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So I threw together a quick hull design for a new class of ships for Cunard. Now, bear in mind these were made with MS Paint and are not amazing by any means of the imagination, and have many faults.


But considering the design is for Cunard, I thought I would share them with you all.



The above design is for the new Mauretania Class which in the perfect world would come to be not long after the introduction of the new Queen Elizabeth, after which, Marlow has said they may revert back to the Roman Province -ia names of the past.



The above is merely a side project of mine. Using the same basic hull form of the Mauretania class, this vessel represents the heritage of the White Star Line by being named Olympic, one of the most loved and admired ocean liners of all time. She also served as the sister ship of the ill fated RMS Titanic and HMHS Britannic and was the only vessel of the Olympic class to ever survive and live to her full potential, being scrapped in 1935.


This version uses the 'buff-color' funnel that signified the major difference between White Star and Cunard vessels of the day, the only other difference being a gold band that wrapped around the vessel that was originally used to break up the difference between the black hull and the white superstructure, but was moved down somewhat and became more apparent in one of the original Olympic's refits. This ship could be Cunard's response to Titanic's 100th Anniversary in 2012.


Please note that these vessels would represent a new 'cruise-liner' class for Cunard, and are not intended to be 'ocean liners' per se, along the lines of the QV. Although I would like for them to have a faster cruising speed if they ever are needed on the North Atlantic run.


But I do not like the pure bulkyness of the QM2 or the pure cruise ship look of the QV, I am shooting for somewhere between the two- a modern interpretation of 'fine lines'.


In conclusion, this was a spur of the moment thing, out of pure boredom and is very far from perfect. However, I thought this would be an interesting topic on these boards so you all could comment about possible changes that could be made to this design, so that the whole world could see what you all think the perfect modern Cunard 'cruise-liner' should look like!

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I think the ships could possess a little more liner look by putting the bridge all the way at the top. I also think that if you shortened the top aft deck just a bit more to give it a more raked stern it would look better. Could you make those changes and repost? The bow is pugged but that is to be expected of a cruise liner I suppose.


Great idea for a fun topic!

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Thanks Nina, I had alot of fun with these, and thought it would make a good thread, especially now that QV is proving popular, even if she's only a cruise ship! lol



This is the amended design based off your suggestions. I moved the bridge up, but felt that it couldnt go all the way up to the Sun Deck, as it would be too high up on the hull to be best for navigation, not to mention the bridge wings can see all the way back this way.


I leveled off the aft decks, resulting with two more swimming pools- one at the level deck mid way down, and another on the stern stem which was leveled off to look more QE2-esque.


While I was at it, I re-did the entire front end, and added a magrodome over the central pool, as well as added glass features that can completely enclose it in inclement weather. I also redid all the lines in the main hull itself, so they should look less cluttered now.

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Thanks Nina, I had alot of fun with these, and thought it would make a good thread, especially now that QV is proving popular, even if she's only a cruise ship! lol



A couple of points.


There shouldn't, I think, be anything above the bridge. That was a battle that Stephen Payne won on QM2 and I think she's all the better for it.


The bow is short. The longer the bow, the more "liner like" she'll look. Look at either QE2 (especially) and QM2 from the side, and you'll see what I mean.


There is no prospect of Cunard building a liner. QM2 fills that role, and fills it magnificently. She isn't as bulky in the flesh as one might imagine, once one has appreciated the huge size of her.


Much as I like your idea for Olympic, I can't see that working commercially. Links with RMS Titanic aren't good, the White Star Line isn't well known and if Cunard go away from Queen names, it will (surely?) be to Mauretania, Laconia or Caronia. Or, my personal hope, Carpathia.



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Oh Matthew don't be to dour. One can have a bit of fun can't they? Just tinkering around with design? Will it ever happen? Not for another 30 years or so but it is fun to think about. After all, we have someone hear that can design in paintbrush so why turn him away?


I must say I like the idea of the magrodome but don't care for how high it is. No offense but it looks just a bit like a mushroom or tumor :)

Maybe add two half decks under the bridge to build that up to be more on par with it?

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I've read this made-up word "cruise liner" several times now. Could we please agree to never, ever, ever, say it ever again? Unless something miraculous happens there aren't going to be any more ocean liners, and to add the word "liner" to a cruise ship isn't going to fool anyone into thinking its something more than it is. And if they are fooled, well then, they're fools.

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Interesting that you have gone for 'Oil Drum' funnels - like the QM or QE, not the 'Stove Pipe' funnels of the four stackers......now while they wouldn't need four - HAL has two 'stove pipe' - type funnels on their Vista ships.....


