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My TA messed up my booking

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I am feeling really stupid reading this because I feel like I should know what FCC is and I don't. Is that like when you book on board and its a future cruise credit? I am real ashamed of my self right now. But I need to know the answer, its the only way I will learn. Help!


Yes you are correct this is a future cruise credit. They don't have to be booked on board. You can purchase them for future cruises. You pay $100 for the credit which then becomes your deposit when you are ready. It counts as $100 toward your final payment. In addition, Princess gives you an on board ship credit that varies in amount depending on how long the cruise you take is and which category cabin you are booked in. It ranges from $25 to $150 for each person the FCC applies to.

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Ok I'm with you to a point. I think you counted the same deposit twice. You said:



"Since you were only actually charged by the TA $100 for the initial deposit and if your final payment invoice amount wasn't changed, then you actually owed another $100 for the deposit for the cruise, which was not added to the final payment.


Therefore $100 FCC returned is your $100 now.

The lack of the second $100 deposit and not being charged, is your other $100. Totalling the $200 that you did not receive in shipboard credit, but instead, returned in the form of returning the FCC and a $100 less on your final payment."




The FCC returned to me was not giving me $100 because I paid $100 for it on a prior cruise to apply as $100 on my future booking and give me the OB credit according to cabin class and cruise length.


By giving it back to my circle account, I still owe that $100 toward my final payment. So I'm +100 here.


Had all gone as planned I should have gotten $200 on the ship account, but I got $0. So I'm -200 here .


It isn't even by my accounting and I wish knew of a compensation that would be fair to the TA and fair to me.


First off riteonglor-Yes an FCC is a Future Cruise Credit.


OP-I am beginning to understand why if your TA left you a message explaining this why it was so darned confusing.



Now I am off as I am too tired to look at this anymore this evening. I will take another peek in the AM and see what others have to say and if it still makes sense to me. lol

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Ok I'm with you to a point. I think you counted the same deposit twice. You said:



"Since you were only actually charged by the TA $100 for the initial deposit and if your final payment invoice amount wasn't changed, then you actually owed another $100 for the deposit for the cruise, which was not added to the final payment.


Therefore $100 FCC returned is your $100 now.

The lack of the second $100 deposit and not being charged, is your other $100. Totalling the $200 that you did not receive in shipboard credit, but instead, returned in the form of returning the FCC and a $100 less on your final payment."




The FCC returned to me was not giving me $100 because I paid $100 for it on a prior cruise to apply as $100 on my future booking and give me the OB credit according to cabin class and cruise length.


By giving it back to my circle account, I still owe that $100 toward my final payment. So I'm +100 here.


Had all gone as planned I should have gotten $200 on the ship account, but I got $0. So I'm -200 here .


It isn't even by my accounting and I wish knew of a compensation that would be fair to the TA and fair to me.

If the FCC was returned to your account, then the $100 is also in your account because that's what you paid for it. When you decide to use it on another cruise, you will get the OBC that's applicable at the time for your booking. I absolutely agree with Toto's explanation. Yes, you didn't get the OBC you should have on your recent cruise, but you will get in on another cruise. You didn't really lose anything.

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Bless you Lynda, exactly correct. You can't say you were out the $200 SBC if you are able to use it later because of the return of the FCC. I knew there was an answer there.


So paying only the $100 credit card deposit, and not increasing the final payment on the cruise, and not charging that extra $100 actually meant the TA split the difference with you in what you should have receieved onboard by not charging that extra $100 on the final payment, but you will still be able to collect the onboard credit when you use the FCC at a later date.


Now, I am definitely saying goodnight everyone. :)

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If the FCC was returned to your account, then the $100 is also in your account because that's what you paid for it. When you decide to use it on another cruise, you will get the OBC that's applicable at the time for your booking. I absolutely agree with Toto's explanation. Yes, you didn't get the OBC you should have on your recent cruise, but you will get in on another cruise. You didn't really lose anything.


Hi Lynda. Yes I agree the $100 (FCC) is mine again for a future cruise, so I didn't loose it. The FCC is a wash, I paid for it on a prior cruise and I got it back. The TA would have then paid the void in my deposit of $100. What I lost was the free $$ from Princess which is their incentive for using the FCCs. So if I would have gotten $200 to pay my on ship bill, yet owed the TA the $100 from the void left in my deposit, then I am behind $100 from what I expected.


What I expected didn't happen so I wanted to ask the TA for a compensation that didn't take away her commission, and was fair to both of us.

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By that time the FCCs had dropped off so he saw them back in my account.


Need more explanation here.


