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Are you cruising with your kids?


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We're not. This trip is for my husband and I to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary so the kids are staying home with our relatives. I have an 8 year old daughter and an 18 month old son.


Traveling with kids is very hard, I've done it. I felt like I needed a large truck container to fit everything in.. LOL..


But even though I'm not traveling with my kids this time, planning for them is a big part of my cruise prep. I will be planning activities for them while I'm away, set up summer camp pick up and drop off for my daughter. I have to make sure the fridge is fully stocked and there are enough diapering supplies, and make sure all their laundry is done too. In addition, I have to leave those in charge with all their doctor information, medication and instructions, and my contact info..


Then I can packing for us.... whew... I'm tired already.


Anyone else face what I do?

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I faced those same things for our first 3 cruises. Then, for the 4th we decided to surprise the kids and bring them with us. They were 7 and 9 at the time and it was a 10 night caribbean cruise. Needless to say, it was an amazing experience having them with us, and we probably won't cruise without them again. However, I regret having started them w/ a 10 night cruise because they can't see the reasoning behind anything shorter...LOL. Having done cruises both with and without the kids, I think it is much easier bringing them. They love the trips, and I am not running around before we leave making sure everything is lined up for them. (On 1 cruise I had a panic attack because I was certain I had forgotten to line someone up to pick my son up at afterschool bowling. Needless to say, I had not forgotten, but I was a mess until I heard from my in-laws that everything was fine).


Enjoy your child free anniversary time with your husband!!


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I know what your talking about. I usually cruise with my family, but a few times I have cruised without my DD. It is so much work and worry to cruise without her. Much easier to take her with me. :D

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We've done vacations with and without our daughter. This upcoming cruise will be her first. I find it more hectic to vacation without her, because not only are we packing her up, but she is brought to her grandparents, over an hour away. So, all in all, it will add 4 hours of driving time, which is tiring, and no fun after the vacation. But, sometimes you need to get away with out the kids too! :)

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I'm taking mine with me this trip, too! Course, they're 25 and 22, so leaving them behind isn't a big deal either!:D I do enjoy cruising with them, it seems like I see more of them than I would at home, plus I have a shopping partner in my daughter -- DH and DS could care less.

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Cruised the first two times without our son. The first time he was four and the next 15 (last November). Although we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary on this next cruise we are taking him with us as we kind of felt lost without him last time and know he would have enjoyed it.


Kids, can't live with them..........

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DH and I have traveled without our kids once each of the last three years (one cruise, one scuba trip, one business trip). I would agree that leaving the kids home takes at least as much planning as the trip planning, and probably as much work as taking them along instead!

Leaving them home means carpools, missing school events, and everything that can go wrong with the grandparents or sitter there. Taking them is definitely more expensive and less relaxing, plus working around school holidays when everyone else is traveling.

We try to do one family trip and one trip for us each year. Some are big; some are smaller. I feel BOTH are important to a healthy marriage and family bonding.

Our youngest just turned three, so we've been waiting to cruise with him. But we are looking forward to our first family cruise in about 2 years! (we have a lot already scheduled for our time and $ next year).



"You can't have everything -- besides where would you put it all?":D

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We have been married almost 15 yrs and have 3 kids. We have never been on vacation without our kids. There are serveral factors. First, we have no family who lives in state. I honestly would never ask anybody to take care all 3 of my kids while we vacationed.


We are a one income family, so we take one family vacation a yr. We do not do weekends, or short trips, usually just one long one 7-10 days depending on what we are doing.


I am a sap, I just couldnt imagine not taking the kids. We are crusing on RCCL Grandeur this August for 9 nights. At that time my kids will be 14,9 and 4. I want them to enjoy what we enjoy. I figured me and my husband will have plenty of time to travel without the kids once they are older and out of the house. Now, we enjoy the family time and memories traveling with my kids.


Sure it can be a hassle at times, have to adjust to the kids schedule on things. I wouldnt have it any other way.

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having a family vacation is great, but folks forget that you can be more than parents--and it's healthy to get away and be "friends and lovers" without the children sometimes!

If you have family to watch the kids, that's wonderful! (We were always lucky in that regard!)

