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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Smooth....sounds great...but isn't browning them in butter ruining them for the healthy factor????


Brenda, some fat in your diet is necessary. Notice she said a little butter...1tbsp of butter/margarine is only 1 WW point, so it's not killing your "diet" to have a little butter.

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I don’t think so Brenda. I use one tablespoon of butter for 4 chicken breasts. I am just browning them enough to seal in the juices. We do need some fats in our diet so a tablespoon of butter does not concern me.


But on the home front, finally after a month of no weight loss at all I have broken the 120 mark, lost a pound. I was just to the point of complete frustration so this was a good thing for my morale. To M’s point this stall does happen, it stinks, and you have to be ready to deal with this. During this period I had to constantly remind myself that I feel much better regardless of what the scale says…. I also yesterday had to finally break down and buy new trousers for work because I have a closet full that does not fit, I dropped 2 sizes…No wonder I was swimming in my clothes!…. So even though the scale showed no change the increase in my workouts was working. Still, I am still in such a good mood right now because of that one silly pound!

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CONGRATULATIONS SMOOTH!! I can only imagine how great you must feel!!! Good work....2 sizes!...amazing!!! You should be very proud!!!!


So I went to Trader Joes today and I bought Quinoa and I also bought Spelt. I am very excited to try these new things!! I would like some ideas or recipes....If anyone has any, please share. OH OH....I also bought steel cut oats and will try those in the morning. I also got Flax Plus Multigrain Cereal. I really wanted to switch up things so as to not get so bored with eating. I even bought a whole grain bread with 5 grams of fiber and had one slice of that with 2 slices of turkey, 1/2 slice of fat free cheese, some salad greens and a few dried cranberries. It was really yummy!!! Just not having bean soup for a day was a thrill in itself! LOL


So I was speaking to my instructor at Curves today and she says I am working out too much! :eek: She said that I am incorporating too many weights and that is why I am not losing weight now. She said I need to do less of the times around the circuit so I don't build too much muscle and if I want to continue working out just do the cardio boxes and do squats, etc. when I get to the machines instead of using the weight machines. She said I am killing myself and she is afraid I am going to quit because I had an upset this week. So anyhow, after I left there I said I have to stop being such a policeman about food.....I'm a little ridiculous. Last night I had the stuffed pepper and pushed about 1/3 of the meat out of the pepper to the side of the dish for fear it might make me gain weight. Now understand that this was ground turkey breast....so I was really getting crazy......I seem to be always hungry so I have to just eat healthy foods and not be afraid of them. Am I right? Its so hard to do that!! Another example is what I just described to you that I had for lunch...the turkey sandwich....was with 1 piece of bread (technically half a sandwich).....I can't seem to accept that I need to eat a bit more....I think I have such a fear of being fat that now I want to be perfect in order to get skinny again.


Alright, I'm chewy your ears off here......but thanks as always for listening. You are all great.....and a huge help. I realy need to be a success in losing weight and getting healthy and I don't think I could do it without all of you.

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I am going to be very interested as to what everyone thinks about what Cruves has said. I work out 5 days a week both cardio and weights and I have not built unsightly muscle. I am sure I have read before that you really have to incorporate a lot of weight to build "to much muscle". I will say thought that when I increased my workouts I did not increase the weights but increased the reps and I concentrated on the quality of my reps not quantity. I also increased my cardio time.


We have a Trader Joe's by us, let me know what you think of your new foods as I have also not heard of either an am very curious.

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So I was speaking to my instructor at Curves today and she says I am working out too much! :eek: She said that I am incorporating too many weights and that is why I am not losing weight now. She said I need to do less of the times around the circuit so I don't build too much muscle and if I want to continue working out just do the cardio boxes and do squats, etc. when I get to the machines instead of using the weight machines. She said I am killing myself and she is afraid I am going to quit because I had an upset this week. So anyhow, after I left there I said I have to stop being such a policeman about food.....I'm a little ridiculous. Last night I had the stuffed pepper and pushed about 1/3 of the meat out of the pepper to the side of the dish for fear it might make me gain weight. Now understand that this was ground turkey breast....so I was really getting crazy......I seem to be always hungry so I have to just eat healthy foods and not be afraid of them. Am I right? Its so hard to do that!! Another example is what I just described to you that I had for lunch...the turkey sandwich....was with 1 piece of bread (technically half a sandwich).....I can't seem to accept that I need to eat a bit more....I think I have such a fear of being fat that now I want to be perfect in order to get skinny again.



