. I am sure you can figure out additional well-wish charms for Gem. Remember that if you give, then you receive so much more in return than ever imaginable. Frankly, I have no idea or expectation of what will happen with the mermaid and tower. Even so, bringing a charm is a good excuse to walk up to the Captain or to an officer and meeting them!



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I thought everyone reading Coka's Story might enjoy this Blog from the trip out of Boston for the members of the travel industry. The author is the "significant other" of a member of DH's family and I think Peter is a terrific writer. DH and I were on the Gem's 1st long cruise (Dover to Barcelona) and we really feel like she is our ship. My review (not as well written as either Coka or Peter) is in the Review section and also on these boards. - Sharon

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I look forward to reading another perspective! Thanks for the link. Can you believe at the time I did not think to take a picture of it? My sis has it on her blog/website...will find out address!

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Press Conference


We were escorted to a meeting room that held about 80-100 people. The room was filled with travel writers and the press. As they were setting up, Pres. Colin Veitch mentioned to me that he did not see me in Bliss at 2am. At the pre-christening reception I asked him if he too likes to dance. I laughed and responded I did not believe him that he was there. Colin did a fantastic job rolling out Freestyle 2.0, a pro-growth, product enhancement to upgrade the onboard total guest experience. You too can see the improvements on the other thread with its title. He went through and explained each point. We then saw three sneak preview new commercials that are great! I had met one of the marketing VP’s and he is very outgoing, friendly and appeared to be the genius behind them. The ads are a light-hearted and amusing way of communicating who NCL is.


I was THRILLED with everything they have planned for the future. I found myself taking notes, nodding my head in approval and thinking how proud am I to be included in receiving this information first-hand. Yes, NCL listens to and responds to passenger feed-back and to travel agent feedback. President Veitch answered questions. When asked about the décor of the new ships, he responded they are designed to be fun but elegant...To have a good time feel to it with style. His adjectives perfectly described baby Gem!


Towards the end, at the question and answer period, I began to feel like I was sitting in a faculty meeting back home. Questions included, “What is wrong with what you (we) have now?” “Why are you (we) changing?” “Everything is so good now, why change it…is there something hidden going on here?” President Veitch gave the same answers I give back home. Basically, no matter how good you are, there is always room for improvement and to strive to do things better. Nobody at the press conference could argue with that!


I asked a question too. I wanted to know more about the “NCL-U” educational classes. An assistant gave some examples and it was there I decided my new job at NCL was going to oversee that division fleet-wide.


We were all free after the conference until 6:30pm for a one hour private reception in President Veitch’s garden villa suite. Lu and I hit the casino. She gambled and I enjoyed a few bloody mary’s with gemitgirl Mary. We met up with cruisecritic Jana and we hung about for a few hours. I jokingly suggested to Mary and her son that we get all “toasted up” before the private reception and then NOT LEAVE! By the end of our visit, we exchanged emails and we have a plan to meet up in Saratoga NY to bet on the horses next summer.


Free for the next three hours, I decided to explore the rest of the ship…



(who is done writing until later tonight or early tomorrow…I have the day off!)

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I thought everyone reading Coka's Story might enjoy this Blog from the trip out of Boston for the members of the travel industry. The author is the "significant other" of a member of DH's family and I think Peter is a terrific writer. DH and I were on the Gem's 1st long cruise (Dover to Barcelona) and we really feel like she is our ship. My review (not as well written as either Coka or Peter) is in the Review section and also on these boards. - Sharon


Sharon! I was so disappointed that Peter and I weren't going to be onboard together this time, he is one of my favorite people in the world. And he brought M with him too, I was so sorry to miss them! I'm glad I did the NY one ('cause I got to hang with Coka), I just wish they had too.


So M is related to your DH? You must have a fantastic family, then! I live about 150 miles from the SS Moorpark and they've been trying to get me up there for a couple of years. Since we weren't on the same trip this time, I guess I'll just have to go!


