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Just started WW and need support!

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Hey Jeanie821, what is Christian Singles??


I didn't want to put the full name down for fear of violating the anti-advertising regs on these boards. There's a group of Christian singles that I sail with for Valentine's week each year.

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Tommrow is my first time being weighed since I started W.W. last Wed. I wrote down everything I put in my mouth. I used the 19 points everyday. It was tough, but I stuck with the program, so at 9:30 in the morning, I'll know how I did. If anyone on this thread, wants to share, that would be great.


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You guys did great this week! Congrats! I am inpatiently waiting for my weigh in on Thursday! I really look forward to it because I know that I am working really hard and I have to lose something but if I dont' that's fine too it just makes me want to work harder. We booked a cruise for next month bc I just need to get away so I am hoping that I can get down at least another 10lbs or more by then. If not looks like I will have to shop for all new clothes for the cruise because nothing from my last one fits me at all! As well if I don't I will not attend formal night because I can't see myself spending $100 or more on a dress that I will just never be able to wear again.

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Oh boy.. today has been really rough!! I've been so darn hungry.. But i've been eating things like Vegis, 10 chips with fresh salsa, light popcorn, a few green olives since i've been home now I still need to eat dinner. Hope i'll be ok. I still have those extra points right?? uggg.... :eek:

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Oh boy.. today has been really rough!! I've been so darn hungry.. But i've been eating things like Vegis, 10 chips with fresh salsa, light popcorn, a few green olives since i've been home now I still need to eat dinner. Hope i'll be ok. I still have those extra points right?? uggg.... :eek:



I have had those days and it sucks! I hate it, I don't know which is worse, a day like that or a day where you have a bunch of points left over like I had today. I still have 5pts left and I just had 2 snacks totalling 4pts so I have to find something else to make it to my 5pts I will be awake for another 2 hours so I am trying to think of something fast...it will be my luck tomorrow that I will be hungry all day I just know it!

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Well Cruisers,

I got on the WW scales this morning and to my surprise i got rid of my first 3.2 lbs.:D . So just a small weight loss like that, keeps you going for hopefully the next 7 days. Much luck to everyone else who wants to look and feel better about themselves,


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Thanks Bonnie & Pmoniz,

It's people like you, whom I don't even know,keep me going,3 pounds is 3 pounds, what ever way you look at it.I only have 20 lbs. to loose,but its still hard. Has anyone ever done WW on line? And if so how is it working for them?

Again thanks again,


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Thanks Bonnie & Pmoniz,

It's people like you, whom I don't even know,keep me going,3 pounds is 3 pounds, what ever way you look at it.I only have 20 lbs. to loose,but its still hard. Has anyone ever done WW on line? And if so how is it working for them?

Again thanks again,



I was active with WW online for over two years. I did not go off the plan for at least eight months, used the online tools, and lost nearly 40 lb. I kept if off for a couple of years, and life circumstances intervened and "helped" me regain. The online program was great for me. I learned so much more than any meeting I have ever been to. If you are considering it, try going to the "Community" boards for a few days. I was active with the 50s board and felt like I knew the women (although there was a man or two) well enough to have conversations with my husband about my friends from WW.


I am finding this WW thread on CC pretty helpful as well. I decided not to rejoin the online group (although you can be part of the community and boards for free, even post for free; you can't use the tools.


Just as a side note, I joined WW for the first time in 1974...sigh...I ALWAYS regain to the exact same weight I started at then. I think I was born to be a little "softish".



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Well done Chris!!! I know how you feel about the 3lbs in a sense it's YAY! But in a way it's like whatever I want it all to go now! You will get there. I am not doing online or weekly meetings because I don't have time for the weekly meetings and I felt like online was too expensive. I have done WW before and know all of the ins and outs for the most part so I am just doing it on my own and it's working out great. I do wish I had the weekly meetings. I loved going in and being down and the women giving me my encouragement or pat on the back that we sometimes need...even better the gold star! Keep it up!!!


As for me...just found out today that DH does not support my WW at all and it's very depressing and makes it hard for me. I got excited and told him how well I was doing and that I was down a total of 8lbs and he said he didn't want to hear about it and that he doesnt feel that I need it because I have medical problems...it is quite obvious that I need to lose the 30lbs more in every which way especially when 3 people within 1 month ask me if I am pregnant because my belly had gotten so big. I think it also has something to do with us not going out to eat as much because I don't want to fall off the wagon and have a hard time choosing foods when we go out and he likes to eat out a lot. So this has been a rough day for me because of this and for some reason...I just knew it I was SO hungry today! I have been trying to conserve points but I could really go for a huge meal right now...guess that's the comfort food thing setting in but I won't "feed" into it. I am going to use up my last 2 points shortly and call it a day as hard as that will be.