The other 'Mauretania' feature you might consider is not extending the white along to the bow but to raise up a deck so the bow is all black. The Lusitania was originally painted in this scheme - but then repainted in 'black bow' - to communicate greater power.......



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I'm really missing a proper bow here...call me old fashioned, but I'm a push over for an honest to goodness bow, not these short and/or stubby things we're seeing way too much of. And a proper terraced stern would be nice if i were to put in my wish list. ;)


And I agree with Matthew...if not a Queen something or other, then ending in "ia" not "ic" as in Mauretania (a favorite of mine) not Olympic.


AND...I agree with Angela...cruise liner???? Is that not a contradiction in terms? :confused:


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!

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Nina's definition of the word "Cruise Liner": A cruise ship haul with the interior and traditions of an ocean liner. One that does at least 45% of their voyages as one way liner segments. While not technically a "liner" it is not just a "cruiser" either. A hybrid of sorts :)


OK OK odd I know..give me a little slack...I haven't seen the sun in nearly 2 weeks and am starting to flirt with insanity! (Also been a rather slow day here for a Thursday)

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Actually, I just use the term 'cruise-liner' because every new build Cunard will ever introduce will be passed along as an 'ocean liner' whether we like it or not- while we call it a 'cruise ship'.... in this design I am trying to cross boundary lines and attempt to bring some features of a liner to a cruise ship, which as we will probably all agree, is all we are likely to see for many years to come.... sadly.


I will add a lengthened bow, but probably not along the lines of QE2 or QM2's, seeing as this prototype is being developed for less hostile environments, I do not see the need for an absolute huge bow, just one long enough to dispell any swells. (Which the QV's dosen't appear to very well, as the famous picture of her playing scuba diver in the North Atlantic suggests.)


I had thought about doing more of terranced stern, but felt it would reduce the look of the passenger accomodation areas on the exterior of the vessel, if that makes any sense. It would make the ship alot longer to do that, as each deck would have to extend out much farther to make it so. (I would want ALL decks to 'step down' not a straight drop of 5-6 decks then level out.)


As for the magrodrome, I originally made it as tall as the glass elevator shaft to its left so it would appear the same size, but I am rethinking this now and may move the 'dome' down at least one more deck, where I think it will look more 'on-par'. Another thing to mention is this dome covers a large expanse of the deck, if you compare the original uncovered design to this one. I would think it could cover the entire pool area which could include a pool and perhaps a winter garden or something entirely new as well. Any thoughts on that?


As for the funnel, I am somewhat partial to the 'oil drum' look, and think it just feels more 'Cunard' to me, at least. HAL's vistas have the twin stack system, but it's due to the machinery set up, and is not very visually pleasing, IMO, as they are too close together. One huge funnel delivers the statement as to who the ship belongs to. As Payne said concerning QM2: "The funnel is the central part of the ship, it's the first thing people look at when they view a passenger liner."


As for the Olympic, I am just very partial to the White Star Line. My fascination with ships and crusing began some 13 or so years ago, when I was just 6 or 7 when I began to be fascinated with all things Titanic, before it was the 'popular' thing to be a geek about after the movie came out. My fascination with the Titanic has dimmed over the past few years and Cunard has really grown onto me, I hope to take a voyage on one of the Queens in the next few years, that would be the ultimate vacation to me. Anyway, I just have never liked the way Cunard has always swept its White Star heritage under the rug, very uncharacteristic for them, IMO. Instead of using the logo to promote a luggage service, why not name a ship with the "-ic" as well as the "-ia"? Both lines played a pivotal role in the Transatlantic service, and Olympic was one of the most popular liners, ever. She was the statement of luxury throughout her long life, and I do not believe naming a new ship after her would be something to be ashamed of, given that.


Anyway, I will tinker with the design and will repost later, thanks for the comments. I knew this would be a fun topic, a 'wish list' of sorts..!

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Oooo. I would love a more tropical winter garden. Something with more plants, a fountain, perhaps an avery for bird sounds? Either that or a pair of Cockatoos (sp?) would be sure to become favorite pets of the passengers :) We could name them Warwick & Mary ;) Perhaps an extension could be made into a tropical cafe with more Caribbean/Med fare depending on the location.


Somewhere else someone suggested canopies. I think one of the aft pools (a smaller deck perhaps? Could be an exclusive use for the grills dotted with canopied loungers during the warmer cruises. Wouldn't that have an elegant oasis feel to it?

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My idea was very similar to yours, Nina. A tropical winter garden would abutt the "Adults only" (I know, not as much a problem on Cunard, but still, this is looking into the future) pool that would be themed like a tropical paradise, like a forbidden temple of healing or something crazy like that with steam baths, whirpools, and a large lap pool.