Thanks for the link.



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Sharon! I was so disappointed that Peter and I weren't going to be onboard together this time, he is one of my favorite people in the world. And he brought M with him too, I was so sorry to miss them! I'm glad I did the NY one ('cause I got to hang with Coka), I just wish they had too.


So M is related to your DH? You must have a fantastic family, then! I live about 150 miles from the SS Moorpark and they've been trying to get me up there for a couple of years. Since we weren't on the same trip this time, I guess I'll just have to go!


Thanks for the link.





Jana: M and DH are first cousins. Yes, I have a fantastic family, both the one I was born into and the one I married. DH is the kind of person that when my Mom was in the last few months of a terminal illness, DH went to my parents and asked them to move in with us (he did not wait for me to ask him about it). Now it is over 5 years since Mom's death and my 90-year old Dad, who has Alzheimer's, and his caregivers are living with us. After 28 years of marriage, if I didn't already love the man, I'd fall in love with him now. DH and I are in Woodland Hills so we get to see Peter & M and the SS Moorpark is extraordinary. Sorry you missed Peter & M; however, I'm quite sure that Coka was fun, fun, fun. - Sharon

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Your husband sounds like a (can't resist) GEM.


Well, if you see them for Christmas, give them both my love, and let them know that their gift this year will be late, just like last year. Maybe it will arrive in time for their 21st anniversary, but I doubt it...


Since you're en route maybe I can stop for a cuppa with you when I finally make it up there! You can contact me at jana [at] sleeping-around [dot] com.



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Coka - Did Cindi or any of the other finalists also bring a christening gift? You obviously spent a lot of time coming up with a gift that you thought was meaningful and significant, which would surprise no one who knows anything about you. I would love to see a picture of it.


Can't wait for the next segment.

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Stillfloatin, how did you know I was going to nap? haha

Jana, I still have to go through emails yet...Lauren sent me some pics! Lu is going through her pics. In coka-fashion...I have none

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Lu came with me to explore the rest of the ship. She said Gem was so big and wondered how long a homeless person could stay on the ship before being noticed. The weather was surprisingly warm as we walked around the outside decks. The Tahitian pool area and sun decks were decorated in citrus colors of lime/lemon/orange. One enhancement already on Gem is the very comfortable and fancy looking lounge chairs. Quiet areas with couches were already set up on Gem. While walking around outside, we noticed the various plexi-glass separators subtly had the NCL logo of the one white fish swimming against the multi blue fish.


Other outdoor deck areas had a ping-pong table, a giant chess game, golf area to practice your swing, a jogging track and a large basketball court also used for tennis with large stadium seating. President Veitch stated the stadium seating was going to be used more in the future to promote tournaments. Behind the stadium is the rock wall. I liked where they put the rock wall because it was not obtrusive and did not take away from Gem’s beauty.


The inside hallways mostly had sea shells and dolphins on them if you look close enough. I was so pleased with my Gem tower and mermaid when I saw all the representations throughout the ship! Oh, I forgot to mention another charm on the tower…a seahorse to represent the many new friends one can make while cruising (seahorses, dolphins and mermaids are best friends). The stairwell artwork had different pictures of varying gems along with explanations and histories of most. Examples included diamonds, rubies and other gems. I have the colors deep blue/purple/pink on my note sheet but can not remember the reference.


The Star Bar and Cagney’s Steakhouse restaurant are decorated in midnight blue and yellow. The Star Bar is a quiet area with a view over the pool. A piano is available. The back-side of Cagneys connects to the Star Bar yet the entrance to Cagneys is down the hall outside from Star Bar. I suspect the StarBar connection is the private area for suite guests for special breakfast and lunch. Can anyone verify? The chefs in Cagney’s are visible and you can see them cook.