Yes, whether the kids come with you or stay home, there is alot of prep. involved! Good luck and enjoy your adult trip!

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having a family vacation is great, but folks forget that you can be more than parents--and it's healthy to get away and be "friends and lovers" without the children sometimes!

If you have family to watch the kids, that's wonderful! (We were always lucky in that regard!)

Yes, whether the kids come with you or stay home, there is alot of prep. involved! Good luck and enjoy your adult trip!


Yes you have valid points. But, every situation is different. We do not have any extra money to do weekends away with out kids. We save every penny so we can take a family trip. There is no money to do weekends away and a longer family vacation. I think couples can spend enough adult time without having to leave the house or drop the kids off somewhere else.

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Not a chance. They'll be 6,4 and 2 by then and, unless a miracle happens, will still be all girls :) . Maybe in about 10 years.


Yes, we go through all the hoops for babysitters, etc. We're taking them to my parents' house 6 hours away and flying to Miami/Fot Lauderdale from there. It's going to cost more, but I think my parents were getting tired of driving to our house and watching them there (They've watched them for a couple Vegas trips in the past).

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Our kids have been on every cruise with us (since they were born ) except 1--for our 10th anniversary. And, it was funny, on that cruise we found ourselves saying, "Gosh, we wish DS/DD was here because they would really get a kick out of seeing XYZ..." Oddly enough, this cruise occurred during the year of "triple hurricanes" to Florida (1994). So, we were actually ON the cruise with our kids at the grandparents, while they had to be "hunkered down" for 24 hours for the hurricane. Talk about stressful!


For the record, DS, who is 7, was just on his 10th cruise. So, although cruising with kids requires a little more organization, I wouldn't trade it for anything!



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We took our kids to the Caribbean last summer and they complained the whole time...


"there's nothing to do"

"I don't have any friends here"

"I can't surf the web"

blah, blah, blah


We never even got so much as a "thank you" for all of our trouble and money. DW and I both decided that they would not cruise with us again. In light of our Greece trip next summer, DD (19) is regretting her behavior last summer.


Maybe in a few years we will consider taking them again...

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We took our kids to the Caribbean last summer and they complained the whole time...


"there's nothing to do"

"I don't have any friends here"

"I can't surf the web"

blah, blah, blah


We never even got so much as a "thank you" for all of our trouble and money. DW and I both decided that they would not cruise with us again. In light of our Greece trip next summer, DD (19) is regretting her behavior last summer.


Maybe in a few years we will consider taking them again...


How old are your kids? My kids love to cruise, they are almost 14, almost 9 and almost 4 LOL


We are going on the Grandeur in Aug and they are so excited, thats all the older ones talk about it. This will be the 3rd cruise for the older ones and the 2nd one for the youngest(She wasnt around for our first cruise;) )

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We took our kids to the Caribbean last summer and they complained the whole time...


"there's nothing to do"

"I don't have any friends here"

"I can't surf the web"

blah, blah, blah


We never even got so much as a "thank you" for all of our trouble and money. DW and I both decided that they would not cruise with us again. In light of our Greece trip next summer, DD (19) is regretting her behavior last summer.


Maybe in a few years we will consider taking them again...


Wow, my kids have always loved cruising. They don't mind hanging out with me, but they love hanging out with the other kids their age. They love all of the interesting and different things there are to do.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm surprised to read that some people find it a big hassle to bring the kids on a cruise - my impression has been that the cruises offer great structured activities for kids that, well, to put it bluntly, keeps the kids occupied so you can do your own adult thing for the day! :D I've been looking forward to bringing my future children on cruises for this reason.


Do these programs seem to work generally? If so, then what are the hassles you continue to encounter when bringing your children? (Well, I guess probably the other 12 hours you spend with them and everything that can happen... )

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I never cruise with my children....maybe someday but circumstances will have to change. You see My wife and I have 2 special needs children (my DD has asperger's syndrome and is 22, My DS is severley autistic not verbal and is not potty trained (hopefully in the future) and is 19) We use this time to recharge our batteries.


