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Just started WW and need support!

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Hi All!


We are not cruising for another year but I would like to lose the weight now and be able to keep it off...so I did weight watchers a few years ago and lost 25lbs but now not only have I gained the 25lbs but I added another 15 to it so I am at a point where I won't be perfect for my height if I lose 40lbs but I will feel good and if I lose 50 then that would be the limit. So I started WW last week right after new years on my own, no meetings, no online registration, I have all the books and the food and I just went into the center and stocked up on newer books and food....so I am down 6lbs in 6 days!! I cheated a little yesterday but weight myself today and so far so good. I still need to lose another 40 from here! It is the hardest thing I think I have ever done! I need support. Tonight I have been on munchie mode and although the apple or grapefruit should work for me it's not I want crunchy salty stuff like chips....so I went over my points today by 4pts and refuse to go over anymore but it's so rough. I love to eat and some of these 0 pt things are hard for me...anyone else going through this? Anyone up for being my support?

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I'm doing WW at Work (see the thread), and will be glad to help all I can. I've been doing WW for years, and am a lifetime member, but that still doesn't stop you from gaining back your weight.


You're brave going out on your on, but I'm sure you'll be successful. I need the accountability that a weekly weigh-in brings. I also need to lose about 50 pounds, but now it's more about my health than looking good....although that doesn't hurt, either:) .


Keep posting, and I'll keep replying......we'll help each other! Ginny

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Hello, I'd love to join you on this thread. I started WW online in November just to see what it's all about and then let slide until the holidays are over. So, here I am, back at it again. Weigh in this morning, printed out some great recipes online and am hoping to lose at least 25 lbs. by April. Would love to lose around 33??


My husband is joining me so that should be a great help. A couple of other girls who will be cruising with me are going to start walking with me 3 nights a week - 5 miles a night! So I'm hoping that will give the weight loss a big push.


My biggest thing is I never really know what the heck to eat. I bought some of the WW frozen meals for lunches and some 0 point Progresso soups. It's the in between meals that I have a problem with. Maybe just some veggie sticks?


Hope we can all help each other out. Good luck to you!!

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Thank you so much! I need this badly! For the last 4 days I have been at the same exact weight so I am starting to stress out about it but I did cheat a little one day over the weekend so I am hoping that by the 13th (my 2 week mark) I will have lost a little more...I decided to continue with the flex points as long as I can and if I don't lose anything within the next 3 weeks I will switch to the core plan because at least I will be satisfied. I find it's hard to not be hungry lately...I didn't have this problem last time I did WW but lately I am always hungry. What I do is I don't go for weigh ins but I do go and buy foods that I can't find elsewhere at the WW facility.


This is for pmoniz:


This is a basic day for me food wise



1 WW oatmeal 2pts

1 whole grapefruit 0pts



1 banana 1pt



WW frozen food usually about 5pts



Progresso 0pt soup



WW cheese twists 2pts



WW frozen food usually about 6pts



WW ice cream 2pts



2 Snackwells devils food cake cookies 2pts



I try to spread it all out throughout the day because I love to eat and it's hard and last night I was dying for something crunchy so I went overy by eating 2 extra little bags of WW cheese twists so I was 4pts over for the day but I figure it's not horrible since I have stuck to my daily points as is.


I understand how hard it is to stretch the points...that's why I am thinking of doing the core plan

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My experience in weight loss is when you are a slave to the scale it will beat you most of the time....even if you are eating well, let alone if you are slipping here and there. You will see results...say goodbye to the #...our efforts are thrown out the window because of the results of the #. Even when we are doing terrific...that number can sabotage our efforts and progress.


I can only tell you that I started my new eating regime after halloween (2 months ago or so) and haven't weighed myself. However, I know I've lost 2 pant sizes since then. If I had been weighing myself everyday, I know I would have had many many days of disappointment. I haven't had one day of disappointment, because I got rid of the scale.


If you are following your food plan, and doing the best that you can with the food, the weight will come off. If the cheating is constant, it will be slow going, and a miserable experience. Been there, done that.


I wish you all well, just dump the scale. Let WW weigh you or don't weigh yourself at all. You will see it in your clothes, and isn't that the best reward?

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Cruisinjersey girl - Thanks for the tips. I'm doing the flex points as well. I'm going to have to pick up some snack stuff. That's where I find myself having problems. In between meals. I was thinking of even picking up some of those single serving steamed vegetable cups?


Try not to stress. It does get hard to stretch the points.

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Hi there. After a back problem followed by back surgery, I had gained 14 pounds. Decided it was time to get it off and joined WW. I lost a steady 1 to 2 pounds a week and lost the whole 14 pounds. Getting into clothes I haven't worn in ages. Very pleased. I found the first two weeks hard, I was hungry, but after that it was easy. I ate much more healthily and even though I gained 2 pounds at Christmas I have taken it off again and not worried about cruising. I intend to eat healthily on my cruise and get lots more exercise. Go for it - you can do it.