Standing ovation!! I was telling my mom about you :) She said you sound liker her boss. Guess what, after a month he quit because he was always hungry. Diet/losing weight does not have have to equal hungry all the time. A little hunger isn't bad, but if you're always hungry, this won't be a long-term sustainable thing. I'm glad you recognize you're being a bit ridiculous about this. The key to remember is this is a lifestyle change, not just a diet to lose the extra weight. Also remember, you didn't wake up one morning with extra weight, so it's not going to go away overnight either.

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I am going to be very interested as to what everyone thinks about what Cruves has said. I work out 5 days a week both cardio and weights and I have not built unsightly muscle. I am sure I have read before that you really have to incorporate a lot of weight to build "to much muscle". I will say thought that when I increased my workouts I did not increase the weights but increased the reps and I concentrated on the quality of my reps not quantity. I also increased my cardio time.


We have a Trader Joe's by us, let me know what you think of your new foods as I have also not heard of either an am very curious.


I agree with you. It takes A LOT of weight and A LOT of working out to really build muscle. What I believe to be more accurate is that she's working out too much for the amount of food she's taking in.

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No, it's something that would be sold more where cornmeal is, etc. It's a VERY hearty grain..it's good to mix with hamburger...I made a Lebanese meatloaf with it once...it adds a ton of fiber and isn't too bad on the carbs end. In Brazil we make kibbe out of it, which is like a meat patty. I buy it at whole foods or the brazilian market..any latin market might have it too, or middle eastern.


Brenda:A little butter is not bad..nor is a little oil..it's when you douse everythign with it. There is no reason why you can't eat everything you enjoy IF you eat smartly, watch the serving sizes, etc. LIke I said before...ask yourself..."do I NEED to eat this cookie, etc.". You have the rest of your life to eat all the garbage you want, but I bet after awhile you'll lose your taste for most of it. I think, at least for me, once you get used to eating healthy the old stuff will make you sick.


Girl, you need to stop being so SCARED of food..there is nothing to be fearful about food! Food is your friend, you are your own worst enemy.


It's a freezing 62 degrees here in Palm Beach this afternoon. I'm going to make some soup this afternoon..with beef bones, yam, yucca, carrots, onions and garlic and plantains.




I don't think I've ever even heard of quinona. Is is sold in the cereal section? What does it taste like? I am all for good nutrition, but if it doesn't taste good....I won't eat it! :( Of course, I eat stuff now that I never thought I would 10 years ago...amazing what we can train ourselves to like!!
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It's a freezing 62 degrees here in Palm Beach this afternoon. I'm going to make some soup this afternoon..with beef bones, yam, yucca, carrots, onions and garlic and plantains.


I will gladly trade places with you. We're expecting MORE snow tomorrow, and then MORE on Sunday. We've already had 65 inches this winter. And at 62 degrees, people would be whipping out the bathing suits and heading for the beach!

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So I was speaking to my instructor at Curves today and she says I am working out too much! :eek: She said that I am incorporating too many weights and that is why I am not losing weight now. She said I need to do less of the times around the circuit so I don't build too much muscle and if I want to continue working out just do the cardio boxes and do squats, etc. when I get to the machines instead of using the weight machines.