Inside the Grand Pacific dining room, I noticed the colors of cranberry and teal in the carpets and chairs. The artwork included many paintings of sailing vessels from our global history. The second dining room, The Magenta, seats about 300 passengers and I fell in love with the atmosphere. The color schemes were dark blue/sky blue/magenta. The very visible artwork had various flowers simply painted. All the chairs are high-back and some of the seating areas have high-back booths with scattered pillows. Any IT girl will enjoy her dining experience in this boutique chic restaurant.


The three bars-in-one area flowed nicely. Maltings Beer and Whiskey bar had gold carpet with leather chairs and leather bar stools. Shakers Martini and Cocktail bar has turquoise/teal colors. A zig-zag bar table with dim blinking lights is available to rest your cocktails on. In my opinion, that was the only “funky” thing I found (thank goodness). Magnum’s champagne and wine bar had pinks/purples with floating bubbles at the bar-back. Close by, we stopped in the cigar bar and sat on leather chairs/couches also found in Maltings bar. The walls had photos of famous people who also enjoyed a good cigar. The photos include their quotes about cigar-smoking.


The Gem has her own art gallery. You can view samples on display as opposed to strewn about a lounge during an assigned time. ParkWest has finally returned and I suspect you will not hear many art complaints in the future. You get a brochure upon entrance and the sellers are welcoming yet not pushy.


We explored the Kids Crew areas. The hallway entrance has movie poster themes and three large connecting rooms are filled with fun things for the younger kids. Teens have a leopard lounge to hang out in. The comfy couches/chairs are mint green with a lot of leopard pillows strewn about. They have a soda bar and this area turns into their disco at night (they even have a small dance floor). On one side, we found air hockey and 5 Wii screens. I counted about 20 video machines along with a DDR (dance dance revolution) machine in the video-game room.


I asked the six teens if they liked what was offered them. Their response was that it was enough to keep them happy. I have a copy of the Kids Crew information sheet (age groups, parent responsibilities and such in case you have questions about their program).


The two main areas I did not check out were the spa and gym. By the time we explored the above, we had about one hour left before getting ready for private reception. While back in the cabin, we realized we did not even eat lunch.



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My sister could not put the picture on her website where she sells her arts/crafts because I pre-purchased from her (something about their rules, I do not know).


She could put it on a private blog site. The mermaid looks prettier in real life. The photo does not do her justice...when she was set up on the shell and the tower next to her, with additional charms on her body, it looked pretty good. Oh, it gets lonely on the bridge sometimes...so not only can you see her bosom, but we left a flap to lift to see under her tail...never told the Captain that part but if they keep looking at her, they can figure it out!



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(okay, I stayed up)!


You need a special key to get to the garden villa suites. Fortunately, a crew member on the elevator was heading in that direction so he saved us from being late. The private reception was only for the It girls, the honorable mentions and their guests. Captain Hilden greeted us each with the cheek to cheek welcome and I used the opportunity to get a cheek to cheek to cheek from hunka hunka 6’3” Staff Captain Kim Karlson. There are two captains and two staff captains assigned to Gem. They each work 10 week contracts with 10 weeks off.


President Veitch, our host was very gracious and Susan Robison from PR looked fabulous. A bartender served up red wine, white wine or champagne and two servers walked about the suite with hor’s dourvres. I was starving! I wanted to take the tray filled with jumbo shrimp, fried shrimp, chicken fingers, caviar on wafers, little roast beef strips wrapped around a filling, and something I don’t know sitting in chineese soup spoons, and devour them all. Instead, I could only eat one thing as they passed by and offered a napkin for spill.


The servers were very nervous. How do I know? I asked them. I told them not to be, we were just regular people like them. One stated I looked like Princess Di. I thought they were going to lose it when I replied, “Before or after she died?” After that, they too relaxed and seemed not be nervous anymore.