A. Originally used FCC + $100 to make deposit for two for the cruise.


B. Final payment invoice should have been the agreed upon cost - $200 deposit (FCC + $100)


C. FCC now back in your account.


So, did your final payment go up by $100 since the FCC was not used? Or did the final payment stay the same and you got the FCC back into your account?

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Hi Lynda. Yes I agree the $100 (FCC) is mine again for a future cruise, so I didn't loose it. The FCC is a wash, I paid for it on a prior cruise and I got it back. The TA would have then paid the void in my deposit of $100. What I lost was the free $$ from Princess which is their incentive for using the FCCs. So if I would have gotten $200 to pay my on ship bill, yet owed the TA the $100 from the void left in my deposit, then I am behind $100 from what I expected.


What I expected didn't happen so I wanted to ask the TA for a compensation that didn't take away her commission, and was fair to both of us.


Oh, I can get so obssessed with things and trying to figure them out. LOL


OK, here I go again.

Yes, you lost your SBC of $200 on this booking. The TA gave you back $100 from not charging your actual final payment that initial entire deposit since half was returned to your captains circle account.

Where is the second $100 that you are out that you did not receive in SBC? It is safely tucked away with that FCC they returned to you for availability later on when you use the FCC. You did not get it on the Crown sailing, but she made it available for you to use at another time.


There is no other explanation I can put into words for this. But the missing money you still feel is owed to you is all centered around the returned FCC. It is available for your use for a future cruise with the total FCC attached.


Again, as I said last night, it is a wash. I do not think you will get any more out of your TA as although she made a mistake, she already gave you $100 off your actual final payment price and you have your FCC back which you can use again that will include another $200 for the right booking.


I realize you feel she still owes you $100 in SBC, and I wish you best of luck getting her to agree to this. I can see both sides of this. But I really doubt that you will find she is willing to negotiate this matter as she feels she made a mistake and has returned it. Now, most TA's that made such a mistake like this, notice I said MOST, not all. Would problaby give you something as a good will gesture for the mix up. But it doesn't sound like this one is willing to do this because she will not return your calls.


Recently, a TA I 'HAD' used charged me an extra $250 to my credit card for applying credits to my cruise AFTER I made total final payment. This amount was over and above what my final payment stated. In fact, she never even received authorization from me to charge my credit card, she just took it upon herself to do it saying the credits I had her apply dug too deeply into her commission. What did I do about it? I switched TA's and will not use her again because of the charge that was unauthorized without my permission.


When a TA will not work with you over a mistake they made, about the only way you can fight back is to talk with your $$$ and your feet as you walk away.


How far you persue this will be your decision. Please let us know if you get anywhere. Personally, if someone had that many cruises still coming up with this TA, I would think she would want to make you happy in some way, but it doesn't sound like this is the case.

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Need more explanation here.


A. Originally used FCC + $100 to make deposit for two for the cruise.

Yes, and credit card charged $100


B. Final payment invoice should have been the agreed upon cost - $200 deposit (FCC + $100)



C. FCC now back in your account.



So, did your final payment go up by $100 since the FCC was not used? Or did the final payment stay the same and you got the FCC back into your account

No to the 1st - Yes to the second:

Final Payment was what I expected sorta-it was $15 less, and the FCC is now in my account which I found out about on the cruise.



ok:I know it is confusing, because it is to me too, but explaining it again and again is helping me to see it more clearly. And, I didn't know what was going on at the time. I found out about all of this while on the ship, and was totally confused and in a state of shock. The return of the FCC was unknown to me, or I would have argued it at the time. Here's my thought process in steps.


I started with 2 FCCs and used only 1 with the booking (1 FCC + $100 on credit card for 2 passenger deposits).

-Princess allows you to do it this way, and both people are awarded the OB credits. Because I booked a 14day balcony it was $100 p/p OB credit - free money by booking with a future cruise credit (FCC).


Now I have 2 FCCs again and I am back to where I started, with two. If they are giving me back my FCC unused, then I should owe $100 in it's place.

I'm not gaining $100 by an unused FCC, but I am $100 ahead by not being charged the deposit when the FCC was returned. There is no extra value added in my case by an unused fcc, since I'm still calculating the missing $100 deposit into this scenario.

***So here, I should now owe $100.


The TA didn't ask me for the extra $100 to replace the FCC at final payment.

I didn't know anything was different yet. Either she paid it or the early booking discount took care of it. Let's play worse case scenario and say she absorbed it. I wasn't asked for it.

-End result: By having my FCC unused, the FCCs are back to where I started (FCC=no change). However, $100 of my deposit was not paid with my FCC or my funds. So, here my cruise is costing me $100 less because I've paid only $100 of a $200 deposit and have all my FCCs back again. I am ahead $100.