I am no instructor. But, I do a full body workout (both free weights and machines) twice a week minimum...been doing it for years. And I use pretty decent weights (I use 20 lb dumbbells for my curls), so I would think that I would have experienced the often touted "muscle weight gain". :rolleyes: Lifting weights or doing strengthening activities like push-ups and crunches on a regular basis helps you maintain or lose weight, because you will build muscle, and muscle burns more calories than body fat. So if you have more muscle, you burn more calories—even sitting still. Doing strengthening activities 2 or 3 days a week will not bulk you up. !! Only intense strength training with seriously heavy weights can build very large muscles and cause true muscle weight gain.


I do have noticeable muscles, but I work for that - I like being physically strong because it helps so much just with life's daily chores (especially as a single mom!). And I expect that there is a small weight difference due to my muscle mass, but it's definitely not of a degree that I EVER noticed on the scale while losing fat. I suspect you probably use far less weight than I (no offense :o , just that I've been doing it a LONG time!) so I would take her advice with a grain of salt. Just my opinion though!!!:)

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I will gladly trade places with you. We're expecting MORE snow tomorrow, and then MORE on Sunday. We've already had 65 inches this winter. And at 62 degrees, people would be whipping out the bathing suits and heading for the beach!


And I would trade places with YOU (at least for a little while!!:D ). We hardly ever get snow here anymore. :(

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Happy.....There is no way for me to know about how much weight....its circuit machines.....automatic weight.....I guess u get that? LOL




I LOVE SNOW! :D (But only because we never get it!)


Brenda - sorry...I wasn't really asking how much weight you were using...I realize that some of those circuit training places set the weight for you. My point was just that I think I would have noticed any impact on my weight of my workouts - you have to be a serious bodybuilder to put on noticeable muscle weight. So yes...definitely keep at it. I think you would be better served to continue what you are doing. :)

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My HRM showed 337 calories burned for my lunch cardio (35 min). And my evening workout burned 477 (1.5 hours). Grand total of 814 calories!! Man I love my HRM! :p


Anyone else use one? I was paying extra attention tonight - it is surprising how high my heart rate can get doing strength training. Of course it goes down very very quickly. And the muscles that shoot it up the highest are my legs - which makes perfect sense since quads are the largest muscle, and the larger the muscle, the larger the calories expended. The next ones were the shoulders. Abs...not so much. Cool stuff! (I am such a geek about this stuff! ;) )

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I LOVE SNOW! :D (But only because we never get it!)


Brenda - sorry...I wasn't really asking how much weight you were using...I realize that some of those circuit training places set the weight for you. My point was just that I think I would have noticed any impact on my weight of my workouts - you have to be a serious bodybuilder to put on noticeable muscle weight. So yes...definitely keep at it. I think you would be better served to continue what you are doing. :)


I think you'd get over that feeling if you had just one of the snowstorms we've had this winter. I heard on the local news yesterday that Madison, WI set an all-time record this year for snowfall. My folks are in Green Bay, and they can't even see out the patio windows!


Brenda, Happy is right. I've been lifting weights since I was 18 (along with cardio) with only a few breaks in there (mono, an injury, extremely busy work and travel schedule). It has not impeded my weight loss nor do I look like a body builder. You have to be so careful with what the people at the gyms tell you...I've found that most don't really know as much as they think they do. Stick to your 5 day a week schedule.

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My HRM showed 337 calories burned for my lunch cardio (35 min). And my evening workout burned 477 (1.5 hours). Grand total of 814 calories!! Man I love my HRM! :p


Anyone else use one? I was paying extra attention tonight - it is surprising how high my heart rate can get doing strength training. Of course it goes down very very quickly. And the muscles that shoot it up the highest are my legs - which makes perfect sense since quads are the largest muscle, and the larger the muscle, the larger the calories expended. The next ones were the shoulders. Abs...not so much. Cool stuff! (I am such a geek about this stuff! ;) )


I used on for several years, but the battery died right before I did the Chicago triathlon. I haven't replaced it, but I should. I do monitor my HR while working out, and I'm consistently in the 80% range. When I first started using it, I realized I wasn't working as hard as I thought I was! You know what, I'm going to go get this darned thing fixed, or I'm buying a new one. I miss using it!