I asked in the coka-you’re-it thread what to bring a guy who has everything and then some? I ended up bringing Colin the fanciest selection from a chocolate company in Burlington, Vermont, named “Lake Champlain Chocolates.” On a previous cruise I brought Captain Tommy from the Jewel some Vermont maple syrup. He told me that a previous passenger brought him some Lake Champlain chocolate from Vermont and he loved it. I also brought Susan a smaller boxed version of Colin’s. I gave them their treats privately and thanked them. On any cruise, it is always nice to bring a little bit of your home state to give others. Whether it be for officers, crew, passengers you meet, or for a cruisecritic gathering, it always leaves you feeling good.


Towards the end of the private reception, one of Cindy’s responsibilities was to present the Captain with a beautiful vase. Colin then presented Cindy with a large framed picture of her, the officers and himself on stage after the christening ceremony. I am hanging at the bar, drinking my third wine, thinking how everything turned out the way it should and the amount of teamwork it takes to bring in a new ship…


Colin interrupted my thoughts as he presents a gift each to Mary, Shannon, Lauren and me. We each walk up and get a cheek to cheek kiss along with a white-tied bow around a little blue box with the words “Tiffany & Co.” on it. Lu told me afterwards she just about fell over when she saw the little blue boxes holding the little blue pouches (remember she brought a little bit of Bob with her in one)!


Inside our little blue box and little blue pouch was a diamond pendant and sterling silver necklace. Now how about that? We were totally shocked and we were totally HAPPY! Everyone soon thereafter said our goodbyes as the hour approached the end. The four of us runners-up did not need to walk out of the garden villa. We floated out on air…



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I thought everyone reading Coka's Story might enjoy this Blog from the trip out of Boston for the members of the travel industry. The author is the "significant other" of a member of DH's family and I think Peter is a terrific writer. DH and I were on the Gem's 1st long cruise (Dover to Barcelona) and we really feel like she is our ship. My review (not as well written as either Coka or Peter) is in the Review section and also on these boards. - Sharon


Thank you!

Enjoyed the review and pictures and, yes, he is a terrific writer:)

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[quote name=coka;12735423


The servers were very nervous. How do I know? I asked them. I told them not to be' date=' we were just regular people like them. One stated I looked like Princess Di. I thought they were going to lose it when I replied, “Before or after she died?” After that, they too relaxed and seemed not be nervous anymore.



Coka, there are no words.

Can you just cruise every day so we can read your reviews?


I can't believe how you even thought of this wonderful, meaningful gift -let alone pull it all together in time.


The Princess Di story was funny in itself and I sure wish I had your answer on hand a few months ago... when DD was visiting here with her new DH. We were going through "old" pictures.

We came across pictures from 1983 (she was 3 years old) and she says to her DH "Look at my mom, didn't she used to look just like Princess Di"

I didn't know if I should laugh or cry:eek:


You are the "before" and I am the "after".


Thank you so much for taking the time to post your diary and taking notes of the ship.

You are such an incredible person.

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Hi Coka,


What a surprise this morning to find 2 additional installments of your wonderful voyage as an It Girl! Hope schools are closed today so we won't have to wait too long for the next one, though I'm sensing we are almost at the end of your journey onboard.


Loved the mermaid and all she represents. You are the epitome of everything an It Girl should be!:D


Then again, the journey is only beginning.....:)


Happy holidays to you and your family.:D

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As we're waiting to hear about the sprinkling of Bob's ashes,I was just wondering if Lu has ever thought about putting his ashes in a locket. When my mother died, my husband bought a double locket necklace for me for for the 1st Mother's Day after she passed. He put a picture of her on one side and a few of her ashes on the other (glued that side shut with super-glue so no mishaps). Whenever I go on vacation, I wear the locket and take my mother with me. She's been to some pretty nice places since she died. My sister has since done the same thing.

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Coka -


I have been reading each log entry ever so patiently and savoring each one. WOW! What a wonderful time you must of had (and I hope you are still having).


I anxiously (but patiently) await the new adventures, and wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!:)



SLMS - Peter is one of my all time maritime writers - I love the site (I visit it everyday) and love his and M's passion for all things ships! Always in the back of my mind is to make it out west for one of those QM lectures.

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