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Well Cruisers,

I got on the WW scales this morning and to my surprise i got rid of my first 3.2 lbs.:D . So just a small weight loss like that, keeps you going for hopefully the next 7 days. Much luck to everyone else who wants to look and feel better about themselves,



Congats on the loss...that is awesome,hope your coming week is great also



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Well done Chris!!! I know how you feel about the 3lbs in a sense it's YAY! But in a way it's like whatever I want it all to go now! You will get there. I am not doing online or weekly meetings because I don't have time for the weekly meetings and I felt like online was too expensive. I have done WW before and know all of the ins and outs for the most part so I am just doing it on my own and it's working out great. I do wish I had the weekly meetings. I loved going in and being down and the women giving me my encouragement or pat on the back that we sometimes need...even better the gold star! Keep it up!!!


As for me...just found out today that DH does not support my WW at all and it's very depressing and makes it hard for me. I got excited and told him how well I was doing and that I was down a total of 8lbs and he said he didn't want to hear about it and that he doesnt feel that I need it because I have medical problems...it is quite obvious that I need to lose the 30lbs more in every which way especially when 3 people within 1 month ask me if I am pregnant because my belly had gotten so big. I think it also has something to do with us not going out to eat as much because I don't want to fall off the wagon and have a hard time choosing foods when we go out and he likes to eat out a lot. So this has been a rough day for me because of this and for some reason...I just knew it I was SO hungry today! I have been trying to conserve points but I could really go for a huge meal right now...guess that's the comfort food thing setting in but I won't "feed" into it. I am going to use up my last 2 points shortly and call it a day as hard as that will be.


Remember you ae doing this for yourself. Hopefully your husband will come around and begin to support you.


Stay strong



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Well done Chris!!! I know how you feel about the 3lbs in a sense it's YAY! But in a way it's like whatever I want it all to go now! You will get there. I am not doing online or weekly meetings because I don't have time for the weekly meetings and I felt like online was too expensive. I have done WW before and know all of the ins and outs for the most part so I am just doing it on my own and it's working out great. I do wish I had the weekly meetings. I loved going in and being down and the women giving me my encouragement or pat on the back that we sometimes need...even better the gold star! Keep it up!!!


As for me...just found out today that DH does not support my WW at all and it's very depressing and makes it hard for me. I got excited and told him how well I was doing and that I was down a total of 8lbs and he said he didn't want to hear about it and that he doesnt feel that I need it because I have medical problems...it is quite obvious that I need to lose the 30lbs more in every which way especially when 3 people within 1 month ask me if I am pregnant because my belly had gotten so big. I think it also has something to do with us not going out to eat as much because I don't want to fall off the wagon and have a hard time choosing foods when we go out and he likes to eat out a lot. So this has been a rough day for me because of this and for some reason...I just knew it I was SO hungry today! I have been trying to conserve points but I could really go for a huge meal right now...guess that's the comfort food thing setting in but I won't "feed" into it. I am going to use up my last 2 points shortly and call it a day as hard as that will be.


Hey don't let it get you down.....it's most likely more of an insecurity thing on his part. You're doing great! Have you tried a hot cup of tea when you get that really hungry feeling....and yes I do put milk and 1-sugar in it..but it does fill you up, I find if I drink the tea before a meal I'll be more satisfied at the end.


I joined WW about six years ago and lost 30 lbs and have managed to keep 20 of that off since. Now I would really like to lose 15lbs before our cruise in March so I started again on my own Jan. 7th and set a goal of 1-1/2 to 2lbs a week so far I've lost 3.8lbs so I'm right on track. I only weigh myself once a week and I focus on the little goal of 2lbs a week rather than the big number....it seems to work for me....if I stay on track I get to hit my goal weight every week and that encourages me to set the next goal and keep going.



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Thank you everyone who wished me luck on my first WW weigh in on Wednesday, it means so much to me to have support from all of you doing the same thing....getting rid of weight. After all since we are all on this thread, we are all in the same boat:cool: . Thank you so much everyone, and my best wishes to everyone out there. Is anyone going on the Freedom on March 1, 2008? If so, lets meet, okay?


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cruisinjerseygirl - Keep your chin up!! You're doing great. You have to do what you can to make yourself feel better. You're doing this for you!!


Robin - You did great with WW. It's great to hear stories from people like you who have done this and succeeded and kept most of the weight off. You always hear people talking about certain diets they go on and they lose a ton of weight, but once they stop they blow up like a wood tick!! Not fun!! I don't want that to happen. I'm expecting to put some pounds on during the cruise, but hope to be able to come home and jump back into WW and keep walking. We'll see what happens!!



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Thanks Paula,

I'm not saying that I always eat properly but WW does teach you to be able to recognize when you are and when you're not eating right. I think that's way WW works, there are no 'special' pills or magic it just teaches you to be aware of what you're putting into your mouth (well, don't I sound like I'm standing on a little soap box *LOL...sorry about that)

It's going to be tough to stay focused this weekend, it's my week so it wouldn't matter whether I'd lost 10lbs I'm still feeling like I gained 50lbs! And of course I'm craving anything chocolate or salty....even better if I can combine them :D Oh, well, one day at a time, right?