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Chi.. I am so impressed with your participation in triathlons. This spring my goal is to run a 5 mile and I may have to pick your brain when the time comes.


I think I am going to amend my answer a bit. Yes, I do work out 5 days a week but I do 2 days, a day off, 3 days, a day off. I always start with 45 minutes of cardio followed by a series of flex exercies using a ballet bar. (this is for the backbends and splits I do in dancing). Then I concentrate on a group of muscles, whlle the next day it is another group of muscles, giving a rest to the muscles I worked the day before. So even though I did not buy the comment the instructor made about building muscle I did follow that she wanted Brenda to rest muscles, and just do cardio on some days. With the Curves circut it sounds like all muscles are worked without the flexiability some of us have with the gyms we belong to.


Talking about thoes backbends... Ouch. I am working on building my core strentgh so we can dance into this backbend in 2 and a half weeks. A backbend is one of thoes illusions. It is all done by the control and stretching of the center into a lay out and really hardly uses the back muscles at all.... My center right now is screaming from my last night work-out and man am I glad this is a day off!

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I don't run anymore. I got a lung infection, and that's all healed up, but I'm unable to run...I always struggled with it (I have asthma), this just made it that much worse. LOVE the bike though...can't wait til the weather gets better and I can do fewer spin classes and more road biking!


I'm a 5-7 day a week person. However, if I do 7 days, one day is very light - usually just some ab work and 20-30 minutes cardio. I did 5 days last week and 5 days this week since my work schedule was crazy (but my meeting on Tuesday went VERY well...got everything approved!).


Ah backbends...I remember when I was in gymnastics and could just bend over without thinking of it...now it takes some work and it takes me a bit longer to do it. I like to do it though for the flexibility.


Oh, I lost another pound! 6 more to go in 45 days. IF I don't get there, I'm fine with that. I've come so far and look sooo much better in my bathing suits and clothes. I will be careful with what I eat and drink, will keep my workout schedule, and finish when I get back.

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Good morning everyone....


Congratulations Chi on another pound lost!!! Good luck with your eating when you go on your cruise. I know for me that will be a major struggle...but maybe not by November when I go....I may be more used to my new way of eating. I know last time I went on the Valor (2005) I ate myself through the ship....Multiple appetizers, etc. BUT I started at 119 on that cruise and only went up to 124......so I wasn't too upset. Now I can't even get close to 124!!!!


Yes, I'm still so frustrated. Still haven't lost the pound I gained, let alone getting back on the losing track. I spend each day completely exhausted. You have to understand that I have never been an energetic person and now I am kicking my butt every morning. I pass out very early in the evenings....with all sorts of body pains. It wouldn't be so bad if I could just see results. But now the time clock is ticking. My the end of March I need to be either able to fit into my old summer clothes or have to go on a tortorous search for all new shorts, capris and swimsuits. I can't believe that I am going to have to wear a 1 piece suit. I say it all so negatively because I don't know what else I can do. I can't exercise anymore because I am simply exhausted and in pain. I can't eat anymore healthy....I do that already....my body just says NO.....it wants to be this weight. I watched an older woman in her 70's lose 11 pounds at Curves in one month. I lost 4. :eek: I'm not saying she doesn't work hard....but come on!!!


Why are the mornings so darn depressing?????? But, dont' worry....I'm still going strong....just hurting from not seeing the results I want......and you know what....?...I don't just want those results....for me I Need those results.

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Brenda, please stop it! First, you really can't compare yourself to others. How large was the woman that lost 11 pounds in a month? Larger people take the weight off quicker (in the beginning). You should not be feeling exhausted. You have the exercise down, so I'm not going to say much about that except that I think Smooth is right - limit your weights to maybe 3 days, and just do cardio on the other two. I do cardio every time I work out, but weights 3 or 4 days.


