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Change in HAL Activity Policy


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To add my 2 cents worth: On the 4/3 Hawaii cruise, the "spectator" games were set up with staff members doing the playing. Except for the Zaandam Superstar contest, and, even then, staff members and the entertainers were the judges.

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As a single traveler. I also hate to hear of this development.:eek:

I noticed last Nov.on Veendam that there were not many of such activities. I had hoped it was just a fluke for that particular cruise.

I enjoy meeting new people, and it was a great way to have some fun, too.:D

Please, never take away the trivia contests and consider adding some of the other small venue games back on our cruises...if you HAL are reading our comments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel badly for all of you that enjoyed these activities. People seemed to have a lot of fun playing them. I have to admit I'm more of an observer, and like to go in a lounge and watch some "game show" that I don't have to participate in. But, I'm kind of an introvert, and basically spend the day on my own while my husband is out on deck reading.


On our last transatlantic cruise (this was on Princess) there was a historian that gave lectures everyday on maritime history, pirates, etc. I'm not a history buff at all, but I really enjoyed these. And, the lounge was totally packed for every talk. Also, I went to a couple of informative talks on the use of a digital camera at no charge. I enjoy these educational, but fun, talks, and wish there would be more on shorter cruises.

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Pottery class, in which they use a kiln and you're creating a real piece to take home with you, had a fee. I always seem to miss the class.....too early!!!!!

They also had an oragami class (no fee) and a class where we made gift boxes (no fee).....I still have my little boxes that my DH and I made, it was a lot of fun!

I enjoyed the "liars game" but again, it was the staff who performed and I thought it would have been more fun, if they had included some passenger involvement!

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We made the mistake of going on the NCL Pearl and there was a huge lack of non paying activities during the day and only the 1 show at night. We have never been bored on a cruise but that one was awful. Princess varies with the activities and has a ton of activities during the Spring vacation week but this last trip last week was lacking during the day.


Doesn't HAL show movies in the theater? Our next trip is on the Westerdam.

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Drat, Drat, and Double-Drat.


I was looking forward to those small venue games on

my October cruise. I like them, but never play them

at home. And it's just the thing to punctuate a sea



On a port intensive cruise, I wouldn't expect them

or miss them. But it is great fun for sea days.

And trying to organize them independently would

be a nightmare. Who, what, when, where, etc.


It only takes one staffer to run the games. (They

take turns with "duty day".)


I did not see these small venue games (other than

Trivia) on my Princess cruise, either. Maybe it

was the Alaskan itinerary.


I miss HAL would stop trying to be like every other

cruise line. If I wanted every other cruise line, I

would sail on those. Develop a market niche, deliver

a quality and consistent product, and they will come.

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Doesn't HAL show movies in the theater? Our next trip is on the Westerdam.

Yes, it does. On the S- and R-classes, and on the Prinsendam there's a nice theatre where movies are shown at various times. This theatre is also used for culinary arts demos/classes, and religious services, so it isn't always available when you might otherwise expect movies to be shown.

On the Vista class ships the Queens Lounge is where the movies are shown. It isn't set up as a theatre as nicely as the other ships are, and the venue is also used for other activities. But you're not restricted to in-cabin TV if you want to see a movie.

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I sailed on the Oosterdam in December and in February with family members. I do not lay out in the sun. I do read a lot, and I enjoy sitting on Promenade deck to do so. However, I love to play Trivia and other games. I was disappointed that they didn't have anything except Trivia and that often only one time a day. Trivia was very well attended, in fact it was packed.


In April I sailed by myself on the Dawn Princess. I was very happy because they had Trivia 2 to 3 times a day every day and it was always very well attended, and it was very crowded on sea days. I met some great people and had a wonderful time getting to know the other Trivia players. They also had other games. Those were more sporadically attended especially Scattegories. Taboo drew larger groups. I was really happy because I got to know people and had lots of fun.


I love HAL and would love to see them change this policy back to more activities.

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Docksider21: A niche in a industry that is always changing is really hard to grasp. As I have tried to relate in my other post is that HAL has to do what is given to them. If there is a decrease in staffing they have to take that decrease and change activities so they are able to staff them correctly. HAL once had a niche and you can ask anyone and they will agree, but over the last couple of years the other lines have changed and have become a like. To survive in the US you need to assimulate with the mass market. There is too many lines, too many ship to choose from.


