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Vancouver answers from a Vancouverite


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Was wondering just how far is Burnaby from downtown Vancouver ... Canada Place, Gastown, etc.



I'm thinking of booking the Hilton that's located there.






The Hilton at Metrotown is a good property but you may want to consider the fact that it is the best part of a 30 min commute either direction into the city via SkyTrain. Plus you have the matter of getting your baggage on and off the train. Unless you are staying there on points you may want to consider moving into the city. We have been seeing some very good deals at the Hyatt Regency which is just blocks from Canada Place and is kind of centre ice in terms of downtown. We have seen prices there at <$150.0 pn.

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Might be a bit before your time, he retired officially in Jan 2006 but had been on LTD for 8 years before. Started in Oakridge (doesn't everyone!) then Burnaby and went to PoCo the day it opened. Was president of the Social Club there for a few years. John Morgan.


I've certainly heard of him, and Bernie knows of him. He must know Jim Bourgoin as he was involved heavily with social club. We travel with Jim and Jeanette almost every year on vacation.

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I live in Burnaby, and here's the answer (at least from the Hilton)


About 12km (8 miles) from the Hilton to the cruise terminal.

by car: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=6083+McKay+Avenue,+Burnaby,+BC+V5H2W7,+Canada+(Hilton+Vancouver+Metrotown)&daddr=canada+place&hl=en&geocode=6717539728171085822,49.228874,-123.003374&mra=ls&sll=49.254809,-123.013573&sspn=0.124592,0.363922&ie=UTF8&z=13&start=0

by transit (recommended): http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=6083+McKay+Avenue,+Burnaby,+BC+V5H2W7,+Canada+(Hilton+Vancouver+Metrotown)&daddr=canada+place&hl=en&geocode=6717539728171085822,49.228874,-123.003374&mra=ls&dirflg=r&date=08%2F06%2F08&time=7:40pm&ttype=dep&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&sll=49.25826,-123.058065&sspn=0.062291,0.181961&ie=UTF8&ll=49.256714,-123.061466&spn=0.062293,0.181961&z=13&start=0


Skytrain (Transit) is much faster, and way cheaper than a cab, and basically drops you in the same spot. As Vicki/Bernie pointed out, $3.75 buys you a ticket from a couple of blocks from the Hilton straight to the Canada Place (Carnival/Princess/HA/NCL) cruise terminal on Skytrain. Get off Skytrain, turn left, up one short escallator, turn right, up another and you're staring at your boat. In fact the last cruise we took (w/ Vicki/Bernie on board) we got there via Skytrain, and I wouldn't think of doing it any other way.


However, If you're going on RCCL/Celebrity, they use a different dock (a couple of miles east of Canada Place), and transit isn't the ideal route, you're better off with a cab


hey you guys, how are you doing? We are doing the same repo again this year on the Island but it leaves on the 22nd. Care to join us.


To the people who are wondering about taking skytrain, if you are at Balantyne Pier, take skytrain to Main and then get a taxi to the pier.

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I've certainly heard of him, and Bernie knows of him. He must know Jim Bourgoin as he was involved heavily with social club. We travel with Jim and Jeanette almost every year on vacation.


Small world, yes we both remember Jim.


Whenever there was a consolidated signup and my DH changed shifts/bus route, he would come home with cards, gifts and even cakes from his regulars, on the last run. BC bus drivers have to be the friendliest and most helpful anywhere - but I guess I am a bit biased!

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Small world, yes we both remember Jim.


Whenever there was a consolidated signup and my DH changed shifts/bus route, he would come home with cards, gifts and even cakes from his regulars, on the last run. BC bus drivers have to be the friendliest and most helpful anywhere - but I guess I am a bit biased!


yes small world, actually I just worked with Jim on signup the last two weeks, it is consolidated sign up.


I holiday block so I don't get too many regulars, but it always nice to run into old faces, but it is good for me because sometimes we are friendly and the passengers can be a little clingy if you get my drift.


I think our drivers are very friendly too, sure we have bad days but in all it is the passengers that really make our day.


Actually I think your husband's name came up at the consolidated signup -- only good things. :D

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10 day forecast calls for rain on Friday the 15th when I arrive...UGH:eek: We are planning on going to the aquarium that afternoon. Does any transportation drop you off at the door? I am not packing an umbrella...a little rain will not make us melt....




There is transit bus service to Stanley Park, bus is on Pender Street, then where they drop you off you can easily walk to aquarium.