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I know this is totally off of what we are talking about but had a great day today! It started out with me weighing myself as usual, and with 3 more days until my official weigh in I am now down a total of 1.5 this week and at a total of 10lbs down!!! I am SO happy about this!!! What's even better is that the belly that everyone said looked pregnant is gone! I mean it's still there and a little rolly but definitely not as protruding and I can now wear other shirts instead of the big ones I was wearing to hide it!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D I am so overjoyed that I am 1/4th towards my goal weight!! All it took thus far was 3 weeks to get there! I hope that the next six weeks will be as successful and if so I will at least be halfway to my goal that would be amazing...my body has been playing tricks with me and has just refused to go down to that 10lbs and it's there now!! YAY!


Also I told DH that he will need to get his suit dry cleaned because I have decided (due to the weight loss) that we will do formal night because I can fit comfortably into my dress and then I slipped in that I was so excited that I could dress up because I lost 10lbs and he looked at me and smiled and said he is excited too and that he is so proud of me...I guess he has not been supportive because I have really been going back and forth over the last year with gaining a few losing a few and everytime I lost a few I would tell him and he was tired of hearing about the few, now he heard the big 10 and he was actually proud! This makes me feel so great!


I hope you all have a great day and great days to come like mine has been!

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cruisinjerseygirl - Congrats!! That's all great news!! You're going to get to that goal weight!! I'm so glad that your husband told you he was proud of you - that's a great boost!! Keep up the good work!!


As for me, I weighed in this morning only 1.5 lbs. lost this week!! Kind of depressing but it's OK. I have many weeks to go to keep losing!! Better than gaining! I really didn't change much of anything, stuck to my points, never going over into the "extra" points. We've been doing our walking and maybe that's making me lose inches instead of weight? Not really sure. But I'm sticking to my guns and keeping with the plan. It's getting easier every day!!

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cruisinjerseygirl - Congrats!! That's all great news!! You're going to get to that goal weight!! I'm so glad that your husband told you he was proud of you - that's a great boost!! Keep up the good work!!


As for me, I weighed in this morning only 1.5 lbs. lost this week!! Kind of depressing but it's OK. I have many weeks to go to keep losing!! Better than gaining! I really didn't change much of anything, stuck to my points, never going over into the "extra" points. We've been doing our walking and maybe that's making me lose inches instead of weight? Not really sure. But I'm sticking to my guns and keeping with the plan. It's getting easier every day!!


Our weigh in was yesterday morning and I lost 2.5 lb. That's a total of 9.5 lb in three weeks. For me, 1-2 lb a week is average. I am thrilled as long as I do not gain. Congrats to all of you for your losses and for keeping on keeping on. By the way, my DH lost 5 this week for a total of 20 in three weeks.


So, the new week has begun. We start our morning with poached eggs and WW toast (3 pts for one egg and toast). That seems to hold us til lunch.


Hope you are all well. Bonnie

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Hi Everyone!


Just joined WW online to try to get this weight off before our 8/08 family cruise. I have done WW in the past with varying success. I always end up gaining some if not all the weight back, but that was then......this is now and I am really ready this time to make it happen.


I was really bummed the past month because I had really wanted to get the weight off before my DD's wedding on 1/11. I did lose 5 of the 75 I wanted to lose:o . The world did not end because I didn't lose the weight and the wedding was WONDERFUL!:D And the past is the past, I am looking forward with a new positive attitude!


I will probably not see my DD again until the cruise in August (she moved to Texas :( ) I would really like to surprise her with a whole new me. You guys seem like a motivated positive bunch. I hope i can pick up some good energy from you all

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Hi Everyone!


Just joined WW online to try to get this weight off before our 8/08 family cruise. I have done WW in the past with varying success. I always end up gaining some if not all the weight back, but that was then......this is now and I am really ready this time to make it happen.


I was really bummed the past month because I had really wanted to get the weight off before my DD's wedding on 1/11. I did lose 5 of the 75 I wanted to lose:o . The world did not end because I didn't lose the weight and the wedding was WONDERFUL!:D And the past is the past, I am looking forward with a new positive attitude!


I will probably not see my DD again until the cruise in August (she moved to Texas :( ) I would really like to surprise her with a whole new me. You guys seem like a motivated positive bunch. I hope i can pick up some good energy from you all


Hello to another Jersey girl! I will be seeing my sisters after four months of not seeing them when we cruise in April. I am hoping to surprise them too!


One of the hardest things for me to do is to remember that I should not wait "until I lose this weight" for my life to be happier or better. Every day is a new beginning.


Welcome to crusinjerseygirl's support thread (I work from home and online, so often will be the first to see a post). Bonnie

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