One thing that HAL has going for itself now is the repeat cruisers/mariners. What people don't understand is that there are millions of mariners and if the lose some of them it won't touch the bottom line and new cruisers will fill in from other lines or even first time cruisers.


HAL needs to change to survive in this economy and this industry and I can guarentee there will be more.



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Yes, it does. On the S- and R-classes, and on the Prinsendam there's a nice theatre where movies are shown at various times. This theatre is also used for culinary arts demos/classes, and religious services, so it isn't always available when you might otherwise expect movies to be shown.

On the Vista class ships the Queens Lounge is where the movies are shown. It isn't set up as a theatre as nicely as the other ships are, and the venue is also used for other activities. But you're not restricted to in-cabin TV if you want to see a movie.


Thanks Ruth, sounds like the Visa class is set up like Princess ships where they use the main theater. I don't understand why other lines do not take this advantage since it sure is nice to catch up on a movie while vegetating.

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On the March 15 TA the 'dam dollars' activities were plentiful. Volleyball, basketball and ring toss contests were held several times. Walk-a-mile was way too early @ 7am. The staff even did a 5 day/event Olympics. Trivia twice a day and Name that Tune every evening were well attended. Walk the Deck for SGK was the only pay-to-play event I did. One evening the Not-so Newlywed game was done but by a different name and three couples instead of four. Being a big band cruise dance lessons were a hit too.

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  • 3 months later...

Just got back from a Scandanavia / Baltic cruise on the Celebrity Constellation, Aug 2008. In spite of a port-intensive schedule, they still had lots of activities. It reminded me of the Holland America cruises we used to take several years ago.


At least two trivia games were held each day, as well as name that tune, guess my profession, battle of the sexes, Pictionary, Humdinger, etc. Physical activities too - volleyball, basketball, soccer, golf putting, pool games. We met several fun couples and individuals - mainly by joining up with small groups of players at these games.


Didn't see any of the lame TV-show type "games" where you watch the staff compete in a big theatre. Holland America, take note. We're cruising Celebrity next vacation.:cool:

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Just back from the Amsterdam - 7 day Alaska, and they had lots of activities - more variety of things. Team Trivia almost every day.More activities in the food area and with the new position of "Party Planner" hosting these events. The usual Bingo, building boats, and the pay for Technology classes. Unclear to me if there were more or less events staff as they were never really publicized.

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Since I'm not a big drinker, I don't care for any of those "mixology" classes, especially if it involves a fee!

I do like the trivia games, we noticed that on Princess they were very popular. When we sailed on Princess on Scandinavia cruise out of Southampton the trivia games were PACKED and they were hard trivia questions... not the TV/Movie trivia games we were used to (British guests LOVE trivia... yet the casino was DEAD!!)

As far as the "game show" atmosphere where you watch 3 or 4 people play while you sit in the audience... I can sit at home and watch those on the tv for free.

DW LOVED the Culinary Classes on HAL and I'm sure if we do sail on HAL to Bermuda she will definitely sign up (I, on the other hand prefer to eat... not to cook :D )

If the weather is nice I prefer to be out and about during the day. It's not always out in the direct sun... there are times I'm quite content just strolling on the promenade or walking about the ship. Going to an indoor movie when the sun is shining is a definite no-no for me. (I'd save that for a rainy windy sea day)
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[quote name='docksider21']It only takes one staffer to run the games. (They
take turns with "duty day".)

I did not see these small venue games (other than
Trivia) on my Princess cruise, either. Maybe it
was the Alaskan itinerary.
Sadly, it sounds to me like HAL is falling victim to the same thing every other business is ... the need to do more with less staff. I guess these games are the first thing to go with reductions in the activities staff.

I would guess that eventually there will just be a sign-up sheet somewhere. People who want to play will sign up and then meet at a certain place. The cruise staff won't be involved at all, other that to get the game started and then split.

I too can somewhat understand this on shorter cruises with a lot of ports. But on a long cruise with a lot of days at sea, it is gonna make for some less than fun days. :(

Blue skies ...

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[quote name='SJSULIBRARIAN']Just back from the Amsterdam - 7 day Alaska, and they had lots of activities - more variety of things. Team Trivia almost every day.More activities in the food area and with the new position of "Party Planner" hosting these events. The usual Bingo, building boats, and the pay for Technology classes. Unclear to me if there were more or less events staff as they were never really publicized.
Oh, you pay for those "Techspert" talks?