You say you can't eat any healthier. I disagree. You aren't eating anything bad, but you aren't getting enough of the right things. You have very few fruits, veggies, and dairy in your diet. All are essential for health and weight loss. I really really think you need to look into something like Weight Watchers. It will teach you how to eat healthy. You simply aren't eating enough. Eat more, and you will have more energy. In my WW tracker, I have boxes to check off for dairy (two servings a day), fruits and veggies (five servings a day), and believe it or no, 2 tsp of oil each day. I already told you what a typical day is like. I get to eat all that AND I've lost 16 pounds in less than 8 weeks. Besides this, I truly feel that WW isn't a diet - I will be able to maintain this once I hit my goal.


Here is what I'm eating today, and the respecitive point values. I get 19 points a day, plus I earn 4 more for my exercise (I really earn 6 or 7 points, but WW says to only take 4 of those as food). I wasn't taking the extra 4 points, and the WW leader said I needed to because my body needed the fuel. When I added the four points, I started losing again.


1 small banana - 1 point

Scrambled Egg Beaters with 1 oz ham - 2 pts

WW Yogurt - 1 point

1 cup strawberries - 1 point

1 cup skim milk - 2 pts

Roast beef sandwhich on whole wheat with lettuce and mustard - 3 pts (2 for the roast beef and 1 for the bread - I use Healthy Life - 1 pt for 2 pc)

3 cups veggies (baby carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes) - 0 pts

Apple - 1 pt

Crunchy Baked Chicken (Chicken covered with 1/2 cup cornflakes, sesame seeds, seasonings, and 1 tsp margarine) - 5 pts

Mushrooms and broccoli sauteed in 2 tsp olive oil - 2 pts (pts are from the oil)

Orange - 1 pt

Popcorn - 1 pt

1/2 cup sorbet - 3 pts


Your body is saying NO, I want to be this weight because you aren't giving it enough fuel (food). When it does get fuel, it "hangs on" to it because it's not getting enough. Please, others have told you the same thing here. Try it for a week. And step away from the &%^$ scale FTLOG! You can't handle the swings that naturally occur in all of us, so you need to weigh your self less often.


Now, I'm going to say something that might get me flamed, but so be it. We keep telling you the same things...you keep telling us the same things. We all are cheering for you and want you to lose. You came to this board looking for advice. We're giving it to you because we've been there, done that, or we're at a a futher stage in our weight loss. You aren't listening to us. If you just want to vent, that's one thing, but when we keep giving advice that's ignored and then we see the same complaints, well, it's frustrating. I hope this doesn't upset you too much, but come on Brenda. Your way isn't working for you, and we're trying to help. We all have experience with this, and we're giving you tips that have proven effective that you're ignoring.

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Brenda, you need to get off your high horse and get back to reality. You are NOT the same as everyone. Face reality..you've had children, your 43, you have hormones that are shifting..you need to get rid of this picutre that you are going to look the way you used to. You are losing weight to be healthy, not just so you can fit into certain clothes and go pork out on a cruise or for any other reason. I am sorry this is borderline cruel but I second everything Chigirl said.


What would you SAY to a friend who was saying the stuff you are? You need to start telling yourself that same thing.


What's your real motive for losing weight? I am not convinced yet it's to be healthy, I think it's all about you being 43 and the cruise and wishing you looked the way you used to.


Maybe you need to take a couple days of from working out and focus on your head and how your thinking instead. You are burning out much too fast and trying to be too perfect at this exercise thing and eating. You have made tremendous progress but it's like your afraid of food!


Did you like the steel cut oats?


Good morning everyone....


Congratulations Chi on another pound lost!!! Good luck with your eating when you go on your cruise. I know for me that will be a major struggle...but maybe not by November when I go....I may be more used to my new way of eating. I know last time I went on the Valor (2005) I ate myself through the ship....Multiple appetizers, etc. BUT I started at 119 on that cruise and only went up to 124......so I wasn't too upset. Now I can't even get close to 124!!!!