Depending on where you are staying, you can even walk along the seawall (north side) to Stanley Park and the aquarium -- beautiful walk, but could be troublesome if not able to walk far or with children.

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There is also the free shuttle service within the park....and while it does drop you off at the Aquarium it does get you a little closer.

I also wouldn't worry about a 10 day forecast, up here on the West Coast they are reasonably accurate out about 3 days.


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Our dd14 is excited about the aquarium...Luckily our hotel has a shuttle service. I am not clear as to how close they will be dropping us off. I just don't want to get soaked before we get to the entrance....




that is great, what hotel is it, you should post it here so others can book and use the shuttle.


I doubt you will get soaked... you should bring a light summer rain jacket anyways for Alaska, just wear that if it rains and cover your head. Heck the rain keeps us looking young. But right now it is so warm that we need the rain. Sure beats the snow, at least we don't have to shovel it.

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:) vicki-as you requested.....we are staying at the Best Western Downtown....the offer a drop off program only no returns...we don't own light summer rain coats.:eek: It truly doesn't rain where we leave....We received 16" for the past year.....Our rainy season is Nov-March sometimes if we are lucky early April....usually by Easter it is 85...

Angela of California

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:) vicki-as you requested.....we are staying at the Best Western Downtown....the offer a drop off program only no returns...we don't own light summer rain coats.:eek: It truly doesn't rain where we leave....We received 16" for the past year.....Our rainy season is Nov-March sometimes if we are lucky early April....usually by Easter it is 85...



Angela of California


We stayed at the BW Downtown and liked it very much. They will not take you as far as Stanley Park, just to downtown. You could take the shuttle to somewhere where you could catch a city but to Stanley Park rather than having to transfer. Folks here can help you with that. We were surprised to learn that the shuttle will take you to Canada Place the day of your cruise. That was great. Just reserve a place the evening before. They take reservations starting at 7 PM the night before. We really liked the BW. Helpful staff and comfortable room.

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:) vicki-as you requested.....we are staying at the Best Western Downtown....the offer a drop off program only no returns...we don't own light summer rain coats.:eek: It truly doesn't rain where we leave....We received 16" for the past year.....Our rainy season is Nov-March sometimes if we are lucky early April....usually by Easter it is 85...

Angela of California


So what are you taking to wear on your Alaskan cruise? It might be a tad cold there for you.

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Hi Angela the BW downtown will suite your needs and the shuttle is a bonus and will be very helpful for the others here looking for a hotel.


You will need something for the Alaskan tour to keep you dry and warm. You could always pick up something here in the mall (Pacific Centre) for an inxpensive price, but will certainly come in handy.


I actually use a jacket that I bought in San Francisco that was only $20 all year long here.


enjoy your trip hope we helped

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So what are you taking to wear on your Alaskan cruise? It might be a tad cold there for you.



Honestly...shorts and a sweatshirt...my DH thinks I'm crazy when I go for my morning walks at it is 30 degrees outside...January is actually our coldest month we can have 20 days in a row, where ice is on the ground and water hoses are frozen.

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Thanks for everyone's input re the Burnaby Hilton ... much appreciated.


So I guess that taking a cab from there to the dock will cost an arm and a leg, huh. :D



I'll look at other properties in the downtown area. Maybe do the Pan Pacific again ... ;)



Hope everyone has a good weekend




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hey you guys, how are you doing? We are doing the same repo again this year on the Island but it leaves on the 22nd. Care to join us.


I noticed that (and the other 39 days you have lined up). Geez, when are you going to have time to drive the 101? I doubt we'll be doing the Van-LA this year, as we're doing a 15 day San Diego-Hawaii-San Diego over Xmas, and neither of us really have much extra holiday time this year; but thanks for the offer.

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I noticed that (and the other 39 days you have lined up). Geez, when are you going to have time to drive the 101? I doubt we'll be doing the Van-LA this year, as we're doing a 15 day San Diego-Hawaii-San Diego over Xmas, and neither of us really have much extra holiday time this year; but thanks for the offer.


oh your trip sounds lovely.


I get four weeks off a year, plus I have to work all the statutory holidays so we get an extra two weeks off for those. This year we had four weeks in Jan/Feb and two in Nov and that was our only vacation. The repos are done over our weekends as we get weekdays off.

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My family is going early to Vancouver this week before a cruise. We have three days to enjoy this wonderful city. We have been advised to go to Whistler, Victoria Island or hang in the city.

If you had three days what would you do? My girls are teenagers. Thanks!