My son loves water and we are afraid that he would jump in (no kidding) plus I don't think the children's programs would cater to him (too old and too much care) My Daughter being 22 is a very trusting soul...sometimes too trusting and although traveling by ship is IMHO very safe...things do happen, and again the children's program that she would adore would not cater to her (because of her age). So for right now Respite provided by the state for the kids while we are away at play....Maybe someday cruise ships will cater to the special needs population.


P.S. and those circumstances that will have to change...Let's hope that it comes in the form as THE cure for Autism :D



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My parents are taking all of us on a cruise next summer for their anniversary. I have always traveled with both of my kids and all I can say is that it gets so much easier every year. My son is now 15 and was always a great traveler. My youngest is 3 and she loves to travel but she never sleeps when we are away from home and it is very very stressful for me - she runs on adreneline though, she is generally pretty well behaved despite her lack of sleep. I worked really had to get her potty trained when she turned 2, traveling with diapers was way to big a hassle. I know I'd travel less if she were still in diapers.


This will be my first cruise and my childrens also, and I've been planning full tilt for a week or so to get the cruise booked and flights arranged. My youngest is 3 and said today when we ran out for a quick lunch, "what are we doing after lunch?" I explained it was nap time as usual. She said, "then when are we going on the ship?" I never actually told her we were going on a cruise because our cruise is almost a year away, but obviously she is ready to go!


We are going to Alaska and I will say I'm stressed out about the carseat. I always travel with my own carseat and actually I do own one that folds for travel but it is heavy. And all that moving around, the flight, the taxis, the trains, the tenders, and who knows what kind of shuttles or taxis for the shore excursions. I'm dreading hauling the stroller and carseat everywhere.


Hang in there OP, you'll be fine and so will your kids. I'm sure you'll have a great cruise! Enjoy a great time without them. It is great that you can take time to strengthen your marriage with a little alone time. Makes you better parents in the long run.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest nancndon

"I figured me and my husband will have plenty of time to travel without the kids once they are older and out of the house. "


Hopefully when you do this - your trip will not be RUINED by parents with their kids who DO NOT WATCH THEM....DO NOT CARE that they are disturbing passengers who may be on a once in a lifetime journey - trying to enjoy it - when - KIDS on a cruise - unwatched - do what kids will do.


I have seen kids do some very nasty thing on many different cruises - and somehow the parents NEVER SEE IT!!!


Once I witnessed a 15 yr. old boy spitting down the many many stairwells - just for fun.


Too many times I have seen diapered kids - just peeing and pooing in pools - no parents stopping or caring about this - I never understand this -


Once a boy across the hall - age 12 - decided to poo in the hallway - the cruise line had him on video and knew he had done it.....but nothing was done till the stewards had all tracked the poo all over the whole floor in everyones room.


Screaming kids during formal night....screaming kids at breakfast...


Kids who run into older people like my mother - and the parents don't even tell them to "Watch It" -


I love kids - so don't bash me for not liking kids.....


I just don't appreciate them on cruises when I am trying to enjoy the facilities - and the kids are just being unbehaved.


Cruising with kids to me is kind of nice - if it was a all kids, family type thing....


but cruises are a lot of times for people on a once in a lifetime trip - honeymoon, anniversary, retirement.....a lot of times people are cruising because they don't have long to live because of a disease like cancer.


People cruising with family tend to only think of themselves - as if they are the only ones in the hall, the dining room, the ship....


If their child was enjoying dinner and I started screaming, kicking, etc. like I have seen the children do - they would not appreciate it....


Yet - I am supposed to politely smile and nod as if in acceptance of their childs behavior.


I try to do this - but it is really hard when it just seems the kids are worse and worse every year.


Last year on the Dawn - on formal night a mother was being repeatedly hit in the face by her screaming 4 year old daughter -




Just a thought - why don't cruises have Family Orientated Cruises and Adult Orientated Cruises - so people could have the choice.


Please - no offense to the almighty Family Vacation - Just my opinion - how I feel after traveling a lot and running into so many of these situations.


I love kids too - raised 4 of them and we have 8 grandchildren.....


I was just always raised by my parents to be overly considerate of others around us in public and what I see on some of these cruises is disheartening.


Take care - and everyone enjoy their Vacations...

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