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Cruise & Baby


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I might sound a little insane even thinking about cruising at this point but I would like to ask your advice on the following subject. I had a beautiful baby girl 2 months ago; she will be 6 months old at the end of September. I am a HUGE fan of cruising and I can't stop thinking about going on ANY cruise especially since I've had some postpartum depression. Oh, and NCL is not helping me by sending me those tempting emails about promotions and etc. Well, I couldn't help and went to their web site and found those 4 day cruises to the Bahamas. My DH okayed the price as long as we don't spend too much on board.


My big question: is it completely crazy to go on a cruise with a 6 month old? Has anyone here ever done it? If so, I have a lot more questions... like how did your baby react to the ship rocking? I know they like being rocked, but still. Also, do NCL provide you with a crib or do you have to bring your own? How is it walking with the stroller on the ship, going to the shows, buffet, restaurants, etc.


This is my first baby so any advice would be highly appreciated.


Thank you!

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Can't answer any of your questions...just wanted to let you know there is also a Family Cruising section of these boards. There may be some good "general" info and also NCL specific info over there.


Here's the link http://boards.cruisecritic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=49 or from the Cruise Critic main forum page, look for Special Interest Cruising then Family Cruising will be under that category.

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I would cruise with a 6 month old over an 18 month old ANY DAY of the Week!!!! I say go for it! And, your lovely daughter will cruise for free (well, except for port charges and government fees, that is). The best part of being 6 months old is that the baby will sleep anywhere (usually). So, if the show is too loud, she'll probably fall asleep. If the dining room is too loud, she'll probably fall asleep. Get my drift???


Strollers will be fine in the hallways. It'll be a bit tough to navigate the dining room, but do-able. The pool, nearly impossible. That's what the baby bjorn is for :D.


Think about it: for 4 days, no cooking, no cleaning, no doing laundry (maybe). And, your DD will be doted over like never before. Many of the crew members are married with children. And, they miss their little ones so much that they will live vicariously through you.


As far as the ship rocking, she'll love it (even in calm seas there is a little motion). And, as far as the crib is concerned, they will provide one (usually). Especially if you go off-season because their won't be quite as many little ones demanding the use of a crib. I think you will love it!!


Happy Sailing!!!! :)

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yes, do check the family cruise board. As for cruising with a 6 month old, I would think it would be a little easier than say a 10 month old who is more active. now, yes, you are going to get some flack and to be honest, I would not cruise with an infant. I know some say it is a wonderful experience, but I know too many who say, honestly, they would never do it again. That being said; 1-if you can take someone who can help you with baby sitting it will give you more freedom and 2-just remember, even if everything goes smoothly it will be absolutely nothing like cruising without her or cruising with a 5 year old. You will have no night life, not much freedom and have to adjust to her schedule. As long as you realize that, go and have a great time. Please report back afterwards.



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Hi there! Congrats! I had my son 2 months ago as well and we are already booked for next year : ) Sorry to hear about your PPD...It is not easy but you will get through it...


I agree with the pp and looking at that board...


I did want to say that we took our daughter when she was 8 months, 18 months and almost 3yr old.

For us, NCL is great for families...We love and need freestyle when traveling with a baby/toddler......

The staff/crew have been very good to us.


They have to supply you with a crib. They are lame and crappy but you can always bring a pac n play...and some soft sheets...

A stroller is a must...Not always easy when waiting for an elevator but most people are kind and let you on/off..

We brought all her foods/formula/diapers/wipes and by the end of the cruise we had an empty suitcase..


We had the luxury of bringing the grandparents so we did have time to go to a show or two or hit the casino...

If your budget permits, I would go for a suite...makes life a lot easier.


If you have any specific questions, just ask and hopefully I will be able to help!

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Just an FYI on NCL's infant policy:


An infant is a child who is UNDER the age of two at the time of sailing. If the child will turn two before the cruise begins then they must be booked as a child at the applicable 3rd/4th guest fare.

Infants under 6 months of age are not allowed to sail on any vessel. Guests will be denied boarding if their infant is under 6 months old. This is for safety reasons, as the ship’s medical center is not equipped to handle an infant with a serious illness.

Passengers traveling with an infant need to bring their own diapers, baby food and supplies. Please note, babysitting is not available for children under 2 years of age.

Additionally, infants and children who are not toilet trained will NOT be permitted in the swimming pools (including kid’s pools) and hot tubs, even if they are wearing swimming diapers, as per USPH guidelines.

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I cruised with a 6 month old. It was wonderful. The crew was amazing. They have tot time in the Kids Crew just for babies and their parents once a day. The only thing I had a hard time with was my huge stroller. I used the bjorn for sailaway which was helpful. This time around, we bought a very small, inexpensive stroller. Our was too big to fit in the closet so it had to stay open in the entranceway. The baby was teething and off schedule, but did well. Tendering was a little hard but the crew was great. They cared so much about safely boarding the tender.