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My family is going early to Vancouver this week before a cruise. We have three days to enjoy this wonderful city. We have been advised to go to Whistler, Victoria Island or hang in the city.

If you had three days what would you do? My girls are teenagers. Thanks!

Three days is a lot of time. You could do all three suggested things above, and more.


Personally, if this were my first time, I would devote one full day to Victoria (others will have to advise you on transportation options, as this might be last minute for the ferries), one half day to Stanley Park and its attractions, one half day to Granville Island, one half day to Capillano or Lynn Canyon suspension bridges and parks, one half day to Grouse Mountain, and devote the evenings to exploring the city and dining in some great restaurants.


You can read my trip report (linked in my signature) for some specific ideas.

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A little tip for Victoria bound travellers. I stopped in at the helijet office this weekend to pick up a flyer for a friend who is coming to visit. I got chatting to one of the guys there, and he told me that if you go to the office half hour before a scheduled flight you can put your name on a standby list. If there is space on the flight you can fly for $70. Obviously, it's not guaranteed, and this is one way (you can try the same coming back, too) but a $70 helicopter trip to Victoria is a great deal. He said that they have a lot of availability at weekends, as not too many tourists know about it and commuters usually only travel during the week. My hubby and I are going to give it a go in a couple of weeks - we have nothing to lose!

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Okay gang I am back from my hiking trip in the Rockies - didn't see any grizzlies but some of the others did on a couple of the day hikes - but one look at a bunch of unshaven, unshowered hikers would be enough to scarce off most intruders - we did have a bull moose grazing in the meadow outside the camp one morning and a sow and calf were spotted a short distance away on a separate occasion.


Good to see that this thread is as active as always.


Now I have to start finalizing details for my Dawn Repo trip from New York in November - booking a hotel in Miami/Ft Lauderdale and Amtrak.


PD - I noticed you post on a Florida thread - perhaps you can answer this question for me - my cruise ends up in Miami but I would like to head up to Ft. Lauderdale and spend a day there post cruise but I am having difficulty figuring out the best way to get from Maimi to Ft Lauderdale and just where is the best place to stay. You can post here or link me to your response on the Florida boards.





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Just back myself from a 2 ferry jaunt to Comox....kissed the Queen Tsawwassen goodby, her days are really numbered now, I am told that the Island Sky (what the heck is an Island Sky) goes into service in October sometime.

Also got a ride on one of the Navy's new Orca class training vessels that are to be used to train reservists and cadets. You will porbably see one or two tied up this winter at HMCS Discovery. They will replace the the old wooden hulled YAG's or as I knew them, YFP's, that have been in service since the 1950's.

Florida is virgin territory to me....I don't have a clue how you get from Miami to FFL; we are flying from LAS (the closest major airport to our home in AZ) to FFL. I got the Sheridan Yankee Clipper on Priceline for $165 pn which is a pretty good deal for January. It is evidently on the beach just north of the cruise terminal but suspect that she is a bit of a plain Jane. You should be able to do better....it is just that January is "rape and pillage time" in Florida and $300 pn was going to keep awake up at night. Sorry, that's all that I know.

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Miami and Ft. Lauderdale are virtually one. It was that way the last time that I was there almost 50 years ago so I am sure that it is even more so now. (I'm a Florida girl just transplanted to Virginia for most of my adult life.)

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Okay gang I am back from my hiking trip in the Rockies - didn't see any grizzlies but some of the others did on a couple of the day hikes - but one look at a bunch of unshaven, unshowered hikers would be enough to scarce off most intruders - we did have a bull moose grazing in the meadow outside the camp one morning and a sow and calf were spotted a short distance away on a separate occasion.


Good to see that this thread is as active as always.


Now I have to start finalizing details for my Dawn Repo trip from New York in November - booking a hotel in Miami/Ft Lauderdale and Amtrak.


PD - I noticed you post on a Florida thread - perhaps you can answer this question for me - my cruise ends up in Miami but I would like to head up to Ft. Lauderdale and spend a day there post cruise but I am having difficulty figuring out the best way to get from Maimi to Ft Lauderdale and just where is the best place to stay. You can post here or link me to your response on the Florida boards.






Hi Dennis- I am not from Florida but I did a similar trip two years ago. We flew into Ft. Lauderdale and hired a towncar to drive us to Miami, about 1 hour if I remember correctly. We stayed at the Hyatt Regency Miami and it was wonderful and then took a taxi to the ship the next morning.

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