***So now, the TA is -100, and I am now +100


$200 OBC was in my passage contract, but at the time of saling it was not on my ship account anymore.

Essentially, If you aren't using an fcc you are throwing away Princess money each time you cruise. Think about it, if you could get free $$$ each time you cruised why would you skip any? I loose out on the free $$$ this cruise by not using an FCC. Next cruise won't automatically be $200 OBC, it may only be $25 p/p. Purchasing them is limitless so it puts you behind not ahead to wait till next cruise to use it. The FCC is a prepay on your deposit toward final payment, and the OBC is icing.


-End result: Instead of the cruise costing me $100 less(by the deposit not being added back again with final payment), it is now costing me $200 more, because I will have to pay the tips etc. instead of the credit being applied. (-200 (OBC) and +100 (deposit) = -100

***So now, the TA is -100, and I am -100



I think Toto was right when she said the TA decided to split the difference because I can see she is out $100 and I am out $100 if she paid the deposit.

Should I agree on splitting the difference when it was the TAs mistake? Hmmm.

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Yes the credit card was charged $100 for deposit and again charged at final booking.


I don't want to cancel my bookings, because one is after final booking, and I planned specific cabins for the others. I don't want to loose them.



You don't have to cancel them - just transfer them to another TA. Simple solution. If you choose not to do that so you won't hurt the original TA's feelings, then that's OK but don't complain about it then. :rolleyes:

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As I said earlier. If I were a TA, and I made this mistake, especially if you had booked previous cruise through me, and also had more booked for the future, I would make a goodwill gesture. I would either add an extra $100 SBC to your next cruise, or I would again remove $100 from your final payment on your next sailing. If for no other reason for the stress that I caused you for my messing up the booking.


Now, this is what I would do, but not necessairly what your TA would do.

Since you aren't interested in switching TA's or transferring your booking over to someone else (as stated below, you do not have to cancel and you do not have to loose your already booked stateroom to transfer your booking to a new TA), you are at the TA's mercy. If they won't return your calls, that kind of tells me they are finished with this and feel they have done enough. I totally understand where you are coming from with this, but unless you are ready to walk with your $$$$ and your feet to a new TA, you don't have a leg to stand on in the fight.


So, now it's up to you. You either hash it out, if you can get ahold of the TA, or you just accept their mistake and continue to use their services (this would probably be the very last resort for me as once they have (excuse me) made me feel like I was screwed, I don't give them the chance to do it again.)


This seems to be a mistake that was solely done by the TA through no fault of your own. If they expect to keep your business, then they will do something to satisfy you for not getting your SBC. If they don't care if they keep your business, they will keep refusing to take your calls.


Best of luck with this. And trust me, there are lots of TA's out there that do a much better job than the one you have is doing.

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Now be nice. As I said I don't want to pick another and jump from the frying pan and into the fire. Hand holding? I wanted clear thoughts to find a GOOD one not just one with a good add in the phone book or on google. How did you find yours, and are you using one or do you look for the best price and use that one?



We're not allowed to recommend TA's on this board. It seems a bit unfair to me, but that's the rules.


I have had one very bad TA and a mediocre one too. Didn't stay with either. I got 2 referrals by personally emailing someone from the CC boards (allowable) and another one who was a patient of mine. So, I'll be trying them next. My best recommendation to you is to ask any travelling friends who they use. I always find personal referrals to be the most reliable.


To get the best prices, I do alot of research first. I find the cheapest price by searching many Internet agencies and other sources, then take that price to my TA and ask for them to match it or do better. You can also ask for some "perks" too.


If you're not happy with yours, go out there and search around. Don't be afraid to leave yours. Competition is what makes capitalism great! ;)

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If you try to get anyone from Princess to understand what you are saying, you won't get anywhere. This has become a confusing mess imho, and the only thing you will get from this is more frustration. Please do not take this the wrong way as I am really not trying to be rude or unsympathetic. By receiving the FCC back into your account, you have been made whole. Just use it on another cruise and put this behind you. Your TA made an error and only you have the ability to take your business elsewhere which will send her a message. Many of us who have been on this board for several years have had good experiences with TA's we have found by doing a lot of shopping around and trial and error. Shop around and do as others have suggested; move your future bookings to another agent.

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My TA improperly booked us and we lost out on our OBC that we should have had from FCC. Is there anything I can request to compensate? Princess doesn't want to help, so I am looking for an option a TA has to offer.


Thanks to all of you who stuck with me to unravel this convoluted tale. I know I won't get help from Princess, that was apparent on the ship. I will call the TA again this week and see what happens, as I said I've used her for 4 years and want to her what she says. All I have so far is the message she left while we were still on the cruise.