I thought they were free.

Blue skies ...

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[quote name='bepsf'][FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="4"]...if you're not spending money, the line isn't making money.

Get ready for more of this across the board...[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

Pardon the pun.

I agree with you ... there's gonna be a lot more specialty classes and what not onboard, and they will all carry a "nominal fee." Problem is that when you add up all these "nominal" fees you'll be paying, it will add up to something far different than "nominal." :(

Blue skies ...

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[quote name='kakalina']As one who greatly enjoys the "smaller venue" games I will be very disappointed if they go the way of the Java Cafe. .[/quote]

Well Virgil/Trish... it just gives us more of an opportunity to workout at the fitness center :p

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As much as I like HAL, I'm very disappointed to hear that the small venue games have been replaced by other activities for which there is fee. Perhaps this means it is time to look at other cruise lines. I am NOT happy with that thought, but the small venue games are one of the best ways to meet new friends, enjoy some good times.

Watching two or three people on a stage is not at all the same as participating with others in an activity. What happens to the person-to-person congeniality?

For months I had greatly looked foward to the November 2008 cruise. Now, I'm wondering whether I should make that final payment or not. What else has HAL changed since last winter?
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[quote name='kryos']Oh, you pay for those "Techspert" talks?

I thought they were free.

Blue skies ...


The Techspert talks are free now. It's sponsored by Microsoft. I went to several on my last Amsterdam cruise and they were all free as was the use of the ship's techspert's laptops (he had about 15 or so) as well as the time spent on the ship's server downloading photos to the webpage that the person help us all set up. It was all complimentary and VERY popular. People would go out into port and then we would come back and the computer would read out cards from our cameras so that we could post the photos right away. We also got to make a cruise DVD out of our photos that was ours to keep for free.
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The games, all of them, and the opportunity to meet new people via participation, are a big part of our cruising experience. Matter of fact, it is the only time I can get DH to play games:rolleyes: When we did our 21 day last Spring there were olympics, board games, trivia, group games, etc.... Hope to find some of that still in place in Dec.
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[quote name='JJinVista']My wife and I have cruised HAL around a dozen times over the past 10 years. One of the things that kept us going back was the daytime activities which were oriented at small groups.
Lounge-situated games like Name That Tune.
Guys vs Gals in Battle of the Sexes where guys are asked "girl-knowledge " questions and vice versa.
Table games like Pictionary, Taboo, Scattegories, Cranium, and others.
Icebreaker game of guess who's Mr. and Mrs. *****dam

We found that participating in these activities gave us the opportunity to meet many other fellow passengers.

After convincing our friends to go along on an Oosterdam cruise to Mexico last fall, we were disappointed to see a change in the HAL activity policy. A recent trip this spring on a circle Hawaii cruise (Zaandam 4/3/2008) confirmed this change. NONE of the activities I've listed above were held on either of our last two HAL cruises (a total of 22 days, 14 of them "at-sea" days). On the last 15 day cruise, not one volleyball or shuffleboard event was held.

Now I'm aware of the older demographic on HAL. But we had a lady in her golden years bugging the activities guy to organize a volleyball event. She said she played several hours each day at home!

In speaking with the activities director, he said there was a change in policy at HAL. They would no longer do what he called the 'small venue' games. Instead, they would be oriented more toward games where only a few people participated, and the audience would watch. Such as:
American Idol - a takeoff on the TV show. Held in the large theatre. Passengers sing kareoke in front of a panel of 3 HAL-chosen reps (usually one of the entertainers, dancers, crew).
Poolside games where everyone watches a few participants.
Quiz-show games, where 3 contestants participate and (you guessed it) everyone watches.

To be fair, they did have two regular trivia competitions each day. But overall, the new policy was more like watching TV than participating in activities.

We also noticed an increase in fee-based activities. $30 / head to have their info-systems guy give you pointers on word processing. Bartender-run classes which teach you how to mix drinks - we dropped by two of these but they were each canceled due to lack of interest.

We liked the activities crew, don't get me wrong. They were very friendly, outgoing, and fun. But the new policy is flawed.

We're looking at other cruise lines for our next vacation.[/quote]

[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Sad to say -- we had already noticed this on our 19 day and 7 day back-to-back cruises on the Westerdam this past April/May -- times are changing -- and we are not happy with this.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
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