Go for it!

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I might sound a little insane even thinking about cruising at this point but I would like to ask your advice on the following subject. I had a beautiful baby girl 2 months ago; she will be 6 months old at the end of September. I am a HUGE fan of cruising and I can't stop thinking about going on ANY cruise especially since I've had some postpartum depression. Oh, and NCL is not helping me by sending me those tempting emails about promotions and etc. Well, I couldn't help and went to their web site and found those 4 day cruises to the Bahamas. My DH okayed the price as long as we don't spend too much on board.


My big question: is it completely crazy to go on a cruise with a 6 month old? Has anyone here ever done it? If so, I have a lot more questions... like how did your baby react to the ship rocking? I know they like being rocked, but still. Also, do NCL provide you with a crib or do you have to bring your own? How is it walking with the stroller on the ship, going to the shows, buffet, restaurants, etc.


This is my first baby so any advice would be highly appreciated.


Thank you!




Just do it! Stroller is no problem we had three babies on our last HAL cruise and a beautiful child and stroller at our next table every night for dinner. Health wise it will be great for Mum and of course Dad, enjoy your cruise the NCL staff are great, any problems don't be shy just ask at the front desk.

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Not trying to put a damper on this as I say if you want to do it, go for it! However, just to give you a heads up on what could/might happen from our experience.


We cruised with our entire family in March, including my 9 month old grandson. My DD and DSIL thought it was going to be a breeze as did I. This is a very happy, easy going baby and there were a lot of us going that could help. Well, it just so happened that he was teething big time the week of the cruise. And to make matters worse, our ship changed time zones, not once or twice, but 4 times during the week. So we ended up having dinner most nights with a teething, cranky baby who's internal clock said it was bedtime. It really wasn't awful as we all took turns taking him out to the lobby during dinner so as not to disturb others, but at one point, my daughter was so upset she was almost near tears. And, she said "this is the most expensive mistake I've ever made in my life". I think she was just very surprised because as I said before, this is an easy going little guy who we felt would handle the cruise just fine. It was just lousy timing I guess, but it is something that you need to be prepared for.


There were several babies on our cruise and in talking to many parents, they had no problems at all and said everything went really well. So, as I said before, I'm not trying to talk you out of it, just letting you know what could happen.


And no, I promise I'm not lying, even if you do look at the angelic face below and think I'm making up the whole story! :D

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We have booked the Sky in September with my baby who will be 9 months when we set sail. I am so looking forward to getting away and letting my wife enjoy the cruise. We will also be sailing with my step daughter and her friend who will be celebrating her sweet 16.

I have cruised before with infants and yes you run into the same issues you have at home but you are still on a cruise. Key is, be flexible, understanding to their needs and dont expect to do everything you are used to when you were babyless. If you have the ability to bring a grandparent to help it is great but if not go with the flow.


Enjoy the moment and create the best memories imaginable.


Let's see...no cruise....cruise with your baby...I say Let's enjoy the time, its better than staying at home!


good luck and Bon Voyage!



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NCL will provide you with your choice of either a crib or pack n play. You just have to bring your own sheets for the pack n play as they just give you a regular size sheet to 'tuck under'. I only have experience with the pack n play so I can't speak for the cribs.


The crew will treat your child like royalty!


My DS slept better on the ship than on land. He loves to cruise! Thank goodness b/c so do I! :D


We had a great experience cruising with a little one (when DS was 15 mos. & are going again in Sept. when DS will be 23 mos.). Every cruise experience is different.


I will tell you one of the best pieces of info. I got off of the family boards was to bring a small bottle of dish soap to wash out bottles/sippy cups. It worked out great!


Go & have fun! You only live once, so enjoy! :D

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I cruised with my daughter when she was 6 mths, 16mths, 20mths and in July when she will be 22mths. Each trip is a little different since she is a little bit older. Make sure you bring the dish soap (like the other poster said) they do not have any onboard to give you. I ended up washing my daughters bottles with hand soap on the first trip! Pack extra diapers - when there gone it makes a ton of room for souvenirs. I brought powdered laundry soap (it's easier and less messy in the machines on the Dawn) and dryer sheets FYI - Spirit does not have washing machines for guests! The first trip I brought my own pack n play and blankets...now I just bring my own blankets and pillowcase cover. She slept wonderfully when the ship was moving but I was up everytime we pulling into port! I brought a tylenol and motrin because she was teething. On the nights she was cracky we ate at the buffet. She can be loud there! No big deal we were away! I usually walked deck 7 every afternoon to get her to take naps (this was the only time I took the stroller out when we were not in port). I found the stroller to be difficult when I was trying to catch an elevator. I carried her in the baby bijorn during the day. I was able to do a lot more when she was 6mths. We went to the art auction which promptly put her to sleep; now I can't go with her...she's just wild! Like everyone else said be flexible! Make sure you over pack...most likely you will need it! I ran out of some stuff and lukily there is a walgreens in San Juan and a grocery store in St. Thomas that had everything I use at home. Have fun!