Back to the question that started this thread. Does anyone know of specific things a TA has to compensate with that I can ask for. I know some people have gotten OBC from TAs. Is that a normal thing they all have to give? If not what would be?

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If you try to get anyone from Princess to understand what you are saying, you won't get anywhere. This has become a confusing mess imho, and the only thing you will get from this is more frustration. Please do not take this the wrong way as I am really not trying to be rude or unsympathetic. By receiving the FCC back into your account, you have been made whole. Just use it on another cruise and put this behind you. Your TA made an error and only you have the ability to take your business elsewhere which will send her a message. Many of us who have been on this board for several years have had good experiences with TA's we have found by doing a lot of shopping around and trial and error. Shop around and do as others have suggested; move your future bookings to another agent.


Lynda, I was thinking the same thing.

Move on, learn from your TA's mistake, but keep your good memories from your cruise.

I too would switch my other bookings but it's not worth ruining your vacation you had by getting more fustrated by what happened on the last cruise booking. JMO:)

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I might be missing something but I believe there is no such thing as 50obc/pp on a 2 day coastal since the obc is based on the length of the sailing. anyone know for sure what the obc is for a 2 day coastal????

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I might be missing something but I believe there is no such thing as 50obc/pp on a 2 day coastal since the obc is based on the length of the sailing. anyone know for sure what the obc is for a 2 day coastal????

I found someone who did not read this thread. LOL It was explained that this cruise was not the 2 day but a 14 day cruise. We also jumped the gun and guessed it was for the cruise in her countdown, which it was not. You might want to go back and read the other posts here, it explains it all.


To the OP-SBC is not something a TA has to actually give for someone because they want to make up to them. If it is offered, it will come out of the TA's pocket for this. TA's can get SBC for things like group bookings or certain pormotions and such, but they don't have a SBC closet to pull it out for free. (joking)

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(Edited) "...I too would switch my other bookings ...." JMO:)


So would I. I tried to do this one time. The cruise line said I had to go back to the original TA, a one person agency, and have him send a withdrawal letter. He was not even able to work because of a severe liver problem associated with alcoholism. We had to pay for a visa three times because he kept screwing it up. Should I have been able to just tell them I am switching TA's, or is the line (understandably) protecting the TA?

(If this is off thread please give me a gentle nudge and I will post it elsewhere.)

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Ok, I am a former travel agent and have never heard of this. I just returned from the Coral and used my FCC on it and it did show up on my booking both on the internet and what Princess faxed me. Also, I purchased another FCC when on board Coral and it already shows up when I log in to my Captain's Circle account. There is really no way this can be lost. It is totally separate from any other discounts you are getting. Something is really wrong with your booking that you are not getting this. I am surprised that Princess is not helping you. I would call customer service and ask to speak to a Future Cruise Rep instead of just a booking agent with Princess, maybe they can help you.

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Ok, I am a former travel agent and have never heard of this. I just returned from the Coral and used my FCC on it and it did show up on my booking both on the internet and what Princess faxed me. Also, I purchased another FCC when on board Coral and it already shows up when I log in to my Captain's Circle account. There is really no way this can be lost. It is totally separate from any other discounts you are getting. Something is really wrong with your booking that you are not getting this. I am surprised that Princess is not helping you. I would call customer service and ask to speak to a Future Cruise Rep instead of just a booking agent with Princess, maybe they can help you.


Yea, the whole thing here is I think the TA messed up my booking. I'm sure yours was booked correctly, so no fcc problems with yours, and as a former TA I'm sure you would have known what to do. I will call the Princess Future Cruise Rep. That is an excellent idea.

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Ok, I am a former travel agent and have never heard of this. I just returned from the Coral and used my FCC on it and it did show up on my booking both on the internet and what Princess faxed me. Also, I purchased another FCC when on board Coral and it already shows up when I log in to my Captain's Circle account. There is really no way this can be lost. It is totally separate from any other discounts you are getting. Something is really wrong with your booking that you are not getting this. I am surprised that Princess is not helping you. I would call customer service and ask to speak to a Future Cruise Rep instead of just a booking agent with Princess, maybe they can help you.


OMT, It sounds like you use Princess for your bookings is that true?

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I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing something. Princess is one cruise line that will allow TAs to add an FCC after a booking has been made. Most TAs don't know that and most aren't familiar enough with Princess' policies to insist upon it if they happen to get a Princess reservation agent that isn't knowledgeable.


RCI won't do it, but Princess will. :) Also, as far as I know, Princess does not have "Future Cruise Reps." at their headquarters. If you chose to book through them directly, you get a regular ol' Princess reservation agent who may have very limited experience with actually cruising the company's ships.

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