As for the grills, I was planning on continuing the current trend by placing their exclusive space on the top of the ship, just fore of the funnel, I am thinking about adding a small deck immediately fore of the funnel for the Grill restaurants and use the rest of the deck space for a private terrace and pool for Grill guests.... perhaps?

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Oooo. I would love a more tropical winter garden. Something with more plants, a fountain, perhaps an avery for bird sounds? Either that or a pair of Cockatoos (sp?) would be sure to become favorite pets of the passengers :) We could name them Warwick & Mary ;) Perhaps an extension could be made into a tropical cafe with more Caribbean/Med fare depending on the location.


Somewhere else someone suggested canopies. I think one of the aft pools (a smaller deck perhaps? Could be an exclusive use for the grills dotted with canopied loungers during the warmer cruises. Wouldn't that have an elegant oasis feel to it?


I'd like some nice big, fat engines which would cause the ship to go fast. That's the feeling I'd like to have--speed. Zoom. Hold on to your awnings and cockatoos, lest they go blowing off the stern of the ship.:)

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I'd like some nice big, fat engines which would cause the ship to go fast. That's the feeling I'd like to have--speed. Zoom. Hold on to your awnings and cockatoos, lest they go blowing off the stern of the ship.:)

...which would alleviate Paul's need for a trebuchet...Canapes in the Wind...Weeeeeeeee...

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Okay folks, had some time so I went ahead and added some of the alterations that were commented on earlier.



Most notable is:

1) The Bridge is now on the uppermost deck and nothing is above it, sorta QM2 look is what im going for

2) The bow has been legthened quite a bit, and a bow plane has been added to break up any waves that find their way onto the forecastle.

3) The Magrodome has been lowered one deck and the glass around it has been re-done, it looks more acceptable now, I think.

4) The addition of the grill space immediately forward of the funnel, features to be added later.

(P.S. I love your drawing Nina, as you can tell I have added a lower deck for a terrace as well!)

5) The stern has been rounded off until the waterline to make room for the pods. (ala QM2)

6) The stern has been terranced somewhat, I first tried to do all the decks, but it threw the entire ship out of proportion when I did that, so the upper decks drop off 3 decks and then its even from there on down to the stern. The lower terraces have the glass panels to protect from the elements like on the QE2 and QM2.

7) A better looking pod has taken the place of the wooden stick that was on the previous versions. ;)

8) Three Bow Thrusters have been added before the bulbous bow.


Please continue commenting!

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Amazing what putting the bridge to the top does! To allow for cabin capacity that is lost in the lovely stern, I think she needs to be lenghtened in the center about a 3/8 inch.


The only thing with my drawing is that is must be the top rear deck to allow for the courtyard terrace. which can not go in the main lobby space because who wants to look out at bathers or have people walking through to the pool while you're dining?

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I see now, I had your drawing backwards, sorry.


Really though, the way the upper decks are laid out, it can go either way, and I agree with your analysis. And I will lengthen the vessel at its mid section, in fore of the fore bank of lifeboats, so it will push the funnel back and make it seem more towards the middle of the vessel again.

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Just a few adjustments...too much time on my hands, too, apparently. Longer and sleeker is the order of the day. By shorting the second deck from the top, aft, it gives a longer leaner, and more balanced look. Oh, and while I was at it, I gave it a slightly longer bow...it's what I like...sue me!:D




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Here is the updated master copy using the enhancements that blazerboy added, feel free to comment! Note: I have added an observation area on top of the bow plane so guests can peer over the bow in good weather.



P.S. Ears have been dropped in this latest design.

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Here is the updated master copy using the enhancements that blazerboy added, feel free to comment! Note: I have added an observation area on top of the bow plane so guests can peer over the bow in good weather.




I like that one. By the way the ship is reversing at present - the pods pull not push!



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I've read this made-up word "cruise liner" several times now. Could we please agree to never, ever, ever, say it ever again? Unless something miraculous happens there aren't going to be any more ocean liners, and to add the word "liner" to a cruise ship isn't going to fool anyone into thinking its something more than it is. And if they are fooled, well then, they're fools.


If one looks in the back of the latest Cunard Voyages brochures from the UK (I brought back one of each while on the QE2 from each country represented), there is mention of the P&O Ventura, Britains "superliner". :eek: I've seen the Princess sistership here in Ft. Lauderdale and there is absolutely no liner whatsoever in that design. The design is frightenly ugly, especially in the stern area. So it appears the marketing execs at Carnival are taking liberties with the "liner" terminology throughout the fleet.

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P&O Ventura, Britains "superliner". ..... marketing execs at Carnival are taking liberties


I don't think 'super cruiser' has quite the same ring to it - and this side of the pond at least might carry unfortunate connotations.....:rolleyes:

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