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we took my son to a 2 week trip to spain and italy when he was 7 months (including 7 days abord the jewel!) we had a ball, it was great. We've since taken him on 3 more cruises (yes we are crazy) and loved each one, but that one was the easiest cause he couldn't move yet and we have so many great pics of him holding up the leaning tower of pisa, at the colloseuim etc..


i truly think cruising is the easiest way to vacation with kids they are very accomodating and everything is onboard the ship!


oh and edited to add that ncl is one of the only lines that only charges port and tax for under 2 (most of the others charge a full 3rd person fare)

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Hi: Our daughter and her husband took our Grandaughter on a Cruise Jan. 08 @ 9 months old. Every one loved her including the staff. They had a great Cruise and they want My Wife and I to go with them on the 9 day Jewel in Feb. 09. They went with RCCL in Jan. 08 and were charged a full fare for the baby ($700.) I checked with NCL and the only cost is the tax (about $250.) They want to go NCL this time becuse of Freestyle Dining and the cost. They were with us on the NCL Sun in Jan 05. They enjoyed that more than RCCL.

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Thank you all so much for the replies. This will be our 7th cruise and I just can't wait!! With all the cars and the pollution in Brooklyn I think it will be good for her to get some fresh air from the sea.

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Thank you all so much for the replies. This will be our 7th cruise and I just can't wait!! With all the cars and the pollution in Brooklyn I think it will be good for her to get some fresh air from the sea.


Good luck planning:) As others have suggested, be sure to check out the Family Board. Loads of great info and tips.

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I think a lot of it depends on the type of person you are......a stressed person (like me :D ) or easy going.


Taking trips when my sons were babies was very stressful and I just wanted to get back home and be in my own surroundings.


Good luck with what ever you choose....

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Definitely bring a reclining stroller, and obviously lots of diapers and wipes!!! Also, make sure you bring some OTC medicine - tylenol, motrin, maybe some cold/allergy stuff. Since it's only a 4 day cruise, and you will be in a port where they have stores if you forget to bring something, it's a good way to give it a try.


HOWEVER, if the baby gets an earache or whatever at 2 am you DEFINITELY want that motrin!!!! The ship will not have baby medications available.


I say, GO FOR IT!!! If it doesn't work so well, it's only a 4 day trip. If it works out well, then you'll know you can go on other cruises!!!

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Go for it!! We took our little guy on a HAL 7 night cruise when he was 5 months old. It was really easy! The staff were amazing and the break from cooking and cleaning was just what I needed. Do it for your sanity...

We are going on a 11 night Mexican Riviera cruise in October and taking our guy who will be 16 months old by then and I can't wait!

Everyone has given you great advice, just go and have fun.

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I might sound a little insane even thinking about cruising at this point but I would like to ask your advice on the following subject. I had a beautiful baby girl 2 months ago; she will be 6 months old at the end of September. I am a HUGE fan of cruising and I can't stop thinking about going on ANY cruise especially since I've had some postpartum depression. Oh, and NCL is not helping me by sending me those tempting emails about promotions and etc. Well, I couldn't help and went to their web site and found those 4 day cruises to the Bahamas. My DH okayed the price as long as we don't spend too much on board.


My big question: is it completely crazy to go on a cruise with a 6 month old? Has anyone here ever done it? If so, I have a lot more questions... like how did your baby react to the ship rocking? I know they like being rocked, but still. Also, do NCL provide you with a crib or do you have to bring your own? How is it walking with the stroller on the ship, going to the shows, buffet, restaurants, etc.


This is my first baby so any advice would be highly appreciated.


Thank you!


I have friends that did just that, 2 families with babies that age. They had a wonderful and restful time. NCL only charges port and taxes for the infant, so that is a bargain indeed.


Diane in Music city

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I guess I have a different view about this than most of you do.


We were on NCL Star last month and there was a very nice couple from San Francisco sitting next to us in the Italian restaurant one night. They had their most beautiful little 6 month old baby boy with them. They took turns eating their dinner because the baby was fussy...they could not eat together. I finally finished mine (I've had kids and can take a lot, but really, the baby kept crying, and after awhile it was annoying to everyone in the restaurant)and asked if I could possibly put him in the stroller, and walk right outside the restaurant with him so they could finish their dinner. They went for it. Truthfully, I was surprised, because if it was me, I never would have allowed a stranger to take my baby, even if they could see me.


We spent some more time with the couple that evening, until they went back to their cabin early, and they said they wouldn't be taking the baby on a cruise again soon...they'd try and find someone to watch him at home if they wanted to get away.