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I started WW the day after New Year's. Right now I'm eating so many carrots that I'm afraid I'm going to grow bunny ears and a fuzzy tail. :D


HAHAHA! I wish I could do the carrot thing...that would work for me for about 2 days and I would never want them again...I have been doing the grapefruit thing but after a half hour I am hungry again...I am a salty crunchy or sweet choclaty person it's terrible I wish I could kick the habit but right now my mouth is watering for it and I am sitting here typing instead of running to eat it. I have 4 more pts for the day and will be up for another 3 hours so I will get something soon. This is probably my worst time of day.

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Sometimes the numbers don't add up. For example, the Progresso soup that states it's "0" points.....per serving. The can actually has 2 servings and when you eat the whole can, it's 2 points. What????? "0" plus "0" add up to "2"?????? Check the label carefully and you will see.


Also, the WW snack cakes that are "1" point a piece.....if you eat two, "2" points, right???? NO! When you eat two at one sitting, it is actually "3" points.


Just thought you might like to know........we may be getting more points than we realize.



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Sometimes the numbers don't add up. For example, the Progresso soup that states it's "0" points.....per serving. The can actually has 2 servings and when you eat the whole can, it's 2 points. What????? "0" plus "0" add up to "2"?????? Check the label carefully and you will see.


Also, the WW snack cakes that are "1" point a piece.....if you eat two, "2" points, right???? NO! When you eat two at one sitting, it is actually "3" points.


Just thought you might like to know........we may be getting more points than we realize.





That really sucks and doesn't make any sense at all and I don't like that rule lol!

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Just poking my nose in for a minute. I have been on WW so many times,and it really does work...but keeping it off has always been impossible for me. Gradually over time, the weight creeps back on.


My DH and I started together 9 days ago, and having him do it with me is the best. He has been researching online and has found wonderful recipes to help us.


My best snack items are apples (small 1 pt); dill pickles (0 pts for a medium whole pickle--must not have sugar); a whole grapefruit peeled and sectioned with a little sweetner (I am lucky, because I have a grapefruit tree 1 pt); 16 reduced fat Wheat Thins (eat one in four pieces, break them up before you start eating...savor that salty flavor...you can do it...2 pts); 10 small black olives (1 pt); sugar-free Jello with fat free whipped topping (not sure of the points of the topping, but you can figure it out). I also drink half my weight in ounces of water every day. Fill that container first thing and know it has to be emptied.


Also, my greatest help is the points calculator, link below. Scroll down the page and click on Weigh Loss Points Calculator. Input calories, fat grams, and fiber grams per portion for the point count. This really helps if you are unsure of a portion's point value.




Good luck. My first weigh in was Sunday and I lost 5.5; my DH lost 13. Oh, I should add that we are riding a stationary bike every day. Did you know that you can eat your points gained from exercise every day? In fact, you will probably lose better if you do eat those bonus points. Burning calories is a slow process, but for 30 minutes of moderate bike riding, I gained 3.5 points today (there is a formula that I have for figuring that out if anyone wants it).


Also, it should be said that I am only 4-feet 11-inches tall, and 10 lb up or down is a size for me. I am a 16 now and want to be an 8, which should happen in 35 more pounds!

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Hello all.. My husband and I will be going on our first cruise Mar 2. I just started WW yesterday and think I will do pretty good. I really need to lose like 50lbs but I will settle for say 20 by my cruise. I know I should be happy and realistic with less which I am trying to talk myself into but I'm so frustrated. You see, for the last 6 weeks I have been going to the gym for 1 hour a day and watching what i am eating and have not lost a poind. I have been checked out by the Dr and my thyroid is fine.. But in the last few months my BP has gone up to 162/102 when I usually run 110/70. But my attitue is that WW has worked for so many that It will work for me!! Tonight I but into my bonus points by .5 but thats not too bad I think for the first day. Any help and or encouragment is appreciated.



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Hello all.. My husband and I will be going on our first cruise Mar 2. I just started WW yesterday and think I will do pretty good. I really need to lose like 50lbs but I will settle for say 20 by my cruise. I know I should be happy and realistic with less which I am trying to talk myself into but I'm so frustrated. You see, for the last 6 weeks I have been going to the gym for 1 hour a day and watching what i am eating and have not lost a poind. I have been checked out by the Dr and my thyroid is fine.. But in the last few months my BP has gone up to 162/102 when I usually run 110/70. But my attitue is that WW has worked for so many that It will work for me!! Tonight I but into my bonus points by .5 but thats not too bad I think for the first day. Any help and or encouragment is appreciated.




I am far from the expert, but I am convinced that if you burn calories while exercising, you should calculate those points and eat them. You also have those 35 flex points a weeks, and they are not a bonus, they are flexible points to be used however you need them, not just 5 bonus points a day. Don't think bonus, think flexible. My understanding is that if you don't eat enough, your body goes into a "starvation" mode and your metabolism slows down. I know that I lost faster with eating all my points, than without. Also, drinking that water was a key for me as well. Try it for a week if you are not already doing it. What have you got to lose? (pun intended)


Weight x minutes exercise x .000232 for light exercise.

Weight x minutes exercise x .000327 for medium exercise.

Weight x minutes exercise x .0008077 for heavy exercise.