Yes, I'm still so frustrated. Still haven't lost the pound I gained, let alone getting back on the losing track. I spend each day completely exhausted. You have to understand that I have never been an energetic person and now I am kicking my butt every morning. I pass out very early in the evenings....with all sorts of body pains. It wouldn't be so bad if I could just see results. But now the time clock is ticking. My the end of March I need to be either able to fit into my old summer clothes or have to go on a tortorous search for all new shorts, capris and swimsuits. I can't believe that I am going to have to wear a 1 piece suit. I say it all so negatively because I don't know what else I can do. I can't exercise anymore because I am simply exhausted and in pain. I can't eat anymore healthy....I do that already....my body just says NO.....it wants to be this weight. I watched an older woman in her 70's lose 11 pounds at Curves in one month. I lost 4. :eek: I'm not saying she doesn't work hard....but come on!!!


Why are the mornings so darn depressing?????? But, dont' worry....I'm still going strong....just hurting from not seeing the results I want......and you know what....?...I don't just want those results....for me I Need those results.

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Chigirl! Did you graduate from the University of Menina??! Dios mi! :)


Brenda, please stop it! First, you really can't compare yourself to others. How large was the woman that lost 11 pounds in a month? Larger people take the weight off quicker (in the beginning). You should not be feeling exhausted. You have the exercise down, so I'm not going to say much about that except that I think Smooth is right - limit your weights to maybe 3 days, and just do cardio on the other two. I do cardio every time I work out, but weights 3 or 4 days.


You say you can't eat any healthier. I disagree. You aren't eating anything bad, but you aren't getting enough of the right things. You have very few fruits, veggies, and dairy in your diet. All are essential for health and weight loss. I really really think you need to look into something like Weight Watchers. It will teach you how to eat healthy. You simply aren't eating enough. Eat more, and you will have more energy. In my WW tracker, I have boxes to check off for dairy (two servings a day), fruits and veggies (five servings a day), and believe it or no, 2 tsp of oil each day. I already told you what a typical day is like. I get to eat all that AND I've lost 16 pounds in less than 8 weeks. Besides this, I truly feel that WW isn't a diet - I will be able to maintain this once I hit my goal.


Here is what I'm eating today, and the respecitive point values. I get 19 points a day, plus I earn 4 more for my exercise (I really earn 6 or 7 points, but WW says to only take 4 of those as food). I wasn't taking the extra 4 points, and the WW leader said I needed to because my body needed the fuel. When I added the four points, I started losing again.


1 small banana - 1 point

Scrambled Egg Beaters with 1 oz ham - 2 pts

WW Yogurt - 1 point

1 cup strawberries - 1 point

1 cup skim milk - 2 pts

Roast beef sandwhich on whole wheat with lettuce and mustard - 3 pts (2 for the roast beef and 1 for the bread - I use Healthy Life - 1 pt for 2 pc)

3 cups veggies (baby carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes) - 0 pts

Apple - 1 pt

Crunchy Baked Chicken (Chicken covered with 1/2 cup cornflakes, sesame seeds, seasonings, and 1 tsp margarine) - 5 pts

Mushrooms and broccoli sauteed in 2 tsp olive oil - 2 pts (pts are from the oil)

Orange - 1 pt

Popcorn - 1 pt

1/2 cup sorbet - 3 pts


Your body is saying NO, I want to be this weight because you aren't giving it enough fuel (food). When it does get fuel, it "hangs on" to it because it's not getting enough. Please, others have told you the same thing here. Try it for a week. And step away from the &%^$ scale FTLOG! You can't handle the swings that naturally occur in all of us, so you need to weigh your self less often.


Now, I'm going to say something that might get me flamed, but so be it. We keep telling you the same things...you keep telling us the same things. We all are cheering for you and want you to lose. You came to this board looking for advice. We're giving it to you because we've been there, done that, or we're at a a futher stage in our weight loss. You aren't listening to us. If you just want to vent, that's one thing, but when we keep giving advice that's ignored and then we see the same complaints, well, it's frustrating. I hope this doesn't upset you too much, but come on Brenda. Your way isn't working for you, and we're trying to help. We all have experience with this, and we're giving you tips that have proven effective that you're ignoring.