If you are going to take the baby, take others with you so you and your hubby can have a little time together and a break.

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I might sound a little insane even thinking about cruising at this point but I would like to ask your advice on the following subject. I had a beautiful baby girl 2 months ago; she will be 6 months old at the end of September. I am a HUGE fan of cruising and I can't stop thinking about going on ANY cruise especially since I've had some postpartum depression. Oh, and NCL is not helping me by sending me those tempting emails about promotions and etc. Well, I couldn't help and went to their web site and found those 4 day cruises to the Bahamas. My DH okayed the price as long as we don't spend too much on board.


My big question: is it completely crazy to go on a cruise with a 6 month old? Has anyone here ever done it? If so, I have a lot more questions... like how did your baby react to the ship rocking? I know they like being rocked, but still. Also, do NCL provide you with a crib or do you have to bring your own? How is it walking with the stroller on the ship, going to the shows, buffet, restaurants, etc.


This is my first baby so any advice would be highly appreciated.


Thank you!


My opinion....Don't do it. Want to know why? Unless you plan on having the baby at your side 24-7 . The noise is loud, music , shows etc and besides you can't have the fun you want to have, you will worry. All the fun starts at night and the baby will be tired by then. They do have cribs in the suites, I never see strollers on the ships.And another thought....the baby might be teething by then. Sorry, but this is only my opinion of what I would do...I have three of my own....all grown and now I'm Having my fun.

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Oh yeah--definitely do it! Our kids have been cruising since they were a few months old, and are now "veteran" cruisers at 5 and 7 years old, with 8 and 10 cruises under their belts respectively.


Keep in mind, that traveling with a baby requires extra planning and organization, and you are, at times, limited in what activities you can participate in. When the kids were infants, we knew that night-life onboard the ship was mostly off-limits. So, instead we booked balcony cabins so we could enjoy the night seascape while the baby/babies slept.


Come over to the Family Board and you can find lots of tips and packing lists.



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I guess I have a different view about this than most of you do.


We were on NCL Star last month and there was a very nice couple from San Francisco sitting next to us in the Italian restaurant one night. They had their most beautiful little 6 month old baby boy with them. They took turns eating their dinner because the baby was fussy...they could not eat together. I finally finished mine (I've had kids and can take a lot, but really, the baby kept crying, and after awhile it was annoying to everyone in the restaurant)and asked if I could possibly put him in the stroller, and walk right outside the restaurant with him so they could finish their dinner. They went for it. Truthfully, I was surprised, because if it was me, I never would have allowed a stranger to take my baby, even if they could see me.


We spent some more time with the couple that evening, until they went back to their cabin early, and they said they wouldn't be taking the baby on a cruise again soon...they'd try and find someone to watch him at home if they wanted to get away.


If you are going to take the baby, take others with you so you and your hubby can have a little time together and a break.

On the Star last fall we talked with a mother who had 3 little ones, 5,3 and infant. Even though she had grandma with her, she and DH said they would not cruise again until baby was potty trained and could ge part of the kids program. Our granddaughter who has a 14 month old feels the same. heck, she just flew with Abby for the first time and said never again until she is a little older. I know many of you have cruised with you babies with very good luck, I just happen to be old fashion I guess and feel I would not try cruising with little ones. If, for no other reason I am not sure it is fair the the kids plus you do not know how they will re-act and there are 2000 plus other passengers to consider. Babies and toddlers are just that. They get tired, they can not be reasoned with and they are confined.



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We cruised on the Norway for the first time when our older child was 10 months old. The crew bent over backwards to help us. We've been cruising with him ever since. Our second came on his first cruise at about the same age. The HARDEST part about cruising with infants is all the STUFF you have to pack--diapers, bottles, powdered formula, baby food, 16 changes of clothes per day (!), etc. Your room stewards should be willing to run the bottles through their dishwasher--an embarkation tip may grease the wheels for that a little.


One HIGHLY recommended item is an airline certified car-seat stroller. This is a GREAT gadget that came out just a few years ago...the wheels and handle fold up into the base of the car seat--no separate click-in stroller to stash! There's even a protective "boot" that surrounds the wheels so you don't get dirt on the seats! Like Safeline by TriplePlay, or GoGo Babyz or SitnStroll. You go from the car through the airport to the plane to the seat and the only time the baby comes out is the metal detector--folded in, the whole thing goes through the carry-on scanner.


BTW, I KNOW you are allowed to carry an infant on your lap. I think it's an insane idea that should be outlawed. In the event of an accident that infant's effective weight will jump to something like 400 pounds and even Hulk Hogan wouldn't be able to hold on to him/her. You can't do it in a car, why are you allowed to do it in a plane?


BTW Babies don't seem to get sea-sick. They just get every other kind of sick...

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