These calculations will give you roughly the points you have earned.


Disclaimer: This all pertains to me and what I have found to be the best for me. I am far from an expert on WW.


Note**I am a Jersey girl too, having been born and raised in Pennsville (Exit 1) Salem County.

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Ginny - See, that's what concerns me with this whole WW points thing. Here I am thinking the Progresso soup is 0 points and it's really 2. Not that that's a big deal, but still. So, I find myself always leaving a few points behind everyday to make up for those little things or the foods that you really can't find the real points for so you substitute with something close. Frustrating sometimes.


Peaceful - you may not be an expert, but you have some great tips. Thank you. I use the points calc all the time on line. It's always nice to see what everyone else is snacking on to get some ideas of what you can do. In your opinion what would you consider walking 5 miles three nights a week - light or medium exercise? That's a great calculation you have there. I haven't gone into any bonus points yet. I try to keep a few points behind each day just in case something's not added right. Should I not do that? The starvation mode is what I'm afraid of. I know that happens and then you get frustrated with the whole thing. I don't want that to happen. I would love to lose 33 lbs. by April, but 25 would be great too!! I'm sticking to my points, drinking tons of water and walking 3 nights a week - something better happen!!! Ha ha!


Thanks for the great info. Keep it coming!

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If I considered my walk to be brisk, I would call it medium. I think light exercise would be housework...dusting, sweeping with a broom, etc. I count my yard work as medium, and deliberately work up a sweat. I count my stationery bike time as medium, and I have a computer thing that shows my heart rate...I maintain about 135 beats/minute as an average. There is no better exercise than walking in my opinion. One of the times I lost and kept off the weight, I walked 3-5 miles six days a week. I found it to be almost a meditation, and sometimes talked out loud to God. When I stopped walking, the weight came back on gradually.


Some of these "calculations" seem petty and a lot of trouble, but once you know them, they can become automatic and you therefore will succeed. Knowledge is power, power is control.


I often have a couple of points left over at the end of the day, and rarely use all 35 flex points; like you, I would rather be a point or two conservative (figuring roughly 50 calories/point) than to be over. For example, I use Smuckers Splenda-made jam (10 calories/teaspoon) on my toast (poached egg and 2 pieces WW toast every morning) and don't even bother counting that...it probably works out in the end. It gives me that sweetness I seem to need with every meal. I do probably eat 95% of points whether from exercise, flex, or given.


I have also learned to enjoy only balsamic vinegar as salad dressing, with a little sprinkle of parmesian cheese. That really saves those points.


I also make a pudding called Pumpkin Fluff, which is made from a can of pumpkin, ff sugar-free pudding, skim milk, and spices. Mmmm mmmm. One point per cup, because it is high in fiber. Anyone want the actual recipe, I'll be happy to share it.



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I made a mistake...it is 2 pts per cup, but I think you will agree it is worth it!


1 pkg fat free sugar free instant vanilla pudding mix

1 pkg fat free sugar free instant butterscotch pudding mix


3 cups skim milk

1 whole 14 oz can pumpkin

pumpkin pie spice to taste


Mix the 2 pkgs pudding with skim milk; when it starts to thicken add the can of pumpkin and spices. Mix to blend.


I sometimes garnish with fat free whipped topping. Hope you like it.

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Bonnie - that's great info. Thank you so much. See, I would never have known that I could use house cleaning as exercise. That's great to know. I love to walk and sometimes find myself ahead of the people I walk with - just the way I walk - I can't help it. So I'm glad that's going to be a good thing. I also use balsamic vinegar on my salad as well. I'm going to try that recipe it sounds great. Thank you again for all the great tips! Can't wait to share them with my husband.


Lori - Don't get frustrated. It takes time to get use to the whole points thing and I think as long as you stay in the point range you belong that's great.

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These are such great tips thank you peaceful! BTW once a jersey girl always a jersey girl huh? Anywho...I for one hate to exercize, I don't even like walking because I just find that I can be doing so many things during that time...I am a little ADD and it's hard for me. I try to take my dog for longer walks and what not to make it worth it in my brain...Plus I HATE the cold and although it's unseasonably warm this week here for me 60 degrees is still chilly and I don't like to go outside for long periods as much. I don't count in any of my "workout" as extra points because I do so little...as well I do a lot of labor work at work so that too I could count...so I just figure I use those extra flex points every night because I do get hungry...I usually go over my points anywhere from 1-5 a day I just can't help it because I am so hungry. I am down 7lbs at this point but tomorrow is my 2 week weigh in so we shall see...first week I lost 6 and I am obsessed with the scale eventhough I say I won't do it I do weigh myself twice daily, it makes me feel better to see that I have lost a little for one and if I haven't it makes me want to work harder. I don't think I would stick with it as much if I didn't weigh myself as much...

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Today I didn't use up all of my points, I ended up with 5 points left over. I was at 7 but figured I better look for something to try to use up the points. Now the WW lady told me that you should always use all of your points. I think I'm so nervous that I have a hard time eating very much even though I don't feel starved. How do you feel? Is it ok to have points left over?

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