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So even though I did not buy the comment the instructor made about building muscle I did follow that she wanted Brenda to rest muscles, and just do cardio on some days. With the Curves circut it sounds like all muscles are worked without the flexiability some of us have with the gyms we belong to.


I absolutely agree with the muscle rest. I do cardio every day, but work all my muscle groups twice a week (3x, if I can work it in!) and I like to that in two full workouts (usually Wed nite and the weekend). I have tried splitting it up over more days, so that I might be doing strength training 4 or 5 days a week, but that just doesn't work as well for me. Better for me to spend the time all at once...just works better for me time-wise. I had assumed that Brenda is NOT working the same muscle groups 2 days in a row as 48 hours rest is usually the recommended recovery time for a muscle group. I would think that the instructors would know that much, at least I would hope so.

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Good morning everyone....


Congratulations Chi on another pound lost!!! Good luck with your eating when you go on your cruise. I know for me that will be a major struggle...but maybe not by November when I go....I may be more used to my new way of eating. I know last time I went on the Valor (2005) I ate myself through the ship....Multiple appetizers, etc. BUT I started at 119 on that cruise and only went up to 124......so I wasn't too upset. Now I can't even get close to 124!!!!


Yes, I'm still so frustrated. Still haven't lost the pound I gained, let alone getting back on the losing track. I spend each day completely exhausted. You have to understand that I have never been an energetic person and now I am kicking my butt every morning. I pass out very early in the evenings....with all sorts of body pains. It wouldn't be so bad if I could just see results. But now the time clock is ticking. My the end of March I need to be either able to fit into my old summer clothes or have to go on a tortorous search for all new shorts, capris and swimsuits. I can't believe that I am going to have to wear a 1 piece suit. I say it all so negatively because I don't know what else I can do. I can't exercise anymore because I am simply exhausted and in pain. I can't eat anymore healthy....I do that already....my body just says NO.....it wants to be this weight. I watched an older woman in her 70's lose 11 pounds at Curves in one month. I lost 4. :eek: I'm not saying she doesn't work hard....but come on!!!


Why are the mornings so darn depressing?????? But, dont' worry....I'm still going strong....just hurting from not seeing the results I want......and you know what....?...I don't just want those results....for me I Need those results.


Brenda, I am wondering about the "exhausted and in pain" part. What the heck are you doing to create that much exhaustion? Even when I am sick, after I do a full workout at the gym I feel like a million bucks...and so should you. It should GIVE you energy - not decrease it. :confused: So are you not getting enough sleep? Something else must be going on here....the workouts should not be doing that to you.


Are you doing a food journal? If not, you absolutely should - I think for you, it's a MUST. In fact, start posting it here. I think we are missing something...and I suspect it is in your diet. We want to help, so let us. :o

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I third the sentiments that have been posted here. Actually a day or so ago I begin to post that I thought Brenda was not taking advantage of a group of gals that have really jumped in to help, then deleted it…. Thinking Brenda was not quite ready to hear this, but I am glad Chigirl went ahead and posted what now I see we all had been thinking.


No doubt, it is hard after you loose that initial weight and have a pause to come to terms with the fact that you have to increase calories. Some how at first it does not make sense to change something that has worked, I guess you just have to go on faith and the success of the people before you, just do it. So although I can appreciate the resistance, the complaining after ignoring good advice is irritating… Brenda, don’t push away and piss off the very group that has stuck with you.


Now, as to the weight loss "to look good" attitude. Myself on the onset I see nothing wrong with this and in fact at first this was also my sole motivation. You have to find that “thing” that keeps you on a diet, habits will then form and then it is no longer a diet but a way of life. After a period you start to feel good, research how you should design your eating habits, and it just grows from there…. So far, I have had no issue with diet to cruise but now this time has passed, time to move on….. I fear if some attitude and eating habits don’t change we will see a crash and burn.


So now Brenda, go back read some of these great posts, come back and tell us how we can help to get you from point A to B…. or go back to eating Red Robin and give it up.

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